Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 1077 - World Tree (Part 1)

The misty world, Sun Luomeng and the four goddesses, entered the dark day.

After Moran was sealed, she reached a medium divine presence, and she had returned to the first level of the abyss to transform it into a dark earth.

It takes only a week to create an incarnation of medium divine power. Although this attack can’t catch up, it is more than enough to resist the next batch of attacks from the Lord of Glory.

“The black sun is huge” is first a positive energy storm.

Numerous positive-energy particles are blowing along a certain path, mountains and tsunami are twirling, and they are shining with incredible dazzling brilliance. This is a shining field that cannot be seen clearly by the eyes of the mortal.

“In the area of ​​positive energy, everything is burned as soon as it enters, and any defensive spell cannot last …” said a goddess of Yuan Gu.

Luo Meng nodded, all things can not bear this energy, in fact, the six majors have similar characteristics.

The sea of ​​positive energy, the sea of ​​large elements of negative energy, their energies are too vast, support the entire crystal wall universe, people who want to kill God, as long as they are all things, they will feel that even legendary spells are not lasting in this area. .

The reason is simple. Can the energy of fireflies be compared with the energy of the entire universe?

Even if the brigade is not equal to the Sixth Congress, it is the same.

Luo Meng looked like he was able to saturate the storm zone with a thickness of at least about 2,000 kilometers. The positive energy, with a beautiful glow, was soaring and varied.

In an instant, a strong positive energy exploded.

The powerful positive energy engulfed the five **** sleeves in an instant “submerged like the sea.

Come quickly, and go quickly. In a blink of an eye, the five gods are exposed and the goddess doesn’t matter, but Luo Meng is a little embarrassed. “His body turned into coke, although he recovered quickly.

“The lord of brilliance is very precautionary, and its angels are basically light energy properties …” Luo Meng said in awe.

There are actually fragments of angels everywhere along the way.

But “if it is not the property of light energy, it is estimated that only a few angels carrying the brilliance of the Lord of Light can pass, and all others must be left.

“Look, the passage of the sun has arrived …” It was a huge vortex, and the five gods passed through the passage.

Immediately bright, this is a huge palace.

In this palace, everything seems to be back to normal, this is a huge corridor.

Fifty meters wide and hundreds of meters high. From the perspective of mortals, this scale is indeed too exaggerated. Perhaps only giants or dragons think this is good.

In the corridor, there are fragments of angels everywhere “layer after layer.

The battle continues.

“Look, this is the apostle of the Black Dragon …” Romon pointed, pointing away. “There are sporadic apostles fighting.

Below is a two-meter-tall monster, some horse-like, but with thick, dense scales all over its body, and its claws are extremely sharp.

Above the monsters are humanoid knights, all of them riding on monsters, faceless, with black lights flashing in their eyes, a shield in their left arm, and a holy sword in their right hand.

These monster knights are fighting against angels and fighting.

These apostles are colder than angels, and they are made of a silver-colored material with no soul. They are just statues, acting only with the will of the creator.

Actually, there are not many angels and knights and apostles. There are only hundreds of them today, but depending on the situation, there are still a little more angels. There are only twenty or so of these knights.

At the next moment, a knight shook his body, and then fell slowly.

Spring-like blood spewed out. The blood was not red, but the color of mercury, and a large white mist was sprayed in the air.

It is clear that the following angels and apostles are almost exhausted, but neither the angels nor the knight apostles are fighting desperately, without any delay, tearing each other again and again until the last breath.

Luo Meng pulled out his sword and rushed down, his body shone with divine light.

Its addition suddenly made the entire battlefield huge Chu Qi, angels and apostles one after another, collapsed or killed around it.

The angel was alarmed, and the remaining angels, and the tide, rushed up one after another.

To no effect, at this point in the war, all angels have exhausted God’s favor, without divine power, they are mortals in front of Luo Meng.

As soon as they entered the realm, the angels were imprisoned by power, and the colorful natural divine power penetrated into them.

As soon as he made an angry roar today, he struggled, but only a moment later, its body collapsed and exploded in the air.

There are no angels or apostles who can stop Romon’s footsteps.

Half a hour later, a huge door, three hundred meters high and one hundred meters wide, Luo Meng walked slowly to the door, smiling, and said with a smile: “Inside, is this the last core?”, With a chuckle, Luo Meng saluted: “Four sisters, we can go in …”

Behind him, the corridor that stretched to the invisible end, densely scattered pieces of broken corpses, with angels, with ghosts …

Before opening the door, a flame and white light came out, poured down, and swelled.

