High School Seniors Transferred To Another World

Chapter 13.2

“You can enter now.”

The maid who is managing the entrance to the banquet hall notified Amer.

Our class decided to enter with Amer. 

As a princess, it seems that the order in which she enters the banquet has to be at a set time.

“Now, let’s go in! Don’t be too nervous, just remember yesterday’s training and be careful of the people you need to be careful of. There shouldn’t be anything else special otherwise, okay?”

Well, if she has said something like that, now something was bound to happen.

We followed her through the luxurious wooden door.

“Her Highness, the 3rd Princess, Amer di Kairos, [Heaven] Summoned Jung Ji-hoo and 10 others are entering!”

This time, 11 people in my class, including myself, decided to attend the banquet.

Anyway, the announcer prioritized me over the class representative, Minho.

“Oh... They are...”

“As rumor has it, every one of them has black hair.”

All sorts of food and drinks were placed in the middle of the huge auditorium, and while an orchestra band played soft background music in the corner, the countless eyes of young aristocrats were fixed on us.

As instructed in advance, we each took a glass of the drink we wanted, and then split up in pairs of two.

It’s because it doesn’t look good when only us Earthlings are huddled together, and we’re here to interact with other nobles today anyway.

“The dress suits you well.”

“Thank you... The maid recommended it.”

My partner is Hyerin Min. 

The dress I saw her wearing for the first time today was dangerous enough to be called killer.

It’s not too puffy, and it doesn’t cling to her body. 

While hiding her voluptuous breasts, it reveals her immaculate shoulders and collarbones, as if it intended to push and pull a man’s heartstrings.

‘Anyway, who am I going to talk to?’

Minho accompanied Amer at her suggestion.

Amer is introducing Minho to her close aristocratic buddies.

Ah-yeong, who originally intended to go with Min-ho, paired up with Ji-hye. 

It seems that the girls settled down at a table to eat first.

“What shall we do?” 


“Hey, are you the two summoned who have awakened the mythical attributes this time?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

However, as if to put our worries to shame, we, the mythical couple, were getting more attention than anyone else.

“Wow, nice to meet you! My name is Adele Griff, and I’m going into the third grade this year.”

“Hello. So you’re a senior. Please speak comfortably with us.”

She has long blue hair and blue eyes like a lake. 

She was a confident woman who seemed to be the complete opposite of Ireina.

“I’ll serve as the vice president of the academy’s security department starting this year. If you ever get into trouble, you can contact me here!”

Senior Adele gave us her business card and started a conversation with us.

I listened to her talking about the magistrates and the knights major classes.

She got along well with Hyerin, since they both liked swordsmanship more than me, who was aspiring to become a magician.

The image of the two beauties talking was like a painting.

Soon after, Adele went over to talk to someone else, but Hyerin and I didn’t get a chance to eat as other nobles quickly filled the empty void.

Besides, it wasn’t just nobles who wanted to talk to us.

“Hello. My name is Dave Von Kairos.”

“Hello. It’s an honor to meet His Highness, 2nd Prince.”

The 2nd Prince, Dave Von Kairos—

One of the three imperial candidates who are aiming for the throne.

From what I heard from Amer, he is the wisest of the three running in the royal family. 

Indeed, even though he is now a third year student at the academy, he is said to have already passed some outstanding policies with his administrative masterclass.

There would be nothing wrong with maintaining friendly ties with such a person.

His Highness Dave was interested in the society, politics, and culture of Earth, which is another world from his point of view. 

Also, since he majored in magic, he gave me a lot of useful information.

“Come visit my palace another time. Let’s continue our conversation from today!”

“I had a lot of fun too. If you invite me anytime, I will come running haha.”

So, we skipped lunch and decided to expand our network.

‘By the way, where is the 2nd Princess Soniel di Kairos?’

** *

‘It’s been awkward around Ji-hye lately.’

Seong Ah-young thought as she rinsed her mouth in the bathroom after the meal.

Jihye had changed a lot as her attribute skills had noticeably improved. 

Not only had she become a nocturnal person who was tired during the day and active at night, but sometimes Ahyeong felt bleak around her.

Life and death.

It was but a natural phenomenon according to the attributes that Jihye and she had awakened that they kept away from each other.

‘But, I hate that.’

