Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

Back to school


Kenzie tapped the table, signaling my attention. “Jeff, do you want to eat? Or just stare at the food?”

I looked down at my trembling hands one last time. I clasped my hands and placed them on my lap. “Yeah..yeah. Just.. a little nervous.” 

“Awee..” Kenzie reached over and pinched my cheek. 

Despite my complicated feelings towards being treated like a child, a warm feeling sprouted inside of my chest. Though I couldn’t enjoy this feeling for very long. I could feel Saya boring a hole into my very soul with her stare. I wilted in my chair. 

Kenzie’s sweet voice entered my ears once again. “You can stay home if you want to.” 

Saya wrapped her arms around me. “Yeah, let’s do that!”

I looked at Saya and she stared back at me with a lackadaisical smile. Her reaction caused a vein to pop on my forehead. I tried to snatch my arm away, but she refused to let go. 

“Look at the cute couple flirting.” Kenxie suddenly interjected as she sipped her coffee. 

Saya blushed and I could feel my face turning red.  

After an awkward and uncomfortable breakfast, it was finally time to head out for school… 

 Saya and I were waiting for Miyuki. She hadn’t come down for breakfast, and was taking a long time to come down. 

“Should I go get her?” I murmured aloud. 

“Nah. She’s coming. If we’re late, so what? We can use your hospital stay as an excuse.” Saya responded as she tapped her feet on the ground.

Finally, Miyuki slowly sauntered down the stairs. Her cheeks were crimson red and her hair was unkempt. Her eyes were red and swollen. She appeared to be absent minded until her eyes landed on Saya. her face twisted and contorted into pure malice. She gave Saya a death glare from hell. 

I looked over to Saya who was smiling as per usual. 

To say that I felt unnerved would be an understatement. A dark cloud hung over my head as I thought back to the meeting between me and the kid. 

Miyuki silently stepped next to me. Her usual energetic demeanor completely gone. It was like I was watching a shell of what used to be Miyuki. 

“Gross.” Although she whispered underneath her breath, I heard Miyuki loud and clear. 

I opened my mouth to respond, but I had nothing to say. Just awkward silence and guilty feelings. 

As we began our walk, Miyuki took as much from Saya and I as possible. 

Saya was all over me, and since we were far away from home I no longer needed to keep up a farce. 

“Get the fuck off of me.” I snatched my arm away from Saya. 

“Wow..” Saya covered her mouth and took an exaggerated step back. “This is how you treat me? After what you did.” 

“After!” I screamed, but I quickly lowered my tone when I caught Miyuki staring at me. “After everything you did.” 

Saya furrowed her brow before her eyes suddenly opened in realization. The edge of her lip curled into a smile and she let out a small laugh. “That?” 

I could feel my blood boiling and my heart pumping. “...yes that.” 

Saya stared at me for what seemed like forever, until suddenly.. 

“...Ahahahaha!” Saya bent forward and grabbed her stomach.

Miyuki was watching us intently, and I could feel my face starting to burn. “Shut up.” 

I pointed towards Miyuki with my eyes, to which Saya looked at her and began to wave at her.

Miyuki’s face turned red and she started stomping away. 

Saya started laughing even harder and she stumbled and almost fell. 

“Why do you make everything worse?!” I spat those words out, unable to hold back my voice. 

Saya rolled her eyes as she struggled to stop laughing. “Because.. Because I can! What are you going to do about it?” 

Is she serious right now?! Right after! 

My hands twitched, and I had to restrain myself from repeating what had just happened this morning.  

Saya tilted her head, a sinister glint shining in her eyes. “Wow. You were going to do it again?” 

I opened my mouth to snap back. But, I had nothing to say. 

She unbuttoned the top buttons of her shirt, revealing  her chest and red marks around her delicate neck. “You have to be more gentle next time. I bruised a little.” 

“I..” My stomach twisted and my head started spinning. 

“You know you liked it. In the hospital and your room. All of it.” Like a siren’s whisper, Saya’s voice lulled me out of my mind. Her breath tickled my ear, and the smell of flowers wafted off of her. Her hand gently caressed my crotch. “And we can do it again. Whenever you want.” 


The sound of metal clanging disrupted us. I looked up to see Miyuki looking over her shoulder at us. 

A shiver ran up my spine. Cold sweat trickled down my face. 

It was a long walk to school. Miyuki didn’t even bother to say bye when she got on her train. Not that I would return her gesture. I was too busy wrapped up in my own head and Saya was practically hanging off of me. 

