Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 155 + 156 ~Heavy NSFW~

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


“Lie back.”

She pushed on his shoulder, and Lucifer settled himself against the frigid cast iron tub.

If she wanted to go on an undersea adventure, he was game.

Her fingers deftly manipulated his sac, gently tugging and kneading the loose skin; she kept it light, her sure touch calming his nerves.

He could’ve taken it a bit rougher, but he was better off safe than sorry in such a sensitive area.

When she palpated his left testicle, his dick bounded out of the water and flailed about as if in need of rescue.

Hermione seemed to find that hilarious.

She giggled madly and patted his knob the way you’d pat a child on the head after he'd managed to tie his shoes correctly.

“Hello again,” she said, smiling brightly at his prick. “I missed you.”

Lucifer smirked and flexed his pelvic muscles so his dick brushed her hand. “He missed you more.”

She tickled her fingers down the back of his shaft then circled his sac and started back up. “Did that mean Mr. Zip leave you all sore?”

Lucifer’s eyes rolled back as she traced the edge of his corona with one delicate fingertip. “Yes, he did. I’ve been injured in the line of duty.”

With a featherlight touch, she shifted his foreskin up over his head then back down so his glans were tight and exposed. “I don’t see any abrasions.”

“Perhaps you’re not looking close enough.”

Hermione snorted and leaned in, her breath fogging his frenulum. “You’re all red and swollen; I can’t tell what’s injury and what’s arousal.”

“Start kissing it better, and I’ll tell you when you get to an injury.”

Snickering, she leaned in and extended her tongue as if she intended to lick him, but she stopped short, hovering a millimeter away so her warm breath enveloped his sex like tendrils of steam.

Hermione looked up at him with a wicked grin, and his cock jolted in her hand, struggling toward the wet shine of her tongue.

Just out of reach.

Keeping her eyes on his face, she lightly tapped his knob with her taste buds, dabbing away his pre-cum like a playful lioness.

His fluids sparkled on her pink tongue for just a moment, then she swallowed him down and went back for more.


Hermione smiled and placed a downy kiss to the back of his swollen glans. “All better?”

Hissing through his teeth, Lucifer shook his head. “Worse. You’d better kiss faster.”

She laughed and pulled his dick in for more, dispensing a wreath of five breathy kisses around the circumference.

“He still seems sad,” she teased. “I must not have found the right spot yet.”

“You’re getting warmer.”

“Hmm,” Hermione mused. “I could cover more ground if I kissed him with my other lips.”

Lucifer nodded, delirious with so much blood locked away from his brain. “Brilliant plan.”

Hermione released his dick, and it smacked him in the stomach with a wet splat.

Picking up the soap, she began to lather the bar under the water, and Lucifer silently stared at her for several seconds, confusion knitting his features.

Wasn’t she going to ride him?

She began to smooth the bar over her body, and while he found the sight stupendous, his cock was seriously starting to ache. “What the hell are you doing?”

Hermione smiled calmly and soaped her tits. “Preparing to give you a bath.”

“What happened to convalescing my cock?”

“Just give me half a minute.”

She rubbed the soap up and down her stomach then got on her knees and did the tops of her thighs.

Lucifer squeezed his knob a couple times to keep it from beating his pelvis to death.

What the fuck was she up to?

“I think you’ve missed an important lesson on bathing someone. I’m fairly certain it entails touching the other person.”

Hermione laughed and nodded as she set the soap back in the dish. “I was never told I had to use my hands,” she said with an enigmatic shrug. “Ready?”

“Ready for what? Rinse and rut?”

Hermione tapped his legs so he’d stretch them out. “Don’t be silly—I haven’t even washed you yet. Here we go.”

She bent down and pressed her tits to his hard-on, which he found extremely delightful.

Then with no warning, she flattened out and pushed off with her feet, suddenly sliding up his body like a greased eel.


Lucifer had to grab her by the shoulder to keep her from propelling herself straight out of the tub.

Her glistening tits briefly greeted his face before she sank back down to eye level.

When she saw his stunned expression, Hermione burst into gales of laughter and stroked his cheek.

“What the hell was that?” he sputtered.

Hermione kissed his nose and caught her breath. “I just wanted to see if it would work.”

“What? Turning me into a human soap slide?”

Her giggling returned, and she nodded. “Pretty much. Now everything’s nice and slippery.”

Reaching between them, she found his cock with her wet hand and positioned him at her entrance.

Lucifer gritted his teeth and held his breath as she wiggled him into the snug heat of her hollow.

“Watch this,” she said, her eyes alight with mischief.

Hermione pushed against the back of the tub, and the satin slickness of their bodies had her gliding onto his length like a perfectly oiled piston.

The warmth of her engulfed him, and Lucifer groaned as they melded into one.

She let out a sigh of pleasure and grabbed his shoulders, hauling herself in the opposite direction so her entire torso skated across his.

