Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 108 - Summon Fire Elemental

“There’s no way, it’s not like you don’t know that our players like to die when playing games, and no one expected such incredible things to happen. Fortunately, I only chose 10% of the bloodline at the beginning.

In Stallman Town, many players can’t resist the temptation to pursue powerful power, which leads to choosing too many demon bloodlines, and finally can’t bear the will of the bloodline to backlash, turning into machines that only know how to kill. It’s so stupid. “

The sorcerer player sighed, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then looked at Ishak’s figure again, and unconsciously flapped his shoulder blades and said worriedly:

“Anyway, Ishak is considered to be the strongest warrior among the players in Stallman Town, and the only one who has persisted until now. Although it feels a little impossible, I still hope that he can survive this disaster. Bar.”

“It didn’t happen to the end, and no one can predict the final result. Don’t worry too much. I don’t think he has completely lost his mind yet, at least, doesn’t he?”

Thorne glanced at Ishak, who was still fighting hard among the lizardmen warriors, and comforted the warlock beside him.

Then he paused and continued: “His condition is caused by excessive exposure to the smell of blood and killing, so we must end the battle as soon as possible now, otherwise the longer it drags on, the more dangerous your companions will be. “


Thorne looked straight after speaking, quickly put away the composite longbow and quiver, and immediately pulled out the dark ember longsword around his waist, intending to join Ishak’s battle.

“My friend, don’t be too impulsive, Ishak is about to lose his mind. It’s very dangerous to do this. In fact, you have done a good job. Besides, you are a ranger…”

Seeing Thorne preparing to rush out, the warlock kindly comforted him.

“Besides, a ranger like me can’t turn the tide of the battle, right?” Thorne glanced at the lizardmen warrior in front of him and said with a nonchalant smile.

“That’s not what I meant, it’s just for your safety, I don’t want you to lose your life for no reason.”

The Warlock player looked at Thorne’s expression, and hurriedly explained to Thorne.

“I understand your kindness, but I have my own discretion. You should be careful not to be attacked by the lizardman stalker again.”

Thorne’s words changed, and his tone suddenly became sharp.

Immediately afterwards, he charged towards the lizardmen warrior with his sword.

For tonight’s unexpected situation, Thorne’s original plan was to use a long-range attack to assist, and he didn’t want to sacrifice his life.

After all, Stallman Town has a powerful sorcerer Anaxis in charge. As the lord and guardian of the town, she will not watch these caravan guards lose their lives in vain.

At the last critical moment, he would definitely endure the danger of being attacked by the suzerain to help, which is the main reason why he didn’t pay so much attention to tonight’s battle.

However, after he saw Ishak in front of him who was being attacked by the will of the abyss demon, this mentality of fishing for fish gradually disappeared.

“Just try to save it if you can. After all, they’re just a bunch of poor people who can’t go home.” Thorne gradually approached the lizardmen warrior, clenching the long sword in his right hand and whispering to himself.

“Stubborn guys, like Ishak, are a bunch of lunatics.” The warlock couldn’t help but curse when he saw Thorne walking forward quickly with his long sword in hand.

He knows the professional characteristics of the Ranger too well. He really can’t understand how a mediocre profession can play a significant role in this battle.

Because Thorne gave him the impression that the arrows were more accurate, the melee combat ability was good, and the reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance abilities were relatively strong, and there were no other advantages.

Thorne, who was about to join the battle, glanced at the battle situation calmly.

The four cowardices summoned by Ishak were still chasing down the Lizardman Longbowmen.

And Ishak was still surrounded by the lizardmen warriors, and the flames around him continued to emit high temperature, constantly threatening the lizardmen warriors who were trying to approach.

This “flame protection” spell is a weakened version of the Balor, and the flame’s burning range is only about one meter.

He had seen the real Balor Flame Demon in Winter City. These legendary-level abyss demons were enveloped in flames that could reach a range of ten meters.

Ordinary people only need to be slightly contaminated, and their bodies will be burned into coke in an instant. Even professionals, if they do not have flame resistance, they can only resist for a few more seconds.

And although Ishak’s flame aura is not as perverted as the Balor, it is not deadly enough for the lizardmen warriors.

However, these lizardmen who have no fire resistance are also unable to withstand the continuous burning damage of the fire for a long time, which makes them timid when attacking.

