Harry Potter: Altair Black. Son of Asmodeus

Chapter 12: Chapter 12. The son of a Deatheater

"Do you have anything to say, Mr. Asmodeus?" Altair looked at the professor's stone-like hardened face and trembled inwardly. This was the same witch who had lovingly stroked his hair just a few hours ago.

"Your daughter is an adult. I didn't do anything she didn't want," despite his statement, his mind was filled with a hundred ways to be killed by the former Auror.

"Girl, teenager, adult, or elderly, she is my daughter. It is my responsibility to look after her interests," she replied in a harsh voice. Altair would prefer a thousand times to face off in a fistfight with the entire male line of the Potters than with the witch standing in front of him.

"You can look after her interests. It is your right as a mother. But you can't decide for her. Harley decided to choose me as a partner," Altair did not look away, his violet eyes penetrated her green ones.

"She chose you, yes. Altair, did you choose her?" The question left him momentarily speechless. "Before answering, let me explain why I called you here".

"Wasn't it because of Harley?" he asked, confused.

"No. I would have called you anyway. I want to talk about your inheritance. You probably already noticed the increase in magic you experienced after having sexual relations with Miss Brown. Tell me, Mr. Asmodeus, what do you know about your mother?"

"A dark witch. A killer. A torturer. A lunatic. A damn woman. A death eater. The right hand of you-know-who. A complete waste of talent," he said dryly. He didn't understand why she suddenly brought up the topic of her mother. Her mother was a lunatic who would probably sell him to her lord if he asked for it.

"A loving mother," added Lily. Altair just huffed in response. "Sixteen years ago, she came to my door with a bundle in his arms. A small child with a tuft of black hair and bright violet eyes. You. You had just turned one year old. My Harry was born about a month earlier", her voice broke for a moment. "The first thing I did was to put my wand into his neck. Bellatrix didn't even blink. She just showed me the child in her arms and asked me to save him. I don't know much about the circumstances of your conception other than that your father was-," her voice and gaze softened as she spoke.

"A demon," he interrupted her.

"I shouldn't be surprised by your brilliance". Do it sincerely.

"My last name made it pretty obvious, actually. My father was a demon or at least descended from one". Lily nodded.

"That night at my door. You were on the brink of death because of a curse. I did my best to eliminate it. I failed, but I managed to slow it down. You're welcome. According to my calculations, it should allow you to live around twenty-six years if you were a normal wizard. But you're not. You are half demon and your heritage showed yesterday. There are hybrids all over the world. There are those who don't wake up and live a normal life, and there are those who become half demons, like you," she finished as she leaned back in the chair.

"Why did you help me?" he asked, doubtful and unsure of what to feel at that moment.

"You were an innocent baby. And... your mother gave me valuable information. Voldemort took your demonic magic and became a demonic wizard. With that in mind, I created a set of sacred runes to kill him that night. She saved my life and my children's lives" 'Most of them'. She completed in her mind.

"Bellatrix betrayed you-know-who-"

"Voldemort, yes," Lily concluded. Altair grew up with the Malfoys, hearing the name of the Dark Lord pronounced with reverence and fear. He never call him by his name, not out of fear, but out of habit. "You know, if you don't want to call him by his name, just pick a common name for him. For example... uh, what's the name of the owner of the Leaky Cauldron?" she pretended to think while biting her cherry-colored lips. "Tom, yes. Let's call him Tom from now on," there was a dangerous glint in her green eyes.

"Tom," Altair pondered the name. Knowing it was the true name of the Dark Lord "I think the Tom from the Leaky Cauldron might take it the wrong way," He joked a little. Lily's lips curved slightly before she coughed into her hand to continue.

"Yes. Bellatrix betrayed Tom to save you. I imagine that being handed over to a demon to be used as a breeding mare erased all the love she had for the man. She loved you, Altair. I'm sure it was in a twisted way. More similar to obsession than to love. There are certain things that cannot be faked. The eyes with which she watched you while you rested in your crib were one of those things," Altair barely registered the feeling of happines.

He never thought much about his mother. She was Bellatrix Lestrange! In his mind, she was just like the Malfoys.

She betrayed her master for him.

This year when she escaped from Azkaban, a part of him was afraid that he would come to kill him just for fun. After all, Harry Potter, The-boy-who-lived, died years ago. He dismiss his thoughts, not believing himself to be important enough to deserve her attention.

"It took a year until the war ended. During that time, she hid. After Tom's fall, she surrendered to the Aurors. She leaved you in my care. During her trial, charges were added for the year she remained hidden, and she was sent to Azkaban. James didn't even care that she had saved his children's lives. He was blinded by fame. That stupid blindness took my son away from me. Did he regret it? Of course not! He took my other son and turned him into his puppet," the objects in the room began to tremble. Altair found it a bit difficult to breathe due to the pressure.

