he Black god Paradox: Shaping the Multiverse (rick and Morty fanfic)

Chapter 2: Lawnmower Dog pt-1

Jerry and Summer are in the living room. Jerry is flipping through channels on TV and Summer is texting.
TV: Coin collecting is considered the perfect hobby.
beautiful putt right there good birdie.
That's only the eighth birdie of the day.
Snuffles walks up to Jerry are sits there, looking at him
Jerry: What? Why are you looking at me? You want to go outside?
Outside? (Sigh)
Jerry opens the door to let Snuffles out but he still just stands there
Jerry: Outside?
Snuffles pees on the carpet while staring dead ice
Jerry: Are you kidding me?! Come on!
Summer: Oh, my God.
Morty and jinx hears their dad yelling and runs into the room to check up on him
Morty: What's wrong?
Jerry: Your idiot dog!
Morty: Oh, he he didn't mean it, dad. Did you, snuffles? You're a good boy.
Jerry: Don't praise him now, Morty! He just peed on the carpet! Bad dog! Bad!
Jerry grabs Snuffles by the head and stuffs his face into the pee puddle just as Rick walks in as Jinx drop kicks jerry then scratches Snuffles stomach.
Rick: Morty, come on. I need your help tonight.
Jerry: Hey, wait, hold on a second, Rick. You wouldn't by any chance have some sort of crazy science thing you could whip up that might help make this dog a little smarter, would you?
Rick: I thought the whole point of having a dog was to feel superior,
Jerry. If I were you, I wouldn't pull that thread. Come on, guys
Jerry: Listen, Rick, if you're gonna stay here rent-free and use my son for your stupid science, the least you could do is put a little bit of it to use for the family. You make that dog smart or Morty's grounded!
Summer: Ha-ha!
Morty: Aw, man! Wait? Why am I grounded and not Jinx!?
Jerry: as much as i am ashamed to admit i can't really control Jinx like beth
Jinx: you damn right fucker.
Rick: Boy, you really got me up against a wall this time, Jerry.
Rick goes into the garage and quickly whips up a helmet and comes back and puts it on Snuffles
Rick: All right, Ruffles What's his name?
Morty: Snuffles.
Rick: Snuffles, shake.
Snuffles understands his and shakes
Rick: Roll over.
Snuffles rolls over
Rick: Go to the bathroom.
Jinx: also finish jerry's crossword
Snuffles goes out of the room, a toilet flush is heard, and then he returns with a newspaper in his mouth which he hands me and i saw the crossword puzzle.
Rick: Yeah, you're at the top of your game now, Jerry. Have fun. Come on, guys.
Rick and Morty go into the garage)
Morty: That was fantastic, Rick!
Rick: Yeah, Morty, if you like that, boy, you're you're really going to flip your lid over this one.
Rick shows Morty a tiny metal ear-piece like device
Morty: W-w-w-what is it?
Rick: It's a device, Morty, that when you put it in your ear, you can enter people's dreams, Morty. It's just like that movie that you keep crowing about.
Morty: You talking about "Inception"?
Rick: That's right, Morty. This is gonna be a lot like that, except, you know, it's gonna may-(Belch)-be make sense.
Morty: "Inception" made sense.

Jinx: no it didn't
Rick: You don't have to try to impress me, Morty. Listen, tonight we're gonna go into the home of your math teacher, Mr. Goldenfold, and we're gonna incept the idea in his brain to give you A's in math, Morty. That way you can, you know, y-you're gonna help me with my science,
Morty, all the time.
Morty: Geez, Rick, in the time it took you to make this thing, couldn't you have just, you know, helped me with my homework?
Rick: Are you listening to me, Morty? Homework is stupid. The whole point is to get less of it.
We get into the space cruiser and start going off.
Rick: Come on, let's just get over there and deal with this thing. W-we're gonna incept your teacher. You're frustrating me.
We cut to Mr. Goldenfold is in his home, watching TV on the couch, eating nachos, half asleep looking like a bum.
