Hidden genius: Black belly snake

Chapter 378: Realm unsealed Part3

"Where the hell are we?" Xavier asked, dusting his robe. "Did we actually manage to break that barrier?"

"Hmm… I don't think that we did anything at all." Xander pensively responded. 

The two of them could instantly sense that they were not near Eldoria anymore or for that matter on any of the nine countries.

They had to be on an entirely different continent, and seeing that they couldn't simply reach this mainland by crossing the ocean, things were definitely not as simple as they seemed.

Xander inhaled, a waft of thick mana entering his body and his bloodstream, filling him up with life and vigor as he had never experienced before.

The mana here was much thicker than whatever was in the air back in Eldoria. 

Just a couple of breaths and he could feel his Demi-God barrier trembling. He was just a step away from becoming a Deity.

He had been trying to break through this hurdle for almost a decade now but in merely two seconds, he had progressed a lot further.

And it was not just the mana concentration, even the nature of it was a lot different, much purer and unadulterated.

While Xander closed his eyes and deeply inhaled a few more times, Xavier looked around to see Charlotte as well groggily standing up a few feet away from them.

"Are you okay?" He asked waving at her, to which Charlotte sheepishly nodded. She walked over to the two brothers, as all three of them were suddenly on a different mainland.

However, Charlotte suddenly paused and sat down. Just like Xander, her body as well reacted to the superior mana swirling around her.

Both of them had extremely unique and rare body constitutions which enabled them to soar through power levels.

She sat back down on the sandy beach and started meditating, her expressions calm and steady as if she was in the middle of a breakthrough.

Xavier looked at the two standing near him and he could only sigh in jealousy. Unlike these two monsters, he was just a poor soul with an ordinary constitution.

Of course, even beings with ordinary constitutions can work hard and reach the same level sooner or later, but he lacked the desire to work hard as well.

Xavier had always been a very casual and happy-go-lucky person. He did things purely for fun and never let himself be compelled by anything.

This was why even though he was the eldest elven prince, he never really bothered to accept the Crown Prince title, position, or the duties which came alongside.

After a while, Xander steadied himself and flashed his eyes open. "Let's go." He muttered solemnly. 

Even though they had somehow managed to break through the barrier, this was only the first step. 

They still had no idea where Tang Yue was and how she was doing. So he didn't plan on slowing down anytime soon. He would never be able to breathe freely until he saw her again.

Xander started walking, while Xavier slightly hesitated. "Bro, this… See… Charlotte is in the midst of a breakthrough. Let's wait for her."

Hmmm? Xander raised his brows. "I don't quite recall agreeing to the part where she could come with us?"

Xavier shook his head helplessly and sighed. "I know. I know, alright. But do you really want to leave her alone like this? In this new place?"

Seeing that these words didn't quite resonate with his unreasonable brother, he sighed and added.

"We don't know anything about this land yet. Don't you think it would be helpful if there was one more person on our side?"

"It might even help in finding sister-in-law soon!"

The mention of Tang Yue finally made the man react and he paused his footsteps. He still didn't agree to it openly and muttered as an afterthought.

"I need to check if we can travel back and forth to our mainland from this place. You can do whatever you want in the meantime." He grunted and then took off, leaving Xavier alone to guard Charlotte.

Xavier shrugged his shoulder and sat next to her. He too started meditating.

Stepping into the Demi-God realm from the Saint realm was a big step in one's cultivation as the mana seed planted at the core, needed to sprout and take root in one's soul.

One could say that this stage was the first step to fuse together one's soul and cultivation base.

So Charlotte was at the moment extremely focused and using all of her concentration. Even a small misstep could lead to one's cultivation core completely shattering to smithereens.

After that, even if their body allowed them to, the person would have to start from scratch all over again, with their potential and capability vastly reduced this time.

Charlotte would not have attempted this breakthrough at such an unpredictable moment but she was caught off guard and the mana swirling around her triggered her attuned body naturally, leaving her powerless to stop it.

An entire day and night passed by and yet she was still in the same position, breathing slowly and steadily.

Even Xander had returned back from where ever he had gone to. "What is the news brother?" Xavier impatiently asked.

They needed to find out more about this barrier that had separated them as soon as possible because if they were able to step out of their continent, that means others will now be able to get in as well.

And just from the mana density, the higher beings here had to be at least several times stronger than their average strength.

So if such a thing was possible, it was inevitable that their people would be either massacred or taken as slaves and prisoners.

But thankfully, that was not the case. "I was not able to head back," Xander replied, shaking his head.

He as well sat down next to Xavier and pondered silently. From what he could see, their mainland was still isolated from this part of the world.

However, they had somehow managed to come to the other side.

What could have possibly happened that created this rift, which pushed them to the other side of the barrier while leaving the barrier itself intact?

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