Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1130

Chapter 1129: 0 Elite Soldiers

Zhou Shixiang’s guess was right, Yifeng’s Tang Sanshui has now become Kaifeng’s life-saving straw, because within a hundred miles of Kaifeng, apart from the Jiangnan Right Army brought by Tang Sanshui, there are no other soldiers and horses. Most of the elites of the local battalion in Henan were brought to the west by Obai. Faced with the failure to cross the river, the whole army came to Kaifeng’s desperate camp of loyalty. Jia Hanfu, the governor of Henan, decisively sent people to Yifeng, hoping that the Jiangnan Right Army could withdraw into Kaifeng and participate in the Kaifeng defense battle.

Tang Sanshui, who had become the “taken advantage” of the Deadly Loyalty Camp by accident, was of course eager to evacuate to Kaifeng quickly. No matter how strong the city of Yifeng is, it cannot be compared with the provincial capital Kaifeng. With the support of the tall city wall, his heart can be determined. He was not arrogant enough to think that his army of less than 10,000 people could make the Zhongzheng Camp unable to move even an inch, and Wangcheng sighed.

However, Tang Sanshui had other plans, not wanting to be so plain and agreeing to Jia Hanfu. It’s okay to ask him to go to Kaifeng, but Jia Hanfu has to say something. He is also fighting wolves on both ends. Not only has he gained the benefits of the Taiping Army, but he also wants to beat the Qing Dynasty again.

“Lord Admiral came from thousands of miles to help. This kind of hospitality made the people in Kaifeng feel grateful. It’s just that Henan has been eroded for a long time. Most of the military reserves in the city have been collected by Lord Aobai. In a hurry, Lord Futai is afraid that he will not be able to raise the money number.”

The messenger who came to Yifeng on behalf of Henan Governor Jia Hanfu was Zhu Dahong, the prefect of Kaifeng.

The amount Tang Sanshui dispensed was too large, it actually cost a full 300,000 taels of silver. In the past, not to mention the strength of Henan province, even Kaifeng and the prefecture could make it together, but now, the accumulated reserves over the years have long been scattered into the army. Capital, the treasury in Kaifeng city and the treasury of the governor of Henan are empty only rats, how can there be so much money.

Zhu Dahong slandered in his heart, saying that this Kuenbu is a famous general in the battlefield, a famous Manchurian general who was promoted to the banner by the previous emperor, but he did not want this person to be so greedy for money, and he did not think about what the juncture is now. This Kaifeng is going to be lost. It is good to have your Kuenbu. Where will your Kuenbu get the money?

She was scolding Kuenbu’s mother in her heart, but her face was still pitiful and embarrassed. There was no way, who made Kaifeng now only rely on Jiangnan Youjun.

Tang Sanshui became unhappy when he heard that he had no money, and immediately had a seizure in front of Zhu Dahong, very dissatisfied: “Why, if Aobai wants money, I have it, but Kuenbu doesn’t want it? You Henan just look at people with two eyes. ?”

Hearing this, Zhu Dahong couldn’t help but re-examine the admiral of the Jiangnan Right Army in front of him. The other party’s tone obviously compared himself to Lord Aobai.

“Zhu Zhifu had better make it clear that my Admiral was born in the Yellow Banner of Manchuria given by the late emperor, not an ordinary Han army and green camp.” Jia Da also looked angry, as if he had suffered some kind of shame.

Song Qian immediately scolded: “Damn, I’m going to fight the big gangs to death, what’s wrong with asking you for some money! … It’s okay if you don’t give money, you and the big gangs fight by yourself. My lord, we can’t keep the ceremonial seal left or right, why don’t we go back to Fengyang, whoever loves Kaifeng will guard it, anyway, we Jiangnan Youjun will not go into this mess!”

“Yes, go back to Fengyang!” Jia Da insisted, “Since the lives of our brothers are not taken seriously, why bother to stick them on their butts… 300,000 yuan, one child is missing. no!”

“Can’t, can’t!”

Zhu Dahong was so anxious that if the Jiangnan Right Army ran away, Lord Futai would not strip him alive. It’s just that the amount of money is too large, he can’t be the master, so he said to Tang Sanshui: “Admiral, don’t worry, why don’t you go back and discuss with Lord Futai?”