Using the insane slip of the soap to cut the friction, Hermione rode his length and buffed his body in one smooth move.

Maybe it was the weight of her body anchoring him amidst the waves, or the impossibly satin flex of her muscles working against him.

It was hard to tell with so many new sensations sliding over his senses.

Hermione must have loved it as much as he did, because she stopped giggling and started whimpering.

Lucifer wrapped his arms around her back and helped her move, countering her coasting by curling his hips and bouncing her back up.

He lost himself in her.

Apparently the path to enlightenment wasn’t found amidst chanting monks or atop a mountain of solitude—blissful samadhi could be attained with nothing more than a wet witch and Knut’s worth of soap.

Altered states could be induced with a series of soft kisses to the face. . . provided they were placed on the downbeat of every thrust, punctuating each pass with an ellipsis of loving.

His name became her mantra, and Lucifer found himself in a watery trance, floating on a high of hormones and infatuation.

“I’m getting closer,” she whispered. “How ‘bout you?”

An inarticulate groan was all he could manage on the first try.

“Good. Open your eyes. I want you to look at me when you come.”

He met her sparkling brown gaze and was immediately on the brink of losing his load.

She appeared to be rolling through a haze of desire, just like him. He’d never seen her looking sexier. “You’re so beautiful.”

Hermione smiled. “So are you.”

“No. Not like you. You’re fucking perfect. I think about you all the time.”

Her smile wobbled with surprise.

“I can’t think about anything but snogging you during the holidays—your lips pressed against mine.”

“Lucifer,” she whispered, touching his mouth. “You are so bloody sweet.”

He kissed her fingers. “Is that what you want?”

“Yes, of course. I think about you all the time too.”

Lucifer perked up. “Yeah? What do you think about?”

She pecked his lower lip before answering, “My pussy being fucked the whole day, while I am sitting in your lap, taking all the classes.”

His stomach flipped with excitement, and he couldn’t help fucking her a little faster. “What else?”

Hermione moaned and reached down to rub her clit. “It’s a recurring fantasy I have about sucking you off in the Great Hall.”

“Are you naked in your fantasy?”

With a delighted smirk, she nodded. “Usually. And you caned me after that for being naughty.”

“I’ve pictured the same thing.”

“Great minds think alike. What do we do in your version?”

Lucifer could feel her fingers dancing over her nub, and he grunted as her muscles gripped him even tighter. “I touch every inch of you,” he rasped. “Taste you. Sometimes I just curl into your back and rub my cock between your thighs, right up against your pussy.”

Hermione purred happily in his ear. “Mmmmmm, I’d like that. Sometimes I rub my clit against the bed and pretend it’s you.”

His abdominals clenched in pre-orgasmic warning, and Lucifer held his breath until it faded. “Please don’t say shit like that unless you want me to come right this instant.”

“I’m ready if you are.”

“I promise I’ll make you come again later, but I can’t hold off any longer.”

Hermione nuzzled his nose with hers. “Stop holding back,” she whispered against his lips. “Fuck me harder.”

Lucifer groaned and grabbed her arse, which was fairly dry after sticking out of the water for so long.

His fingers sank into her flesh, and he pulled her down as he thrust up, banging into her with unrestrained urgency.

Her panting stuttered and stopped, a breathless moment of stillness before the floodgates opened. “Unnnnnnh!”

That had to be the greatest word in the English language.

His balls began to ascend, and he flexed his arse in resistance, trying to outlast her.

Arching her back hard, Hermione mashed her clit into his pelvis, and her mouth fell open in rapturous relief.

As soon as he felt the first spasm, he let go, expelling what felt like gallons of semen into her welcoming body.

As requested, he didn’t close his eyes, and he was startled by the stark intimacy engendered by that one act.

He’d never realized how vulnerable he was at the peak of release, his body and brain no longer under his control, his inner world laid bare for anyone who cared to see.

But he saw the same thing in her eyes, a flash of transcendence as she fell under the spell of their union.

That shared surrender connected them like an ethereal cord, taking them out of time and suspending them in their own private paradise.

The exposure wasn’t something Lucifer was prepared for—but he couldn’t look away.

Spiraling down from their high, her cries fell silent as she gasped for breath, and Lucifer realized he’d been saying her name over and over, possibly shouting.

He had no idea.

“That was bloody amazing,” she muttered, dropping her forehead against his shoulder with a dull thunk.

His head was still spinning, so he simply nodded and wrapped his arms around her, using her strength to soothe his discombobulated senses.

With a contented sigh, she kissed his neck and snuggled into his embrace—which did nothing to calm Lucifer's erratic heart rate.

When they were both quiet and breathing normally, she looked up at him and idly let her fingers drift over his cheek. “Want to go back to our room and pretend you’re sneaking into bed with me?”

