Stage 16: IDPKEKIH
{ Stage 16: IDPKEKIH }
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In the last stage we talked about regret. You must examine the purpose for your pursuit of immortality. From what I have seen. Most people wouldn't mind to live longer. But they reject being eternal.
They say things like 'I'll grow tired'. But so what? Everyday you already enter a state of unconsciousness to relieve your fatigue. Do you truly think that this technique doesn't have a way to top up your energy?
You have already performed the 'forbidden knowledge' ritual. This means that Inspiration, Time, and Knowledge have opened up a route for your hidden existence.
You are are on the path to becoming something abnormal. To transforming into an idea. Something that cannot be destroyed easily.
You must train your willpower.
Without sleep... you will die. But with it, you will miss perfection. Think of sleep like death. Every night you are dying repeatedly. The afterlife is your dreams...
When you die in reality. Your brain is still active for some time after you have lost consciousness. This is quite a similar feeling to dreaming.
Now that you have practiced this technique. The death movements of your brain will look for every possible way to save yourself. It is like a drowning person grasping on a straw to try to stay afloat.
Your life flashing before your eyes is just a mechanism to try to find some way to survive. Whether you fall from a hundred story building or have a heart attack. Your brain will try and fail to save you.
But you are different.
Your brain will latch onto the idea of a 'hidden existence'. It is the only possible way to survive. Whether you die in old age or from some other disease. As you reach the human limit and as you deal with the pain of a slow and horrible death.
The memory of this technique will surface in your mind. What you consider fiction and impossible will start to look beautiful.
This is hope!
This is inspiration!
There is a moment in your life where you perform an action in a state of flow perfectly. Think about a near death experience where you manage to react faster then ever in your entire life. A few milliseconds is the difference between life and death.
Remember how you must rotate this technique for 60,000 hours? But I also said that you must rotate it for 2.5 seconds?
You condense the 60,000 hours into 2.5 seconds.
In the final moments of your brain firing off. You will perform your 'perfect' action. A normal person wouldn't have a way to survive.
But you will subconsciously perform the technique in the last 2.5 seconds of your life. Every single millsecond you will burn through the stages!
This is a legendary operation that you have spent nearly seven years preparing.
You will then find something insane and impossible.
You actually cheated death! You are still alive! But...
Things are different... You are aware before your birth. It is almost as if you have gone back in time.
You managed to pull off the impossible! Now things are smooth sailing. You have 'ECHO' to rotate the technique for you. So in this new life, you aren't as stressed or pushed to the limit. You also have a permanent awareness even when unconscious.
You have unlocked the 2nd thread!
60,000 hours...
2,500 milliseconds...
By simply reading these words... an eternal seed has been planted into your subconscious. This seemingly impossible state is a puzzle your brain will solve on the border of life and death.