His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God?

Chapter 84: You are the only one I have left

The next few years daze everyone.

There is a rumour that a death god is born and he is pulverizing everything that is coming in his way. He alone has massacred thousands of people with his dark magic, uprooted kings, and plummets through his obstacles toward his goal. His goal remains a mystery, even to himself.

The death god is already at the doorstep of Country A. The King sends out all of his armies while waiting for his son's return. His son has completed his training early and received his magician license. His son will be arriving soon. He needs to hold it until he arrives. He commands all the capable men to go to the war. Ari's father and brothers also have to go to the war. Only their dead bodies return to the Ashbourne Manor after a few weeks.

Ari's mother gets a heart attack and dies after receiving the dismembered parts of their dead bodies. Ari is suddenly orphaned and alone. She doesn't know whether to mourn the dead first or prepare for the funeral.

After a few days, Prince Tristan arrives. He looks for Ari first. Ashbourne Manor is no longer maintained properly. Ari has been alone at the house, crying day and night. As a result, she gets sick. Her soul energy becomes weaker when she's upset. He heals her first.

"Tristan..." She mumbles when she sees him. "Are you really here?"

"Yes, I am." His heart aches when he notices how pale and thin she has become. "Ari, what happened to you?"

She wraps her arms around his neck and cries for a good time. She tells him everything that happened in the past few months. Her fairytale life has been broken because of a bad demon. Her family is dead. She has nothing left.

Seeing her in this state, Prince Tristan's chest tightens painfully. He strokes her back gently. He has been in love with this girl since he met her.

"Tristan." She sniffles. "You are the only one I have left."

"Let's get married," Prince Tristan tells her seriously after hearing that. Ari is his past, present, and she will be his future. "I will become your family. You will never be alone."

Ari is surprised. After hellish days, she's seeing a day of light. She thought that he will also leave her after her family is gone because she has nothing to offer as an orphan. She embraces him, feeling his warmth. She's lucky to have a man like him.

There are only two of them in the room. It's a dangerous atmosphere. He sighs when he feels her body pressing against his intimately. Ari has grown up, but she doesn't understand how she can affect him. He clears his throats and tells her, "Ari, get dressed. We will get married today."

He leaves the room right away. If he stays there, he might end up doing something inappropriate to her before their marriage. He is a traditional man. He has only thought about her for the past years. There is one more reason why he wants to hurry for this wedding. He has heard of the Death God. The Death God is a user of dark magic.

He wants to marry her before he leaves for the war. Even if anything happens to him, she won't be abandoned by the royal family. She will be protected and live her life well. As an orphan, a lot of people might attack her. There's no telling what can happen to a girl who lives alone in the manor.

In the battlefield, Adira has a bad bad bad feeling. Something super bad is happening. He just knows it. His mood becomes worse. He starts slaying down everything that stands in his way. He needs to get somewhere. Fast. Before something really bad happens.

Though he has no idea what that bad thing is, the others are suffering because of his sharp premonition.


God 2: #@$%! DO.SOMETHING.

God 1: Just kill me.

God 2: They can't meet. We can't sit still.

God 1: Why did I ever agree with this thing? It was better if you went in his place. It can't be stopped now.

God 2: What's done is done. There's no time. Rush the wedding. I will introduce more obstacles in his path. He would not try to steal someone else's wife. Make sure that they...

God 1: Argh! I think that it's better if we kill her.

God 2: No, suddenly killing her will damage her soul. Mirinae will kill me.

God 1: I get. I am working on it.


Suddenly, there's a freaking tornado heading toward Adira. As if Adira can't see the tornado heading toward him, he races right into it and comes out without a hair missing. Then, there are two tornadoes in front of him. The same thing repeats. The gods are frustrated. They send 10 tornadoes toward him - anything to delay him.

In the capital of Country A, there is a small wedding going on. The King has agreed to accept Tristan's wish. He still remembers the dream in which the angels promised prosperity if the girl enters the royal family. The wedding is quickly commenced and ends with Tristan taking her first kiss. The bride and groom enter the chamber to spend their wedding night.

Tristan doesn't know why he is feeling the rush in his blood. He feels like someone has injected a strong aphrodisiac in his blood. He should be heading to the battleground, but he wants her most at this moment. Is it because he is afraid to die?

Ari looks at him with a flushed face. She has never made such expressions before. Her pure mind is still uncontaminated. When he looks at her looking at him like that, he feels like he wants to taint her with his seed. He pushes her down on the bed. Ragged breath and barely able to control himself, he looks into her eyes. He wants to wait for her to prepare herself, but something is driving him crazy and snapping away all the control.

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