Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 91 - lure the enemy

The night was as black as ink, the stars and the moon were dull, the paths on the ground were blurry, and only a few dim torches radiated a little light.

The icy night wind was blowing, and the **** smell and stench of scum swept across the lush dark red mane of the gnoll warrior.

The gnoll warriors patrolling the camp subconsciously stretched out their claws and scratched their hair, and then wandered around bored.

At this moment, in the shadowy corner of the house, a cluster of indiscernible figures quietly slipped away from the patrolling gnoll.

Thorne glanced at a relatively spacious wooden house in front of him and breathed a sigh of relief.

More than an hour has passed since the end of the battle, and the chaos in the gnoll camp has already subsided.

Horat also disappeared under the shroud of light blue magic circle.

But Thorne did not choose to leave, and was still lurking in the camp, looking for a place where the gnoll cubs lived.

He used the ranger’s magic to cover up his aura and traces, carefully avoiding the gnoll guards patrolling in all corners, and finally found his target.

This is a camp that accommodates more than 1,500 people. Although the gnolls also have a certain cultural heritage and know how to live and develop, they are still far from the human race.

The simple houses they built were scattered, and there was no regularity at all. In this labyrinth-like camp, only the gnolls themselves could rely on their keen sense of smell to determine their position or find their companions.

Under the lurch along the way, Thorne encountered the cage of the goblin kobold slaves, and also saw a dozen hill giants feasting on the gnoll corpses killed by him and Horat.

At the same time, he passed through a den built by gnolls for the wolves, and was almost noticed by a burly wolves leader.

The only thing that made him happy was that this camp had only just been established. Otherwise, with the wisdom of gnolls, it would gradually develop into an area even filthier than a city slum.

The gnoll camp is actually similar to the small settlement of kobold goblins in the wilderness. Thorne once foolishly walked through the goblin camp in order to slaughter the goblins without knowing much about it.

Since that experience, he has never dared to intrude at will, not because the camp is overstaffed or full of traps and various ambush.

The main reason is that TM is too dirty. You can imagine the feeling of tossing and turning to fight with the enemy in a place full of all kinds of filth and filth.

Thorne quietly felt a hidden figure in front and back of a house door. He glanced at the tightly closed door, drew out his long sword, and kicked the simple wooden door hard.



The simple door couldn’t withstand Thorne’s heavy blow, and as the wood broke, it opened in response, and suddenly a stench and heat mixed with all kinds of filth rushed towards him.

The room was littered with rubble, and a bonfire was burning in the center of the house, and beside the bonfire was a pile of inferior woollen fabrics and all kinds of quilted hides.

Three malevolent-looking female gnolls stared vigilantly at Thorne who broke in through the door.

In the corner of the room was a group of about 30 little wolf cubs, lying on the paved beast skins, cuddling with each other.

Some had already fallen asleep, while others were awakened by the huge movement caused by Thorne, staring at him with grinning teeth.

A group of filthy gnolls and cubs, under the smoke of the bonfire, their already strong stench became more unbearable.


The three female gnolls let out a low growl at the same time, giving a demonstrative roar to the unexpected intruder.

Among the gnoll tribes, especially the large tribes with Yenogu fangs that can be continuously transformed into gnoll warriors by hyenas, as long as the number of food and hyenas is sufficient, they never worry about the number of the tribe.

A gnoll’s food intake is comparable to that of an adult tiger, and it intersects with a smaller hyena. The gnoll is also very clear which one is easier to raise.

So generally only the leader has the right to mate.

This ensures that the strongest offspring will be born, other gnolls cannot produce offspring and need to raise them together.

The three female gnolls in front of Thorne were apparently the consorts of the gnoll leader.

The gnoll tribe wants to give birth to the strongest offspring. In addition to the strong male leader, their female spouses are also the strongest in the tribe, and their strength is at least second-order.

Facing the three female gnolls in front of him, Thorne naturally did not dare to underestimate.

In the dimly lit room, the two met without any words. When the eyes of both sides met, a killing quickly unfolded.


The first is a high-spirited howl from one of the female gnolls, which is calling for a companion, and if Thorne doesn’t get it out of the way soon, the companion who responds to the gnoll’s howl will arrive quickly.

While the gnoll was howling, the other two female gnolls had stretched out their sharp claws and opened their **** mouths to attack Thorne left and right.

One grabbed at Thorne’s neck, the other half bent over and bit at Thorne’s leg.

Feeling the stench of the gnoll when the gnoll was approaching, Thorne’s expression froze, and he went up to him with a sharp blade.

The three gnolls were clearly stronger than the average gnoll warrior, when Thorne swung his sword towards the claws that were grabbing at his neck.

The female gnoll retracted it in an instant, and changed from grabbing to pounce, just like a most primitive beast swooping over.

Thorne kicked the head of the gnoll that was biting into his leg, and then slammed forward, colliding with the gnoll who was lunging at him.

He resisted the stench, and without hesitation, the dagger in his left hand slashed a cold light on the gnoll’s abdomen, and immediately slammed his right elbow into his chest, knocking him flying, leaving him lying alone. Howling on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Thorne swung the long sword down, and a cold light swept across. He kicked the gnoll who had not yet reacted, and his head was directly chopped off, and the grim expression remained on his face.


At this time, another uninjured female gnoll jumped up with claws like a beast and rushed towards Thorne.

Facing the unskilled attack, Thorne gently turned sideways, dodged the gnoll’s swooping, and slashed with his sharp sword.

Hot blood splattered Thorne’s face, and the gnoll was cut off in an instant, his upper body lying on the ground and wailing.


Just as Thorne was facing a group of grinning wolf cubs with his sword, suddenly the female gnoll who was the first to be disemboweled seemed to return to light.

Enduring the severe pain, he rushed to Thorne and hugged his leg tightly, biting down with his ferocious fangs.


Thorne frowned, the long sword flashed a cold light, and a fluffy head hung on Thorne’s thigh.


Thorne shook off the gnoll’s head hanging from his thigh, and walked towards the thirty or so furry little wolf cubs curled up in the corner with his long sword in hand.

It has to be said that no matter what animals, including humans, in order to enhance the survival rate, the childhood looks very cute, even these terrible legacy from the power of the devil.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

There was no emotion in Thorne’s expression as he watched the muffled growls and all the cowardly but endearing whimpers.

These more than thirty little wolf cubs are all descendants of the gnoll leader. If nothing else, after they reach adulthood, by killing and competing with each other, one of them will definitely inherit the entire tribe and become the new leader.

Then lead his tribe to attack wilderness villages like locusts, looting civilized settlements, leaving behind only razed buildings, gnawed corpses, and polluted land.

In the face of these demon-like evil humanoids, there is no trace of kindness, compassion, or anything resembling a conscience in their hearts.

Thorne is naturally relentless, and never cares whether they look like monsters or kawaii.

——“Desert Wind Sect (Strike Skill): Flame of Young Dragon!”

A raging flame shrouded all the little wolf cubs gathered together, and in the smell of mushy meat accompanied by bursts of mourning, Thorne removed a ring of magical “whereabouts” and quickly disappeared in the cold night. .

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