“It’s not that this official is greedy for money, it’s really not easy for the soldiers. Do you think this 300,000 taels of silver is what this official wants, no, no, this official is for the soldiers! … Zhu The prefect does not know, these sons under my command have suffered very, very hard…”

Tang Sanshui was very considerate to Zhu Dahong, and asked him to go back and discuss with Jia Hanfu now. He didn’t believe that Jia Hanfu couldn’t get the 300,000 taels of silver. He didn’t have it. The gentry in Kaifeng always had it, right? These gangsters, will they not take the money out, can they bring the money into the coffin? Kaifeng is really going to be destroyed by the loyalty camp, and they may not even be able to keep the coffin.

Zhu Dahong naturally followed Tang Sanshui’s words, Tang Sanshui asked Yu Chenglong and Zhu Dahong to go to Kaifeng together.

Yu Chenglong, although “righteous and awe-inspiring” and extremely loyal to the Qing Dynasty, is not someone who doesn’t know what to do or how to adapt. He sees the situation of the Jiangnan You Army in his eyes, and the Jiangnan You Army is a guest army, who has come from a long distance to defend the city of Henan for you. Can Henan be justified?

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. Yu Chenglong has read the books of the sages for so many years, and it can be said that he understands it thoroughly. When he was appointed magistrate of Hefei, he used this method to reunite the scattered Hefei Green Camp to quell the anti-Qing rebels in the territory.

On the way, Yu Chenglong thought about how to persuade Jia Hanfu, the governor of Henan, to take the safety of Kaifeng as the most important thing, and not to cherish gold and silver, so as not to chill the hearts of all the soldiers of the Jiangnan Right Army. However, after listening to Zhu Dahong’s return, Jia Han readily agreed to this matter, and asked Zhu Dahong to immediately convene the gentry in the city to discuss the matter of “payment”.

Things went so smoothly, Yu Chenglong was very happy, and felt that Governor Jia was worthy of being a court official and knew the priorities.

In fact, Jia Han was also very worried about the restoration. After all, the Jiangnan You Army was a guest army. Since Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, the military discipline of the world has been corrupted, and the worst is the guest army, even in the Qing Dynasty. Over the past ten years, many massacres in various places have been committed by the guest troops. The reason is that these guest troops are not natives and have no worries about harming the local nature. Therefore, if the Jiangnan Right Army did not want a penny, they would happily agree to enter Kaifeng. Jia Hanfu probably didn’t dare to let go. In case the Jiangnan Right Army scrambled in the city and harmed the gentry and the common people, how could he, the governor of Henan, explain to the imperial court, and how could he explain to Aobai, who was leading the army and Wu Sangui’s rebels to fight hard.

Now the other party has opened his mouth, although the number is relatively large, it exceeds Jia Hanfu’s ability to bear. But gritted his teeth and tried to find a way to get those gentry to donate their wages, but it was not impossible to come up with them. If you give up the money to keep the people in the city, it will undoubtedly be a good governance, and you can get a good army to defend the city. No matter how you calculate it, it will be a good deal.

As for Zhu Dahong’s claim that Kuenbu regarded himself as a big man equal to Aobai, Jia Han just laughed and didn’t take it seriously.

Kuenbu was just a Han Chinese carrying the flag, and now he is only a right admiral in the south of the Yangtze River. How can he compare with the authentic Manchurian origin, one of the four auxiliary ministers of the court, Ao Bai. Even if he made a great contribution this time, and the court promoted him to be the governor of Zhili, in Jia Hanfu’s view, it was far from being comparable to Aobai.

Correspondingly, Jia Hanfu’s perception of Kuenbu has dropped a lot, and he always feels that this person is a bit of a villain and does not know how high the sky is. This kind of person is useful now, but in the future, it will definitely be bad luck. The higher you climb, the harder you fall.

There is one thing that Jahanfu appreciates very much, that is, Kuenbu always keeps his word and his deeds.

After obtaining the 300,000 taels of silver collected by Kaifeng, Tang Sanshui immediately led his troops to give up Yifeng, and the entire army retreated into Kaifeng. Before leaving, Yu Chenglong suggested that the county seat of Yifeng should be set on fire, that the people in the city would be robbed of their surplus food, and that they should be driven to the countryside, so that the Zhongzheng Camp would not be able to get an empty city, so that they would not be able to take advantage of it. Yifeng is a foothold to attack Kaifeng from the west, which can also relieve the pressure of Kaifeng to a certain extent.

Tang Sanshui, however, did not accept Jackie Chan’s suggestion on the grounds that the residents of the city were so innocent that they would suffer this disaster. Yu Chenglong also felt ashamed afterwards. If the Admiral really adopted his method, the more than 20,000 people in this Yifeng would really be ruined.

