Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 151 – Hagrid’s Lecture

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


After class ended, the Transfiguration class joined the crowd of thundering students towards the Great Hall for Lunch.

Hermione sighed when she looked at Ron's ugly face, “Didn't you hear what Professor McGonagall said?” she asked, while pushing a bowl of stew in Lucifer's direction.

Ron played with his food for a moment, "Harry," he said, looking over at him for the first time in about an hour, "you haven't seen a great black dog anywhere, have you?"

"Yeah, I have," Harry said nonchalantly, "I saw one the night I left the Dursleys."

Ron's silverware clattered on the table.

"It was probably a stray," Lucifer said calmly.

Ron looked at him as though he'd gone absolutely mad, "Lucifer, if Harry's seen a grim, that's- that's bad," he said, looking a bit paler than usual, "My- my Uncle Bilius saw one and - and he died twenty- four hours later!"

"Coincidence," Hermione said airily, pouring herself some pumpkin juice.

"Neither of you know what you're talking about!" Ron said, starting to get angry, "Grims scare the living daylights out of most Wizards!"

"Why? It's just a black dog, surely any witch or wizard would be capable of dealing with it, right?" Lucifer asked, now feeling very casual.

"A valid question, but to answer what you just said, Ronald; there you are, then," Hermione said with a superior tone, "they see the Grim and die of fright. It's not an Omen, it's the cause of death! And Harry's still with us because he's not stupid enough to see one and think, right, well, I'd better pop my clogs then!"

Lucifer began to laugh uncontrollably.

Ron, on the other hand, mouthed wordlessly at Hermione, who opened her bag, took out her new Arithmancy book and propped it open against the juice jug.

"I think Divination seems very woolly," she said, searching for a specific page to continue from, "A lot of guesswork, if you ask me. I mean, where in God's name did she come up with Lucifer's prediction?"

"There was nothing woolly about the Grim in that cup!" Ron said hotly.

"You didn't seem quite so confident when you were telling Harry it was a sheep," she replied coolly.

"Professor Trelawney said you didn't have the right aura! You just don't like being rubbish at something for a change!" Ron half-yelled.

He seemed to have struck a nerve, because Hermione slammed her Arithmancy book down and caused bits of meat and carrots to fly.

"If being good at Divination means I have to pretend to see Death Omens or Dangerous Omens in a lump of tea leaves, and listen to her talking shit about my Lucifer, I'm not sure I'll be studying it much longer! That lesson was absolute rubbish compared to our Arithmancy class," she began to pack up her things and looked over at Lucifer, “Com-”

His arms were resting below the table, and he was slightly hunched over. She looked at his food and noticed it was barely touched.

Hermione tapped him on the shoulder, "Come on."

Lucifer stood up, took another bite out of something, got another drink from a goblet, and grabbed his bag as well, following Hermione out of the Great Hall.

She turned to look at him after they walked out, "Sorry about that."

"No, no it's okay... but... I don't think Trelawney is that far off with her prediction for me..." Lucifer said, looking down at the slightly reflective floor.

"What makes you say that?" Hermione asked, hoping it wasn't serious.

"I'm not dangerous..." Lucifer looked at her instead, with hurt evident in his eyes,...“Am I?”

"Of course not!" Hermione said with vigor, "McGonagall is right, you are the kindest, most loyal Gryffindor who stands up for his convictions. You are not dangerous, you will not destroy buildings, and you won't turn green fields to grey. Okay?"

"Okay," Lucifer smiled at her, feeling like she told him the answers he so desperately sought after.

Hermione just shook her head, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him around the trees into a secluded spot.

She pressed Lucifer against the tree, and started kissing him. She frowned when he didn't kiss her back, causing her to grab his neck and deepen the kiss.

Hermione kept their lips together, only separating for oxygen, until the bell signalling the next lesson sounded over the grounds.

She smirked at seeing Lucifer's red face as he was out of breath,"Come on, we don't want to be late!”

Hermione said, grabbing his hand and dragged him towards Hagrid's Hut for his first lesson, with her giggling non-stop the whole time as he tried to heal the red mark she left on his neck.


The rain from yesterday had almost completely cleared and the sky was a clear, pale grey.

The grass was springy underfoot, but still damp from yesterday.

Harry was late as he forgot his book.

Ron wasn't speaking to either Lucifer or Hermione, which they were most thankful for. 

Hagrid had been waiting for the rest of them to show up, "C'mon now, get a move on!" He was yelling out to the slow pokes, "Got a real treat fer yeh today! Great lesson comin' up. Everyone here? Right, follow me!"

Hagrid led them around the edge of the Forbidden Forest and five minutes of walking, they came upon an empty Paddock.

"Everyone gather 'round the fence here," he called out, "That's it, make sure yeh can see. Now firs' thing yeh'll want ter do is open yer books-"

"How?" Malfoy asked in a cold, drawling voice.

