Harem Overlord System

49. Poor Light Goddess Lugh




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking 




            //////// ( Third Person Pov) \\\\\\\\


"Lugh, you should get serious as they seem to have gotten stronger than the last time I saw them!" Hijiri said to the silver-haired lady beside her sensing the opponent coming over.

"Hmph, who do you think I am, Light Goddess Lugh and with my jet-like speed, nobody can touch me!" The silver-haired lady now Lugh said arrogantly.


As she finished saying that, suddenly, there was a slash mark on the right side of her shoulder which made her flinch a little.

"Careful as I won't miss next time and If that's all you have to show for Miss Light Goddess then I would be disappointed." Levi's voice sounded from behind Lugh then again her presence disappear from Lugh's and Hijiri's visions.

"Lugh, you should be careful even if I can't get the clear position of hers!" Hijiri's a warning voiced out toward Lugh to be careful as Lugh can be quite incongruous and oblivious to events happening around her.

Lugh got on high alert so her opponent won't take chances to strike her, Levi still hasn't shown herself as she is moving around constantly so her position won't be known to her opponent.

Levi uses her newly gained stealth magic which is a dark attribute and with her being a protege in magic, with a little bit of advice she developed the stealth magic quite quickly.

Now she can mask her presence even her body heat, magic and smell. It has a flaw that when she attacks her presence will be known to her opponent.

She hasn't studied the darkness attribute much so that's why she is not fully used to it yet but once she gets used to it and uses it as second nature to her then she would fully achieve the true essence of stealth.

At peak of mastery over this magic will allow her to perform its full potential, where she will become one with her surroundings and as long as she doesn't want anybody to discover her then none would be able to detect her. But that realm is a long way for her to go.

So whenever Levi attacks at the last moment Lugh can detect her and be able to defend herself.


"Hoho! Not bad or more like as expected from you, Lugh-san! I can't even land a clear hit on you, once your guard is up. Your speed is no joke, to be able to react by just hair breath every time, it's marvellous!" Levi felt impressed with Lugh's speed and her clear concentration on her dodging her strikes.

"Humph! if not for your annoying way of fighting, I would have long cut you down with my sword as nobody can match my light like speed!" Lugh feels frustrated, not being able to pinpoint her opponent so she has to go on the defensive.

"Sorry, Lugh, you have to deal with it yourself as I also have to deal with someone!" Hijiri was thinking about helping Lugh but her opponent is also in her way.

"Ho! At least, you acknowledged our existence." Akio got in the front of Hijiri and stopped her from interfering in the fight with Levi and Lugh.

"Hehehe! Ko' said he would give me whatever I want this time and Akio, he also said that If we won then he will teach you a new way to utilise your mantra enchant with much more efficiency so let's go as I want to win this time so I will give my all in this fight!" Excited Yui's voice came from behind of Akio in project form as she, herself is inside her dream world where she was keeping all the students of the academy safe so she can only come here with her projection form.

"Even if he didn't say that, I would still pummel her with full force as I do want to check myself how much I progressed and when there's a strong opponent in front of me, how can I miss this occasion!" Akio grinned and replied with high spirit and getting ready to fight.

"Get ready cause I am not pulling my punches." Shouted Akio then moved with such a force that cracked the ground where she was standing just now then next moment she came in from Hijiri's side and tried to hit her ribs with the kick which has been buffed by mantra enchant and enhance by Yui's Ark symphony.

*Bam!* *Crack!*

"Hmmm, what a great strength you have there, If Lugh was in my place then there's no doubt that your kick would have broken some of her ribs and even may have made her pass out. Looks like I need to take you seriously so don't disappoint me." With Surprise in Hijiri's eyes, she complimented Akio as her kick cracked her defence then she put her nonchalant appearance and became serious with great fighting intent.

"So be serious otherwise, I won't mind pummeling you with my fists and kicks," Akio said with a shit-eating grin which only widen the longer she fights.

Hence Hijiri got into her magus mode which is connected to Ira Archive or wrath. This is also her Satan form or Ira archive's manifested form.

Upon entering this form, Hijiri's hair grows even longer, a crack-like mark appears on her right cheek similar to that of Astral Trinity's, and her hands transform into a large monster like claws. Furthermore, the pupils of her eyes become long and vertical, resembling the pupils of a cat. She also wears a headband, a long dark off-the-shoulder dress worn under a shoulder-less cape held together by a brooch attached to a metallic choker, and a pair of dark slipper shoes.

