Harry Potter: Altair Black. Son of Asmodeus

Chapter 15: Chapter 15. Greasy attack

"Can I tell my sister about us?" Harley asked him while helping him move the busty blonde. Luna kept splashing in the water.

"Is it necessary?" Altair wasn't sure. "Do you trust that she won't tell your brother or your father?" he asked while drying Lavender. He use a towel instead of spells.

"I trust her more than anyone. Even my mother. When we were alone in Potter Manor, she always acted like my older sister even though we were twins. Every time I cried. When I got hurt. She took care of me when I got sick. When we entered Hogwarts, she decided to go to Ravenclaw so that I could stop depending on her".

Altair listened attentively. Harley got used to depending on his older sister, and when she entered Hogwarts, that dependence shifted from his sister to him. He wasn't sure whether to thank her or curse her.

"You can tell her. Make sure no one hears the conversation. Can I ask why you want to do it?" he never interacts with Azalea. She didn't interact with anyone. She seemed like an edgy version of Hermione Granger. The only friend she had was Lisa Turpin. And she seemed more like a subordinate than a friend.

"I need an alibi. Like today. The girls will wonder why I spent the night outside the dormitory", she said while dressing Lavender. Before she started getting ready.

"Thank you for thinking about that", Altair had ignored what their escapades might make the students think. The possibility of them being linked was slim, but not impossible.

"Do I need an alibi?" Luna's sing-song voice interrupted them. The girl was completely dressed in her unique and strange way. Her wand was on her ear.

"No. Luna, the Ravenclaw dormitories are individual, they won't notice if you're missing", the blonde nodded before leaving while jumping. Harley followed her under the invisibility cloak.

"Now... what have I done?" The post-orgasmic clarity threw her into a huge feeling of guilt.

'She enjoyed it', a small voice whispered in his mind. He shook himself. He wanted to form a coven, not a community of house elves who would do everything to please him.

He looked at the 4,800 SP he had earned and his stomach turned.

After the first time, he should have stopped. Did the title [Lustful] make him more of an idiot than it says? He knew it didn't.

"I hope it didn't do anything strange in his mind". The Hogwarts Express will leave tomorrow. It will be almost a month apart. 'I hope I'm exaggerating everything', he thought as he sat down next to her.

It was almost half an hour later when he woke up.

"Hey!" He greets her uncertainly.

"Hey?" she replied sleepily. "The best sex of my life and you say Hey?", she asked, amused.

"I assure you that in the rest of your life, there will be better ones", he replied, happy that it seemed normal.

"I'll make you remember that, Alti," she said. "What's bothering you, darling?"

"Break your mind?" He needed to talk to someone about this.

She looked at him for a few seconds before asking, "Are you truly a demon?" He nodded. "And that thing you did, was it because you're a demon?" he nodded again. "I think I love that you're a demon. Besides, if I lost my mind and lived for your cock, I would simply become a bimbo. As everyone believes I am."

"I don't think you are," he said sincerely.

"Oh, are you sure? Wasn't that why you started dating me?" she stiffened. "Shh!, relax. I've always known. When you spoke to me for the first time, you couldn't stop looking at my breasts," she didn't seem angry at all.

"Then why did you keep talking to me?" he asked, confused.

"You are beautiful. Cedric has a mandrake face compared to you," he raised an eyebrow. "And I knew you had a good cock. Everyone in the castle knows". On one occasion. Malfoy made his pants and underwear disappear while walking through the halls. Snape deducted points for public indecency. "I was already eighteen, I wanted something more than just my fingers. Do you feel bad? I accepted for the same reason you invited me: a good fuck".

Altair didn't feel bad at all.

"Before our first date. I was thinking of ways to convince you to go to a broom closet and just fuck your brains out. But when I started talking more with you, I... wanted more than just sex," Altair told her 'I wanted to experiment what being loved feels', he added in his mind.

"I know. Over time, you stopped looking at my breasts all the time. Even though I wore enough cleavage to catch your attention. Actually, after two weeks of getting to know each other, I would have let you fuck me."

"I wanted more", he replied.

"That's why we are here. That's why we are a couple. That's why... I love you," she didn't let him respond and quickly kissed him.

Altair immersed himself in the sensation of her lips as his hands began to caress her body.

Soon they were naked. Their bodies moved like gears as they interlocked. They found the pleasure points on each other's bodies while losing themselves in a different ecstasy than before.

He let his lips roam every corner of her body after breaking the kiss.

He made a parade of kisses from her chin, the valley of her breasts, and her belly until he reached the fountain that belonged to her. He drank from it like a thirsty man in a desert. He felt her fingers intertwine in his hair as she caressed him, not seeking to rush it, just wanting to touch him more.

He heard the music of her lips rise three tones while he felt her writhe. Soon his tongue was filled with an elixir envied by all alchemists.

He stood up while looking at her. Her lips slightly parted, releasing sighs, her eyes half-closed as she smiled at him, and her arms open, inviting him in.

He entered her. Traversing the familiar path. Like water in a river, like blood in the veins, like sounds to the ear, like blood in the veins.

Both began a waltz. Neither slow nor hurried. Neither together nor apart. They were a two-piece puzzle that only they understood.

Their hands intertwined joined like two otters holding onto each other to avoid getting lost in the current.