Lucifer pulled his book out and opened it, causing Hermione beside him to look wide-eyed.

"Eh?" Hagrid asked, not seeing Lucifer with his open book.

"How do we open our books?" Malfoy reiterated.

"You stroke the spine, Malfoy,” Lucifer said, looking at page one.

Hagrid looked glad that at least one knew what to do.

"Oh, how silly we've all been!" Malfoy yelled quite loudly, "All you've got to do is stroke the spine!" 

"Was Morningstar tha on'y one?" Hagrid asked, confirming that Lucifer was the only one to get his book under control.

"Obviously he was the only one. Only a freak could have figured that out," Draco said to the chortling of his Slytherin housemates.

"Easy, Draco," He heard the older Greengrass say, “Tori doesn't like him being insulted.....You really do not want to be cursed again by her.”

"Whatever," Draco replied and stroked the spine of his book, as did everyone else.

"Right, wait here, and I'll go get tha Creature we will be lookin' at terday," Hagrid said, having lost his momentum just a bit.

"This place is going to the dogs," Malfoy said loudly, "that oaf, teaching classes. When my father hears about this-"

"Oh for the love of, will you ever shut up?" Lucifer turned and looked right at Draco.

Crabbe and Goyle didn't even bother to try and intimidate him this time.

"All you do is go on about your damn father like he will do something about it. Why is that? Are you incapable of not being a whiny spoiled ass brat?"

The entire class of Gryffindor and Slytherin gasped, “Yes. Finally, he saw Malfoy's true colours!” Hermione cheered a small fist in the air, then rubbed her cheek on Lucifer's back.

Before anyone else said or did anything, Lavender had squealed and pointed towards the end of the Paddock where Hagrid had gone.

He came back with several creatures that Lucifer recognized to be, "Hippogriffs?" he asked Hagrid.

"Beau'iful, aren' they?" Hagrid was beaming just looking at them.

"Indeed they are," Lucifer approached the fence, just as Hagrid said the class could.

The majority of them, however, backed off.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione joined him at the fence, “Don't go running off without me!” she chided him.

"Now," Hagrid said, rubbing his hands together, "Firs' thing yeh should know abou' Hippogriffs is they're proud. Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don' never insult one, it migh' be tha las' thing yeh do."

Lucifer was eyeing one in particular, and it was eyeing him.

"Yeh always wait fer the Hippogriff tae make tha firs' move, it's polite, see?" Hagrid looked back to the Hippogriffs a moment, "Yeh walk towards him, an' yeh bow, an' yeh wait. If he bows back, yer allowed to touch 'im. If he doesn' bow, yeh bes' hurry back a few feet. Them talons, they'll cut righ' through yeh. So, who wants ter go firs'?"

No one readily agreed.

Even the other 3 backed up a bit, but Lucifer stepped slightly forward, he kept eyeing one of the Hippogriffs, and it started to look angry.

"Oh, no, Lucifer please be careful. I- we don't want you to get hurt!" Lavender whispered, with Hermione glaring daggers at her as she did.

"Good man, Lucifer!" Hagrid cheered, but suddenly, one of the Hippogriffs reared back and began to charge.

"Buckbeak, no!" Hagrid tried to grab the reins, but Buckbeak didn't let it slow him down a second.

Lucifer's eyes started to glow red, Hermione noticed as she, Harry, and Ron all scurried away from the rampaging Hippogriff.

He thought the Hippogriff might have been like Rowena and just had to break the Hippogriff.

Unfortunately for him, the Hippogriff named Buckbeak didn't seem to care.

Buckbeak broke the fence and just before he was attacked, Lucifer casually stepped out of the way at the last moment.

It turned to look back and let out a sort of roar at him.

His eyes still glowing red, Lucifer tried to get the Hippogriff to capitulate and calm down, but it wasn't backing down.

Buckbeak continued his rampage of trying to run down the evil.

Lucifer stepped out of the way again, but Buckbeak was prepared for that this time and turned much sooner.

"Lucifer!" Hermione yelled as Buckbeak went to attack again.

Just as the Hippogriff went to bite off a chunk of her boyfriend's face, Lucifer stuck his hand out and it brushed against Buckbeak as he lunged at the young teen.

Buckbeak suddenly stopped his attack and calmed right down, almost immediately.

Lucifer's hand was on Buckbeak's neck, eyes still red, and he had sidestepped a little, staring into one of the creature's eyes.

The Hippogriff looked right at him with a near sedated look.

Anyone looking at them could see the wild creature is now finally being tamed.

Hermione was just about in hysterics, her hair frizzing a little from how hot
she got with worry.

She had clenched two fistfuls worth of hair; if she pulled any harder, she'd start pulling her hair out.


Author's Note

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