Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Evil blood eye

Even if Yan Shisan was too courageous, he was scared to sweat. Even his ribs were so huge. Just imagine how huge such a thing would be when he was still alive. I’m afraid it would be bigger than a mountain. This is absolutely It’s a behemoth!

This is a vast desert. Looking around, the sky is full of yellow sand, and the sky is gray. It is impossible to tell where the south, south, and northwest are!

In his previous life, Linglong was under house arrest in the ancient dynasty and translated the ancient texts. He went to many dangerous places with the strong men of the ancient Linglong dynasty and saw many dangerous things. This made Yan Shisan bolder than ordinary monks.

Yan Shisan was taken aback by the giant bones of this ancient beast, he took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and chose a random direction, and started on the road. In this place where there is no way to distinguish between the southeast and the northwest, there is only blindness!

Walking on the yellow sand, the sound of “click, click” sounded from time to time under his feet. It was the sound of crushing bones. Yan Shisan hadn’t walked far. There were countless bones scattered on the ground, paved a wide and thick road.

There are countless white bones, human bones, animal bones, and some unknown bones. Walking in such a place, people who are less courageous will definitely be frightened!

didn’t go far, Yan Shisan saw a huge wild animal bone again! This wild beast bone was even bigger than the one he had just seen. The entire beast bone was a hundred miles long. Such a giant beast was definitely a giant of an era during his lifetime, and it was definitely an invincible existence!

I don’t know how many years have passed. The animal bones have begun to peel off, and the invincible breath of that year has slowly dissipated. Under the washing of the years, even things that go against the sky will hardly leave traces and breathe. !

“Yellow sand, gray sky, wild animal bones!” Yan Shisan muttered to himself as he looked at the huge animal bones in front of him. At this time, a flash of light flashed across his mind, and his whole body was shocked!

“Maiguling, I, I’m burying the bones!” Yan Shisan was frightened all of a sudden. Muling, this is almost like a nightmare, not to mention a small person like him, even if it is. Nowadays, the famous ancient secret sect, the head of the Holy Gate Imperial Court, will talk about it when facing the Maiguling!

This is an absolute place to bury the bones, not to mention the head of the pope, even if the invincible gods come, they will be killed here, no one knows what evil things are in the bone-buried ridge!

Yan Shisan has never been to Maiguling, but he knows. Because in the last life, he was placed under house arrest by the Linglong ancient dynasty. During that time, the Linglong ancient dynasty once attacked Maiguling. At that time, the attacking team was led by an immortal deity. You know, the immortal deity is simply invincible. The presence! Can pick the stars, take the moon, tear apart the stars.

However, such an invincible expedition team from the invincible Linglong ancient dynasty finally smashed in the Burial Ridge! When Yan Shisan was in his last life, he had also heard that before the Linglong ancient dynasty, many invincible powerhouses had attacked the buried bone ridge. In the end, they all ended up with a halberd. There are very few people who can survive. , I heard that even half of the ancestors died in this place!

Yan Shisan heard a person from the ancient Linglong dynasty say that, although the name of the mountain is called the mountain, in fact, it is very vast and forms a world of its own. In the mountain, there is one of them The place is an extremely barren desert. This vast desert is only a small part of the Burial Ridge. There are other more dangerous places in Burial Ridge.

Yan Thirteen desperately recalled, searched and scraped, desperately recalling the years when she was captured by Linglong ancient dynasty, hoping to find a way to escape from the words of those against the sky in Linglong ancient dynasty.

However, as long as Yan Shisan recalled the few words back then, there was no way to escape from Jiuguling! This caused Yan Shisan to sit on the ground and couldn’t help being discouraged.

This time, he is over. Even the emperor and Tianzun can’t go out. He is such a small person, I’m afraid he can’t go out even more.

Yan Shisan couldn’t help but smile bitterly, and couldn’t help but feel unwilling. In the last life, in the ancient times, he was an orphan. He grew up with the old scholar. After the old scholar died, he occupied the mountain as the king. He dreamed of becoming the master of a sect, establishing a sect, and adopting Jier. However, before he woke up from the daydream, he was arrested by Linglong ancient dynasty to do a translation. Although Linglong ancient dynasty did not let him suffer, he lost his freedom.

inexplicably traveled to this world, far away from the ancient times, far away from the Linglong ancient dynasty, God also gave him a foster father who took care of him meticulously! However, such days did not last long, and the foster father suddenly disappeared! Even, now he has fallen into a fierce land like Burial Ridge! God’s joke is too big, it’s not funny at all.

Yan Shisan clearly remembered that he died under the Yanzhuang Mountain. He didn’t understand why he came to Jiguling! However, now he knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to get out of Burial Ridge.

