Heroes of the Restricted Zone

Chapter 128 Crazy 1 Night (2450 Monthly Pass Plus Changes)

Chapter 128 A Crazy Night (2450 Monthly Pass Plus Updates)

Not long after Advocaat fell asleep, he was half asleep and half awake when he was awakened by the ringing of the phone.

It is very important to know that the head coach sleeps because they are mental workers.

So you can completely understand how Advocaat felt when he was woken up just after falling asleep.

He picked up the phone and said angrily, "I hope you know what time it is!"

"Dick, the hero has been arrested!" Potter's panicked voice sounded from the phone.

Advocaat's drowsiness receded like a tide in an instant.

※ ※ ※

"I really regret bringing you back now..." The policeman sitting in front of Chen Yingxiong and Sharapova was the one who got out of the car to communicate with Chen Yingxiong.

When he said these words, the outside of the police station was already crowded with reporters who heard the news.

They held their cameras and video cameras aloft, trying to rush into the police station.

The reason why they were so excited was that they were sitting leisurely in the police station with their legs crossed.

"I just said it..." Chen Yingxiong spread his hands, "Let us go, it's good for us all."

Sharapova's peaked cap had already been placed on the table. Since the moment she walked into the police station, she had also risked it all, and her mood unexpectedly relaxed.Isn't it just being exposed by the media to be with this guy again?Anyway, it's not the first time...

As for speeding, it's not a big deal to her. Not counting this time, she has been caught by the police twice for speeding.But this is the first time she has been caught in the police station. The police let her go after asking her for her signature twice before.

She also thought it would be like this at first, but who would have thought that this Russian policeman would unexpectedly "enforce the law impartially"...

※ ※ ※

"I heard Sharapova was in there?"

"Still with the hero!"

"This is big news! Big news! Let them come out for interviews!"

"I have questions for them!"

"The fact that they are a couple doesn't seem to be a rumor anymore..."

The reporters yelled loudly as they rushed into the defense line set up by the police, making the entrance of the police station at eleven o'clock in the middle of the night very noisy.

Some even chanted the names of Chen Yingxiong and Sharapova.

"Hero! Hero!"

"Maria! Maria! Come out, Maria!"

Everyone inside could clearly hear the shouts of those people.

The policeman put his hand to his forehead.

Chen Yingxiong was sitting on a chair with his arms folded, as if the noise outside had nothing to do with him.He has nothing to fear in this kind of scene, isn't it just that there are more reporters and more crazy?Isn't it that tomorrow the newspaper will say that he and Sharapova are in a relationship... Let them talk!I do not care!
Yes, he felt that men basically took advantage of such things being said.

If women don't care...

He glanced at Sharapova.

Sharapova also seemed very calm, she didn't grit her teeth, clenched her fists and muttered curses.

Seeing that the noise outside was getting louder, the police uncle seemed to have a vague tendency to rush into the police station, and he didn't care about staring at the two big stars here, and got up and went out to help maintain order.

The entire police station has become a mess, the phone is ringing non-stop, and the police are running around in the corridors, in a hurry.

In this hectic scene, only the lounge where Chen Yingxiong and Sharapova stayed was quiet, which was incompatible with the surrounding hectic situation.

When the door was closed, even the noise outside was blocked a lot.

Seeing that there was no one else in the room, Chen Yingxiong asked Sharapova: "Did anyone know that you came to St. Petersburg before?" He knew that Sharapova came to Russia to participate in a promotional activity for a brand to open a store in Moscow.

"I don't know," Sharapova replied.

Chen Yingxiong nodded: "Everyone knows now." He looked at Sharapova without any change in expression.

"Aren't you worried?" he asked again.

"worry about what?"

Sharapova asked back.

"Uh..." Chen Yingxiong didn't know what to say when she asked her such a rhetorical question.

"It's all like this now, so what's the use of worrying? What I care more about is Chen Yingxiong, who is so arrogant on the court, he is afraid of drag racing! Hahahaha!"

Sharapova smiled broadly.

