His Breeding Obsession

Chapter 141 - Human Butchers

  “Oh, you do remember, you’re the one who told me that. You said that all living things have the right to live freely, and that woke me up. I was so determined to get the magic workshop back one day, but I was afraid to leave the workshop. I realized that when I left the workshop, and I owe it to you.” 

Suddenly, Mirania remembered.


‘Alas, the stuttering employee of the magic workshop.’


Smith glanced around the grimy old cage in wonder.

 “But why is she here…?” “She followed Donnie. She offered to teach the children magic, but we were suspicious of both her intentions and her identity, so we locked him up.” 

Smith shook his head, puzzled.

 “I don’t think she’s suspicious, she just helped me for no reason.” 

Horus lowered his voice as he glanced at Mirania.


Smith’s voice rose in anger as he continued to speak with his back turned.

 “And you’re going to keep her in this place like an animal?” “I have no choice, and while you’ve only been with us for a short time, Mr. Smith, security is of the utmost importance to our organization.” “I’m aware of that. But…” 

Smith trailed off, exasperated. He turned his head and looked hesitantly at Mirania.


She merely smirked. Smith bit his lip tightly, as if determined.

 “Let’s not talk about this…” “I’ll give you the hilt.” 

Whipping around, Smith looked directly at Horus.

 “What did you say?” “A magical tool that can contain and hear the wearer.” 

Smith reached deep into his bosom and pulled out a brown leather pouch.


He undid the opening and shook it out, and two red beads the size of his thumbnails fell into his palm.

 “They come in pairs, so the wearer can hear the sound they contain in the one holding the other.” “…” “If a guest says they’re suspicious, I’m sure you’ll use this trick.” “Are you serious?” “Yes, I am. I was going to use it for a cause, but I suppose I can use it for my conscience for once.” 

Horus stared at Smith, and finally sighed softly.

 “I didn’t know you had such a tool, Mr. Smith, if that’s what you feel.” 

Horus stopped talking and squinted at Mirania.

 “I may release you.” 

But his decision was not made simply because he was impressed by Smith’s willingness.

 “It looks like it could be useful, but how do you remove it?” “It’s magically enchanted, and I can’t remove it from the body unless I release it.” “Very good. We can use it for surveillance, or, conversely, to find out what’s going on in the palace from this side.” 

He meant to use her as a tool. Smith frowned.

 “It’s the only way.” 

Horus moved his mouth as if he were performing some kind of novelty act so Mirania wouldn’t hear him.


Of course, Horus’s efforts were to no avail. Mirania, with her ears, perked up, understood every word he hissed under his breath.


‘I’m going to help you,

‘ he said, a little sheepishly.


‘Well, since you’ve decided to help me, I suppose I shouldn’t expect such rudeness.’ 


The situation on the second continent was worse than she’d imagined. She wondered if the surviving humans could be of any help.


‘No creature is more resilient than humans, that’s their hope.’


The lock was released, and the door creaked open.


The wind blew the black grime from the cage to the floor, and Mirania frowned and quickly slipped out of the cage.

 “How filthy.” 

As I muttered discontent and brushed myself off, Smith said carefully.

 “It’s on your shoulder, as well, Miss.” 

She glanced up, and sure enough, there was a clump of dust on her shoulder.


Mirania brushed her shoulder with her hand and looked at Smith.

 “I said I’d pay for the broom, but I’ll pay double for this.” 

Smith’s eyes widened,

“You remembered that?” “You’ve changed so much, I almost didn’t recognize you.” “Haha. I’m honored to be able to help you in your time of need.” 

Smith’s eyes sparkled with life. Unexpected, Mirania thought.


‘The last time I saw you, you were so weak and helpless, like you could fall over with a single blow. They say that will change a man. A change of mind can change so much about them.’


Mirania’s mouth curved into an impish smile.

 “Put this on first.” 

The middle-aged man bluntly handed her a single bead.


Mirania followed Smith’s instructions and slipped it on her arm, while Horus, watching, stuffed the rest of the beads into his pocket.

