Hidden genius: Black belly snake

Chapter 372: Looting and Plundering Part1

"You guys. Keep up with me. I sense a lot of disturbance in that area. We don't have much time." Tang Yue shouted as she slithered away from the lava salamander's territory as fast as she could.

The other spirit snakes were an entire realm lower than her and hence they were having trouble in keeping up with her pace.

However, before they could even cross the danger zone, another storm unexpectedly brewed.

Because of all the commotion in the chain of mountains and the copious amounts of smoke and fireworks in the sky, every other beast on the island turned around to pay attention to this disturbance.

Without intending to, Tang Yue had ended up rocking the delicate balance which had been prevailing on the island.

In all fairness, she hadn't expected the balance to be so fragile. 

She didn't think that just because the mountains collapsed, other beasts would start running over there.

Everyone, especially the other Emperor beasts on the island, who were possibly rare-grade or perhaps even epic-grade, noticed this disturbance and had promptly issued out their commands.

While she and the other spirit snakes were running away, various beast herds started moving towards the volcanic eruption to feast on the lava salamanders who were undoubtedly at a weakened state right now.

"Fuuuck!" Tang Yue didn't take long to notice this new development and made a quick detour to head towards the outer areas of the island near the shores.

Luckily they had started running away quite early so all of them managed to get out of the war zone in the nick of time.

Terrifying roars, loud rumbles, and agonized growls echoed from that area and Tang Yue gulped while staring at the chaos she had caused from a distance.

"Ummm… Your highness… what are we planning to do now?" Jin Wei smiled weakly and asked her.

They had never been so far away from the chasm and not to mention the chaos in front of them was frightening, to say the least.

Tang Yue remained silent for a while and then chuckled, shaking her head. "I made other plans but this one doesn't seem too bad either."

"Ok. Listen up, guys. We won't be taking any more detours." 

"Since all the beasts are coming here to the lava salamanders, we will be heading over to the palace at the center of the island."

"I would suggest that you guys stay here, but it should be equally dangerous here as anywhere else on this island. So the choice is yours."

Tang Yue sighed, letting out a deep breath, before starting to slither towards the center of the island.

Jin Wei and the others as well quickly followed her, trying their best to keep up.

They had barely slithered for a few feet when Tang Yue noticed a group of five cloud soaring eagles pecking away at one of the lava salamanders.

And a few feet to the left of this little rumble, there were three crimson bears fighting with another lava salamander.

"He He He… what do we have here?" Tang Yue hissed with amusement and watched this little show. However, none of the beasts noticed her presence.

She silently slithered up close but not close enough to alert the beasts and hid in a nearby bush, which was a bit excessive because was already under the invisibility illusion magic.

She coiled herself and waited there patiently for a couple of minutes for the fights to somewhat come to a conclusion.

Then at the perfect moment, when the lava salamander almost scorched three of the five birds to a crisp roast, she quickly tried casting Enslave on it.

However, the beast had already set up a barrier against mental attacks so the attack failed.

Tang Yue hissed in disappointment and her emerald eyes shifted to the other fight, where the bears seemingly had the upper hand.

One of the bears was in fact jumping like a maniac right on top of the lava salamander after having subdued it completely.

The other two didn't seem too energetic and were quite injured.

Tang Yue didn't want to let this precious opportunity go to waste and quickly headed over to the lava salamander fighting with the eagles and from there, she cast a fireball, hitting the back of one of the injured bears.

All the beasts immediately noticed her presence and they noticed each other as well. 

The bears growled and pounced hurriedly running over to the eagles and the other salamander.

Unfortunately, the snake that had attacked them was nowhere to be seen, but they saw the salamander and hence dashed forward to fight it.

Tang Yue meanwhile slithered to the corpse of the high-grade lava salamander that the bears had killed and quickly threw it into her spatial ring.

She then once again cast an invisibility spell on herself before slithering over to the three bears.

All three of them were obviously high-grade beasts, their strength almost the same as Tang Yue who was in Saint realm.

However, two of them were already injured and they were also busily engaged in battling the salamander.

Tang Yue did not attack immediately and waited for the bears to crush the salamander first.

The bears were obviously stronger and were easily smashing through the thick scales on top of the salamander.

But at the same time, they were getting scorched by the beast every time it opened its mouth.

The fight didn't last long and thanks to their advantage in numbers the salamander was quickly overpowered.

Tang Yue once again entered the scene at this exact moment, pulling her head back and sinking her fangs into one of the bears, accurately targeting a flesh wound on its feet.

Her venom surged through the beast and instantly the black bear fell down with a thud.

The other two bears immediately became alert and they momentarily stopped pummeling the lava salamander.

Tang Yue did not make them wait long as she knew that she had to finish the fight as soon as possible.

She once again surfaced to sink her fangs into one of the two bears, but the bear was quick to react this time and it dodged her.

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