Chapter 51: A New Year Ahead (V) (CH - 71)
Ding, ding, ding.
McGonagall tapped her cup sharply, the sound ringing through the hall and instantly silencing the students' excited chatter, causing the four long tables filled with hundreds of students to turn toward the staff table in unison.
Now seated to Dumbledore's left, the Deputy Headmistress stood up, her calm and confident presence instantly drawing the room's attention.
"Before we start with the feast, the school's Headmaster would like to say a few words," she said, smiling kindly at the students before sitting down.
Just as she sat, Dumbledore stood up from his majestic chair. His eyes moved from left to right, passing over every table.
"I have a few start-of-term notices that I wish to announce... First-years, please note that the Forbidden Forest is strictly off-limits to all students... and a few of our older students ought to remember that, as well."
Maverick observed the students as the hall listened intently to the Headmaster's words. He couldn't help but wonder how many of them actually took his warnings to heart.
"No magic is to be used between classes and in the corridors," Dumbledore continued. "Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch," he gestured to the elderly man sitting at the far left of the staff table, "has asked me to remind you that the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to anyone who does not wish to die a most painful death!"
The silencein the hall grew eerie, as a few hushed whispers echoed the space.
Dumbledore paused again, either for dramatic effect or perhaps to observe the students' reactions—Maverick wasn't sure. His mind drifted back to a memory from his previous life upon hearing the last warning given to the students.
He vaguely remembered from the Harry Potter movies that the old wizard had asked some of the teachers to help set up security measures in the forbidden third-floor corridor. Even Quirrell himself had assisted with the traps.
However, it seemed that nothing of that sort had happened here—not that he knew of, anyway. He hadn't been called upon for such a task, nor had it been mentioned by any other teacher to him.
It made him wonder—was it that Dumbledore didn't trust him, or had the Headmaster simply chosen not to include him in his little game with Quirrell? Either way, Maverick wanted nothing to do with it and was glad he had not been involved.
Dismissing his thoughts, he refocused on the present as the initial warnings and advice came to an end, and the new announcements started. Dumbledore had just finished introducing Quirrell as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and the students' enthusiasm was sparked once again.
The hall erupted into applause, some students standing and others even whistling. The noise continued for a while, gradually fading into silence only when Dumbledore raised his hands in a gesture, gathering everyone's attention.
"As you may have heard," his voice resonated through the vast hall, "Hogwarts has reintroduced the ancient and esteemed subject of Alchemy into its curriculum." He let the words hang in the air for a moment.
The mention of Alchemy sparked a ripple of murmurs across the tables, with students exchanging whispers filled with curiosity.
"And with that," Dumbledore continued, "we are honored to welcome one of the youngest and most accomplished alchemists of our time. A master in his craft and an innovator who has chosen to share his wisdom with us."
He turned, and gestured toward Maverick.
"Professor Maverick Caesar... please join me in welcoming him to Hogwarts."
The hall erupted in thunderous applause, the sound rolling through the room like a tidal wave. Maverick felt the weight of hundreds of eyes on him as he stood from his seat, offering a polite smile to the Headmaster before inclining his head in a courteous nod to both the students and staff.
The applause lingered, louder and longer than the previous announcement, before gradually subsiding into a respectful silence once more.
"I trust that Professor Caesar's time here will inspire greatness in all of you... But that is not all." Dumbledore paused, sweeping his eyes across the four long tables. "Some of you may have noticed that this year we've introduced a new elective course. For those sixth-years who chose to take the subject, the new course, Muggle Science, I am pleased to announce that Professor Caesar will be the one leading it as well..."
Another round of applause echoed through the hall, and after a moment, it came to a sharp halt as the Headmaster raised his hand.
"Now, for the last, and perhaps the most exciting announcement for you children before we begin the feast," Dumbledore said, turning to Maverick. "I would like to call on Professor Caesar, the man behind the ideas you're about to hear, to explain them to you all." He gestured for Maverick to stand before taking his seat, while the applause rose, now mixed with whispers of curious excitement.
Maverick stood to his feet, nodded politely to the Headmaster, and focused his attention on the hall of students. The applause slowly faded into a hush silence as every witch and wizard, student and professor alike, turned their attention to him.
"First of all, I would like to add a little something to the Headmaster's last announcement..." Maverick's steady, calm voice echoed, amplified throughout the hall.
"For the Muggle Science elective, students from any year... whether you're a first-year or a seventh-year... are welcome to sit in my class, as long as it doesn't conflict with your other lessons." He glanced at Dumbledore, who nodded in affirmation, then turned back to the students.
"Now, with that out of the way, let me share some details about the exciting event we have planned for this year."
