Heart Demon, She is Doing Things Again

Chapter 18 - Lure the monk 17

“Hey?” Zhu Zhizhi raised his head cautiously and curiously.

“I knew it already. You …” Lu Yu’s eyes were indulgent and helpless, and he laughed, “Your technique of lying is always not very clever.”

Zhu Zhizhi’s habit of underground consciousness wants to be coquettish and spoiled with him, but the smile hasn’t unfolded yet, and he is upset again, “So … about your illness, do you also …”

Lu Yu nodded slightly for a moment, “Guess some.”

“Why …?”

“Weaving.” He reached out and wrapped her cool catkins, and the warm palm calmed her emotions. “Junior’s heart is like my heart, I’m just like you, I just hope you and I will stay together.”

He coughed a few times and continued: “It’s just that mortal life is too short after all, I don’t want to grow old alone in front of you …”

Zhu Zhizhi could n’t help crying, “I ’ll grow old with you! I ’m going to grow old with my spells, let ’s be white-headed together! You said you ’ll be old-headed with me …”

He touched her face and wiped her continuous tears, “I’m sorry, weaving. I don’t want you to forget me, I think in your memory, I will always be just like Fenghua.”

He smiled bitterly, “Unfortunately, I am sick now, I’m afraid it’s not much better than the old Dragon Clock.”

Zhu Zhizhi threw himself into his arms and choked: “Lu Lang is always the best in my heart.”

She looked up in his arms, “You will be well, you have to live alive …

You have n’t shown your ambitions, traveled the mountains and rivers, and walked through every beautiful scenery portrayed in those travel notes as you longed for. They grew up …

There are so many things you want to do in your life, have you forgotten? “

Lu Yu’s eyes moved, and he seemed to remember beautiful things, “When I get better, let’s travel together.”

Zhu Zhiwei buried his head in his neck foss and bit his lip with a hum.

He felt big tears hit his neck, he could not help raising his hand and gently stroked her Yun temple, smiled and said: “The monks of Jinling Temple have high mana, you said that I will get better Cry like this …

Well, let’s talk about it after the treatment, don’t let the Master and Xiaobai wait for a long time. “

Zhu Zhizhi paused, rubbed his neck fondly again, and straightened up to wipe his tears. She stood up slowly, and the hands they held together finally separated.

After seeing that they had finished speaking, Shi Tan stepped forward: “Then you just need to sleep and wake up.”

“Huh.” Lu Yu smiled comfortably at Zhu Zhizhi. “Weaver, I will be ready soon, don’t worry.”

Lu Yu took the medicine and soon fell asleep unknowingly.

With the help of Shi Tan, Zhu Zhizhi spit out Yaodan.

In a few breaths, the demon pattern was engulfing. She slumped weakly on the ground, and even the human figure could not be maintained. She clearly felt that the demon force was rapidly losing.

But she still used her last bit of strength, struggling to grab the edge of the bed, reluctantly looking at landing Yu.

She raised her hand hard, wanted to pull his hand again, wanted to feel his temperature again, and wanted to hear him gently call “Weave” …

The fingertips of the scallions gradually became transparent and shattered into light, and the firefly generally dissipated.

The beautiful and charming woman was gone, and there was only a stunned little spider on the ground. It seemed that after a big dream, I didn’t know what this evening was, and I didn’t know how I woke up after a long awakening. Why did I appear here.

Achan took a small clay pot and placed it in front of the little spider. It thought for a while and got into it.

“Maybe she will open her mind and practice again, isn’t she?” A Chan asked to herself, “I have practiced it once, and it should be easier to learn.”


Lu Yu’s consciousness slowly sobered.

Although the sense of weakness was still there, he felt suddenly relaxed. When he opened his eyes, the first thing was to find Zhu Zhizhi’s figure.

“How do you feel?” It was A Chan.

“Much better. What about weaving?”

A Chan did not answer the first time. And Lu Yu read something that made him involuntarily nervous in her faint face.

He asked again: “What about weaving?”

“The monster poison on you needs her inner dan to solve.”

As if Lu Yu couldn’t understand her words, she was at a loss for a while, trying to find signs of joking on A Chan’s face.

He wanted to laugh and say no more jokes, how could it be? But he twitched the corner of his mouth stiffly, but couldn’t make a smile.

“Is she playing mischief with me?” His lips trembled. “She likes to tease me the most. Are you kidding me and me, are you?” At the end, there was already an unconscious prayer in his tone. .

A Chan’s silence prevented him from even making a strong smile. He sat for a moment, then suddenly opened the quilt and got out of bed to wear shoes. But his hand shook uncontrollably and he couldn’t put it on for a long time.

Lu Yu simply kicked off his shoes and looked for Zhu Zhizhi in the house with bare feet. If he didn’t have it in the bedroom, he ran to the study and then to the courtyard.

He was naked with his feet in his pyjamas, his hair was radiated, and his eyes climbed up on the bloodshot, searching for Zhu Zhizhi’s name.

“Weaving … weaving …” His voice was hoarse, and he finally knelt and collapsed in the courtyard, his eyes red, his tears slipping unconsciously.

“You lied to me again … this time you really deceived me, are you proud?

Why do n’t you tell me why I did n’t die … “

He gasped for breath, knelt down on the ground, ricketing his body, crying so loudly.