Although she was blocked in the police station by reporters this time, she faced the danger of being exposed again with Chen Yingxiong.She could even guess what those reporters would write.Racing together, it's not an ordinary relationship. How could Kenmeng appear in Chen Yingxiong's car?

But she doesn't care now, she is very happy and relaxed now.Go wild with indulgence like this and the stress goes away a lot.

And she discovered Chen Yingxiong's weakness - this person is afraid of drag racing!Unexpectedly, Chen Yingxiong, who is so domineering and can always make himself speechless with anger, also has weaknesses, and there are things he can suppress...

If he makes himself unhappy again in the future, then invite him to sit in the car he drives!

"I'm not afraid of drag racing! I'm just... not very skilled yet!" Chen Yingxiong argued stubbornly.

Sharapova didn't care, she just laughed.

At this moment, someone came to rescue Chen Yingxiong.

※ ※ ※

When Dracula walked into the lounge, he didn't have a hair messed up, or a wrinkle in his clothes.Sharapova was surprised when Shi Shiran walked in when she saw him in a graceful manner: "Is there no one outside?"

But the loud voice quickly followed Dracula in.

"I came in from the side and there was no one there. Hello Miss Sharapova."

"Looks like you're being treated well here, hero."

Dracula greeted Sharapova first, and then said hello to Chen Yingxiong.

"It's much better, at least I didn't blackmail me." When Chen Yingxiong and his father first came to Russia, they were blackmailed by the traffic police on the way from Moscow International Airport to the city.At that time, he was an ordinary Chinese, a fat sheep in the eyes of the police.

Now he is the city hero of the entire St. Petersburg, the famous Chen Yingxiong, which policeman would not open his eyes and dare to blackmail him?
"I'm here to bail you out. I met their director just now, and he said that he can let you go now without going through the formalities." Dracula added, "He looks very happy."

Chen Yingxiong and Sharapova looked at each other tacitly.

With such a group of reporters blocking the door, almost all the police force was used to stop the curious reporters from storming the police station.Seeing that the encirclement is expected to be broken now, how can people be unhappy?

Before Chen Yingxiong could say anything, another person came in from outside the door.

Advocaat's hair was disheveled, a big hole was torn on the back of his clothes, and there was a very obvious footprint on his leather shoes, and he rushed in in a panic.

It formed a particularly sharp contrast with the personable and calm Dracula beside him.

Chen Yingxiong was surprised when he saw that the person who came in was his head coach—Dracula came because he called him and asked him to scoop people out of the bureau.

Why did Advocaat come here?
"Uh, coach, why are you here..." Chen Yingxiong was surprised.

"I'm here to tell you a lie! Are you afraid that the media won't know you're alive and kicking?" Advocaat yelled at Chen Yingxiong before he could catch his breath.

Then he froze for a moment, and found that there were two other people beside him, one was Dracula, Chen Yingxiong's agent, whom he had met, and the other was...Maria Sharapova, the pride of Russian tennis, known as Be a big star for the number one tennis girl!

That guy Potter didn't say Sharapova and Chen Yingxiong were together on the phone...

He thought of the previous scandal.

Looking at it now, I'm afraid it's really not a scandal... These two people actually lied to the whole of Russia!
Seeing outsiders around, Advocaat couldn't say anything, he just gave Chen Yingxiong a hard look.

Chen Yingxiong was extremely wronged - I just invited Sharapova out for a meal, who would have thought that this girl would play around and attract so many reporters!
Advocaat was spotted by the reporters just now when he squeezed in. He was surrounded by the reporters and asked a lot of questions. Just like what he complained just now, he really came to lie to Chen Yingxiong.

But this time it wasn't enough.

"You're still in the gym for training tomorrow, hero!"

"Ah—" Chen Yingxiong let out a miserable howl.

He has been doing boring strength training in the gym for two consecutive days. In fact, he feels that his injury has healed and he can fully train with the team.The head coach Advocaat also agreed to his request, how could he expect...

He turned and glared at Sharapova.

Sharapova looked towards the ceiling, completely ignoring Chen Yingxiong's resentful eyes.

Dracula clapped his hands: "Okay, let's talk in another place, now everyone follow me."

