His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God?

Chapter 87: Did he kiss you?

Seeing her swim away, his lips curl into a smile. He has never paid much attention to a woman before. Ever since he was born, he felt like he didn't belong to this world. There is something that he wanted to find desperately. He couldn't understand what it was. When he saw that woman for the first time, he felt relief in his heart. After a long time, he feels like he doesn't need to look for that unknown thing. It's right in front of him.

He doesn't know why. He hasn't seen this woman before, but she seems so familiar as if he has known her for a lifetime. He doesn't understand the connection between them. Why does he feel like this? He has a strange urge to hug her tightly. He didn't give in to that urge yet. He's curious how it would feel to hug her. So, he makes his way to her. Before she could run to the other edge, he hugs her from behind.

Ari stiffens. He is naked. She is naked. They are hugging. Her heart is rapidly beating. She is turning hot and strange. She doesn't dislike how it feels.

He closes his eyes. It is peaceful to hug her. After such a long time, he doesn't feel alone. Whoever she is, she is like a cooling balm that's healing wounds left by losing someone precious once. Her presence in his arms is warming up his heart and soul.

She regains her clarity and struggles to free herself. Her body is soft as a marshmallow. When she moves without care and rub her skin against his, his body is also heating up. Adira stares at her small head and tells her with a cold voice, "Stop moving."

She won't listen to him. She tries harder. "Let me go."

"Hmph!" He turns her around and squints at her in annoyance. He would love to do her right now. Should he seduce her? He has never seduced a woman before. He should find more about her first. Why does he feel this way for her? But, his little brother is twitching. This is difficult.

He sighs and says, "I just want to have a bath. Why do you keep moving? I am still a man."

"If you are a man, you should take a bath somewhere else. What does it have to do with me?" Ari can't understand the meaning of his words. They are both young. She's only 15. He's only 14. But, Adira's body is quite grown for his age. She even looks younger than him despite being older. He's god and bound to break limits one way or another. It can't be helped.

"How are you married without basic knowledge?" He is more annoyed. "You have even done it someone else. Couldn't you wait for me a little?"

He is sure now that he has been looking for her. It surely means that she belongs to him. Then, why did she marry someone else and offer herself to that person? His mood is sour. If he has been longing to be with this woman for whatever strange reason, she should have felt the same. Why did he feel it alone?

Ari's soul isn't completely healed. She doesn't remember her past life. She might never remember. It can't be told if she can ever recall those feelings she once had for someone. When her soul has been fully healed, there may be a chance. However, things can never be the same.

"He was my husband." Ari tries to push him away. "We were promised to each other since I was five. It was only natural that I would love him. Why do you complain like we are something special?"

Feeling sad, he touches her face. "I think that we are something special."

"We are not." She slaps his hand away. "You killed everyone I loved."

"It's good that you have no one to love." Adira doesn't regret killing the man. If things were different, he would have done the same. He doesn't know who else she's talking about. "You can only love me."

Ari didn't think that he would say such a thing. She knows that people like her for her looks. She has been proposed by other princes and noblemen in the past despite the engagement with Tristan that was known all over the country. She didn't think that the Death God would also fall for her like this.

Adira has other worries. He takes some water in his hand and splashes it on her head. "Time to clean the germs."

He means the scent and traces that Tristan left

"Hey, what germs?" She slams her hands on his muscled chest. "I don't have germs on my body."

If he likes her, should he call her dirty?

"You do." He scrubs her skin while she continues to protest, leaving no area untouched. She squeezes her eyes when he doesn't stop rubbing her skin to clean off the germs. Her skin is rubbed red because of the callouses in his hands.

"Are you done now?" She asks with misty eyes. No man has ever done this to her.

"No, one place is left.." He frowns slightly. "Don't worry. I will be gentle."

"What?" She lets out a gasp when his finger enters her vagina for the second time. This time, he starts moving it around, rubbing it against the wall, sending foreign sensations in her body. She blushes when she realizes that she's letting out lewd moans. "Sssstop... you are killing me."

Adira finds it difficult to control himself. He penetrates her with two fingers. She pants for air as he increases his pace. "Do you like it?"

She closes her eyes, embarrassed. She doesn't hate it. She will never tell this to him. Never ever.

She can keep her mouth, but her body is answering him already. It shudders because of pleasure. She moans and looks at him with half-opened eyes. The way she looks at him changes his mind then. His fingers are not long enough to clean the germs thoroughly.

Before cleaning her with his long weapon, he must prepare her. He doesn't want to hurt her like the other man. He wants her to know how it should feel like. "Did he kiss you?"

"Yes, he did. He was my husband." She stares at him, not trying to push him like before.

He sighs and pulls his fingers out. The woman must be cleaned thoroughly everywhere. He lifts her chin. She opens her mouth to ask him to not do anything indecent, though she is helpless to his touches as much as he is feeling helpless to stop himself from touching her. Adira bends down his head and presses his lips against her, cleaning the mouth with relish.

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