Hero’s Creed

Chapter 21 - Shotgun for cannon

  The dark black clouds rushed in the sky without the slightest light, so that the entire underground city was shrouded in a dark environment.

   against the background, the two groups of green flames in the death knight’s hollow eyes shone like stars.

   “Hurry up, it’s dangerous!” Downton stepped up the roof with several arrows and lowered his body.

   “It’s okay, as long as you don’t step on the steps, it won’t attack us.” Selice sat down on the eave and looked at Downton with pleading, “You won’t purify him, right?”

   “The question now is does your brother want to kill me?” Downton smiled bitterly, facing the simple girl, he could not lie.

   “Isn’t the Paladin awesome? Uncle Hiller, I know, can lead the Knights to kill even the dragons!” Celesce looked Downton up and down, obviously not convinced.

   “This is totally a little girl who just left home, not familiar with the world!” Homer flew to Downton and displayed text on the title page.

   “I became a paladin, less than a day.” Downton told the truth, took out the quill pen, and wrote in the magic book, “What level of strength is that death knight?”

   “At least it’s the war rank, cut one hundred of your five slags without any rest!” The magic detection didn’t take effect and was interrupted by Homer. It worried that it would anger the opponent.

   Downton has nothing to say, not to mention strength, the equipment of the death knight alone is enough to blind his eyes.

The full-body armor with a blue halo, and its tall and slender figure against its body, the knight long sword with three fingers, after a thousand years, it still has a sharp blade and a slowly flowing golden luster, proving that it is at least Perfect level weapon.

   “This magic costume is gorgeous and explosive, no wonder you can slaughter the dragon.” Homer sighed, “When he is alive, he is definitely the dream lover of countless spring girls.”

   “I believe that you will be a great holy rider in the future!” Celesce squeezed her small fist hard towards Downton and cheered him up.

   “Does it remember you?” Downton was more concerned about the danger of the death knight to himself.

  Selice shook her head, her legs swayed gently, her face covered with sadness.

   “This pair of brothers and sisters!” Homer sighed. “She has always been guarding her brother. This kind of intention makes me unbearable to deal with her.”

   “What do you want to do?” Downton stunned.

“Don’t you forget that you still owe 1,500 souls of debt? A death banshee can at least hold 500 souls, but they are high sacrifices!” Homer is still very concerned about the new owner , Has secretly saved several souls, just to pay off his debts.

   “Forget it, you can’t get it.” Downton never thought about killing Celes.

   “Then use the undead to confess and turn her into a servant?” Homer suggested, “It’s safer to do so, and I can carry out the next plan.”

   “Look at her pair of innocent eyes, do you think I have succeeded?” Downton asked back, his heart was very soft.

   “Hey, the Death Banshee is a born magician. I’m also going to teach her dark magic, fight for you, kill monsters and save souls.”

   Even if the plot is written, Homer’s magic flame style is still beautiful, “A death banshee maid, and also a private magic advisor, how dazzling to take out, even the Duke, no such treatment!”

   “Would you like to be my guide?” The atmosphere was a bit dull, and Downton said bitterly, “I will pay you a commission!”

   “Yes, I’m still worried that you ignore me, where do you want to go? I am very familiar with this city!”

   Celesce was eager to try. The feeling of loneliness was too long. The feeling of loneliness, like a poisonous snake, constantly gnawed at the soul and almost made people crazy.

   Downton is the first human being encountered by a girl. Even if you say a few more words, it will make her feel fresh and happy.

   “So it turns out, such a stupid banshee, you must have taken off your panties, and you still need the confession of the undead, let alone that divine art may fail.” Homer teased Downton.

   “Am I so insidious?” Downton’s depressed black line on his head.

   The food problem is temporarily solved, and the rest is to hunt down ghouls and collect souls. With Celes as a guide, Downton believes that it will do more with less.

   “Let’s go!” The death banshey led the way happily, and wished to show her talents immediately to help new friends.

   “Wait, my number one is gone!” Downton returned to the bedroom and found the ghoul that had been cut into two segments by the shadowy arrow. Because there was no command, it lay on the ground and crawled aimlessly.

   “No. 1, I’m sorry!” Downton raised his axe and cut its head.

   “When he is alive, he is afraid to die as a meat shield. After he dies, he contributes the remains of the soul. The ghoul is indeed a model worker!”

   “I will compensate you!” Celesce followed, very embarrassed, and passed the ghost honey, “Add some physical strength, it doesn’t matter, you have finished drinking, I have other food.”

“It’s okay, catch it when you die, anyway, there are so many ghouls in the dungeon!” Downton didn’t refuse this time. He was hungry and his fighting power was definitely reduced. He wouldn’t make a joke about his life, but he has decided that in the future Will compensate Siles.