The students all perked up their full attention on him, causing the hall to fall completely silent.
"This year, there will be a Quidditch tournament held at the school, separate from the traditional four-house tournament. This additional tournament will feature a single all-star team, made up of students from all houses, who will compete in an inter-school tournament against other schools."
"The tournament will begin at the end of November, with the participating schools being Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Durmstrang Institute, Koldovstoretz, and, of course, Hogwarts."
Maverick did not let the applause begin and continued his speech without pause, keeping the excitement already bubbling in the students' eyes from fully erupting.
"The team selection will start one month from now, with the list to be finalized before Halloween."
"The tournament will be hosted by Hogwarts this year... however, starting next year, it will be held at different schools, selected through a fair and random draw."
"Now, I'm sure you have many questions about this sudden announcement, so I invite the prefects from each house, along with the Quidditch team captains, to come to my office this Saturday after dinner. I will clarify any doubts and provide a more thorough explanation of everything, and after that, you can share the details with everyone."
"Now, I don't want to keep you all starving, so that will be all for now on this matter." He gestured to Dumbledore to take over and announce the start of the feast before sitting down.
But before Dumbledore could even stand, the hall erupted into a tsunami of applause, mixed with loud chatter from all four tables.
Dumbledore, who had been about to stand, paused mid-motion and sat back down, allowing the hall to settle. He cast a helpless glance at Maverick and sighed. After a moment, when the applause finally quieted, he rose to his feet, amplified his voice, and cleared his throat, finally bringing the hall's attention to him.
"Thank you, Professor Caesar," Dumbledore nodded to Maverick, a gesture on behalf of the school. Then, with a warm smile, he spread his hands toward the students and added, "Now, let the feast begin!"
The moment those words echoed through the hall, the empty golden plates and cups magically filled, and the room erupted into lively chatter. Most students eagerly discussed the newly announced Quidditch tournament, while only a handful mentioned the two new courses. At the same time, they eagerly dug into the spread of mouthwatering food and drinks that seemed to materialize out of thin air.
At the staff table, Dumbledore turned to Maverick seated beside him, and gave him a grateful glance as soon as he sat down. "Thank you, Professor, for keeping it brief..."
Maverick nodded, returning the smile.
Just then, the staff table's empty plates began to fill up as well with delicious food and drinks, causing everyone's faces to brighten with smiles.
With Dumbledore taking the lead, everyone eagerly dug in, enjoying their meals while engaging in conversations with one another.
"So, how confident are you that this event will be a success, Professor Caesar?" Professor Aurora Sinistra, seated next to McGonagall, asked curiously, leaning forward and casting a sideways glance at Maverick.
Maverick turned his gaze to the Astronomy professor. "Very confident. My company will be releasing a new product at the end of this month called Magic Vision. It's inspired by Muggle television, but far superior. The picture quality is many times clearer, and it will be used to broadcast the tournament worldwide, giving the participating schools unparalleled exposure in the magical community."
"This will not only heighten the excitement surrounding the event but also bolster their reputation by highlighting their athleticism, skill, and dedication to magical sports, earning them greater recognition within the wizarding community."
"Also, uniting students from different houses and schools will cultivate stronger camaraderie. It will bring them together in pursuit of a shared goal, fostering a sense of pride and belonging to their respective schools."
He paused briefly and seeing the witch nodd in agreement he added while turning his focus back to his plate in front of him. "There is also the bennifits of Cultural Exchange. Hosting teams from different countries and backgrounds would allow students to learn about each other's magical traditions, cultures, and playing styles. This could lead to cross-school collaborations and the sharing of knowledge in other areas as well."
"And like i said, this event will be broadcasted to a lot of eyes. Outstanding players could gain recognition from professional Quidditch teams or sponsors, potentially earning scholarships or professional contracts. This would raise the profile of each school's athletic program."
"And finally, the tournament would serve as a way to strengthen ties between rival schools, creating a friendly atmosphere for competition. It may also provide a platform for resolving old rivalries or misunderstandings in a healthy, competitive environment."
All the professors, except for Dumbledore and McGonagall, widened their eyes in genuine surprise. Everything Maverick had mentioned—and more—had already been detailed in the proposal he had submitted to the Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress.
It was this thorough presentation, full of facts and data, that had convinced Dumbledore and McGonagall to support the idea. Without it, they wouldn't have spent the entire holiday visiting other schools, tirelessly working to persuade them to participate in the event.
"That... is very eye-opening, Professor. Truly, what you've introduced will no doubt go down in the history of this school... no, in all of wizarding Europe," Professor Sinistra remarked, finally convinced after hearing all the facts.