Lucifer nodded and caught her fingers with his own, bringing them to his lips for a kiss. “Can we play ‘naughty Hermione wakes Lucifer from his nightmare on the couch’ later?”

She burst into a grin and nodded. “We can play it first if you like.”


“Sure. Sounds fun to me.”

“Will you wear that one long nightgown you have?”

Hermione gave him a funny look. “What, the sleeveless cotton one that comes down to my feet?”

His fingers trailed along her flushed cheek. “You look like an angel in it.”

Her expression melted, an understanding softness settling in her eyes, and she blinked rapidly several times. “I’ll wear anything you like.”

Hermione seemed to be reading more into his words than he was saying, but he was too distracted to dwell on it. “I’ve always dreamt of shoving it up to your waist so you could ride me.”

Hermione sputtered out a surprised giggle and kissed his chin. “Sweet and perverted. My favorite combination. All right. I’d better get you cleaned up so I can get you all dirty again.”

Lucifer pulled her face to his and kissed her lips. “Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you.” 


Chapter 156

Hermione awoke some time after 2'o clock at night, a feeling of something not right.

She pulled her head backwards, to look around, currently lying on the bed in their shared room, but her cheeks frowned, when she realised a naked Lucifer wasn't there beside her.

She grabbed her wand and whispered, "Lumos," and a light shined from the tip of her wand.

She swung her feet out from under the covers and stood up, her angelic nightgown flowing down to her feet.

She exited her room and descended upon the Common Room.

It was eerily quiet to the point of being unsettling. "Hello?" She called out, but as expected, got no response.

She walked into the Common Room's center and felt her feet step in something.

She looked down, her wand lighting the floor, and she recognized it to be droplets of blood; there was a trail leading towards the exit.

She knew she shouldn't be out at night, but her curiosity, and being worried for Lucifer's safety overpowered her rational thought.

Hermione moved towards the portrait hole and walked out.

As the portrait closed, she turned to see the Fat Lady gone, "Great..." she ventured forth, having no real option now, other than to wait, but she wasn't going to do that.

She held her wand low so she could see the blood trail she was following.

It wasn't spattered all over the floor, though, it was sparse and you had to really be looking for it to follow.

Hermione didn't know how long she'd been walking for when the trail just seemed to disappear.

She looked around for any obvious signs of a hidden wall or something, but a quick check proved there wasn't one.

She sighed and turned to see a silhouetted figure about thirty meters away.

Even with her wand light, she couldn't make out who it was.

"Hello?" She called out again, not finding it very funny, "Who are you?"

She began walking forward to get a better look at the hidden figure's face.

When their face came into light, she almost dropped her wand at the sight.

The face was cut to ribbons, but she still recognized who it was, "L-Lucifer?"

He spoke in barely a whisper, she had to strain to hear him, "Run-" his head suddenly rolled backwards off his neck.

His body fell to the knees and eventually the floor to her left.

Hermione let out a blood chilling scream and now in front of her was a masked person, holding a bloody kitchen knife.

Hermione's first instinct was to run; if this person killed Lucifer, she had no chance against them.

She ran through the corridor and stopped to turn and look at her pursuer; he was walking slowly after her.

The soulless look in the blank eyes was spine rattling.

In desperation, Hermione casted Incendio at him, but when he caught fire, he continued unfazed.

All it did was burn the mask and his clothing a bit.

She turned and continued to run from him.

Hermione didn't know how long she had run for, but exhaustion was starting to set in.

She slowed some and panted painfully; her lungs felt like they were on fire.

She glanced around and decided to hide in a classroom.

She carefully opened and closed the door quietly when she didn't see her pursuer anywhere.

She hoped that he lost her. She found herself in the Arithmancy Classroom and she hid herself under Professor Vector's desk.

"Nox," she whispered, extinguishing the light from her wand.

She did it too late, though, as the door to the classroom opened a moment later.

She should've put the light out before walking into the classroom, but now she was trapped with a murder, and he brushed off magic like it was nothing.

Hermione placed her hand over her mouth to try and quiet her breathing.

She started to think her hiding place was too obvious, which proved to be true when the desk was thrown away like a useless piece of parchment.

Hermione turned and looked at her attacker and screamed as he brought his knife down, “Aaahhhh!!”

She awoke in her bed screaming.

Her dorm-mates woke up and rushed to her to make sure she was okay.

She looked at all of them, seeing they were okay, realising it was almost 5'o clock in the morning, after she returned back from their private quarters.

'Just a bad dream, Hermione.

Lucifer must be alright, I know it....'

“You scared the hell out of us, girl!”

“I'm going to bathroom. It's already near my wake-up hour!”

After she calmed down, they went back to doing whatever and Hermione threw her head back onto her pillow.

She sighed, not able to rest easily, until after witnessing Lucifer coming down from the boy's staircase.


Author's Note

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