Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 152: Three Black Masks

Three people in black masks stood in a dark room, in front of a large tv screen. Their features were very difficult to discern as the room was too dark to do so. 

A few seconds of silence later, the screen turned on to show a man shrouded in darkness as well. No one could properly see his face. One of the people in the black mask walked forward to show his mask clearer. A creepy smile was painted on the mask. He was carrying a black umbrella. 

"Hehe, Master… You've called us after some time now. Is there anything that you require?" He spoke in a happy and excited tone. 

Another person walked up from behind the man In the smiling mask and spoke, "Smile… You should really let the master speak first. Don't go jumping to start a conversation. He is here to give us a mission. Shut up a listen first." It was a female's voice. Her tone and method of speaking seemed to be very stale. She sounded extremely cold. As she got closer to the screen, her mask looked like a sad crying expression was painted on it.

"Humph!" The last person behind the smile and crying masked people grunted. The two instantly quieted down when they heard him. The man on the screen started to laugh when he saw the three. "You three, It seems like you're all fine… Smile, Cry, and Rage… You've done some good job in the past few months however, It seems like there is some disturbance in the Bureau… The one hidden by the government, Holding a mysterious power seems to be back after being announced dead just a few months ago. This might be a problem if you three cross paths with him for now…" The atmosphere was serious.

"We can't have you killing him before he reaches his true potential… So For the next few months, I will send his possible locations, try to avoid them. If you come into contact with him, killing him is the only option so just like before, avoid that man. Let him grow until the harvest season begins… After that, have your way with him, I only need his powers." The man said in a deep voice.

The three nodded when they heard the man. Smile looked at the screen and spoke, " Master, are there any other missions? We've been pretty much doing nothing for the past two weeks. We're itching for blood!" He laughed maniacally.

The taller brutish man in the black mask nodded when he heard Smile's words. Cry seemed to be indifferent of this, however. The man on the screen nodded and spoke, "Well, we do have a mission ready. Of course, I wouldn't call you to talk about some weakling. The mission this time is to protect the genius behind the serums… An S rank awakened, Hana seems to be getting closer to him right now. And if We aren't careful, our entire plan would be foiled if he is to perish right now. Do what you can to increase the security at his facilities… There are 3 laboratories so you three decide on what you want. One of you, however, does need to look after the scientist himself while the other two need to look after the labs that contain the serums. We need to be more careful from now on." 

The man paused and continued, "I'm not sure yet but from the security footage, It seems the one we were speaking off took down most people in our old laboratory where we kept the people prisoners but Wara, the one I set in charge there was taken down by Hana… I fear that she will find the other laboratories quickly so get to work. I'll provide you three with top grade serums as This Hana is very mysterious in terms of her powers as well. So I need you three to be in top strength when battling here, if it is to come to that, of course." He spoke in a very serious tone. 

The Three nodded. The brutish one at the back, with an angry expression painted on his mask, walked to the screen spoke in a deep and scary voice, "Master, We will destroy them! This Hana and the other mysterious one will be killed as soon as they come across me. Of course, as you wish, I shall not seek them out beforehand but if it comes to them coming in front of me, I just want to confirm that I can crush their heads!" He seemed to grow in size as his voice was filled with excitement. 

Smile and cry also nodded as they waited for the Master's words. "Hmm, I think I already gave you the permission when I initially spoke of that mysterious person. But if you want a confirmation, then I'll say it again. Crush them if you come across them! Of course, Leave the heart and brain intact, The energies can be extracted! I will also grant you permission to use the top grade serums if it comes to that case, but do remember that you will no longer properly return to your original forms." He spoke.

The Tv screen closed after his message. The three looked at each other and nodded. Smile spoke first as he spun his umbrella, "I vote that Rage goes with the scientist. Cry and I will take on the laboratories… You already look excited to take on that Hana and I don't really want to deal with her as much so I want to opt-out of that potential battle." He laughed.

Cry shrugged and spoke, "As long as I don't have to take on many, I don't care. Rage should go for the scientist. It would make sense." She sighed as she walked out of the room.

Rage nodded and walked out of the room as well, "Good. It seems like things will be more entertaining now!" Smile spoke as he danced around with his umbrella in the room. 


Alex looked around the room as he lied on a cold metal bed. Beside him, stood Nana who was looking at his body and blushing a tiny bit. Alex also felt slightly embarrassed being stared at. 'I had to take my shirt off for this but being stared at really makes it more awkward than it should be.' Alex sighed as he looked at his own body.

He was half naked due to the requirement of the body check. A man slowly approached Alex and smiled, "Kid, It's alright… Just relax and we'll be done with the checks… I'll be taking your blood samples so please extend your hands." He spoke slowly.

After some time, The doors to the room that Alex was in opened slowly. Alex turned to the door to see another familiar face. Nana smiled a bit when she also saw the man that entered the room. "Sir Fire." Alex greeted.

The one who had just entered the room was in fact, Sir Fire. He seemed to smile when he saw Alex lying on the bed. "Alex, It's been a while. Seeing you alive makes me a tiny bit happy. At least now we know that even someone like Master Zhun can be wrong with his predictions from his powers… But I must say, You look extremely different from the first time I saw you… Looking at your body, You've bulked up a tiny bit, and those eyes… Tell me, Alex, can you use abilities involving fire?" He asked in a curious manner.

Alex paused for a bit and shook his head, "I can't use any fire-related abilities…" He answered honestly. 

Sir Fire nodded and smiled, "I heard that there is an S rank awakened with the same type of eyes as you. His eyes turned red when he was awakened. His abilities were fire-related, similar to my own ability. So I was curious if you were like him and awakened once more with fire abilities… But I guess that's good in a way, can't have you be so powerful… It would make us look bad if you just beat us in everything… Especially against me in fire abilities." He laughed. 

Alex nodded when he heard Sir Fire. 'Hades, Why are my eyes red? It's got me curious after hearing what Sir Fire just said.' 

'Hmmm, think of it as evolution… I can't explain properly right now so the best thing is to wait… Once your body gets the proper rest that it requires, Your powers will grow even more… right now, your situation is that of a cocoon… Once you get sufficient amount of rest, you'll grow into a murdering powerful Butterfly. HAHAHAHA' Hades laughed as he explained. 

Alex heard Hades and was slightly surprised,' Rest? Do I need to rest more? Like sleep?' He didn't like the thought of sleeping even more.

'Hmm, not exactly… It's like your physical body is ready but your magical and spiritual body isn't as powerful to supply your body. Once you get more powerful in terms of Mana, You'll be able to use your body to the full extent

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