Then three crests show up around her which shows that she has become a trinity. Also it show's her mastery over three themes which are Ruina, Partum and Analysis. Hijiri's branch of magic is Chaotic Rune which is based on Norse runes so she is a powerful mage on her own.

*Bam!* *Crack!*

Akio did not give her a chance and attacked again so she kicked up the ground and left a crater which propelled her from her position to the back of Hijiri in an instant, she was very fast so it look like she teleported there showing up in the mid-air behind Hijiri then kicked her with the front kick and instant spin in the mid-air then giving second kick on the same place with another leg.


But Hijiri with her quick reaction activated the spell which bounced Akio, with the same speed she showed up and made her fly away some distance then by flipping in the air, Akio balanced her body and landed on the ground with little blood trickling down her lips.

"Akio, are you all right?" Yui who came to Akio to check up on her, saw the blood so she asked with worry.

"Ya...yes, I am fine, just a little shaken from inside, the spell she just used to bounce my attack on me which made it hard for me to guard against it!" Replied Akio wiping blood from her lips.

'Vegtamskvida/Baldr's Dreams, Encompassing as both her offence and defence, Hijiri can discharge a magic blast, as well as form a defensive barrier. Arin's Demon Spear Gae Bolg is the only weapon capable of destroying the barrier'.

The Voice of Kosei sounded in everyone's ear like he is talking to himself beside them. He explained what this spell was, like a damn commentator.

"Yes, that's what it is. But I am impressed someone has this knowledge as not many bother with legends after all." Hijiri agreed with the voice then traced it with her sense which draw her to the side some distance away from her, looking at some familiar people sitting there then she looked between them and try to find out who could it be then she saw Kosei waving at her after looking for a few second more Hijiri moved her gaze from there as she was still in the middle of a fight.

"Uno, Akio, if we can't get passed her defence then how are we supposed to deal with her!" Yui voiced her concern.

"Hmmm! No idea, and also we don't have any other way out of it." Akio replied with a clueless face.

'Yui, try using your Ark symphony to directly attack her mind which might be able to distract her and that will give you two enough time to land a hit on her. If her concentration breaks, she won't be able to cast her spell or maintain her magic to supply into crest to activate the spell so you two have a high chance of winning!" As Yui and Akio were having headaches thinking up a solution, suddenly Yui heard Kosei's suggestion through the link between her and him.

"I got it Akio, I have a solution but I will only be able to perform two times at most. I will make her dizzy for most up to 5 seconds so you have to give a decisive blow at that time frame but first make an opportunity for me to perform my attack on her then wait for your turn, okay!" After getting Kosei's suggestion, Yui thought of a simple plan to get the upper hand against Hijiri then she instructed Akio about it after that they got ready to put the plan in motion.

As they were getting ready, fortunately for them, Hijiri was distracted at this time which gave them enough time to prepare themselves.


When Hijiri got her attention back on the fight and saw Akio standing in a position to attack so without giving chance to her opponent to get on the offensive, she then attacked them with her magic called black Azazel.


"Damn, this magic is annoying, it just keeps getting in my way!" Akio kept dodging the attack from Hijiri and kept getting near her by running around her also finding her chance to put a plan in motion.

As they were fighting in their blind spot suddenly a figure came out flying Akio saw a dark figure so she thought that maybe this was an attack from Hijiri so without thinking much of it, she perform her double spinning kick on it with full force.


"Gahhhh!!" *thud!!*

When they heard the crack and groaning voice upon contact with the kick both Hijiri and Akio paused their fighting.

Their attention went towards the small crater which formed just now with dust still around it.

Once it got cleared, they saw that the knocked out figure is Lugh in the crater.

"Hmmm! Akio, can you pay attention next time you kick someone? At least, she has shielded herself with her weapon or she might be in a coma by now!" Yui said as not just her even spectator sweat dropped then pitying Lugh for getting in the way of Akio.

"HahahahahHAAH!!! Damn, that was hilarious but now, I don't have any opponent hmmm. ..whatever haha! I spent too much of my magic so I should just rest." A certain Ninja laughed her ass off then she remembered that it was her opponent that got thrashed so that means she has no opponent to fight with so shrugging her shoulder, feeling her magic spent she went towards where Kosei and others are sitting then she also sat down to rest.




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