Half-immortal civilization

Chapter 1077 The glory of the curtain

"Stealing Divine Power" seeks the way of heaven with manpower, and dominates divine power with human rights:

Until the arrival of Zhang Chengye, Mu Tianhe had repeatedly studied the situation of this period of history several times.

In the end, Mu Tianhe didn't come to a better conclusion, after all, it was because of the wrong field of speaking.As for making the information public, we have to wait until Zhang Chengye arrives.There are some things that soldiers really can't interfere with!You can look, but you can't go around shouting.

However, in the past few days, Mu Tianhe also talked with the tiger body halfling and got a similar answer. It seems that there is indeed a problem with this civilization!The name of the halfling with a tiger body is: Giant Arm. Tiger. Captain. Iron Arm; referred to as Iron Arm.

"Your Majesty." Mu Tianhe handed the metal plate and the translated message to Zhang Chengye.

"Thank you, General." Zhang Chengye and Mu Tianhe hugged each other.Strictly speaking, the two are brothers of the same generation, even Mu Tianhe is ten years older.

Zhang Chengye also first met and chatted with Bone Knife and Iron Arm, and then judged and confirmed the situation again.

"You two, thank you for your hard work. I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long." Zhang Chengye was very generous, and he was about to receive the two of them with VIP etiquette.

Tie Bi, a half-ling with a tiger body, was more anxious: "Your Majesty, we have already been out for a Chinese month, and the clansmen will be more anxious. Look, should we start as soon as possible?"

"You two will be a little later, we are already making arrangements. We will be able to set off in three hours."

"Okay okay."

"While there is time, can we talk? I am very interested in the civilization of the two. The historical materials provided by the two, although there are discrepancies, are very concise.

I wonder if your civilization has seen the power of a seventh-level civilization? "

"This..." the tiger halfling was about to speak.But for a while I didn't know what to say.

"I've seen it!" said the snake-tailed halfling very simply, "Your Majesty, there are records in this regard. But now it is estimated that we need to search the database. After all, this happened more than 20 years ago.

Moreover, the seventh-level civilization 20 years ago is estimated to be very different from the current seventh-level civilization.

According to our experience, although civilizations develop upwards, they all start to slow down or even stagnate!But, after all, the foundation is there!so.Even if the development is slow, the overall development speed is not comparable to that of low-level civilizations.

like.Lower civilizations are like, well, your bicycles; higher civilizations are like spaceships.

A tenfold increase in bicycle speed is no match for a suspension car.The pure physical speed of the spaceship is increased by 10%.It can even break through the speed of light!
This is the difference between low-level civilization and high-level civilization.

so.Even now we can find information about the seventh-level civilization, but it can only be used as a reference. "

Zhang Chengye nodded, yes, a high-level civilization just has a strong foundation, and it is enough to make a low-level civilization despair!Just like the comparison between China and the Ice Civilization, although there are individual technologies, China has surpassed the Ice Civilization; but overall, China is still far behind!Say nothing else.A Starry Sky Continent completely compares to Huaxia!

And between the seventh-level civilization and the Chinese civilization.I don't know how many barriers there are!Perhaps, in the eyes of the seventh-level civilization, there is no Chinese civilization at all.The so-called "Zerg" is not without contempt.

Next, in the conversation with the two of them, Zhang Chengye also gradually learned a lot of things.But there are also some things that the other party is unwilling to talk about - such as the current body shape and so on.

But also because of a lot of income.For example, the current civilization that calls itself "Bailing".The reason why it is called Bailing is because at the beginning of this civilization, it was somewhat similar to the legendary animal tamers. They first domesticated various wild animals and even huge insects to fight.In their ancestral planet, there are insects more than ten meters in size, such as giant scorpions.

Then, their way of civilization development will of course be bound by traditional civilization and so on.

But Zhang Chengye secretly speculated in his heart that as the saying goes, Xiao He is as successful as Xiao He is, and this civilization developed because of animal taming, and entered the interstellar era at the same speed, but in the end, it also suffered the consequences of its own mistakes because of the wrong development path of the initial civilization.

In the early stages of civilization development, you can choose whatever you want, because at that time, you just started to walk.But when civilization enters the space age, the development pattern of civilization will be formed. At this time, it is like a sports car on the highway. It is not impossible to turn around, but the price may not be so easy to accept!

According to Zhang Chengye and the ideology of the entire Chinese civilization, "people" are the foundation of civilization.If you, a human civilization, imitate insects and animals, it's no wonder that there are no problems!One of the most important reasons why China's civilization can develop so quickly and stably is "people-oriented".

In the subsequent development, people are regarded as the center, and everything is for people; and people conquer space by mastering these technologies!Obviously, it worked!Chinese civilization has not allowed fully intelligent technology to appear so far, but today's Chinese civilization is very healthy!Still growing at a high speed!
Three hours passed quickly, and Zhang Chengye had a general grasp of the situation through the conversation.Then, three spaceships took off!