Without a sense of time, without problems on their minds, both as one body, they were grateful for their luck.

At the end of the enormous fire that resulted in the climax, a small campfire remained, waiting to be rekindled another day.

"Lav, I-"

"I know, Alti. I know". She whispered.


Altair felt free as he walked through the halls of Hogwarts, a permanent smile on his face.

[The affection of [Coven Member: Lavender Brown] has been maximized, the reward has been obtained: [[Pain-free], 50,000 SP]


It is said that breaking the hymen of a target does not cause pain.

'A skill that will be used rarely, but it will be useful. I wish I had had it the first time with Lav,' Altair wandered, simply lost in his thoughts.

[68,500 SP]

He got 50,000 for maximizing affection and 11,100 when he made love with Lavender.

A tap on his shoulder startled him. He looked up to see Draco Malfoy with his entourage. The blonde was rubbing his shoulder. Apparently, he tried to knock him to the ground. His physique was nothing special, but he was twice as strong as before. While Draco was a normal young wizard, a sedentary lifestyle was part of his daily life.

Seeing Malfoy, he felt the impulse to lower his head and apologize. He suppressed behavior he had been trained in for eighteen years.

"You should be more careful when meeting your best!" The blonde used the same dragged-out and condescending voice he learned from his father. Then he tried to knock him down by pushing his chest.

If Altair speculated, most of the boy's stats should be around thirty points, quite above him if he weren't half-demon.

Malfoy's face grimaced as he tried to move him, unsuccessfully. Then he simply smiled as if nothing had happened.

"Draco-", a black-haired girl next to him tried to speak.

"Silence, Lyra!" the blonde snapped at her. Altair just looked at the faces of everyone present, his previous stupor faded when he heard his sister's voice.

"Excuse me!" Some would call him a coward for trying to get out of there, but he was outnumbered six to one. He did not doubt that they would take things to a physical level or draw their wands.

He avoids conflict.

"Where do you think you're going?" a shrill voice shouted at him.

"To the great hall, Parkinson. You just left it", he replied without stopping.

He felt a tingling in the back of his neck as he stepped aside.

He looked at Draco had his wand out, aiming a second spell.

"I heard you were dating that busty blonde girl... her name is Green, Blue... what fucking color was it?" Altair resisted the urge to draw his wand.

It would be a futile effort. Her mother's wand was modified so that it wouldn't allow him to attack anyone with Malfoy's blood.

"Brown, Draco. Lavender Brown", a girl with blonde hair of the same shade as Draco's, replied.

"True, Cass. You have good taste, cousin. You can't say the same about her if she decided to go out with you. She seems to have more tits than brains," Draco felt something strange in his stomach but ignored it. He walked until their faces were a hand's breadth apart.

Normally, Altair would lower his gaze and listen in silence. But this time it was different. His eyes were looking at him, they had an expression he hadn't seen in him for a long time. Anger. It was common when they were children but not after their father ended up killing his pet in front of him.

He ignores his gaze. Anger is useless if you don't have power. Altair knows better, if he attacks the wand it will turn against him and Lucius Malfoy will prepare an appropriate punishment for him.

"What do you want, Draco?" The disrespectful way he asked irritated the blonde. His face flushed with anger before calming down. He was no longer a child who would call his father for any problem.

"I recommend that you stay away from Brown. You know, I couldn't just watch from afar as she made bad decisions and I decided to correct her", his smile turned contemptible. "Right now, my father is negotiating a contract for her to be my lover. She would have been a concubine, but the rumors about you-," Altair knew he would have problems later. He simply couldn't stand to hear him talk any longer. His fist connected with his nose as the hallway filled with the sound of a crunch.

He turned halfway around while trying to take advantage of the commotion. If he stayed any longer, he would do more things he would regret later.

"50 points from Ravenclaw!" Professor Snape's strident and cheerful voice further increased his already foul mood. "Attacking a student in broad daylight," he mocked loudly. He didn't move a finger to help his student.

"Should I do it at night?" he replied sarcastically, the Slytherins had smiling faces as they awaited the increase in his punishment. Altair started thinking fast about how to get over that mess. "I'm sorry, professor. My night was busy. Professor Evans didn't want to let you go. She can be quite... demanding, you know, professor? No, I suppose you don't, considering the best response you get from her are growls of hatred", he said, looking for a reaction that would give him a chance. In his mind, he was apologizing to Professor Evans, not too much, she probably would enjoy hearing about this.

"Damn insolent fool!" Snape's face was red. All his training as an Occlumens vanished as soon as he heard Lily's name.

"She said the same thing, several times. From her lips, it sounded much better. She cursed me a few times but didn't ask me to leave until well into the night. In the end, she had to... Excuse me, Professor, are you having an erection?" His voice was incredulous, the other Slytherins stood with their mouths agape as they watched the one-sided exchange.

Severus Snape saw red, Lily's kindness for the boy and her willingness to form a coven with the damned demon drove his nerves to the limit. His wand lashed out like a whip, and a sound similar to a sword slicing through the air reached his ears.

Altair tried to avoid the spell but couldn't even completely evade it. He expected to be attacked, he was looking for it. He didn't expect the left side of his body to be filled with cuts as he fell to the floor.

The last thing he saw was his sister's open eyes as she ran towards him. Then everything went black.

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