All the fragments of angels and apostles turned into countless flames at the moment of contact with the violence, and burned out quickly. Even Romon, at this moment, also felt the great pressure brought by this power.

Both the divine body and the divine fire shook slightly.

The eyes were fierce and cheerful.

This is a hall, a Hongjing hall that stretches for several kilometers.

In this hall, no traces of corpses could be seen, but the traces all showed extremely fierce fighting.

The hall of original luxury is filled with the dense mist generated after the fierce conflict. This is the essential remnant of countless apostles and angels. On the floor, there are countless gaps and fragments, which belong to the flame of the sun, and come out from the gap from time to time. .

In front of the hall is a black dragon.

The endless chains on its body have been glorified, but the remainder of many chains can still be seen.

This is restraint and protection. What makes Romon take a breath is that this black dragon is almost fragmented. It squinted halfway. In the black scales, the wound has turned into dark red. The sacred dragon blood has flowed. Exhausted, steamed in the air again.

Only a slight tremor is enough to prove that it is still alive at least now.

In front of it, there was a group of shining teenagers, feeling the invasion, it quietly raised his head to look at Romon, he was very handsome, but at this time, just looking over, Romon’s scalp burst .

The indescribable shock and fear came straight, and his eyes were black, although there was only a moment, but it was enough to make him understand the horror of the glorious Lord.

This is the first time that Luo Meng really saw the Lord of Glory. Looking at Luo Meng, the Lord of Glory formed a faint smile. It said calmly: “It turns out to be His Royal Highness, you appear in front of me. “?” “Jin Jian? Maybe, as a demigod, facing the highest **** in this world, you can use the word Jin Jian, then I will salute, this is my last tribute to you.” At this time, Luo Meng But he calmed down and said.

“Oh? Really courageous, what do you want to do?” The glorious master narrowed his eyes and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually expanded: “Humble demigod, do you also want to take my fruit?” Its laughter shook the hall : “The gods of the whole world are watching in silence, not even daring to go out, so as not to cause my misunderstanding at this time, and you, a humble demigod, dare to face me so directly?”

“I have known your business. In these years, you have risen rapidly, beheaded demons, and built a country.” You have opened a new path. You are a valuable new god. For this purpose, bow your head to me! Plead for my understanding! In this way, you can get the right to retreat and go back to enjoy your immortality. “” Lord of Glory, I really appreciate you for giving me this choice generously, but since coming here, I think I can’t look back.

“Romon said.

“Because it ’s not easy to remember the new god, and your merits, I give you a chance, and you dare to reject it …” The sneer of the Lord of Glory faded, and he turned his eyes to look behind Romon, then clicked The head said with a sigh: “Oh, what did I see? The incarnation of the primordial **** of the Fenghuochi water level! The humble demigod, you just want to fight me with this?”

“There is also a Divine God, are you here today, do you want to fight me …”

In the hall, the holy light that belongs to the glorious fruit filled the silence of the goddess, and Luo Meng performed a salute: “Great lord of glory, you have too much to say.”

“I don’t believe that when you face me directly, you still can’t see my root.” “I don’t believe, even if you are the embodiment of your mighty divine power, after such a fierce battle, you can still be so confident.” ” How much divine power do you have in person? Www.mtlnovel.com ~ The next moment, miracles will follow. Behind Luo Meng, a tall world tree figure emerges slowly, which is shrouded in this world tree With the four goddesses, united with them, the foliage is very luxuriant, with a shining colorful light. Under this radiance, everything seems to be fresh.

And almost at the same time, behind the Lord of Glory, similarly, a world tree unfolded, and the world tree was burning with flames.

Here, the two world trees had a fierce conflict, and the ripples of confrontation neutralized each other.

The new world tree is full of life, and the old world tree is huge and has declined. No one has an advantage for a while.

Feeling the continuous flow of divine power from the four great goddesses, Luo Meng shook his head and sighed, saying, “His Royal Highness Lord, your avatar, after hedging and neutralizing the power of the world tree, can you stop me with a sword?” Don’t delay the time, let the new world tree be born! “

In the next moment, the sword, which was completely condensed by natural divine power, came out of the sheath fiercely, and a long sword emerged from the sky above Luo Meng.

Luo Meng’s sword has been pierced to the glorious Lord, just to complete the world tree.

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