"But... you're also using the school and the tournament to promote your business, aren't you, Professor Caesar?"
Maverick caught the emotionless voice coming from the far left side of him. He looked over to see Snape, who was cutting into the food on his plate, arching a brow at him glancing in his direction.
Maverick wasn't particularly close to the potions professor having interacted with him only a few times since joining Hogwarts. His bluntness didn't bother him, especially since Dumbledore and McGonagall had already approved the arrangement—albeit with certain agreements in place.
"It's a fair deal," Dumbledore interjected before Maverick could respond. "Professor Caesar is sponsoring the tournament in its entirety, covering all expenses."
This made all eyes turn to him once more, prompting him to have to say something in return.
Maverick sighed, taking a brief moment while his gaze swept across the table and then began to speak. "I am a businessman, ladies and gentlemen. Of course I'm going to use this opportunity to showcase my products. But as the Headmaster pointed out, this will not be a loss for the school... My company will bear all costs... from organizing the event, to food, to even providing the brooms and jerseys for the students of Hogwarts."
He paused for a moment, making sure they understood well enough not to raise the question again, then continued with a smirk. "Besides, I guarantee you that in two or three years, companies will be practically crawling over each other to get a piece of the action, lining up to beg the Headmaster for sponsorships."
With a chuckle, Maverick glanced back at Snape, locking eyes with the man to see if he dared to use his favorite skill on him to check if everything he'd said was true. Snape didn't, or rather, he just didn't have the balls to try it on an adult, preferring to stick to intimidating children instead.
Maverick didn't have any personal grudges against the greasy bat. In fact, he even felt a bit of sympathy for the man, especially considering how his story ended in the original story. However, that didn't mean he agrees of Snape's immature behavior, like blaming a son for his father's mistakes or being a complete dick to every student who wasn't in Slytherin.
He was here to change this outdated, decadent ways of the school, and to do that, this man-child behavior of Snape was the first thing that needed to go.
Brushing the thoughts aside for now, Maverick shrugged and turned back to his plate, casually adding, "Of course, that won't be happening. See, the Headmaster's already signed a long-term contract with Caesar's Magitech. We're the exclusive sponsor for the tournament. So, no other company's getting in on this."
A moment of silence passed at the professors' table as they all glanced at him once again, as if seeing him for the first time.
The Headmaster cleared his throat, breaking the awkward silence, then it was Flitwick who burst in to laughter getting the attention of even some of the students.
Maverick raised an eyebrow at the man, listening as he spoke. It was obvious he was trying to change the topic.
"By the way, how did you manage to replicate Muggle technology like that?"
Maverick smiled, then glanced at the Charms professor. "I'd be happy to share the principles if you're willing to take a magical oath not to disclose what you learn."
Cough! Cough!
Flitwick paused mid-bite, nearly spitting out his food as his eyes widened. He hadn't expected that a seemingly casual question would lead to a request for a magical oath. Magical oaths were no trivial matter, and they were treated with the utmost seriousness in both dark and light circles.
Quickly swallowing a sip from his drink, he asked, "Is it truly that serious?" drawing the attention of the other professors.
Maverick met their curious gazes, remaining calm as he explained, "Absolutely. I believe this is the first time in history that an invention like this will be introduced to the magical community. Its potential goes far beyond broadcasting live events. It could be used in schools, hospitals, and even news organizations. However, the full details will be unveiled at the launch event... and as the owner of the company, I am formally inviting you all to attend the launch and see it for yourselves."
"That sounds wonderful," McGonagall said, glancing at him with an amused smile. She had noticed the brief tense exchange but didn't seem bothered by it. To her, it was nothing more than a harmless squabble, and she trusted her colleagues to be mature enough not to behave like children.
Moreover, she was genuinely curious after Maverick's quick explanation of the Magic Vision, which he said would be like Muggle television. "When will it take place?" She asked.
"On the 30th of this month, in America, where Caesar Magitech's main office is located. The event will occur in the evening..."
"Well, we can't all go, now, can we?" Dumbledore added, cutting off any immediate agreement from the table. His sharp senses had already caught the sight of mouths half open in eager response. "Some of us must stay and look after the children," he continued with a knowing smile.
A chuckle escaped Maverick as he observed the surprised faces of the professors, and soon, the rest of the table joined in, the atmosphere lightening and returning to harmony.
The feast continued, the hall alive with the hum of student chatter, while the professors at the staff table carried on with their own animated discussions, marking the beginning of this new academic year as one to remember for them all.
Author's Note:
Just a quick update — up to Chapter 106 is already available on P AT r30n!
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