Mrs. Pancakes: You don't know me!
Mr. Goldenfold:' Nice, Mrs. Pancakes real nice.
Mr. Goldenfold falls asleep just as Rick and Morty sneak in through his window
Commercial Announcer: Next week on "The days and nights of Mrs. Pancakes"
Mrs. Pancakes: You don't know me!
Mr. Pancakes: Then let me get to know yo, damn it!
Rick: Uh-oh! Spoilers!
Rick quickly turns off the TV
Rick: I'm a full season behind.
Jinx:same but powder is caught up which i still need to have a long conversation with her about
Morty: Actually Jinx i've been meaning to ask but where is powder?
Jinx: she should be on her way back from blowing up a federation base so you should see her when were done.
Rick puts inception devices on everyone and they enter Mr. Goldenfold's dream. Here, he is sitting on the airplane and Mrs. Pancakes is the flight attendant serving snacks.
Mrs. Pancakes: Wheat thins. Wheat thins.
Mr. Goldenfold: I'll take two.
Mrs. Pancakes: Oh, I think you've had enough, sir.
Mr.Goldenfold: You don't know me.
Rick: All right, Morty, time to make our move.
Rick grabs some sodas and a cloth while Mr. Goldenfold and Mrs. Pancakes play around with each other
Mr. Goldenfold: Make it bounce.
Mrs. Pancakes: No, you didn't.
Mr. Goldenfold: Oh, jiggle it now.
Mrs. Pancakes: You better stop with that.
(Rick and Morty jump out, disguised as Muslim terrorists, wearing soda bottles as bombs and Morty wearing the cloth on his head like an Islamic woman)
Rick: Allahu (Belch) akbar! We're gonna take control of this plane! We're gonna 9/11 it unless Morty Smith gets better grades in math!
(The passengers are frozen in shock, but Mr. Goldenfold gets up and stands against him)
Rick: Hey! I said nobody move, buddy!
Mr. Goldenfold: The name's not buddy. It's Goldenfold. Nice to wheat
(Mr. Goldenfold throws a bunch of wheat thins at them, and it cuts their flesh like shurikens)
Rick: Take cover, Morty!
(Mr. Goldenfold suddenly takes out two giant firearms and starts firing
them at the two, just after Rick and Morty hide behind the seats, sheltering themselves from the attacks.)
Morty: Ooohhh!
Rick: Goldenfold's got more control here than I anticipated. I mean, the guy teaches high-school math. (Belch) I didn't take him for an active dreamer. We've got to take him out so he wakes up, Morty but we can't get killed. If you get killed in someone else's dream, you die for real, Morty! Jinx! Show them how it is done.
I nod then hop out of my seat while the bullets miss me then when I touched the ground I made an ice shield and rushed at him while being barraged by bullets. When i reached 3ft in front of me i shattered the shield then pulled my fist back ready for a punch then before i made contact sparks of black lightning came from my fist then when i finally made contact bolts of black and purple lightning went everywhere and sent mr. goldenfold and a majority of the plane seats towards the front of the plane.
Morty: holy shit Rick! W-What the hell did he do!
Rick: that a technique he copied from one of anime called black flash it occurs when someone is in a state called "the zone" which is basically when someone has tunnel vision in the fight and they make energy sprout out a trillionth of a second morty! And makes a 2 times multiplier on their attack.
After i hit Mr.goldenfold with my black flash he started panic which made everyone panic and one of them opened the emergency door which sucked all the passengers out.
Rick: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoooooaaaa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoooooaaaa!
Morty: Whooooa! Whoooooooa! Whoa! Whooooooooaaaaa!
We all fall out of the plane, plummeting to their dooms
Rick slaps Morty to make him stop screaming
Rick: Relax, Morty. Look! Mrs. Pancakes has a parachute. Come on!
Rick and Morty grab onto Mrs. Pancakes are her parachute deploys while i just makes a mold tendral to which pulled me towards them and i gave them a bear hug to hang on.
