Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 54 - Eunuch (Part 2)

This is a small town located on the edge of the ocean and forest. Due to its proximity to the forest, the town ’s buildings are mostly wooden houses. There are only a few stone houses in the town.

However, not far from this small town of Rica, there is a castle that is more magnificent than other buildings. It is completely made of stone, and, from any angle, it is extremely strong. It is the residence of Lord Lord—Carsenburg.

Carson Castle inherited the characteristics of the noble castle.

Actually, the full name of Baron Rocas is Baron Denson Dennis Rocas

Danson is the name of the current baron, Denis is the family name, Rocas is the name of the territory, and also the title of the baron, this is a very obvious model of the nobility of the territory

Baron of the Territory, by no means an easily acquired title

Because the title and territory are directly linked to the ditch, it is extremely difficult to grant and promote.

To give a simple example, a knight generally has a thousand acres of land as hereditary territories, if it is fertile land, then one acre is twelve silver, and one thousand acre is ten thousand silver

Sealing a knight is equivalent to rewarding 12,000 at a time, not to mention the baron starting from 10,000 acres, and the nobles at all levels of tens of thousands to tens of millions of acres.

A knight, who wants to become a hereditary jazz, must make outstanding contributions to make it possible, and then promoted to the baron, mastering hundreds of square kilometers, tens of thousands of people, this is very difficult, as for the Class, I want to climb up within the system, don’t think about it for hundreds of years.

The Dennis family, after two hundred years of struggle, changed from a knight to a baron. Now, there are another four hundred years. At that time, the Roccas collar was a barren land, but now it has at least one town and five villages. , Is a qualified baron

Therefore, the strength of the baron is still much higher than that of ordinary professionals, if at all costs

At this time, it was already dawn, and even the Baron, who would not get up too early, was already well-dressed, sat in the dining room and drank morning tea, waiting for a fresh and rich breakfast to be served.

And at this moment, a servant hurried in and reported to him something that affected his appetite.

“What? Bakkar is dead?” Lord Baron, who heard the news of Bakkar’s death, was shocked, but then calmed down again, took out the lord’s demeanor, and calmly asked, “Do you know how he died?” ? “

“Back to Lord Baron, the tax officer was killed by …!” Knowing that this word would cause thunder, the next man said it carefully.

“What ?! Killed? You mean Bakkar, he was killed by the tax officer? Not because of disease? Not because of accident? But, was killed ?!”

At this time, the baron master was really shocked. He put the tea cup on the table and left the chair to stand up. He walked back and forth and asked, the expression on his face changed to blue: “Say, Bakar Who was he killed? “

“Back … Back to Lord Baron …”

Was watched by the baron’s gaze, and the words of the servant were unfavorable. “… Yes, it was killed by a boy named Romon …”

“Romon? What a daring pariah!”

Hearing Romon’s name, the baron’s face suddenly showed a very angry look.

Although Bakkar was only an official in his eyes, in the final analysis, it was also a son of a side branch of his family, beating the dog depends on the owner, not to mention, it was such a big murder!

It’s okay if he died of other reasons. However, no matter how bad it is, a person of noble origin, actually died in the hands of a civilian, which is really unacceptable to Lord Baron.

“A civilian, who dared to kill the people of the noble family, this is simply rebellion!” The baron cursed, and then asked the next man: “Anyone caught?”

“Oh?” The next man was startled.

The baron’s face suddenly sank: “I’m asking you, did that chaos get caught?”

Even if Romon is a second-level druid, he has had some influence recently, but he cannot violate the laws of the territory.

Then the servant remembered that he still had an important thing that he didn’t make clear to Master Baron.

He carefully told the baron about the murder of Romon in self-defense.

“Grandpa, Bakar was not dead at that time, but was castrated. Although he was treated and delivered to the house at the time, Pastor Turnes had no way to die, and he died at night, which has quickly spread to the whole town.

He heard that Bakar was castrated. This lord lord looks very strange. When he knows that he is dead, he has no time to save, and it spreads to the whole town. This lord lord looks more difficult.

“So, Romon is still at large?” Although the next man attributed the death cause of the tax officer to Romon’s self-defense, the baron did not believe it. After all, the tax officer secretly dealt with Romon. He knew And acquiesced.

His face turned back ugly, then, sitting in the dining room by himself, thinking about it.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this matter will not be so simple. If it was the former Romon, or even became the Druid’s Romon, the baron could arrest and hang him without considering it, but now, the baron is hesitant. Well, after all, Romon now has considerable influence, but after thinking about it for a moment, he still decided to use the guard to arrest Romon. When he stood up and was about to get someone to catch Romon, a figure appeared in At the entrance of the dining room.

“Father.” Eleanor, the second daughter of the baron’s favorite, walked in from the outside. As soon as he saw his father’s gloomy face, he knew that his father knew the matter.

“I heard that you went to meet with that guy named Romon in the middle of the night?” When I saw Alina, as soon as you thought of the second daughter going to meet a kid in the middle of the night, the baron felt extremely uncomfortable.

