Harry Potter And The Unexpected Friend

Chapter 81: A Bold Escape

The first thing Harry felt when he returned to his body was the dull ache that came as a result from the Cruciatus curse. He knew in that moment that he was alive again. He laid there for a minute listening to Voldemort give a speech about his plans for world domination and hoping no one had seen his eyes close. Harry expected someone to point out at any moment that he was still alive, but all attention was apparently still on Voldemort.

Harry finally got the courage to slightly open his eyes and glance around. The Death Eater were all facing away from him and towards the Dark Lord in such a way that only Voldemort could possibly notice that his eyes were open. He noticed with a small amount of surprise that no one had bothered to take his wand out of his hand, apparently they were convinced he was dead.

His parents had told him to apparate out, and when Harry concentrated on the subject he realized he knew almost everything about it. He even knew that he could apparate to a standing position from laying on the ground where he was. Voldemort had studied apparition extensively. Harry wondered what chaos he could cause before leaving when he noticed that Wormtail was standing at the back of the group being ignored by everyone. He had already dropped to the lowest spot on the Death Eater hiearchy. Grinning, a plan quickly came together in his head.

Harry watched and waited for his chance. Finally Voldemort ended his speech to the cheers of his loyal followers. In that moment Harry apparated to a standing position right behind Wormtail. No one had even noticed him moving around.

"Hey Tom!" Harry yelled as he grabbed Wormtail's arm. "Did anyone ever tell you that you suck at that spell?" The Death Eaters turned and stared at him in shock. Voldemort was equally surprised but had the presence of mind to raise his wand at Harry. He was too late though. Before anyone could stop him Harry had apparated both himself and Wormtail out of the cemetery and back to Hogwarts.


Minister Fudge was still on stage talking to the audience, however when he asked if they had any questions he had been forced into defending himself regarding the accusations he would face at his hearing the next day. It was an uncomfortable position for him and he was desperate to escape it.

"I will answer all of these questions tomorrow." Fudge promised. "But let me assure you of a few things. Sirius Black is guilty and Peter Pettigrew is dead."

As soon as he spoke those words Harry appeared on the stage with Wormtail who was still in shock from seeing Harry alive. Harry stunned the traitor as soon as they arrived and then began looking around. Most of the crowd was still in the stands and had burst into applause as soon as he appeared. The Dark Mark in the sky had faded but was still visible.

"He's back." Harry said to the Minister of Magic, but Fudge chose to turn his head in disbelief. Angered by this, Harry ripped the sleeve of off Wormtail's robes, exposing the dark mark below. "Voldemort is back!" he yelled, but this time it was loud enough for those in the audience to hear. Soon everyone knew what Harry had claimed and were struggling with whether or not to believe it.

Harry was able to watch the Aurors take Wormtail into custody before the exhaustion caught up with him and collapsed right in the middle of the stage.


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