A Chan was thinking about it, and Zhu Zhizhi was brushing her anyway, thinking of what she could do to comfort Lu Yu, and she saw that Shi Tan slowly walked to Lu Yu and stood still.

Lu Yu raised his head dullly and saw Shi Tan, and finally he had a little expression in his eyes. He crawled to Shizong’s feet on his knees, clutching his clothes tightly, as if the drowning man had grabbed the last driftwood.

His lips twitched and his speech was incoherent. It took a long time to hear what he was talking about.

“Give her back … I give Nedan back to her, can you give Nedan back … give her back to me …”

“Neidan has been used to detoxify you.

This is her cause and effect. “

Lu Yu shook his body sullenly, and slowly grasped the hand of Shi Tanyi’s swing.

“It’s her choice. However, although she cultivated to become scattered and turned into the original form, you are not without the possibility of seeing you again.”

“… Can I see her again?”

“Practicing good deeds, forming good deeds, praying for her, and accumulating merits are helpful for her to embark on a journey of cultivation again.

If she can cultivate her human form again, remembering the past between you, she can go to find your reincarnation, and then continue to lead. “

After finally running a little, Lu Yu faded his despair and firmly grasped this little hope.

He returned to Jinling Temple with Shi Tan and became a lay disciple. Since then, he has devoted himself to doing good deeds and extensively repairing merits.

Zhu Zhizhi’s main body spider was taken back to the other courtyard by A Chan, and Lu Yu was placed in a clean small courtyard with it.

A Chan sometimes went to see them, often seeing Lu Yu holding Zhu Zhizhi’s favorite type of textbook and reading it to him in a clear voice; sometimes he also read it with his newly written poems for her .

A Chan and Shi Tan withdrew without disturbing them.

“I used to think that Zhu Zhizhi was stupid.” A Chan turned back, and the gentle, gentle man’s voice could still be heard in the quiet courtyard.

“Now it seems that the man she was looking for was as stupid as she was.” Qingfeng brought her curly hair like a sigh, “It’s quite good.”


Between the red-walled glazed tiles in the harem, a series of attendants surrounded the masters and sons of each palace and went to the palace of the empress.

The chaise’s sedan was steadily lowered. The charming woman hugged a mandarin duck’s white cat, and she was cuddled down by the servant, and she got off the chair.

As soon as she stepped into the palace of the Queen Mother, the woman’s proud eyebrows were raised, and instead she smiled intimately, just like the other women who were seated in this palace in turn.

“The concubine has seen the empress dowager.”

“No gift. Ouch, hurry and bring the ingot to Ai’s family quietly. I haven’t seen it in a few days. Can I gain weight?”

The princess stepped forward holding the white cat and smiled softly, “I’m afraid it’s thinner. After Yuanbao hasn’t seen her mother for a few days, she can’t eat any more.”

“Hahaha, your mouth is sweet. The ingot seems to be following you, and will be flattering.”

The harem knew that the queen mother loved cats, and even set up a special cat department. In order to please the concubine, the concubines also raised a lot of cats.

But it is not just a cat that can enter the queen mother’s eyes. In addition to the cat lovers of the Queen Mother who were served by the Emperor Cat, the most favorite thing for the Queen Mother was the ingots raised by the concubine.

The Yuanbao blood is pure, and there is no hair on the whole body; the two cat eyes are blue and green, and they are as clear as glass; the temperament is gentle and well-behaved, which is really lovable.

The women in the house coaxed the empress dowager to speak for a while. The emperor empress came with two princes and a princess.

When the people came, the queen mother ordered to open the table. The cat of the concubine was taken to look after.

Today, the Holy Spirit works hard to govern, the harem is not full, and the heirs are also limited. Princess Ninghui was born by the concubine, and both princes were born of the queen.

The emperor mentioned the birthday banquet of the Empress Dowager, “This year’s mother’s birthday is a big event. Although there are still a few months, it must be done in advance.”

The Queen Xianshu smiled, “Already started to prepare.”

The Empress Dowager believed in Buddha very much, and she proposed: “How about calling the monks in the temple this year to pray for blessings? Pray for the mother’s well-being, pray for good weather and good fortune, and also take the opportunity to speak with the mother.

The Empress Dowager was very satisfied.

Ning Hui was very happy to hear that the monks of Jinling Temple were going to the palace after a while. “At that time, will Master Shi Tan also be called?”

It’s no secret that Ning Hui chased and released Master Tan. The queen mother teased her jokingly: “Women don’t stay here, if Xiao Ninghui likes him, why should you ask your father to order him to be a concubine?”

Everyone knows the reason why General Xu Xiao became a monk. Now the four seas are subject to surrender, the border is stable, and Liang Gong is too prosperous, dazzling the emperor’s eyes.

Once the battle is over, the general’s military power is taken away. Whether it is to oust or to resign on his own, it is not very nice, and it may add a not-so-glorious sum to the history book.

But he invited himself to become a monk on the grounds of excessive killing, not only to protect himself, but also to protect the royal face, is to know the current affairs.

But if he is willing, he is also a must. The concubine was not allowed to participate in politics, and at most he took a leisure job, which did not hinder the emperor’s eyes.

“The emperor’s grandmother ~” Ning Huijiao snorted, looking at his father’s reaction with a little anticipation.

The author has something to say: bad! In the sugar …!

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