   One is a simple death banshee, and one is a kind boy, and they all have experiences that the other party does not know about, so they are very happy to talk.

   “You are a postman? Should you have been to a lot of places?” Ceres was curious about the outside world.

   “Most of the western borders have my footprints. I’ll take you to the dragon hills to hunt in the future. There is a red fox living in it. It’s very beautiful. A lot of people caught it to make pets!”

   The huge shop is filled with all kinds of body armor, like a row of soldiers waiting for review.

   Downton followed the Death Banshee into the weapon shop. Some of them were dazzled. Despite the long time and no maintenance, they have been oxidized and rusty, but as long as they are put on, they are stronger than naked defense.

   “Which one to choose?” Downton wrote, asking about the magic book.

“Although most of these armor are of elite level, the magic array attached to them is damaged and cannot be activated.” Homer projected the text, “Third on the left, the set of ancient Roman-style silver armor, some blue iron was mixed during forging Metal is relatively more defensive and similar to your figure.”

   “It’s amazing, you actually write?” Seeing those flame-like red fonts floating in the air, Cerise looked curious.

   “What is writing, I will have more than 10,000 styles!” Homer seduces Celes, “There are still many magical magics, do you want to learn?”

   “Is magic useful?” Ceres reached out and touched the magic book. After touching an empty space, she extended her index finger and poked her gently.

   “Can help the prince to kill the dragon and defeat the devil!”

  Which girl hasn’t hidden a knight novel under her pillow? Have you ever dreamed of the prince standing under the balcony and courting herself?

  Looking at the story described by Homer, Celesce nodded constantly, with big stars in her eyes.

   “Hey, don’t instill this knowledge into innocent girls?” Downton rolled his eyes, took off the light armor and put it on his body.

   Click, click, the iron boots stepped on the ground and made a dull sound.

   Downton jumped a few times, already looking forward to the feeling that the boots kicked on the ghoul’s face, it must be very cool.

   The weapons on the wooden stand were dazzling. After Dunton tried his hand, he chose a two-handed sword with a weight of about 15 pounds. He still likes this kind of orthodox weapon.

   “Unfortunately, the bowstrings are broken, otherwise a hunting crossbow is brought, and the lethality is definitely increased!” Downton picked up a dagger, pulled it out, and after confirming the sharpness, inserted it into the boot.

   “Two, let’s go!” Downton walked to Celes, knocked on the magic book.

   “Let’s talk about another paragraph, just a paragraph!” The innocent young banshee had completely fallen under Homer’s story and begged to Downton.

   “What good story can Homer have? I’ll tell you Hamlet!”

Downton had read many classics in his dreams, but he never dared to tell others that he was afraid of being sent to the torture rack, but Celesce was different. She was a death banshee and she had no chance to tell the story. And even if it is leaked, no one will find their own troubles, who would believe a’evil’ banshee?

   A secret has been in my heart for fifteen years. I can’t tell others that it is definitely a kind of torture. After meeting Ceres, Downton finally found the object to talk to.

Hamlet deserved to be a well-known tragedy. The story of the forced prince was less than one-half of the story. Ceres was already crying, and even Homer couldn’t help but make two fourteen-line poems. Express emotions.

   “Continue!” Seeing Downton stopped, Celesce hurriedly urged, Homer flew over and hit his head to show dissatisfaction.

“Shall we kill the ghouls first? When I finish the sacrifice~www.mtlnovel.com~I promise to give you a full month!” Downton smiled bitterly, and after a delay, he would become a sacrifice. .

   “For Prince Hamlet, kill, kill, kill!” Homer’s non-disciplined projection text urged Ceres, “From now on, you must learn magic so that we can hunt enough ghouls as soon as possible.”

   Celesce nodded in a hurry.

   Downton lay on a roof, quietly observing the street below.

  A junior ghoul was grabbing a wild dog-sized guinea pig, crouching on the ground and gnawing, and a few ordinary ghouls smelled the **** smell, gathered them together, and slapped them with a slap.

   “The strength is probably around the third level of the soul, and it can’t be killed.” Homer releases magic detection and feeds back information in a timely manner, “Transfer, go find the next one.”

   “You must think of a safe, quick-acting tactic.” Downton can’t allow time to slip away in vain.

  The ghoul will not actively attack Celes, who is a dead lady, but she will take the initiative to take action. They will also follow instinct and fierce counterattack. Of course, because they have no intelligence, they will not help each other.

   Downton killed a ghoul in the backyard of a grocery store, cleared a safe area, and asked Celes to attack them, and led them back one by one.

   “Take a ghoul with strength in the first order of the soul to try!” Looking at the ghoul corpses everywhere, Downton’s appetite became larger and he had to challenge himself.


  PS: Zhujun, collect, recommend the ticket to come over!

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