Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 497 - village fight

Outside the village of the people of black blood.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

There were several bursts of air, Thorne shot the guards on the tower, and the paladin Ava, who was hiding in the bushes, used his longbow to kill the sentry near the gate.

Thorne, who was hidden among the branches and leaves, looked down at the figure of the paladin, he looked at each other, and then pointed to the iron door.

The solemn paladin nodded slightly to the ranger.

Seeing this, Thorne used his legs to force, jumped, and flew through the forest in an instant, appearing near the gate inside the village.

At this time, a gnoll holding a bundle of flesh-and-blood beast skeletons just came out of the house closest to the gate and walked towards the fence covered with various unknown animal bones.

Immediately afterwards, his keen sense of smell made him smell a strong smell of blood.

The gnoll paused, wrinkled his nose in confusion, and was about to look up towards the tower when he suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck. Covering his mouth, he could only let out a low, inaudible whimper.


Realizing that something was wrong, the Gnoll widened his pupils and quickly threw away the animal bone he was holding in his arms. With one hand he prepared to draw out the machete hanging from his waist, and the other hand grabbed towards the arm around his neck.


However, before he could make any progress in his actions, a dazzling cold light flashed mercilessly under the scorching sun, and instantly cut open the gnoll’s neck.

The scarlet blood rushed out a long way, and it continued to flow out.

The strength of the gnoll hunter is obviously very high. Even if he hits the key point, he still has enough energy to struggle, trying to tear the enemy behind him with his sharp claws.

Thorne watched the surroundings vigilantly, and squeezed the gnoll’s neck, locking the struggling body until the corpse stopped twitching, and then slowly let go.

Now is the time when the noon sun is the hottest, and it is also the time when people are the most lazy.

The people of black blood in the village are almost all night hunters.

At this point, they should have just eaten lunch and stayed in the room to take a nap.

This is definitely the best time to attack for Thorne.

Since the followers of Mara, the **** of hunting, are mainly rogues and rangers, their sense of smell and hearing are extremely keen, and a slight disturbance of the grass may arouse the vigilance of the hunters.

Thorne did not dare to delay. When he confirmed that the gnoll was completely dead, he immediately ran towards the iron door, then pulled the latch behind the door and gently opened the door.

Just happened to see the paladin led a group of men rushing over.

“Rush in!” The paladin General Ava in heavy silver armor said solemnly.

As soon as the words fell, more than 100 silver dragon guards entered the village of the people of black blood in an orderly manner, and took advantage of the situation to raise their shields that flickered with silver light under the scorching sun, and set up a battle formation conducive to the charge.

Thorne glanced roughly at the team behind him.

The 100 silver dragon guards wore uniform heavy armor, each with a sharp long sword and a steel shield engraved with the silver dragon mark on their left hand.

It is said that the leader of the first Silver Dragon Knights of the Hescan Kingdom was a silver dragon paladin who believed in Thom, the **** of truth.

Very few members of the Knights who performed well were even baptized with the blood of the Silver Dragon, so this name is still used today.

In addition, everyone in this elite team also has a one-handed heavy crossbow on their backs. In Thorne’s view, this heavy crossbow requires at least two people to use it together.

The most important thing is that the strength of these guards is above the extraordinary rank, and there are also two third-rank priests of the true **** Thom, and a third-rank paladin.

It can be seen from this that General Ava’s determination to eradicate this group of black blood people.

As for why he didn’t send a large army, he took advantage of the number to directly submerge the village.

It’s actually pretty easy to guess.

Because a hunter in the valley with a level four strength is proficient in necromancy.

The caster of the fourth-order paradigmatic way means that the other party is likely to have come into contact with the ninth-level spell.

The last thing a spellcaster who is proficient in necromancy is afraid of is crowd tactics.

If it is a blood race hunter, then the picture is even more unimaginable.

If an ordinary soldier with low strength dares to rush into the village, it is equivalent to sending a large group of blood slaves to the opponent.

This kind of pure and powerful vampire hunter is not afraid of crowd tactics at all, because their racial talent will allow them to absorb the vitality of the dead while fighting, and gain nourishment and strength.

“Lord Thorne, the task of cleaning up the people of black blood is left to you, and the lion hunters hiding here are left to me to block.”

Looking at the soldiers who were waiting in battle, General Ava held the sacred fine gold broadsword in his hand, and the cold eyes hidden in the steel mask looked at the ranger beside him, and said in a very solemn tone.