In April, the weather is not too hot.

On the top of Kaifeng City, Governor Jia Hanfu led a group of officials to wait for half an hour, and finally saw the arrival of the Jiangnan Right Army brigade in the distance.

“Lord Futai, the Jiangnan You Army is here!”

The officials and gentry in the city were very excited. Although they had sacrificed their entire blood for this Jiangnan Right Army, it was worthwhile to have such an elite soldier come to help defend Kaifeng. These days, stories about the Jiangnan You Army and its Admiral Kuenbu have long circulated in the city. Many officials and gentry who did not know the history of Jiangnan Right Army in the past are now looking at the Jiangnan Right Army with admiration. Just imagine, how could the soldiers and horses that even the Taiping pirates could not be defeated by the loyal rogues.

Kaifeng is safe and safe.

Jia Hanfu personally led the chief soldier Su Yangyuan and others down the city. In the line of sight, the Jiangnan Right Army’s military appearance is neat, and all the soldiers are full of energy. When the Jiangnan Right Army, who first drove to the bottom of the city, was clearly seen by the officials in the city, it was a moment of sigh.

It turned out that the first to drive to the city was actually two thousand full Mongolian cavalry, tall horses, bright helmets and thick armor, majestic and invincible.

The Jiangnan Right Army actually had Manchu and Mongolian cavalry, and the confidence of the officials in the city to defend Kaifeng was greatly increased.

It’s just that these Mongolian soldiers were not polite at all to the officials in the city. Instead, they were very arrogant. The leading generals saw that the governor of Henan, Jia Hanfu, did not dismount and salute, but went straight into the city without looking at them. Some of the impatient Mongolian soldiers were stunned when they saw the gentry who were blocking the way because of the crowd. While smoking, he was yelling and laughing in Man Mongolian words that the gentlemen could not understand. It was really domineering.

It’s just that the more the Mongolian soldiers were like this, the more domineering they were, the brighter the smiles on the faces of Kaifeng officials. Even the ignored governor, Jia Hanfu, did not get angry at the rude treatment, but moved his beard and praised the officials around him.

Don’t put Han officials and Han people in the eye, this is the real Mongolian soldier!

In comparison, because of the constraints of Aobai, the Eight Banners Forbidden Brigade, who treated Henan with respect after entering Henan, did not seem to resemble the soldiers of Manchu and Mongolia. At least, there is a big gap with the image of the Manchu and Mongolia soldiers in the eyes of Henan officials and gentry.

The Jiangnan Right Army, with nearly ten thousand people, rode and walked for a full hour in stages, and Fang Quanjun entered the city. Many officials and gentry in and out of the city always stood there watching. The previous soldiers from Manchuria and Mongolia made them tremble with fear, made their hair stand on end, and made them full of confidence, and the Han army green battalion in the back did not disappoint them either.

After the last banner of the Jiangnan Right Army entered the city, many gentlemen couldn’t help but let out a long sigh.

The commander-in-chief Su Yangyuan kept his eyes on this Jiangnan Right Army, which came from afar and is now the main force in the defense of Kaifeng. The soldiers are strong, how did Kuenbu train these soldiers and horses, according to the generals, but it is not worse than the Eight Banners of Lord Aobai’s forbidden travel…”

“Not bad~www.readwn.com~not bad.”

Jia Hanfu laughed, and the 300,000 taels of silver were not given in vain. In the laughter, Admiral Kuenbu of the Jiangnan Right Army led a group of generals to come. Unlike the rudeness of his subordinates who were full of Mongolian soldiers, Kuenbu was very polite, smiling and looking quite amiable.

“I’ve seen Jia Futai!”

Tang Sanshui was the right admiral of Jiangnan, and his rank was no lower than that of Jia Hanfu’s governor of Henan, so it was impossible for him to perform the salute to his subordinates.

Jia Hanfu enthusiastically stepped forward to pull over Tang Sanshui, and entered the city with his head held high under the gaze of all the officials, gentry and commoners. In order to stabilize the hearts of the residents in the city, Jia Hanfu specially ordered Zhu Dahong to organize the gentry people to go to the city gate to watch the Jiangnan Right Army enter the city. Now it seems that the effect is very good.

The Jiangnan You Army is a bit domineering, but the military discipline is also strict, not as some people worry, it will disturb the people in the city like other guest troops. This made Jia Han’s face even brighter. In his letter to Ao Bai, he also praised the Jiangnan You Army, calling it an elite soldier in a hundred battles.


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