Harpia Harpyja

69K Views Special Chapter and Q&A

Wow, we made it to this point, and I'm so happy. I know it's a bit late now, but we've passed the 69K-views point1


Thank you all for being here on this journey of a story. I want you to know that I'm not planning on leaving it behind and will work to finish it. Along the way, I'll have some special bonus chapters like these at points of note, like 100K views, 1K readers, and so on.


For the special, this is a Q&A. Ask me or any of the characters any question you want (And I mean any question) and you'll get a reply. Additionally, I'm giving you a short side chapter. Enjoy!


Content warning


Approximately one hour before Evelyn and Nara's sparring match...



I sighed, sitting up from my bed. Kira shifted in her sleep and I smiled at the beautiful human.


Unbeknownst to everyone, the two of us were in a relationship of sorts.


She had been my slave since I was young, and we had both grown up together. And during our older years, one event changed our lives.


I had been... overly horny with no one around to help. And, completely on her own, Kira had decided to help me. That day, I very nearly turned her.


But I had restrained enough. We had our relationship in secret, which was easy when she already followed me around everywhere.


I really did love her. Even when she couldn't talk aloud, I knew how sweet and caring she was. And despite being forced into slavery, she didn't hold any resentment. She said that because it had brought her to me, she wasn't mad.


And now, here at Nefar Magic Academy, we were able to be together much more often than before. No other slaves or servants to find out. No parents to be fearful of.


It was wonderful.


Today, we were going to the sparring classroom. I was excited about it, mostly because I hadn't sparred yet.


Kira woke up then, her eyes blinking open.


<Good morning,> She signed.


I smiled and gave her a quick kiss before getting out of bed.


"I think I'm going to try sparring class today," I told her.


<Are you sure?> Kira asked. <You're not very good at fighting.>


"Well, there are magic-only spars," I said. "I'm going to do one of those."


<Are you hungry?> Kira asked.


"I'm good for now," I replied. "You ready to go?"


<Almost,> Kira said. She got up and went into the bathroom while I stretched. When she was ready the two of us left our apartment. We were sharing one with Charlotte, but somehow we've managed to keep our relationship secret.


We walked to the sparring classroom and I immediately winced at the loudness.


<You okay?> Kira asked, concern on her face.


<Yeah, it's just loud,> I replied. I walked over to one of the sparring mats, a green one. I joined one of the lines of people waiting to spar.


Then, after a few minutes, someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Charlotte.


"Hey, how ya doin'?" She asked.


"Fine," I replied. "Where were you this morning?"


"I got up early to go to the library," Charlotte explained. "I wanted to see what kind of books they had on magic. I just dropped them off and then came here. And I'm guessing you're here to spar?"


"Yep," I said.


"Well, have fun," Charlotte told me before leaving for another mat.


Eventually, there was a spot for me on the sparring mat.


I walked onto it, steadily releasing a bit more of my aura each time I took a step.


My opponent smirked. They were a tall male sea serpent with shiny blue scales and only a pair of shorts on.


The fight started once the instructor gave the go-ahead and I unleashed my blood magic.


Streams of bright red liquid shot from my palms, hardening into needles as they attacked my opponent.


The serpent swung his tail in an arc, the scales turning a silvery blue. My blood needles were deflected, splattering back into liquid. However, using more magic I reformed them again and attacked with the needles once more.


The man flexed his arms and a shimmering barrier appeared around him, stopping the needles.


Then several glowing blue orbs appeared around him and shot toward me. More blood streamed from my hands, creating a transparent triangular barrier.


The orbs thudded into it, creating several cracks. This guy was strong.


I repaired the barrier before unleashing more needles. The man again deflected with his tail.


Then I noticed something else.


His magic orbs had not only cracked the barrier, but they had absorbed a large amount of my blood reserves. His barrier was doing the same with the needles, bringing me dangerously low.


Shit shit shit shit shit.


I wobbled, my vision dimming. All of my blood magic dispelled as I collapsed.


The last thing I saw was Kira's face as she rushed toward me.




I caught Ava's body in my arms before she hit the ground and frantically tried to sit her up. I could feel her heart beating, but it was slow.


Shit, she was low on blood reserves. And she couldn't drink mine because of the whole slave contract/turning thing.


Because Ava and I loved each other, if she drank my blood, it would turn me into a vampire, which would be bad. That was because it was her mother who owned the contract that kept me bound.


We got around that by me using the spell [Iron Body] to prevent any changes to me. That allowed Ava to drink my blood without turning me.


But I couldn't use magic any time I wanted. Ava had to verbally tell me that I could with the intention of doing so to drink my blood before I could do it.


She needed my blood, and if she got any it would turn me.


"Come on, let's get her back to the room," Charlotte said, helping me pick up the unconscious vampire, her six arms easily lifting the woman.


We hurried through the halls to our room. Once we got inside, Charlotte laid Ava down on her bed.


"Can you give her blood?" The spiderkin asked.


<No, I have to use my magic first,> I signed. Charlotte looked confused.


Shit, she didn't know sign language.


Fuck fuck fuck.


I took a deep breath before lifting Ava's body and head up to my neck. I opened her mouth and brought her fangs to my skin.


They slid in with only a tiny hint of pain, drawing in my blood.


She drank more than she usually did, but soon she had enough. Her head fell back and she blinked awake after a few seconds.


"Kira?" She asked with a husky voice. She looked into my eyes and realized just what had happened.


<It's okay,> I told her. <We always planned on doing this.>


"I know, but I wasn't expecting it to be this soon!" Ava said.


"What's happening?" Charlotte asked, still a little worried.


"Kira is going to turn," Ava explained.


"Wait, what?" Charlotte said. "How? Doesn't that only happen if you-" She cut herself off. "Oh..."


"Yeah," Ava confirmed.


Then suddenly, I felt incredibly dizzy. My skin tingled and my head pulsed. I fell backward onto the bed.


"Oh shit, it's starting," Ava said. Her hands slipped into mine. "I'm here for you," She told me, right before my mind went blank.



I woke up some time later.


When I did, everything felt the same and yet different.


The world was brighter, and I could smell things I didn't know could be smelled.


I sat up slowly, Ava rushing over to me as I did.


"Are you fine?" She asked.


"Yes," I said, before freezing in place. My voice. I could talk.


My hands went to my neck and felt the absence of the metal collar that made me a slave.


"I love you," Ava told me.


"I do too," I said, pulling her into a hug and kiss.


I was free.


At last.

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