“No problem.” Thorne understood what the other party meant and nodded slightly to him.

As a Tier 4 hunter, they have many kinds of spells to kill the subordinates brought by the paladin in an instant.

Therefore, in order to win the battle and reduce unnecessary damage, as the only Tier 4 paladin in the team, he must hold on to the Tier 4 professional, and must not give the opponent the opportunity to cast large-scale destructive spells. .

Only in this way, Thorne and others can quickly clean up all the enemies in the village.

As for whether he can kill, that’s not something he can know clearly.

However, before leaving, Thorne heard from Alvi that the main purpose of the paladin Ava’s attack on the village was to destroy the source of the negative energy and clean up this group of black-blooded people.

The fourth-order hunter did not seem to be within his target range.

It can be seen from this that the paladin is not sure to keep the fourth-order hunter who is proficient in necromancy.

After all, the other party is a spell caster. If he wants to escape from his own territory, as a paladin, he wants to keep the other party without restricting means unless he can kill him with one hit.

“Be careful, I also smelled the scent of other evil creatures. The other party is likely to be a hunter who is proficient in concealment. It seems that we should have been targeted by this hunter.” He is about to move towards the village. General Ava, who was walking into the deep cave, said solemnly to the crowd.

After he finished speaking, he immediately rushed towards the place where he thought the evil power was the strongest.

Suddenly, a ferocious werewolf jumped down from the roof and blocked the path of the paladin.

Ava sneered, and only responded briefly, and then stepped on the soles of his feet, rushing towards the werewolf.

The paladin in heavy armor seemed to have only taken two or three steps, but appeared in front of the werewolf in an instant, and then swiftly swung the holy broadsword.


The broad sword exuding sacred light was particularly dazzling under the scorching sun, and it flashed in an instant. The werewolf only saw a pair of cold eyes in the mask, and then fell on his back, without a sound.

With the death of the werewolf hunter, various roars like wild beasts sounded in the village.

Obviously, the people of black blood living in the village finally found a group of uninvited guests who rushed into the town.

Facing the breakthrough of the only defensive portal, these disorderly hunters were like a group of ants on a hot pot, rushing towards the Silver Dragon Guards.

“Array! Block!”

In place of General Ava’s command, another third-order paladin immediately drew out the long sword from his waist and gave orders to everyone.

The silver dragon guards looked at the people of black blood coming like a tide, and they were not afraid. They raised their shields, clenched their swords, and waited.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

Some hunters armed with long-range weapons jumped, flexibly jumped to the roof, and the galloping arrows and arrows shot towards the silver dragon guards who were in formation.

In the face of the arrow rain of the hunters, even if there is no one to command, the Silver Dragon Guards are already prepared.

The soldiers in the first two rows quickly built a shield wall about three meters high to block all the arrows without any regularity, and no one was injured by the arrows.

“Retaliate!” The paladin in charge of command issued a designation.

“Shh! Shh! Shh!”

The silver dragon guards in the back row immediately put the long sword back into the scabbard, took off the one-handed heavy crossbow from the back, and held it in the right hand.

At this time, the first two rows of soldiers forming a shield wall quickly retreated to the two wings to make room for them, and the soldiers behind fired the first round of crossbow arrows in salvo with a shout.

The sharp crossbow bolts galloped away like locusts, and the wailing sounds of each other’s ups and downs followed closely. The key objects of these crossbow bolts were all hunters standing on the roof.

They weren’t many in number, just two rounds of shots and they cleaned it up.

“Charge!” The paladin roared when he saw the people of black blood only a dozen meters apart.

As soon as the words fell, the hundred silver dragon guards suddenly accelerated their pace. After rushing out two or three steps, one by one began to raise their shields to speed up the charge.

Even so, Thorne, who followed closely behind, found that the charging soldiers remained in full formation.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

A series of muffled sounds echoed in the village, which was a high-intensity collision between the shield and the flesh.

The silver dragon guards in the first row fought against these Mara believers who were mainly lycanthropes. With the help of the explosive force of the charge of more than ten meters, they instantly gained a huge advantage. stable.

The silver dragon guards in the second row followed, wielding the sharp swords that shone brightly in the scorching sun.

A stream of blood splattered.