We arrived in front of the school gate. All the girls' eyes were on us as per usual. But, this time…

“My boyfriend is walking me to school! Fuck everyone!” Saya flipped everyone off as she clung to my arm.  

I blinked a few times, before I realized what was happening in front of me was really happening. “Are you really that happy?” 

“Duh!” Saya responded as she snuggled against my arm. A beautiful smile spread across her lips. 

How does she always do that? 

Although I tried not to, a smile spread across my lips. I felt my face heating up and I averted my eyes. “Well it's going to get boring after a while.” 

Saya planted a kiss on my lips without warning. “You’re really cute when you smile.”

A fluffy silence ensued as we passed through the front gate. That was until.. 

“Where is Jennifer?” A completely different teacher took our id’s, and I couldn’t help but notice the fiery red hair was nowhere to be found. 

“Another one of your bitches.” Saya had a sour expression on her face. 

Before I could respond, Saya sighed loudly. “It’s whatever. I’m going to have to get used to it.”

I wanted to say something, but I found myself unable to find the words again. Or rather.. There was nothing for me to say. She was right. 

“Walk me to class.” Saya’s voice cut into my thoughts.

I walked with Saya to the senior building and we stopped in front of a small classroom. It only hit me why the class was so small after I saw the sign. 

“You’re taking AP Cal?!” I didn’t think Saya was dumb. But, I didn’t know she was smart! 

Saya shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah.. I’m still a dumb bitch though.” 

“What?! Do-” 

Saya’s fingers lightly caressed my chin before she turned me to face her. In the next moment we were locking lips and intertwining tongues.

The girls around us were whispering loudly and walking past us with red faces. 

After what seemed like an eternity, Saya finally released me. A big smirk plastered on her face. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that.” 

A warm feeling spread inside of my chest. In the next second I found myself planting a kiss on Saya. Her eyes went wide, but slowly she closed her eyelids as tears seeped out of her eyes. 

It was as if the whole world came to a standstill and it was just her and I. 

Though I couldn’t savor this moment for very long. The bell rang and students started rushing to class. 

Saya and I separated the next moment. Red blushes painted our cheeks and battered breathing was shared between us. 

Saya covered her mouth and rushed into her class. “See you later!”

I was left standing in the hallway dumbfounded. After a couple of minutes I finally managed to break out of my trance and make my way to class.

How do I feel about Saya? 

As soon as I opened the door, I was met with an all too familiar figure. 

“JEFFF!!!” Though his movements were incredibly fast, it seemed like everything was going in slow motion. 

Jason crashed into me sending me barreling to the ground. 

After we fell, Jason wrapped his arms around my neck, placing me in a tight hug as he began to rub his face against mine. “I was so worried about you!!! I missed you!!! I missed you so so so so so so much!!” 

This is not normal! What is wrong with him?!

I tried to push Jason off of me, but I don’t possess the strength to rival him. “Okay! I get it! Get off of me!” 

Jason’s tears stained my cheeks and soaked my shirt. “NO!” Jason hugged me even tighter, my bones creaking. 

The girls were all watching us with mixed expressions. But, the one thing that was common was the disgust, jealousy and hatred in their eyes. 

I don’t want your man!!!

The urge to punch Jason swelled inside of my chest. But, I managed to keep it in check. “The girls are watching!” 

“I don’t care!!” Jason screamed as he bawled even louder. 

“You’re hurting me!!!” I yelled back as I tried to wriggle out of his grasp. 

“I’m sorry!!” Jason screamed as he showered kisses on my cheek and nuzzled his face into my neck. 

The sounds of Jason crying while sniffing me finally sent me over the edge. “I’m not gay!!” 

After what seemed like forever, the girls finally managed to separate Jason from me. He apologized profusely, but he started crying again and tried to attack me once again. Thankfully, the girls managed to get a hold of him before he could. 

Chills ran all over my body as I watched Jason’s tear filled eyes staring intently at me as the girls dragged him to a corner to calm him down.  

I’m not sure if I should be his friend anymore. That’s if he does want to be friends and not something more.  

It took awhile for Jason to calm down. All of the girls were patting him on the back and saying sweet things to him. 

Why does everyone have sympathy for him?! I’m the victim! 

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, class started. But, there were a few things that caught my attention. 

Sarah had dark bags underneath her eyes and looked to have been crying. Her voice cracked every so often when she was going over her itinerary. 

And the next thing that I noticed was an empty seat near the window with Riri nowhere to be seen. 


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