I don’t know how long it took, Yan Shisan took a deep breath, recovered from despair, and the desire to survive once again ignited in his heart. No matter how, no matter how dangerous, he must go on. Anyway, he is a person who has died twice, the big deal is to die again!

Thinking of this, Yan Shisan got up again, stood up, sorted out his own things, and looked at his Qiankun bag. Fortunately, there were a lot of dry food, drinking water, and several bottles in the Qiankun bag. The hunger relief pill!

Hunger Relief Pill is a very common pill among monks. After taking this pill, you will not be hungry.

The Qiankun bag of Yanshi 13 is not big, and the space is limited. This is a more common space bag among monks. Of course, this kind of Qiankun bag cannot be compared with the big man’s Dongfu, but it is more than enough to bring self-needed goods.

Yan Shisan took a deep breath, shook his head, stopped thinking, put aside distracting thoughts, and continued on the road!

Yan Shisan walked all the way, passing countless bones, and even in some places, the bones were piled into mountains. Among the countless bones, there were also a lot of objects scattered. There were incomparable treasures, and there were amazing forever. Qizhen, however, these things are scattered in such a ghost place, without the blood nourishment of the monk, the evil spirit erodes, and time passes, and they are finally turned into scrap iron and powder!

From these abandoned treasure soldiers and rare treasures, Yan Shisan can imagine that the people who came here back then were peerless powerhouses who shocked an era. They may have experienced it when they came here. A terrifying battle, but no matter how invincible they are, they are ultimately buried here.

Yan Thirteen no matter what so many, continue to go on. Fortunately, the dry food, drinking water and hunger relief pills he brought, insisting on two to three years is not a problem, otherwise, he can’t keep going.

In the endless desert of Baiguling, it seems that there is no day and night. Yan Shisan walked all the way, not knowing how long he walked, and how long he walked. He walked all the way and saw all kinds of bones. In the end, Yan Shisan himself became numb, and he was used to seeing the huge animal bones.

Fortunately, all the way down, he did not encounter any danger. This is a blessing in misfortune and the only thing to be fortunate.

In the endless desert of Baiguling, this is a dead world. Yan Shisan has walked for so long without seeing any living creatures, not even an ant. Such a place is filled with weirdness everywhere. .

didn’t know how long he had gone, or how far he had gone, Yan Shisan finally saw the living creature, and when Yan Shisan saw the living creature in front of him, he himself was stunned.

“Click, click, click…” A burst of messy sounds echoed across the world, the sound of bone rubbing.

The living creatures Yan Shisan saw were individual bones, human bones, ancient beast bones, and bones whose names Yan Shisan could not name!

Each of the bones got up from the ground and continued to move forward. From here on, the bones of this one seemed to have life. They climbed up from the ground, dragged their broken body, and walked forward. It seems that something in front attracts them the same.

Seeing the bones behind him slowly climbed up and walked to the front, forming a sea of ​​white bones, Yan Shisan understood a little bit, what is in front of UU reading www.uukanshu.com, from far to near, slowly The ground made some bones on the ground get up and walked there, and even, in the end, it might make the bones of the entire endless desert to get up!

I have seen too many dangerous and surprising things, Yan Shisan also calmed down quickly, and followed the bones in front of him. He also wanted to see if there was something in front that could make these bones get up!

At this time, Yan Shisan was already out of life and death, and it was a big deal to die again.

After a long walk, after a long journey, Yan Shisan finally saw the end of the Sea of ​​Bones. Although he was mentally prepared, when Yan Shisan saw the scene before him, he was still shocked.

In front of me is a huge bone mountain. This bone mountain is thousands of miles wide and tens of thousands of feet high. It is all made up of white bones. Moreover, this bone mountain continues to grow and increase. White bones continue to come from all directions and climb the bone mountain. Pile up.

Such a weird thing, Yan Shisan had never heard of it before. It was simply incredible and terrifying.

“Hey, hey, hey, there are still alive!” Just when Yan Shisan was in a daze, a creepy voice was uploaded from Bone Mountain.

This horrified Yan Shisan, but in an instant, a thousand-mile-long and extremely thick white bone claw protruded from the Bone Mountain and grabbed Yan Shisan.

Yan Shisan didn’t even think about it, turned around and fled. However, this thousand-mile-long white-bone claws were as fast as lightning. Yan Shisan was immediately caught by the white-bone claws without taking two steps. Thirteen’s size is almost like an ant. Yan Shisan exhausted all of her milk and couldn’t break away the slightest.

The outlook changed, and Yan Shisan was caught on the top of Gushan by the bone claws! The bone claws lifted Yan Shisan up high.

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