 “So, does this mean I can learn magic now?” 

Horus nodded slowly, a wide grin spreading across his handsome face.

 “Is it that good?” 

Stroking Donnie’s hair, Wigenia looked at Mirania. The smile on her face was unadorned, but clean.

 “Welcome to the school, witch.” 

Wigenia bowed politely. Still, she didn’t look defeated.


Mirania nodded curtly.

 “Do you believe in fate?” “Fate?” 

Wigenia narrowed her eyes.

 “I don’t know how today’s meeting will turn out, but it is a shade of heaven, isn’t it?” “What? What do you mean by that…”
 “I meant to say, do your best.” 

And so it was that Mirania, the Great Witch, a master of natural magic, began working as a teacher at the school the Resistance had created.


Welcomed by the few, wary from the many.


Due to its covert nature, the school could not stay in one place for long.


Horus’s school had moved fifteen times in ten years.


The last of these was very short-lived, as it was discovered by the beast’s army, the Winged Army, the most troublesome of the humans.


It had only been five months since they had been stationed in the capital after wandering.


A short time, to say the least, but enough time to catch the eye of the hordes that prey on livestock and enslaved humans.


Hunters lurking in the shadows.


They were called the Human Butchers, the Vindicators.


A murderous group with a terrible reputation among the various factions that roam the second continents.


Unlike most packs that formed from similar clans, these were made up of different races, and unusually, their leader was human.


The leader of the Vindicators clicked his tongue against the blade of a small, halberd.


Taylor glared at the dilapidated doorway beyond the narrow alleyway and bit his lip.


He’d been born a slave to the beasts, but his natural strength and cunning had allowed him to break free. 


He killed his master, who had treated him well enough.


Unfortunately for the majority of frail humans and beasts people, it was a diabolical escape.


He took supreme pleasure in destroying life, preferring to slaughter the fleshy, aromatic flesh of humans to the scent of the water.


The dagger, a shabby weapon, was a reflection of his desire to maximize his flavor.


He also preferred to kill by twisting the neck. His sleeveless arms, bulging with muscle, were enough to strangle his victims and send them to the netherworld in one fell swoop.


Strength that surpassed even the mightiest of bear men, and a cunning mind that only came alive when he was plotting evil deeds.


Taylor was elected leader of the human butchers, the Vindicators, by the impressed beasts.

 “Hmm, I smell it. The smell of humans.” 

Beside him, his nostrils flaring, the man clinging to the wall, his hands disproportionately large for his dwarf size.


The knuckles of his fingers were bulging with excitement as he gripped the grate on the stone wall.


The tail that protruded from between his hips was blunt, half cut off as the price of his banishment from the clan.


An outcast of the Clan, Badger.


A disgusting killer of his own kind.


Unlike his clan mates, who sought a life of abundance and security, he preferred to chew and devour blood and flesh in its wild state.


His pursuits were different from those of the clan, who wanted to adapt to the civilized world of the second continent.


As an outcast, he discovered the pleasure of killing humans, whose skin was softer and more delicate than his own, and joined the Vindicators, who shared his taste.


With his good nose, he was the first to recognize the scent of a woman.


In addition to Taylor and Badger, there are a few chimpanzees in the clan.


Tiger sharks are a family of mermaids who enjoy hunting humans for fun.


An anaconda who likes to turn into an animal and devour humans in one bite.


There are five of them in total, bending at the waist and putting their heads together.


Each one of them was the worst offender, and while they were strong and cunning enough to tear a human or two apart with their hands, they were stealthy enough to avoid detection.


To evade their pursuers, and to prevent their prey from escaping when their presence was realized.


They were maddened by the pleasure of their evil deeds.

 “We can’t afford another waste of prey escaping like last time. We’ll be careful this time, very careful.” “We’ll have a good time today. There’s a thug or a sea lion or something, and it’ll be a pain in the ass to tangle with him.” “Come on, can’t we just rob them too?” 

The anaconda narrowed its black eyes. They looked innocent enough, but there was a cruel desire stirring within them.


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