Chapter 1: Wishes
I stared blackly at my Dad's PA Davidson Clay, standing in front of me with his hands clasped in front of him, his lips were formed in a straight line waiting for me to speak up, but no words were forming up.
"Addy, say something ". He said for the uptenth time, but I just stood there staring at him.
"Mr Clay, I think Addy needs space to process all this". My nanny, Mama Abi said to Davidson as she escorted him out of my room, yet I didn't move a muscle, instead I just climbed on my queen bed, bringing the Duvet up to my head.
"Mrs Abigail, I don't think leaving her alone is a good idea, she really needs to understand the situation at hand". I heard the muffling voices from outside my bedroom.
"She is still in a state of shock Davidson, she needs time to process all this, I mean she saw him just an hour ago". Mama Abi said while Mr Clay only sighed.
I stretched my hand towards my bedstand, grabbing my phone as I turned it on dialing dad's number, it didn't go through but I didn't give up, I won't give up, I needed to hear his voice, I needed him to tell me that this is all a joke, I mean my Father Cole Jordan is a funny man, always full of jokes, so this might just be another joke or one of his pranks.
I tried his number many more times but it still didn't connect, angrily I threw my phone on the white marble floor and closed my eyes.
Opening my eyes I found myself standing in front of dad's grave holding a single flower, with an umbrella held up above my head by Mama Abi.
"Take it away". I mumbled almost inaudibly but Mama Abi was able to hear me
Though she had the urge to argue but yet she stepped back with the umbrella while the heavy raindrops poured down on me, damping my entire body, but I stood there motionlessly staring at dad's grave.
"You promised did". I said with my jaw clenched in anger, I could almost feel the veins in my head bulging out.
"I begged you to stay with me but you choose to go, leaving me with a fucking empty promise ". I yelled at the top of my voice when the tears finally dropped.
I suddenly dropped to my knees, my hands holding the ground for support as I poured out all of my emotions, while the rain poured down on me, but I didn't care, my mind was too occupied for me to even feel a thing
"Addy...." I heard Mama Abi's pleading voice behind me as she wrapped her hands around my shoulders pulling my head to her chest while I poured out my emotions.
"H....h...he promised". I said but Mama Abi only stroked my back without saying anything, probably for the best since no word can relieve me of the pain I feel in my clutched chest.
My Father Cole Jordan, was the only parent I have and he made sure to fill the space of both a father and mother
Growing up I never felt the absence of a mother since I had my dad who played both roles, so I never for once asked about my mother since I assumed she either died or he cut all contacts with her like he did with his own family, which made me wonder what exactly happened, but I wasn't a nosy kid so i never asked dad for details or anything of sought.
Being a successful business man and caring father he made sure I never asked twice for anything before getting it, even if he wasn't around most times as he had businesses to attend to he created time for me still, either with video calls or he takes me with him to wherever he goes along side Mama Abi who plays the role of a nanny and mother to me
....But now dad is gone, and this time it's forever
I could still remember that morning when he got a phone call and he immediately started packing his bags after that
I could recall the distress in his eyes as he woke me up from sleep that morning telling me he had some important business to take care of, but I didn't want him to go since he had just come back from another business trip the previous night, but dad pleaded for my understanding before i finally let him go but I had some unsettling thoughts within me which i discussed with Mama Abi but she only told me that I was thinking about things like that because I wanted dad staying with me.
"Addy, everything is going to be alright, mm?". Mama Abi said to me continuously stroking my head.
"Come on if you remain here you're definitely going to catch a cold". She continued while she gently took my hand which held the flower and placed it on the grave. "Let it go Addy". She said and I did just that while she carefully raised me up and directed me to the car.
"Mr Clay can you get me some towels, Addy is drenched". Mama Abi said to clay who quickly brought some towels which she used to clean my hair and body, with a larger one she wrapped me and pulled me to her body for warmth.
"Let's go, and turn on the heater". She said to Mr Clay, who did as he is told and turned on the ignition and the car accelerated.
As we rode inside the huge mansion, I looked out of the window, checking if I could catch a glimpse of dad somewhere so he could tell me it was a joke, even if it's been days since Mr Clay broke the news, I still felt like it was just a prank nothing more.
But to my dismay, I didn't catch any glimpse of dad but I could feel an eye on me, watching me as I looked out of the window
The air on my hand and neck stood in alert when I saw a dark figure staring at me through my bedroom window but when I blinked noone was there, maybe I'm just hallucinating.
"Are you ok?". Mama Abi held my shoulder causing me to flinch with fear.
"Addy are you alright?". She asked again, but this time I could sense the panic in her voice and eyes.
"I'm fine ". I whispered.
"Alright pumpkin, come on let's go in and get you a hot bath". Mama Abi said as she led me out of the car, making sure the towel around my body was still intact.
After taking a hot shower, Mama Abi came inside my room with a glass of hot tea, handing it over to me.
"Drink this first while I go make dinner". She said gently stroking my hair.
"You don't have to worry about that, I don't have the appetite for food". I said dropping the mug on the tray as I lay on the bed, dragging my duvet and covering my body.
"Addy...." Mama Abi sighed. "You're going to be fine ok?". She said while I only nodded without uttering a word.
"I'll be downstairs if you need me". She said about standing up but I quickly grab her wrist.
"Can you stay with me?, at least until dad comes back?". I asked.
She went quiet for while before sitting on the bed and stroking my hair.
I was not just going to give up on dad, I know somewhere in my heart that he can't be gone
Or maybe I just hope this is all a joke, this is just a movie, a nightmare that I would soon wake up from and let out a hearted laugh at the dumb stuffs I dreamt about.
I really hope it becomes a dream, as soon as I close my eyes and hear my alarm, waking up, I would realise all this isn't real.
.....I wish