"Professor Evans! Professor! Lily!" The woman did not respond to his shouts. The dark-haired man took her hand and squeezed it. Lily came out of her anger as she looked around the room.

"I'm sorry to show you something so embarrassing, Mr. Asmodeus!" she said, embarrassed, as she withdrew her hand. Her eyes fell to her lap as she looked at her hand.

"You don't need to apologize, Professor Evans," Altair sat down again. He ignored the burn on his palm as he hid his hand.

The pain was an old friend.

"Your mother deserved to go to Azkaban. She tortured Muggles and Muggle-borns for fun. But I didn't want the savior of my children to go to Azkaban. I begged James to support me, but he refused to acknowledge that he owed anything to a dark witch", Lily sighed as she lifted her head. She simply tilted her head back while closing her eyes.

"All this explains why you treated me like family," Altair didn't want to talk about James Potter. That would only worsen the professor's mood.

"You were Bellatrix's second child, but you were the only one she raised. Lyra went with the Lestranges from the beginning before ending up with the Malfoys. I tried to obtain custody of both. I was denied. James even supported the Malfoys just to mess with me. Let's leave those sad stories for now," she said while opening her eyes.

"Do you want to talk about what it means to be a demon?" asked Altair.

"Yes. In general, you are not very different from a normal human. Your physique will become stronger, your magic will increase according to the number of partners you have. You won't be the next Merlin or Albus Dumbledore... probably. It was said that Merlin was the son of a demon, Asmodeus... it's curious. You will be stronger than most. Enough to be able to form a coven without almost anyone intervening," she concluded thoughtfully.

"I don't think everything is good things. This morning with Snape, I felt more irritable. You said that I would increase in power according to the number of partners I have. Is it because of the sin of Lust? Will I become more susceptible to the seven deadly sins?" he expressed his concerns.

"Each demon has a capital sin around which their life revolves." Yours is the same as your father's, lust. Even then, you can have another. Like anger or greed," her gaze remained distant from Altair.

"Then with Snape it was anger or greed..." he murmured to himself. One or two bad traits wouldn't drive him crazy, he hoped.

"As a demon of Lust, you must... release yourself frequently. Or you'll go insane. Once you start having relationships, you will need to maintain a steady pace of sex to keep your sanity. Occlumency can help, but the feeling will build up until, with enough time, mental arts won't be enough," Lily walked towards a shelf.

Altair watched her rear move seductively in the jeans she was wearing.

"I'm sorry", he said quietly while rubbing his arm.

"I am not your partner, Mr. Asmodeus", 'not yet' both thought. "If you don't want to be enchanted again, keep your eyes off my backside," she said before bending down to grab a book from a shelf near the floor.

"It was worth it", said Altair as he felt a slight pain in his chest. He barely saw how she cast the piercing spells.

"I hope you can control yourself in the future", said Lily as she handed him a book. "This book is about the demonic society in case you are ever interested in becoming a part of it. I must say, Mr. Asmodeus, in that society half-bloods like you are treated like muggle-borns in the magic world" she said as she sat down.

"Thank you, professor".

"Now. Your power increases according to the number of partners you have, Mr. Asmodeus… Altair, do you love Harley or do you only see her as a way to increase your power?" Her voice was tinged with concern.

"I don't love her", he decided to be honest. He didn't think Harley loved him too. He considers himself an obsession to her. "I don't see her as a 'Path to Power' either."She is beautiful, like you. I don't love her at this moment, and I'm not even sure if I will love her in the future. We barely exchanged a few words during all the time we've been at Hogwarts. I'm going to get to know her, and only after that will I be able to tell her if I love her".

"If you harm my daughter, Altair, no matter how grateful I feel towards your mother. I will repay you a thousand times," a tense silence spread throughout the room. Altair did not feel angry at that moment despite being threatened. He could understand a mother protecting her children, especially after losing one. "You have my blessing to date her, I just advise you to reach ten thousand Evans before making it public. Your detention is dismissed. You can leave now," with a gesture of his hand the door opened. Altair nodded rigidly. "Remember that the witches you associate with are people who feel and think. Don't start seeing them as pieces of meat," he added as Altair walked.

"I will make sure to remember it, professor," he replied with a slight smile.

"I can inscribe it inside your skull with a spell if you wish," he said with a small smile.

"I'll leave now, Lily". Altair quickened his steps. Hearing a tongue click behind him. A stinging spell struck his right buttock before closing the door.

'She didn't correct me', it was a small victory in his book.

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