Chapter 23: CH.23
The following morning Harry made his way cautiously downstairs. He remembered the incident the night before, and felt rather embarrassed by it. Really he knew that he had nothing to be embarrassed about, but something about waking up screaming just did not sit well with the fifteen year old wizard. Well, it wasn't exactly macho was it?
Down in the kitchen, Harry found that only Susan was at the breakfast table.
She looked up as he entered and gave him a smile, followed by a bright "Morning."
Such behaviour immediately put Harry slightly on edge. So far during his stay, he and Susan had barely said anything to each other, far less exchange early morning pleasantries. Almost immediately he realised that she must have heard what had happened the previous evening and was now pretending like nothing had happened. The trouble was, it had happened, and that just make Harry feel worse.
Deciding to bite the bullet, Harry forced a grin onto his face and replied "Morning. Where's your Aunt?"
"At the office," replied Susan "She had to leave early."
"Right," he replied, and then his mind drew a blank as to what to say next. Finally he settled on "Well, I'll just gave some breakfast and then get out of your way-"
"Oh, you don't have to," responded Susan "Come on, you've been here for a few days now, and it seems like you'll be staying here the rest of the summer. We might as well get used to being in the same room as each other."
Harry blew out a breath and conceded "Yeah, you're right. We might as well get used to it."
He took a seat at the table sitting opposite from Susan and immediately a plate appeared in front of him, courtesy of the House Elves, containing three rashers of bacon, two fried eggs and two slices of toast.
Harry finished two rashers of bacon, an egg and a slice of toast before looking up and Susan and asking "So… used to it yet?"
She smiled slightly but shook her head in the negative.
"Yeah, me neither," replied Harry, twirling a few bacon rinds around with his fork.
He gave a sigh and commented, mostly to himself "Should probably get out of that habit…"
Susan looked up and asked "What habit?"
Surprised at the question, Harry took a moment before replying "I usually save the bacon rinds for Hedwig, but she's not here."
"Where is she?" Susan asked.
Harry bit his lip before replying "I don't know. I sent her to deliver a letter to a friend, but she never came back."
Susan frowned and commented "Well that is strange. It's not like a post owl to not return home. Even if injured, a post owl has just enough magic about it to find its way home."
Harry tilted his head to the side and asked "Owls have magic?"
"Those bred to be delivery owls do," replied Susan "How else would an owl know where to go if it is being sent to deliver a letter to a place where it has not been before?"
"Their magic enhances their navigation capabilities?" asked Harry.
Susan nodded and replied "Of course. They also project a slight aura, invisible to the eye of most people, which ensures that they don't get attacked by things such as foxes, cats, dogs, eagles, buzzards and the like. Even magical creatures like a dragon or griffin will leave them alone."
"Huh," said Harry thoughtfully, leaning back in his chair "I never knew that. So the only thing that can harm a post owl would be…?"
"Bad weather usually only ruffles them," replied Susan "But they can still have accidents. But the biggest threat would be-"
"A person," Harry finished for her "Well, that doesn't bode well for Hedwig."
"Did your friend get the letter?" asked Susan "If they did, it might help you tell what happened."
"No idea," replied Harry "I haven't been able to communicate with anyone since."
"Could you not have borrowed Ron's owl?"
Harry hesitated for a moment before deciding to tell her the truth "Ron and Hermione seem to have abandoned me this summer. It was Hermione that I had sent Hedwig to. Neither of them had replied to any previous letters, and then one time Hedwig just didn't come back."
Susan scowled, clearly not liking the sound of that "Well from that it sounds like Hermione might be keeping Hedwig locked up. But why would-"
"It fits, actually," replied Harry "Ron, Hermione and a couple of others, including Professor Dumbledore, have all stopped communicating with me. Locking up Hedwig would be a good way to put an end to my attempts to contact them."
"You make it sound like someone has put a communication block on you," commented Susan.
"It certainly seems that way," replied Harry "Dumbledore stepped in so far as to get me a trial, but apart from that, I've been abandoned. No letters, no support for the trial, nothing. Everyone I thought I could contact and confide in appears to have just dropped me."
"No one came to help?" asked Susan, sounding incredulous "Aunt Amelia mentioned that your trial went before the Wizengamot and that was bad enough. Was there no one to speak in your defence?"
"No one," replied Harry. Although the trail was a depressing subject, and although he and Susan had not had always seen eye to eye, it was nice to see her getting indignant on his behalf.
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