Mrs. Pancakes: Hey, you don't know me!
Morty: Oh, no, Rick, look! Goldenfold landed the plane, and he's created a (Offscreen) mechanical arm to pluck Mrs. Pancakes out of the air while he lets us fall - into a giant vat of lava!
Rick: Pretty concise, Morty. Looks like we've merely prolonged the inevitable. That's it, Morty! Prolonging the inevitable! Listen, if we go into Mrs. Pancakes' dream, everything will go 100 times slower, Morty. That'll buy us some time to figure this out!
Mrs. Pancakes: You don't know m-
Rick slaps Mrs. Pancakes, knocking her out, and then incepts her dream with Morty and jinx.
Rick: All right, let's go.
Rick, Morty and jinx go inside of her dream which is a bizarre S&M dungeon filled with obscure gooey, monstrous, alien-like creatures
Morty: Oh, man, Rick, this is pretty weird.
Rick: Don't judge, Morty.
Jinx: ye despite what it looks like it's actually hella chill in places like this.
Morty: Wait, how do you know that?
Jinx: me and powder go to places like this twice a month .
Morty: Okay. All right, well Look, Mrs. Pancakes is right over there. I'll just go ask her to tell goldenfold not to kill us when she wakes up.
Rick: Whoa, whoa, Morty, the trick to incepting is making people think they came up with the idea. Listen to me. If we're gonna incept Mrs. Pancakes, we have to blend. I'll talk to you after lunch.
Rick leaves Morty while jinx went to mrs.pancakes and blends in and then Morty in confronted by a sexualized creature.
Sexualized S&M Monster: Ooh, hey!
Morty: Ooh, oh! Oh, man.
Many more creatures come up and try to seduce him, making him more uncomfortable
Sexualized S&M Monster: Come and join us.
Morty starts running
Morty: I'm sorry. No, no.
Sexualized S&M Monster: Ooh, come here!
Morty: No, thanks!
Giant Frog Woman: Ooh, wow! - Come over here, baby!
Morty: No, I'm okay.
Morty bumps into a human being who looks very hot)
Morty: Whoa!
The human is revealed to be his sister, Summer
Morty (Shocked): Summer?!
Summer: Hey, there, stranger. What do you think of these things?
Summer shakes her tits in his face
Morty: Ohh! Oh! Gross! Gross!
Morty falls over and backs away from her, covering his eyes. Rick comes up to Morty with jinx falling behind covered in kiss marks.
Rick: Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's the matter with you, Morty? Calm down! You're kind of killing the vibe in here.
Morty: It's Summer!
Rick: Aw, geez. Looks like Goldenfold has some predilections so shameful he buries them in the dreams of the people in his dreams, including a pervy attraction to your underage sister.
Summer: Can you blame him? Come on, old man, little boy, hot stuff. Let's make an inter-generational sandwich.
Rick (In Unison With Morty): Oh, my God. Put some clothes on for the love of God Summer! Put some - I'm gunna puke! I swear to God I'm gunna puke!
Jinx: shitttt i don't mind.
Morty (In Unison With Rick): Oh, my God! Put some clothes on, for Pete's sake! This is disgusting! I can't take it, Rick!
Everyone in the dungeon starts noticing them and then an angry centaur who is very much in charge shows up
Centaur: Sexual hang-ups in the pleasure chamber are punishable by death! Off with their heads!
Rick: Time to go another dream deep
Rick pops the neck of the centaur and they hook up more devices and incept his dream. Rick, Morty and jinx appear in a dark and horrid red rusted chamber where the Centaur is shuttering in fear
Morty: What the hell? Why would Mr. Goldenfold's dream version of Mrs.
Pancakes' dream version of a Centaur be dreaming about a scary place like this, Rick?
Rick: Geez, I don't know, Morty. Wha-what do you want from me?
A horrible Freddy Krueger monster named Scary Terry shows up, and starts to horrify them but Jinx gave him a strong right hook that knocked him back.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.