Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 99 – Christmas Time!

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


By the next morning, the snow that had been falling all night turned into a Blizzard and in turn, all end-of-term Herbology and Care of Magical Creature classes were cancelled.

During their last class supposed to be, that being a canceled Herbology class, Harry was over next to the Fireplace in the Common Room, fretting over the two attacked victims so far, and was worrying about Justin.

Ron decided to challenge Lucifer to a game of Wizard's Chess while Hermione watched while reading a book at the same time, even seemed to be forgetting her arse was blocked with a plug for a long time.

Lucifer certainly teased her a lot over making a puddle on their shared bench, to which Hermione didn't have a retort, and just removed the evidence before leaving her seat.

He did promise about disciplining her bad habit of ruining the school's furniture.

She hoped he did.

Ron did well at the start of the game, or that's what he thought, because now Lucifer was currently destroying
his pieces one after another.

Giving Ron a run for his money, not that he had much anyway.

Hermione sighed exasperatedly, "For heaven's sake, Harry," she got his attention, "if it's so important to you, go and find Justin." So he nodded and did just that, leaving the Common Room.

Hermione settled back into her chair to continue reading. She looked up when Lucifer yelled triumphantly.

"Checkmate, Weasely!" Sure enough, he had put Ron's King in Checkmate.

Ron stared at the board for a solid two minutes, trying to find any way to get around it, but he eventually admitted defeat, "I told you last year, didn't I?"

He just grumbled, "Hermione, you wanna play?" He asked her.

"I suppose a game or two wouldn't hurt," she said and closed her book, Lucifer was ready to stand up, but Hermione's voice interrupted his legs, "No, I will just sit on you...."

It was noticeably warm in Lucifer's lap, Hermione pushed her head back into his chest, getting into a comfortable position, her small fingers now on the board, that stompered arse of hers deliberately grinding against his sleepy dragon.

It took Lucifer's every ounce of will power, to not drape over a blanket, and finger her pussy, while she did so.

'Some othe....'

"Don't even think about doing it"

'What the? Did she just-'

Even with Hermione watching and observing for minutes at a time, she still lost every game to Ron.

She huffed and stood up, "Never am I playing Wizard's Chess again," then went back to reading.

It was incredibly late when Harry showed back up, but by the time he did, the news about Nearly Headless Nick and Justin had already spread around the school, and Harry didn't have anything good for them, especially Lucifer.

"Everyone suspects you of being dangerous, with the glowing red eyes. The Hufflepuff's are weary of you, not as much as they are of me, since they think I'm the one attacking people, but still... you're not exactly their favorite."

"Eh, I don't live to please them," Lucifer shrugged and closed the book he was reading and yawned.

"It's late, you should probably go to bed," Hermione said, while looking at her boyfriend's cute face, "We can talk more in the morning, I heard most, if not everyone but us, the rest of Weasely family, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle are all leaving Hogwarts for the break."

"???" For a second, Harry didn't know whom she was talking to.

"....Brilliant, the use of the Polyjuice Potion just became that much easier," Harry said with a sigh of relief that something finally went right for them.

The next day, Hermione being in a hurry to complete the potion, mistakenly dropped the entire glass's worth of lava type Polyjuice on Lucifer's palm, while he was busy stirring.


Christmas had dawned, cold and white, and the Polyjuice Potion was now on its last stretch, another couple of hours and it'd be ready for them to test out.

Hermione returned to the Common Room from Myrtle's Bathroom and headed towards the boys dorm.

She walked into their dorm, Lucifer's present in her hands, opening the curtains around the bed.

Her heart felt pained, and utterly guilty for a moment upon seeing his hands.

The burns had almost completely faded, but since that day, she had helped him with simple tasks like eating and drinking, but she knew he had to suffer with using the toilet and bathing.

Hermione couldn't exactly help him with any of that, although that part of her wished she could.

She shook those perverted thoughts from her head and gently shook him awake, "Lucifer, time to wake up."

