Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 234

A5 Relationship between the two Princes and Chris 3

night. The prince and Chris were in the prince’s room, sitting alone across from each other. There’s a cup in front of them, filled with tea. However, it seems that it is already cold, and the hot air is not standing.

The two are silent. I don’t open my mouth, just a quiet time flies by. There’s some strained air going on, but that’s never showing any discomfort with each other, it just seems we don’t know what to talk about anymore.

It’s not often that Chris and the Prince are alone. There were several times during the vacation, but at that time it was almost crushed by discussions of future plans, etc. I mean, it’s time to call it work, and I didn’t spend any personal time.

I mean, what do you mean?

I don’t know how to deal with it.

How long has it been since we’ve been alone? Considering the hot air was standing out of the cup at first, it should be quite a while.


The prince finally opened his mouth. Chris looks up and sees the prince. The prince let his gaze wander several times and eventually nodded and said.

“Well, how’s it going these days?

What is it? That’s what makes me want to scream. But Chris just showed a bare gesture to think for a moment, and immediately smiled and said.

“No problem. Sometimes Liliane has admitted that nothing has happened in particular”

“Right. If you need anything, I want you to say it.”

“Yes. Thank you, Your Highness”

Apparently, Chris can guess the content of that short question. If I could do that, I’d be surprised at what they’d both been coming to talk to me about.

But then again, he was silent. We don’t talk to each other about anything. After an earlier short conversation, we just put our mouths on the cup to moisten each other’s throats.

“Um, Your Highness”

Now Chris opened his mouth. I can see the color of determination in those eyes. Oh, I thought, Chris said in a complexion where I could see the color of the tension somewhere.

“Does Your Highness still like Tina?”

What a straight thing to ask. The prince is also stunned with his mouth open. Once he rang his throat, the prince looked closely into Chris’ eyes and said:

“Right. I like Tina. I’m sorry, but that doesn’t change.”

“Yes, it is, isn’t it”

Chris’ eyes are sadly lowered. But the prince went on, and Chris looked up.

“I don’t hate you. I hope I understand you at all for the rest of my life. That, what. so that I can love you, be.”

“I know it’s hard for me to say, but that’s not something I can do with my efforts.”

Dull, Chris laughed with pleasure. He didn’t seem uncomfortable, and his eyes looking at the prince were narrowed with tenderness.

“You don’t have to think you’re going to love me. Be honest with your mind. I have trouble seeing Tina.”

“There’s no way you’re going. I’ve been pissed off by Lilia before.”

“I don’t know if you’d like to give the names of the other women when you’re alone, do you?


The prince turned a blind eye to the appearance of bad luck. Even that appearance seems to be a smile for Chris.

“You don’t have to worry about His Highness. I’ll turn you around with my own charm.”

That said, Chris laughed invincibly. The prince was often taken aback and immediately grinned bitterly and shrugged his shoulders.

You’re invincible.

“Hehe. A woman in love is strong.”

“Oh yeah…… Hmm? In love?

The prince tilts his neck and Chris continues.

“Oh, didn’t you tell me? I admire Your Highness much more than I did at a very young age.”

When the prince puffs, he opens and closes his mouth. Unfortunately, there’s no sound, so I don’t know what you’re trying to say. The opposing Chris looked like a prank, and then he was smiling lusciously. This is the smile that’s going to embarrass me. With a smile in a different direction than Lilia’s, I think this scares me. It would be an effect surface, at least against men.

The prince also turned bright red in his face and turned that way to delude him. Uh, but, uh, it’s making a noise that doesn’t even make sense. If you want to say something, I want it to be clear.

Eventually the prince, with his head on,

“I didn’t know…”

“It’s a shame. I’ve been helping you ever since you were a child.”


“Yes, yes. Liliane used to admire His Highness. I’d rather hate it now though.”

“Oh, um. Liliane was easy to understand. I also have a cause for hatred. I deserve it.”

The prince laughs ridiculously. Does that mean I regret it a little? Though it may be a regret for the Great Spirit hating me.

“Now I know very well. I trampled Liliane’s heart. Apologize and not be forgiven.”

Apparently, Sakura’s existence is regrettable regardless. Can I forgive you a little then? I don’t need to rush to a conclusion, so how is it going for a while?

“Oh, I’m sorry. You talk about Liliane all the time.”

“No. I think it’s just right for the topic. If Liliane asks, she’s going to be pissed off.”

“Ha. Certainly.”

Two people laughing at each other for fun. Lilia seemed worried about the two of us, but this would be fine. Instead, if you’re listening any more, a little guilt is going to be something big.

Sakura, watching right next to the two of them, gently left the scene.

“Amama! It wasn’t, but I guess it’s okay.”

Sakura, who returned to Lilia’s room, reported so to the lord of the room. Lilia nods, says.

“I’m talking about me, although I have a few thoughts… Well, that’s fine. So if you two can get along, you can do whatever you want.”


I’m not stubborn.

That’s what Lilia said, and she turned that way. I knew I was obstinate, but I wouldn’t put it in my mouth. Instead, Sakura hugged from Lilia’s back.

“Request accomplished, right? Praise and praise!

“Yes, sir. Thank you, Sakura. Rarely.”


The only person Sakura can sweeten is Lilia now, so keep it sweet while you can.

Second, it reminds me of Chris and the Prince. I wonder if Lilia will marry any of them, but who will they be? Can I stay on my side then?



“If Lilia gets married, what am I supposed to do?”

When I asked, Lilia frowned suspiciously. This is still a serious question for Sakura. Lilia looked at Sakura for a while and said sighingly.

“You should stay next door. I refuse to be the one not to allow that…… What are you laughing at?”


………… Well, fine. ”

Lilia sighed, and in a small voice,

“I don’t know what I’m gonna do if I throw it outside, so I’m gonna have to keep an eye on it.”

“I hear you!?

“Oh, excuse me. It’s true.”


Bye-bye, and the two of us start making noise. Alisa, watching how it became the norm, had begun to prepare the Lord for bed without worrying because it was the usual.

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