Bloody wounds were torn open on the body of the lycanthrope who only wore simple animal skin armor, and he let out a painful howl, and fell to the ground like reaping wheat.

In this way, the phalanx formed by a hundred well-equipped silver dragon guards is like a city wall, blocking the wave after wave of the lycanthrope’s counterattack.

After a while, there were dozens of animalized human corpses on the ground, but what made the people of black blood desperate was that the phalanx of this hundred people was still as stable as Mount Tai.

Their thick heavy armor and steel shields, as well as armor armed to the teeth, are not afraid of the attack of the weapons in the hands of the lycanthrope and the tearing of fangs and claws.

The silver dragon guards were like a meat grinder moving steadily forward in the village. With the **** corpses being thrown behind them, they pushed the rushing lycanthropes towards the dead end of the village little by little.

This is simply a ruthless slaughter of the rabble by the regular army, and the way of blocking the beastman is so pale.

Even wild boars, lion orcs, and some other huge lycanthropes tried to transform into a beast attack formation, and they would be instantly killed by Thorne, who was waiting by the side, with sharp arrows. These ferocious beasts had not yet approached the formation. Or before it became a success, he died tragically on the way to the charge.

Seeing the soldiers with a huge advantage, Thorne, who was following to the side, did not show a relaxed expression at all.

Because he knew very well that these lycanthropes were just ordinary residents of the village, and their personal level was only about one or two levels at most.

For these elite soldiers, it is just an appetizer, only a warm-up.

The real Mara hunters, including the spell casters, have not yet appeared. They should live in caves deep in the valley, so their reaction is a little slower than these ordinary residents.

When the real hunters arrive to support, they will be greeted with the bloodiest battle.

That will be a battle that will truly test the true strength of the soldiers.

The silver dragon guards obviously understood this situation, and their military priests all kept their own magic, and only used normal attacks to fight.

The witches Cecil and Sword Singer Lance in the team followed at the back of the team, keeping their physical strength and did not shoot.

One hundred silver dragon guards set up to charge from the main gate of the village, and in less than fifteen minutes, they advanced three hundred meters forward.

Even if this fearless lycanthrope launched wave after wave of death counter-charges, he still could not shake the phalanx of the soldiers.

All the way forward, more than a hundred corpses were left on the **** road.

Even some smart rat people turned into giant rats, trying to use their racial talents to jump into the phalanx to disrupt the formation.

Unfortunately, before they landed, they were greeted by a sharp long sword.

The morale of the lycanthrope finally collapsed!

They start to run away in fear,

At the same time, Thorne, who has always been vigilant, also saw a group of hunters of different races appearing on a path leading from the village to the depths of the valley where his sight touched.

“The army of Cliff Castle is here!” A third-order fallen druid who came out of the cave behind the village’s expression sank. The men shouted:

“We have been cornered by the enemy, and after that is the altar of the God of Hunting, the most devout believers of the God of Hunting, tell me, what should I do now!?”

“Kill them all!”

“Never let a person break into the hunting temple!”

“Let these prey taste the fear of hunting!”


One after another terrifying wild roar echoed in the valley one after another.

One after another, the hideous hunters ran out of the cave and gathered in the direction of the fallen druids.

They wielded the cruel weapons in their hands, and their scarlet eyes jumped with excitement and madness.

As believers of the God of Hunting, they are undoubtedly very excited to face this kind of battle, even if the situation is extremely unfavorable to them.

Because they knew very well that, as a hunter who represented the twisted side of nature among the furious gods, only crazy killing could attract the attention of the **** of hunting.

The hunter who is a believer is undoubtedly the most eager for the fear emanating from the prey, and revels in the blood splashed by the prey.

At this time, the Mara believers gathered here are the strongest and most devout hunters in the village.

There are various evil races such as the most primitive and wild lycanthropes, the fierce and cruel gnolls, the furious ogres, the evil hybrid orcs and so on.

Although these devout hunters are of different sizes, each has a strong strength, and their occupation level is almost maintained at level 5 or above. This is from their cold and godly eyes, Kongwu powerful arms, and hideous faces. can be seen.

Moreover, there are more than a dozen hunters known as ‘Claws of Mura’, believers who can be respected as ‘Claws of Mura’, and their strength is undoubtedly above the third rank.

“Release the hybrid beasts and swear to defend the temple!”

The fallen druid who commanded the hunters once again issued an order that frightened the hunters.

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