Lucifer groaned and scrunched up his face, opening one eye to look at her, not even caring that she was in the Boy's dorm, "Makima five more minutes...please?"

".....I'm sorry, but we have lots of work to do today regarding the Polyjuice potion, which is almost ready, and the best part is your Christmas Present I got for you," Hermione said gently and set his present down on his table.

'Who is this....Makima person? Is that his mum's name?'

She looked over and saw Rowena sleeping in her cage, while Eve was lying on her couch like usual.

She walked over and quietly put in a bird treat, did the same for Eve's and hoped they enjoyed the breakfast.

Then, sat on the edge of Lucifer's bed, her eyes glancing at the bulge, she wasn't able to take care of today, damn it, he was really making her go insane.

Lucifer himself sat up, running hands through his hair, and grabbed the present Hermione had set on.

He carefully opened the box and was genuinely surprised at what he saw, "This Hermione..."

"Listen, it's the money that my mum gave me for helping around the house over the summer, I'm free to spend it however I want. After my birthday, I Owled her and asked to use my money to get it. It was expensive, all of the good jewelry usually is," Hermione told him as he pulled out a familiar Silver Teardrop Necklace with a thin Silvery thread.

What was different, however, was the Marquise Cut Red gemstone set in the center, "I wasn't sure what your favorite color was, so I went with Red, I hope that's alright?"

"It doesn't matter what my favorite color is, I love this regardless," Lucifer looked up at her with a genuine smile on his face, "thank you, Hermione, truly."

Her cheeks tinged with pink as she looked away from him, "I'm going to wake them up now."

"Good luck," he smirked and put his necklace on, wondering just how much this cost.

She stood up and walked over to the window curtains, pulling them open.

"Wake up!" Girl yelled loudly.

"Hermione - you're not supposed to be in here!" Ron responded in kind, shielding his eyes to the light.

Hermione's own answer is throwing a nearby pillow at his chest, "I am here to give Christmas gift to Lucifer, and I'll have you know, I've been up for nearly an hour, adding more lacewings to the Potion. It's almost ready, by the way, another hour and we'll be good to go."

"What about my present?" Ron asked grumpily.

Hermione looked at him like he was the most stupid person in the world.

"Why would I give you a present?"

"We are not friends, you just always follow us everywhere...." Her retort was pretty harsh, she then looked towards the other boy's bed, "Harry, your present is under the tree..."

Ron mildly glared at her.

Harry shot up, suddenly wide awake, "Thanks....are you sure about the potion?"

"Well, Lucifer's the Potions expert out of the four of us, but I'm Ninety-five percent sure that it'll be ready in an hour, and we can turn into Slytherins to interrogate Malfoy," Hermione said with a smile.

"Who are we all turning into?" Ron asked, finally sitting up, looking around if there really isn't any gift.

"Crabbe and Goyle for you and Harry, doesn't matter which you choose. I'll be turning into Millicent Bulstrode, I'll just say that I came back after getting an Owl from my parents at the station or something. And so the real Crabbe and Goyle don't wake up and ruin our plans, I felt it best for Lucifer to keep them in check since he's able to physically take them on as well as magically," Hermione looked at him, hoping he agreed.

"That's fine with me, I'll make sure they don't ruin things for us if they do wake up before we get what we need, whether it's proof that he is or isn't the Heir... I still don't think he is..." Lucifer was feeling unsure about it being Malfoy, especially after his recent change in attitude.

"Yes, yes, so you've said," Ron said in an annoyed tone.

Hermione glared at him, but he didn't see it.

The rest of the Christmas presents were about what everyone expected, but Lucifer this year, received a Molly Weasley approved hand-knit sweater.

He couldn't think of any reason for this, or maybe Weasely's just wanted to leave a good impression, but it won't be polite to just send it back.

Lucifer noticed it may be a bit larger than his frame, but that was okay, because the moment he put it on, he felt a warmth he hadn't felt in a long while, the warmth of a Mother's Love.


Author's Note

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