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Once again. There was no progress last night.
Yesterday you were given the task to repeat that string of information endlessly throughout the day. Now that you have engraved that string as instinct. You can more quickly encrypt the stages.
I have noticed that I am getting quicker and quicker when it comes to figuring out the output for these stages. If before I would make mistakes when calculating the key and output. Now, I rarely make those same mistakes.
The simple act of typing this all out has started to stimulate my procedural memory.
It is becoming effortless now.
Although, things aren't perfect. If I try to do the calculations purely in my mind without writing them down first. I still struggle. I am no savant. But things are becoming easier.
It reminds me of visualizing the chess board early on in the technique. You have some people that can play entire games in their mind easily. It took me a long time just to be able to visualize the board!
Clearly my intelligence and thinking is lacking. But why is that? I think it partially has to do with my hatred of sleep. During my development as a child. I would go days without sleeping quite frequently.
I 'enjoyed' insomnia.
I might have also done some damage through hypoxia from my breathing technique. But these small things that add up aren't the real factor.
Genes are probably the more pressing matter. My IQ is average and my thinking is limited. But I won't allow that to stop me.
I do wonder just how crazy this technique will be when a genius performs it. But 'time' is the great equalizer.
Infinite time! You can surpass the genius...
It'll be pretty sad if you can't even if given infinite time.
So what are we doing today? Now begins the fun part!
Remember how I talked about memory infusion awhile back? But haven't really brought it up since?
You have probably been doing the key part of this stage already. I want you to find a book/webnovel that you find entertaining and 'infuse' the stages with it.
Basically adding your memories of reading this webnovel into the technique itself. Make it part of the metadata of the images.
You already know the 'keyword'.
You already have the 'image'.
Now, you just need to add another sample of information:
When you read books, you visualize them in your mind and experience the book just like how you would in real life. You will take these memories and infuse them into the technique.
So let's say you read 50 chapters of a webnovel today.
You condense those 50 chapters down and summarize the essence. You then layer that experience onto the stage.
So when you organize the visualization technique in your mind. When you visualize say 'Stage 29'. Not only do you see the information 'LJUOMTKWMZBOK'. But you also experience the book again.
Think of it like creating a memory, but more structured.
As you read thousands of books. The details will blend together. But if you form this habit of memory infusion. The books will have a larger impact on your life.
It also adds complexity to the technique and is just plain fun to do.
If you don't like reading...
How did you even find this technique!? I actually have written this in such a way that most of the important details are hidden among the stages.
There will be 2,500 of them. So most people won't read through all of them. This means that if the person lacks determination. They won't get a complete version of the technique. They will only have vague scraps.
A fake technique that is useless!
But that didn't happen to you...
Because you read through all the stages! Right?
Because of this. You have slowly been unlocking the true technique. I have hidden it in plain sight. But this simple mechanism will scare away those I deem unworthy.
If you don't have the patience to read the technique. You definitely cannot mentally withstand eternity.
A few years of following some stages is nothing in the grand scheme of things. But it will filter out those who cannot even spare this amount of effort.