Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 225

A3 Spirit Observation Record 2

Lilia left her room holding the puppy spirit. Sakura is in Lilia. To get to Tina’s room, head to the stairs.

I was about to go down the stairs, and the prince and Chris came up. While I’m just a little surprised, I take a few steps back to clear the way. The prince and Chris opened their mouths to say hello to Lilia just up the stairs, and when they saw what Lilia was holding, they were stunned.

But instantly restarted, the two gazed and Chris quickly left the scene. It would be a confirmation that no one is watching and a surveillance of whether anyone is coming. I think these two are a lot easier to break because they can move instantly just by looking at each other.

– Nevertheless, I wonder what suddenly happened.

– Yeah. You’re definitely the kid.

– What? Oh… You mean the Spirit?

– Yeah.

Seeing the prince’s face, the prince was staring at what Lilia was holding with a strange face. I realize Lilia is watching me, and the prince hurries to cough. Now it is.

“Liliane. What’s that? A doll?”

To the Prince’s question, no, I shake my head. At the same time, the puppy spirits shook their heads. The prince opens his eyes wide and causes his gaze to wander. As if I should say, have to say, or be lost. While annoyed inside, he patiently waited for the Prince’s words, eventually opening his mouth.

“Liliane. Bringing in a pet is just unacceptable. I’m sorry…”

“Spirit, though.”

“To the Ardis family mansion…… What?”

The prince opened his eyes so funny. I stole a look behind my back, and I guess I heard it. Chris was completely solidified, too. I know how you feel. But soon the prince regained his mind and took a serious look at the puppy spirit Lilia was holding.

“Are you sure it’s the Spirit? Seems a lot clearer…”

“It’s a spirit. I also admit Sakura.”

– So you treated the Spirit as a doll or a pet!

I see. When I told the prince the sarcastic words as they were, I blued my face while I saw them. Lilia stops the prince who immediately tried to bow his head. Lilia smiled bitterly at the prince, who frowned suspiciously.

“Because it is better not to know with the Spirit. If Your Highness didn’t understand, he’ll be fine.”

“Really…? But…… I’m sorry.”

The last apology is addressed to the Spirit. The puppy spirit tilted her neck adorably and shook her tail. Don’t worry about it, but the prince’s cheek was loose with an attitude.

“But how can you see it? I should not have been able to see the Spirit…”

Asked by the prince, Lilia was stuck in words. I don’t know if it’s an answer.

– Sakura.

– For once, keep it to yourself. Tell the prince I’m a secret.

Lilia nodded inside, returning her gaze to the prince.

“I’m sorry. Sakura taught me to keep it a secret.”

“Oh well…… I can’t help it.”

He groans openly and unfortunately, dropping his shoulders. Was it also for any purpose? The prince immediately regained his mind and told Lilia again.

“Liliane. It would be better for the Spirit to hide. If you don’t know anything, you look like a doll, or an animal. Either way, it’s not preferable.”

“Right. I’m in awe. So…”

“Oh, no! Just a little more, I want you to wait!

When Lilia tried to tell the Spirit to hide herself, she stopped like the prince panicked. Throwing an astonishing glance at the prince, the prince says, whilst looking a little awkward.

“Well, can I touch it, too, would that be a good thing?

“I know it’s okay…”

“May I touch it, too?”

Chris stood right behind Lilia when he was. Chris’ gaze is nailed to the puppy spirit. Lilia smiles bitterly, letting the puppy spirits go to the table on the side. As the puppy spirits stretched, they turned to Lilia and tilted their necks.

“Stay put for a little while.”

When Lilia said so, the Spirit shook his tail.

“Go ahead, then.”

When I say to the prince and Chris, they reach out quickly and only quickly. I’m surprised, like, that I’ve never seen two of them like that before, so it’s a little fresh.

– Hehe. That’s my puppy spirit. Everybody’s got to stop.

– I’ll admit it’s cute, but it’s time to do something about the name. It’s hard to call.

– Oh, right. I don’t know what to do……

Prince and Chris touch the puppy spirit and leak an exclamation exhale. It’s a fluffy fur I’ve never touched before. I think I know how you two react. But from the edge, I wondered if this was happening to me too, and Lilia reflected only a little.

– Okay, I’ve made up my mind!

Sakura voice. Apparently, he decided on a name. Keep it quiet and wait,

– Klausoras!

– Rejected.

– Mm-hmm! Bye, Needs Heg!

– Where do you get such a tough name from? Put something cuter on him.

– Then… Hades?

– Were you listening to people?

When Lilia sighs like a shudder, Sakura waits and waits like a panic, screams and starts roaring again. And

– Spill.

– Well… Maybe it’s a compromise. Where did it come from?

– Because I’m going to sleep.

– Let’s just say we didn’t ask.

Apparently Sakura doesn’t like naming. With a small sigh, I head to the puppy’s Spirit Rehearsal Spirit for time to go. Spill immediately perceived it and turned to Lilia.

“Your Highness. Is it time?

“Hmm? Oh, right. Sorry.”

The prince lifts his spiel and offers it to Lilia. When Lilia received it, she stroked her head before saying.

“Then hide yourself a little.”

Spill nods quickly and as soon as he does, he stares into Lilia’s eyes. I’m tilting my neck to see what’s going on.

– Lilia, because it’s already gone. Because I don’t see the two of you in front of me.

When Sakura told me to look at the prince and Chris, they were indeed about to round their eyes. I don’t really seem to see it, but I don’t know from Lilia, so it seems a little inconvenient.

“Your Highness. Don’t you see?

“Oh…… I’m fine. I can’t see.”

He leaks a small, relieved exhale, then bows his head to both of them and Lilia goes down the stairs.

– From now on, your name is Spirit.

I hear voices in Lilia’s head. And soon,

– Yes, thank you, Sakura.

Voice like a young boy. Lilia peeled her eyes off and stopped. Luckily no one was suspicious of Lilia like that because no one saw her, but Lilia was suddenly surprised from the bottom of her heart by the voice she heard. See the spirits you hold. Definitely Spill’s voice, but I can’t be sure.


When I called, I shook my tail and looked back.

“Can you talk?

“Yes, just the sushi, but I can do it”


“But at”

“Sounds like it. As always.”

That’s what I said, stroking his spiel, and I narrowed my eyes to make him feel good. Lilia nodded contentedly, too, and began to descend.

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