Harry Potter: Ero World

Chapter 118 – Amelia Bones! Part-1

{Abandoned Classroom, Hogwarts}

{5th Oct 1991} 

{Susan Bones POV}

"Alright, so I'll make this quick. I kind of know the location of the fugitive who is accused of being a mass murderer and is on the run..." Rigel trailed off, but his words had already gotten her attention.

Susan paused as she stared at Rigel's stoic look; his face gave nothing away, but his behavior and this meeting made her put some stock in his claims. 

'According to the rumors, he is either Sirius's son or his nephew; at any rate, the possibility of Sirius attempting to contact him would make sense. Still, why would Sirius think like that, unless he hadn't heard or read the newspaper that has tried to clarify Rigel's parentage...' Susan thought. Her line of thought made sense to her, but she still couldn't comprehend why Rigel would give Sirius up, even if it was the right thing to do, and harboring a fugitive was a crime.

'I'm sure he would have gotten more out of keeping a death eater hidden, especially one who was known for his dueling prowess... unless he is completely against the conservative policies.' Susan concluded.

From the minute Rigel was introduced into the wizarding world, he has been seen with members of families who belong to the conservative side, with rumors of him having sexual relations with Pansy Parkinson and Evelyn Rowle and even some whispers of a hidden relationship with the Greengrass heiress.

Her aunt had asked her to see if Rigel could be integrated into the more progressive side, but when he was sorted into Slytherin, most of them had given up on that. But this was likely a chance, a chance to swindle some votes from under the Conservative's noses.

While she was thinking about politics, it seemed like Rigel got tired of waiting for a reply as he tried to persuade her, "Listen, I know you don't want your studies and your personal time to be disturbed, but I'm kind of in a bind right now. From what I have gathered, your aunt, Amelia Bones, is not only the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, but according to my research, she is one of the few people in the government who are not corrupt."

A swell of pride emerged in Susan as Rigel praised her aunt. Her aunt had been a role model for her growing up, and although she was exceptionally strict with her at times, she had made sure that Susan never felt the need to be disappointed and feel like an orphan.

"...I'm not asking for much, just a favor that I promise I'll pay you back." Rigel finished his little speech with his offer. The favor compounded on top of everything was just too tempting to ignore, and Susan felt herself nod.

'I would have agreed anyway, plus I'm quite curious about how Sirius contacted him. Did the mass-murderer really infiltrate the Gryffindor common room a couple of weeks ago? Wait, does that mean Rigel has known about Sirius for a couple of weeks now?' Susan looked at the boy in front of her; she needed to respond as he was looking at her, waiting for a response. Her aunt had berated her a lot about this habit of hers; she liked to analyze things, and thus, most of the time, she was lost in her own thoughts.

"I'll arrange for a meeting. I would say it would take some time, but from what I know about the situation, I'm sure Aunty Amelia would rush to meet you tomorrow at the latest," Susan responded.

She saw Rigel nod, and after a moment, he said, "Thank you. I owe you one." 

"Alohamora," the Slytherin chanted, and the lock clicked open. He looked back at her, gave her a small smile, and nodded.

Seeing the Slytherin walk away Susan took a sigh of relief, the tension that was building in her was gone as she hurriedly took a couple of steps and walked back toward the library. Her thoughts flashed back to the liberal use of magic that Rigel used.

'I can see now why the girls in the rumor mill are clamoring about him, he has good looks, plus he's good at magic and is first in our year. Plus, with his impressive family background, something like this was bound to happen... Though I wonder how many of those rumors are true, I can't see someone like Daphne open to sharing...'

Her thoughts bounced along a tangent as she walked back to her table. She could see Hannah's mischievous look on her face and knew that she needed to talk to her before tonight, or else tomorrow morning's tales of how Susan was Rigel's newest conquest would spread throughout the castle.

"What did he want?" Ernie asked, and Susan had to suppress her annoyed look. Apparently, the blond had somehow gotten into his head that she belonged to him, and he had been fighting with Zachery about it. Although it has been entertaining to see the two boys fight over her, it is now becoming a little annoying.

"Nothing that concerns you. I need to go back to my room; there is something I need to do. Hannah, I'll talk to you later..." Susan finished with a glare at her friend. Only when the blond put her hand up with an innocent look on her face did she turn around and start walking back to the Hufflepuff common room.

"Yeah, you were right, she looked flushed, they definitely made out..." She heard Hannah start teasing Ernie. 

It took an effort not to walk back and whack her friend on the head, but right now, she had something more important to do. Sirius Black's escape had put her aunt in a difficult position, and even her standing with the Ministry was a little shaky right now.

This opportunity that Rigel had provided her could solve all of her problems in one go. Getting a little excited, Susan walked through the Hufflepuff common room and into her room. She quickly walked over to her desk and pulled out a roll of parchment that looked quite old. She quickly opened her ink pot and started writing on the piece of paper.


'''Aunty!!! Rigel Black contacted me today, seeking your help. Apparently, he knows where Sirius Black is hiding. He is requesting a meeting with you, and I told him you would likely meet him tomorrow. Tell me if you want something arranged.'''


AN - The parchment is a slightly modified magical artifact like the mirror that Sirius gave Harry!

Sorry for the late chap. My new colleagues organized a party because of the end of my probationary period. I'm still a little hungover. See ya tomorrow; regular updates are returning from today as promised!

P.S- 50+ chapters ahead on P.atreon

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