In this matter, the baron showed more concern than even the investigation of Bakar’s death.

Elene hurriedly walked over to her father and explained: “Father, we were there to verify the tax officer’s crimes, so we only made appointments there, and there were others at the time.”

Seemed to perceive his father’s displeasure, and Miss II was busy and smart to point out the fact that a third person was present.

Although I still feel uncomfortable, the baron finally got a little better when he heard that not two people met alone. However, even if the daughter and Romon meet can not be investigated, what about the murder.

The baron did not believe in the so-called self-defense.

However, as an eyewitness at the time, Eleanor’s speech was extremely determined and affirmative.

“Father, this is what I saw with my own eyes, and it is absolutely true. At that time, the Bakar wanted to kill and kill his mouth, and stabbed his sword at Romon. Then when the two men fought, Romon killed each other for self-defense. . These are all my own eyes, I can swear in the name of the goddess, this statement is absolutely false. “

As a priest, swears in the name of God, but it is necessary to swear, as soon as the daughter said, the baron finally dismissed the idea of ​​ordering to arrest Romon immediately.

However, he still felt uncomfortable, and secretly accused Bakar of being a idiot-what do unemployed people in your area do, tell me that there is naturally a way to convict Romon.

Even if everything his daughter said was true, but Romon’s challenge to the authority of officials as a civilian still made his lord angry.

Has nothing to do with law, right or wrong. Simple, just the kind of superiority of one’s own nobility, the anger generated after being offended.

“Listen to Bakkar in public if you listen to what you mean?” The baron asked annoyedly.

Elene insists on this point: “Yes, father, this is related to the maintenance of the law, so the trial must be open.”

Although the evidence collected by Romon only accused the tax officer of withholding taxes and the theft of public and lord assets, he should have dealt with it privately. However, the tax officer ’s subsequent murders and killings were enough to keep his crime in Announced at the Plaza meeting.

Because the square meeting is the tradition of the town, although the baron felt unnecessary, in order to maintain a good father’s image in front of his daughter, he had to finally agree to sentence Bakar’s crime at the square meeting and participate in person.

On the day of the square meeting, it can be said that the town square is overcrowded.

Not only the residents of Rika Town participated in this meeting, but even those adventurers who temporarily lived in the town also came to join in the fun.

The reason is simple, this time something big happened. Tax official Bakar is dead.

The cause of death is funny. Because the crime was revealed, the intention was to kill people and kill the mouth. As a result, they were killed by the other party.

As for who killed, some said it was Romont, some said it was Fafer, and finally, some even said that it was done by Miss Aleni.

However, as soon as this person said this, he was immediately beaten up.

The reason is very simple, Miss Ellini is the pride of the people in the town. Although the murder was carried out in self-defense, even so, most of the townspeople could not tolerate it. Some people put this kind of murder on a girl like an angel.

And with the convening of the Plaza Conference, the truth of the matter was gradually revealed to the public. After the voice of the girl priest Qing Lang sounded, the various crimes of the tax officer were also told one by one.

And the stack of letters served as evidence, and Romon, Fafer and the young priest acted as witnesses, fixing the crime of the tax officer without any surprises.

Although the tax officer is very cautious, he has not done bad things.

Seeing that someone exposed the tax officer’s crime, and the body of the tax officer was also put in front of them, some of the bitter masters who had been blackmailed by the tax officer also spoke out about their own experiences.

All of a sudden, the square meeting became a crying meeting. According to the complaints of the mistresses and the evidence they presented, Miss II, on behalf of the temple and the father, comforted these mistresses.

Furthermore, he took out a part of the money retrieved from Bakar and compensated them.

Miss Eleanor’s move, UU reading www.uukanshu. com won the applause of everyone present, they cheered, and the scene was almost out of control. It was only after Lord Baron couldn’t see it and sent a bodyguard to maintain the order at the scene, people gradually became quiet.

And next is the time to try Romon ’s murder. However, because of the testimony of Fafer and Miss II, Romon’s charges were easily washed away.

When he stepped down, there were even bitter masters who had been bullied by tax officials, thank him.

People are like welcoming heroes, giving him a way.

In the main stand, the baron, who had been silent, saw the townsmen wearing Romon, and suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Is different from seeing his daughter being embraced by people. Watching Luo Meng actually won the support of the people in his own territory, he immediately became alert. The frequent meeting between Romon and his daughter became even more painful than he could tell.

Romon is close to Alini, what is it for? Could it be … Could it be to get his territory? Get his position? After all, he has only two daughters, and the heir to the future lord, only his son-in-law.

As soon as he thought of this possibility, the face of Lord Baron became more difficult to look at.

In his opinion, anyone has ambitions, not to mention the Luo Meng in front of him. Why did he work hard to advance to the Druid? Isn’t it to improve your status?

Thought that the other party might have the ambition to get his ancestral territory, and the baron’s heart was as disgusting as eating a fly. For this kid, he was disgusted with heart. Now, the more he looks at it, the more he feels that the other party is deep and cunning.

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