She did not want to become distant from Jihye. 

It was because Ji-hye was her most important friend, second only to Min-ho in her class.

So, when Amer had asked Minho if he wanted to pair up with her, and Minho had tried to show regard for Ahyeong by trying to refuse—

“Then, I’ll partner with Ji-hye!” 

She chose to go with Jihye.

Seong Ah-yeong had no intention of giving up her friendship with Ji-hye.

She wanted to hang out with her boyfriend, Minho, as well.

But recently, he had been busy with his class representative and executive duties, taking care of their classmates and meeting various outside people. 

Let alone dating, the amount of time they spent together had decreased significantly.

It was too bad, but as his girlfriend, she didn’t intend to be his obstacle. 

It was because of Minho’s efforts to help and serve others that she had even fallen for him in the first place.

“Where did Minho go?”

At first, he and Amer walked around the banquet hall talking to people, but at some point he disappeared.

‘Wouldn’t it be good if they went back to the banquet hall?’

As Seong Ah-yeong was washing her hands thoroughly with soap, she was approached by a woman from inside the bathroom heading towards the door. 

She could see that the woman’s wispy blonde hair was like the twinkling stars.

As she passed behind herself—

“Park Min-ho is at the far right end of the corridor.” 

An indifferent self-directed speech entered Ah-young’s ears.

“Yes... huh? What?!”

Sung Ah-young quickly wiped her hands and left the bathroom, but the blonde woman suddenly disappeared.

“What is it all of a sudden...?”

The name of her boyfriend suddenly popped up from a beauty she was seeing for the first time.

Her intuition whispered to her to find Minho immediately.

‘Didn’t she say that he is in the farthest room on the right?’

She moved with haste.

She had quite a few aristocrats try to speak to her on the way, but she waved them off with an appropriate reply.

Before long, she arrived in front of the room.

What Seong Ah-young witnessed inside—

Amer lying on the floor with her dress torn in half, and…

It was Park Min-ho who seemed to have attacked Amer from above.

** *

First Prince Porcus von Kairos was very uncomfortable.

It was because the maid he had been targeting for a long time was taken away.

‘Fuck, Ireina... To steal that bitch... I should have asked my dad sooner, damn it.’

When he was young, he fell in love with her at first sight at a social gathering and had asked for her, who was the daughter of a count, to become his concubine.

Ireina, unaware of the subject matter, trampled on his favor in a respectful manner.

So, he decided to get rid of her clan through his subordinates. 

While he was at it, he also cleaned up his younger brother, who had been getting too big for his boots.

It’s not that he accused them of a crime that didn’t exist.

There are few aristocrats who did not embezzle small sums here and there.

However, the amount reported against them was just slightly exaggerated.

However, as a gift from the emperor, Ireina went to the summoned being whose name was unknown to Porcus. 

Bringing her back using the power of the first prince was impossible because it would go directly against the will of the emperor.

‘She must have been fucked already... Fuck!’

In a fit of rage, Porcus took a swing at the cup of wine being poured by the woman who could be identified to be his concubine.

With his face flushed, he glanced around the banquet hall. 

While comparing the faces and bodies of the noble ladies, his gaze stopped at a woman.

“Wow... Extraordinary...”

She was the most attractive woman he had ever seen, even when compared to his fiancée and his concubines. 

Ireina was erased from his mind instantly.

“Hey, Kyle, bring her to our table.” 

“Hmm? Yes, I understand.”

Kyle, an aristocratic son of the First Prince’s faction, walked towards Min Hye-rin while chewing on a grape.

“Hello. I am a summoned from—”

“You. Follow me.”

“Uh, yes?”

“Tsk. Don’t you understand what I’m saying?”

Kyle quickly reached out to grab Min Hye-rin’s wrist. 

But she easily avoided his hand.


‘It’s the first time I’ve seen this face, so isn’t she just a freshman? Does she think she can avoid my hand, when I have already graduated and become a knight?’

Kyle did not know that she was a prospective knight who was growing tremendously with her mythical talent.

“How dare you avoid being respectful?”

He reached out his hand again, twice as fast as before. 

But this time, a man snatched at Kyle’s arm in the middle of his lunge.

“Be respectful.”

The tall, handsome man next to her growled as he glared at Kyle.

“Who are you?”

— — — — — —

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