"There are so many people at the door..." Advocaat wanted to die when he thought of letting himself squeeze through again...

"Let's go through the side door, and there's no one there." Dracula looked at the embarrassed Edvocaat.

※ ※ ※

When Chen Yingxiong and his party quietly left from the side, the reporters were still gathered at the gate of the police station and shouted to let the two parties come out for interviews.

Advocaat took a taxi back by himself, while Sharapova and Chen Yingxiong got into the off-road vehicle, but this time Dracula was the driver.

"What about those reporters? They won't let it go..." Chen Yingxiong felt a headache when he thought that he would be bombarded by reporters repeatedly with this topic in the next few days.

"This is when the press spokesperson comes in handy. I think you should also introduce your press spokesperson to the media, after all, they will need to deal with them frequently." Dracula said while driving.

Sharapova stared at Chen Yingxiong with wide eyes, surprised: "Do you have a spokesperson?"

Chen Yingxiong shrugged: "Yes, I just recruited."

Sharapova originally wanted to say, what kind of press spokesman do you need for such a big name, but thinking about Chen Yingxiong's irritating personality, it's not outrageous to find someone who wipes his ass.She nodded: "You do need a press spokesperson..."

Of course Chen Yingxiong knew what she meant, he glared at Sharapova: "I don't know who caused these troubles!"

Sharapova thought of how Chen Yingxiong was almost curled up on the passenger seat in fright, and laughed again.

"You're still laughing!" Thinking of continuing to train alone in the gym tomorrow, Chen Yingxiong felt very wronged.

Sharapova laughed even louder when she heard his aggrieved voice like a little daughter-in-law.

After sending Sharapova to the door of the hotel, the two parties were about to say goodbye.

"I'm going back to the United States tomorrow, um..." After getting off the car, Sharapova stood outside the car door, looked at Chen Yingxiong, thought of this crazy night and the trouble it caused him, and felt that it was necessary to say sorry. "Sorry to make you the center of attention again, but thank you anyway."

"Thank me for what?" Chen Yingxiong was complaining just now that Sharapova made a mess for him to clean up, but the other party apologized on his own initiative, and he became a little embarrassed instead.That's how he is, he eats the soft but not the hard.

"Thank you for being crazy with me all night. You don't know how much pressure I had a while ago." Sharapova put her hands behind her back, leaned slightly, and looked at Chen Yingxiong who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"There is pressure..." Chen Yingxiong just raised his head, but was interrupted by Sharapova's laughter.

"Fuck it mother! Haha!"

Chen Yingxiong snapped his fingers: "That's it!"

"Goodbye, then." Sharapova waved her hand.

"Goodbye...oh, that's right!" Chen Yingxiong called to stop Sharapova.

"what's up?"

Chen Yingxiong turned his head and asked Dracula: "Is there a pen and paper?"

Dracula pulled a piece of paper and a pen from the inside pocket of his suit.

Chen Yingxiong took it and handed it to Sharapova.

"This is?" Sharapova didn't understand what was going on.

"I asked for an autograph for a friend. He is your fan." Chen Yingxiong thought of Arshavin's request to him, and it had been a long time.In the past, it was absolutely impossible for him to ask Sharapova for an autograph, and it is estimated that Sharapova would not sign it for him.

Sharapova suddenly realized, took the pen and paper, signed her name very quickly, and asked, "Who is it for?"

"Andrei Arshavin."

Sharapova nodded: "Oh, he..." She added "To Andre Dear" in front.

After signing, she returned the things to Chen Yingxiong.

"Goodbye, hero. Goodbye, Mr. Dracula." Sharapova waved goodbye again.

"Wait, what if those media talk nonsense about our relationship?" Chen Yingxiong thought of a very important matter, so he had to be well ventilated in advance.

Sharapova didn't look back, but just waved her hands: "Then let them talk nonsense!"

As soon as the words fell, she had already walked into the lobby with brisk steps.

"Shall I take you home, hero?" Dracula asked.


Chen Yingxiong nodded, not thinking about it.He was wondering what Sharapova meant by that...

(End of this chapter)

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