Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 42


Whatever you say will be useless, Lilia sighed. We don’t suspect we’re right. It’s like I’m looking at myself before and I’m frustrated. Lilia snapped, about time, and turned her gaze only to the door of the classroom.

At the same time the door opens and the teacher comes in. Go on, and look like a prince. They were both confused by the different atmosphere in the classroom.

Lilia glanced back at Saila,

“This is a good opportunity, so let me be clear.”

Speak up so that you can hear the prince firmly. It was in the corner of my sight that the prince and the teacher looked at this one and frowned that it was you again.

“I’m not interested in that stupid prince anymore.”

Sarah opened her eyes wide to that curse, which she did not even try to hide, and the prince ceased, but soon began to blush.

“So I don’t want to make it clear to you that I’m next to that idiot.”

The prince’s eyes sit, and he walks over here. Lilia confirmed it and smiled at Saila.

“… eh”

Saila sits on the spot and the prince stops her leg. Lilia looked down at Saila and told her quietly.

You don’t need to be on my side.

Lilia takes her gaze off and looks to the prince. The prince has also looked back at Lilia.

“You, if you listen to me in silence, you can do whatever you want…”

“Oh, was I wrong about something?

blocking the prince’s words, Lilia asks so pleasantly. Before the prince tried to say anything more, Lilia offered the prince with a piece of paper he had left on his desk.

“What is this?”

Confused but receive, read the text written on paper. And soon, the look stained with anger.

“What is this!

The prince screams and looks around. Lilia told with pleasure as everyone strayed from sight.

“Your Highness. This was written by Serra Valdia there. I borrowed what Tina had.”

“What the…”

Stared at by the prince, Saila sends her gaze around to ask for help with a crying expression. But no one tries to look him in the eye. Because I know there’s nothing more I can do.

“As I leave the punishment of that one to His Highness…”

Lilia’s voice echoes in the quiet classroom. When the prince returned to me like he was angry, he glanced at Lilia again.

“Yes, you, the words ahead are too…”

“I’m not withdrawing.”

Lilia continues, ‘Cause, as the prince gets stuck in words.

“You’re supposed to have to protect Tina. It’s not that you know who you like, but at the same time you can be favored and hostile from around you. Make sure you understand that.”

“That shouldn’t be…”

The prince’s words did not last. The gaze falls to the paper at hand, without succeeding to the words. Lilia sighed openly,

“Your Highness, you trumpeted me and chose Tina. What would you do if you didn’t protect her?”

The prince looks up. Seems like he’s trying to say something, but he’s not in words after all. Lilia strayed her gaze,

“From what I’ve seen, you’re still a stupid prince.”

So cold I abandoned him and slowly walked out of the classroom.

– You’re free.

– Right.

After leaving the classroom, Lilia was walking without hitting the school building. I remember one act in the classroom as I walked, and I regret doing it again and again. Sakura laughs that she has no problem, but whatever she thinks, she won’t be a favorite behavior from people. Lilia can tell now.

– I wonder what will happen to that kid.

– If you’re talking about Saila, you won’t be able to be in this school first. There won’t be anything like being kicked out, but because no one will be able to help you more than you have turned Your Highness against your enemy.

This story will soon spread. Without a doubt, Saila will become treated as something she is not. You won’t be spoken to by anyone, you won’t be dealt with, you’ll live a lonely school life. It will depend on the person what they do afterwards, but they will escape from the school because of Sarah’s character.

– Hey, Lilia. This is just a suggestion.

– What is it?

– Is that her, Sarah? Let’s have it.

Lilia stopped her legs and frowned suspiciously. Why, when I asked,

– Somehow, I guess. I originally thought it was for Lilia, and I’ll be a good kid if I tell you about the area properly.

– Even though I’m the one who cornered him?

– That’s, well… I knew that was too much when this happened…… But I guess it’s okay. Speak up over the weekend or so, and I’m sure he will.

I decided to believe and follow Sakura, though in a way that doesn’t bother Lilia at all. Lilia herself and those three have been dating since she enrolled in school. Though he deserves it, he doesn’t have anywhere to think he’ll crush it here. Really a little bit, not as much as the shards, but I don’t want to help you.

– Yeah. Let me tell you something. Which is, you’re such a rare emotion…

– Honestly, it doesn’t matter.

– That’s Lilia, damn it.

It was a long way to go, and Lilia turned to the library because she had nowhere to go, tilting her neck at the grunt.

In the usual room in the library, listening to a sarcasm lecture in the same room with a no in Ray,

“I hear Liliane argued with His Royal Highness the other night at a club.”

Lilia froze into the words that Pompous and Ray leaked. But soon I dropped my gaze on the book to pretend I was reading, as if it was nothing. I try to pretend to be calm, but my cheeks are pulling without being able to hide them. Fortunately, Ray hasn’t noticed that because he’s looking at the material.

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