The three spaceships are all [-] kilometers main spaceships.

There are not many three spaceships, and it will not arouse the vigilance of this fragile civilization that is about to collapse!

Three spaceships are enough to show Huaxia's fist - there are 200 million main spaceships behind us, and millions of unmanned spaceships, large and small...

Of course, there is a complete life laboratory on top of the three spaceships.When he heard that the other party could not even maintain the population, Zhang Chengye had such an idea.

In fact, Zhang Chengye still has a backhand, of course, it is a powerful practitioner of human beings!
The way back to that star field again is very easy. You don't need to do a demonstration, just fly over there.A bright star field was seen in the distance.It is about ten light-years in diameter and looks like at least five hundred stars.Such galaxies are of course far inferior to the Pearl Star Field—in fact, they can meet the Pearl Star Field.It is the luck of Chinese civilization.

But the current galaxy can be regarded as perfect!Don't forget where it is right now.A small, immature galaxy with a diameter of only 7000 light-years, whose core is no more than 5000 light-years in diameter!Compared to a behemoth like the Milky Way, it's really not worth mentioning!The star rings of the Milky Way can divide more than 50 Large Magellanic Clouds!

But when he approached this galaxy with a distance of about one light-year, Zhang Chengye was stunned.I saw a large number of "animals, bugs, etc." swimming in the surrounding void.

There are little birds, they flap their wings.It's just a short teleportation; there are giant eagles, and they can travel 10,000+ kilometers with a flick of their wings!There are also bugs, whose bodies are bowed and fed.That is tens of thousands of kilometers.There are also fish, moving one by one during the trembling.

As if, the void is not the void.but the ocean.These creatures are shuttling over the waves and the sea.

Suddenly, a huge iron tongs with a length of more than ten meters protruded from the void, and grabbed a fish at once; and then saw a scorpion-like monster hundreds of meters in size appear, and threw the fish into its mouth at once.

All the "lives" here are half-mechanical, half-life things made by technology, but they can devour each other?
It seems that this civilization is still underestimated!The faint savior-like mentality in Zhang Chengye's heart was completely wiped out.

In any case, this is also a civilization that has developed to the pinnacle of a fifth-level civilization.Even if someone fails to attack the sixth-level civilization, it is much more advanced than China's current technological state!At least.People are also trying to attack the sixth-level civilization, and China is only in the middle of the fifth-level civilization!
Huh... the three spaceships gradually slowed down and finally docked in the void.At this time, the huge tiger-body halfling and snake-tail halfling have appeared in the void and are communicating with their civilization.

Soon, in about a day, the unmanned spacecraft in front of Huaxia detected the bright aircraft; it's just that the aircraft is in two, in two directions.One is shining with yellow light, and the other is shining with red glow.The two aircraft flew out from the left and right sides of the galaxy, and the distance between them is at least [-] billion kilometers!

It seems that this civilization split into two parts, which should not be bad.

Three days later, two strange spaceships docked at a distance of a million kilometers in front of the Huaxia spaceship.

A spaceship looks like a beehive, with all kinds of cyborg insects and weird life coming in and out of it.This spaceship is thousands of kilometers in size, and the insects that come and go on it, the big ones are five to six hundred meters, and the small ones are almost impossible to detect.

This spaceship was the first to approach, exuding jade-colored brilliance, and looking crystal clear—but there were too many bugs on it, it looked really... unbearable!

The other spaceship looks like a canopy of trees, with large and small leaves on it. Some leaves are more than ten kilometers long, and some leaves are only a few meters in size. There is a semi-mechanical life on each leaf, or a Mechanical group!
This spaceship exudes a royal red luster, like the canopy of a tree in the setting sun, beautiful!Obviously, this one is more in line with the aesthetics of Chinese civilization!And this is the spaceship of the halflings of those animals.

Suddenly, a small spacecraft flew out of the hive, only [-] meters in size; and the canopy spacecraft also flew out a leaf, which was a thousand meters in size, and there were various buildings on the surface, but it was shrouded in a faint light. It should be a similar technology for energy protection.

The two spaceships arrived at Zhang Chengye's flagship almost at the same time.

Immediately, the three parties started communication according to the negotiated communication protocol.

"Welcome to the great Chinese civilization to visit. The All Souls Empire sincerely invites the Chinese civilization to visit." The voice came from the side of the hive, and the voice came before the image appeared.

"The great Chinese civilization, the Feitian Empire is willing to cooperate with China in all aspects." This voice came from the leaf spaceship.

The two parties are simply indistinguishable!

"This..." Zhang Chengye had never encountered such a situation!The delegation of a country is so unmannered! (To be continued..)
ps: It is expected to absorb this civilization, and the Chinese civilization will start to conflict with the seventh-level civilization.

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