Harry Potter: Ero World

Chapter 112 – The Fallen House! Part-2

{Master Bedroom, Malfoy Manor, Unplottable}

{1st Oct 1991} 

{3rd Person POV}

Narcissa stared at Lucius in muted disbelief. Hidden behind her stoic face were several emotions bubbling under her calm facade. Still, even when she tried so hard not to lash out, some incredulity did seep into her voice: "So essentially, you want me to seduce Rigel? He's 18, Lucius!"

Narcissa stared at Lucius. Even though she had given up on her broken marriage, she expected Lucius to do better. Wasn't he supposed to be smarter than this? Had all of his schemes failed already?

"Didn't you say that he was enamored by you during your first visit to the Gringotts? We need to use every chance we can have before Halloween. The date the ring should be delivered to him is not far away. After that, it would become very difficult to get it from him legally." Lucius admitted as he had a frustrated expression. His hand ran through his hair as he tapped his cane lightly on the floor, signifying his impatience.

"What about the Diary? Wasn't that supposed to be our main plan?" Narcissa asked as she fought against her own thoughts and emotions. It had been quite a while since that day, and no matter how she tried, she wasn't able to forget those feelings. Ever since her first ritual at Hogwarts, she had favored being more dominant in bed. 

That day, however, Rigel used her body for his own pleasure, and no matter how much she tried, the ache that he had left behind was difficult to extinguish. The reason she was holding her wedding dress was because of the fantasy that Rigel had painted. She wanted to dress up as a bride and skewer herself on the large dildo she had bought.

'Lucius wants me to use my body to make sure his family remains in power...' Narcissa easily concluded. He must be on his wit's end as he had never before tried something like this. Even if he was an asshole and an adulterer, and she was just a trophy wife, her allure and charm were something that quite a lot of men were jealous of. Lucius has, to date, never asked her of something like this.

'His reputation is everything to him, and according to Rita, he is bleeding money and can't take the drain much longer. With each article of Rita's, the supposed dissatisfaction with the director of the Daily Prophet keeps increasing, and so does her cut of the bribe that the director is getting.' 

"I don't know, but the Diary will work. It just needs more time, and we need more precautions. If the heir ring is delivered to Rigel, Draco would not be able to inherit the title, and only Draco's son would be eligible to take over the finances of the House Black. We would have to get rid of Rigel, which would tank our reputation as well," Lucius reasoned. 

He was indeed telling the truth due to how the heir rings work. Each generation can only have one official heir alive and one Lord, so once Rigel gets recognized as the heir to the House Black, Draco's claim to the heirship will be over. Draco's son would then enter the contention for the next heir ring, but for that, Lucius would not only have to kill Rigel but also any of his progeny.

'And seeing how sexually active the boy is, that would not be an easy task.' Narcissa shuddered slightly as her mind fled back to the moment in which she was pinned down and fucked.

"So you want me to seduce him so that you can proclaim an honor duel?" Narcissa asked. The plan wasn't bad. If Rigel did sexually assault her, then Lucius had full rights to demand satisfaction for his besieged honor. These old laws aren't used anymore, as many purebloods now use different ways to bully Muggle-borns.

"Yes, I can 'accidentally' kill him in the duel. If he is incompetent and can't deal with a slightly overpowered bombarda, even though the progressive side would make a fuss, they can't actually deal with us as we would once again secure the votes of House Black..." Lucius spoke. He was already lost in his thoughts, likely dreaming about his victory.

Narcissa suppressed her urge to snort and said, "I'll think about it." Even though she wanted nothing more than to run back into Rigel's room, she had her pride. No matter how flimsy it was, she didn't want to accept it immediately.

"There is no thinking about it. You will do this!" Lucius spoke, his glare serious as he stared at Narcissa. The defiance in Naricssa's eyes was clearly there, so he continued, "This is an order from your head of the house. Otherwise, your shopping trips and all the luxuries that you enjoy would be cut off."

Narcissa stared at her husband with narrowed eyes; if he thought he had any power over her actions, then he had another thing coming. The only reason she doesn't blatantly disobey Lucius is to keep up a facade, but she wasn't a Knockturn Alley whore that Lucius could command. Her wand was on the bedside table, so she walked over to it, picked it up, and turned to the blond bastard who was staring at her.

While he might try to have the false sense of reason that he could command her, she didn't mind correcting it, "Bombarda~" The first spell that came to her mind was the one that Lucius had just spoken about. Lucius hurriedly put up a shield, but he was blasted away. He was not ready for a fight all of a sudden. 

In her anger, Narcissa overpowered the spell, and the magic, having picked up on her anger, blasted Lucius into the wall next to the door. 

"Fuck~" Lucius grunted as he tried to use his arms to stabilize. Narcissa stared at his ineptitude for a moment before saying, "Get out of my room."

Lucius stared at Narcissa. He hesitated momentarily as he stood up and backed out of the room. He hesitated before he repeated, "Do as you are told by the end of the wee-"


With a wave of her wand, the doors slammed shut. Lucius's sentence was cut off as Narcissa stared at the closed doors for a second before she walked over to her wardrobe once again. It didn't take her long to find the flimsy piece of white sheer lingerie that was stored inside of it.

Narcissa stared at the intricate piece of flimsy clothing that she had worn on her wedding night and started undressing.

'If he wants to use me like a trophy wife, then that's what he'll get...'


AN—Time would soon move quickly, and a few more events would happen before the big finale on Halloween!

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