Even if some ghostly lizardmen want to take advantage of Ishak’s inattentiveness and make a sneak attack, they will be accurately shot by four teammates hiding in the distance.

But the longer the fight dragged on, the more dangerous it was for the fighter player, who had to end the fight as soon as possible or get Ishak out of the fight.

Thorne’s eyes narrowed and he waved the long sword in his hand.

– “Desert Wind Sect (Enhanced Skill): The Flame of Chaos!”

A turbulent heat wave quickly swept away from the charred ground, forming a miniature sand whirl, when the frantically spinning sand whirl disappeared.

A summoning circle flashing orange light quickly emerged, followed by a group of human-shaped flames nearly two meters tall on the battlefield.

Medium Fire Elemental

Medium Elemental (Fire)

Challenge Level: Level 6

Highest attribute: Agility 17 points

Status Immunities: exhausted, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, knocked down, restrained, stunned

Damage Immunity: Fire, Poison

Damage resistance: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing for non-magical attacks

Special Abilities: Fire Form, Scorch, Multistrike, Lighting, Weak Water

Feats: Weapon Proficiency (Slam)

Fire Elemental, as an elemental creature, is divided into small, medium, large, super-large, giant and elder type in order of strength.

On top of this, is the Prince of Elements who has stepped into the legendary realm.

Thorne’s desert-style swordsmanship all belong to the supernatural ability of the fire department. This method of summoning fire elements is similar to the wizard’s conjuration spells.

They all use the power of incantations to launch spell pointers and space beacons to the element plane.

When finding a suitable summoning target, sign an oath with it by threatening or lure, so as to project and summon it to the designated location on the main material plane.

When the spell ends or the magic is disarmed, the summoned creature is teleported back to its original location, and if the summoned creature is killed, it returns automatically.

However, the summoned creature is not really dead, and will be resurrected after 24 hours, but the creature cannot be summoned again during this period.

With Thorne’s current strength, he can only sign a summoning oath with a medium-sized fire element from the element plane at most.

But it’s enough for tonight’s battle. Because medium-sized fire elements are elemental forms, they are inherently powerful damage resistance.

This damage resistance makes them immune to normal attacks from all nonmagical weapons.

That is to say, the weapons in the hands of this group of lizardmen will not cause any damage to the fire element.

Under the control of Thorne’s mind, the blurred face of the medium-sized fire element flashed two bright blue flame pupils, looking towards the direction of Ishak’s battle.

It gently danced its flickering arms, speaking the fire language that no one could understand.

Immediately afterwards, the fire element turned into a Naruto and rushed into the group of lizardmen warriors, and then approached Ishak who was fighting, and suddenly waved the two arms that were looming and pushed towards Ishak with all his strength.


Ishak, who was caught off guard, was directly pushed by the fire element and fell to the ground not far away.

His two eyes that seemed to be burning with fire flickered, his body struggled forcibly, and he was ready to charge towards the lizardmen warrior again.

— “One Ring of Magic: Resist Energy Damage (Fire)!”

After Thorne’s magic was cast, he resisted the pungent smell of sulfur and pressed his palm on Ishak’s shoulder in a cold voice: “If you want to survive, go back and rest!”


Ishak struggled for a moment, roaring angrily, while trying to restrain the urge to attack Thorne with both hands.

“Is the mind already so blurred?” Thorne frowned at Ishak who was struggling.

Then he glanced at the lizardmen warriors who rushed over not far away, as well as the four teammates who were helping to stop the lizardmen beside the carriage, and did not dare to waste time.

– “Soul Soul Sect (Coping Skill): Perfect Spirit!”

So Thorne pressed Ishak’s shoulders with the mentality of giving it a try, and immediately launched the Steel Soul faction’s countermeasures.

“Perfect Spirit” is the best move against Will checks in the Steel Soul faction martial arts. For the current crisis situation, Thorne can only try it first.

Immediately, an invisible energy of qi emerged, spreading rapidly from Thorne’s palm to Ishak’s flaming body, and Ishak’s twisted face began to ease.

“Go back to rest, I’ll resist here!” Seeing that Ishak had regained some sense of reason and gained control over his body, Thorne immediately pushed him away and scolded.

“Thank you…this friend…for your help, then here…please…you.”

Ishak, who had regained some sense of sanity, struggled for a while, and said to Thorne in a low and hoarse voice. After speaking, he turned and left with a little difficulty.


Among the lizardfolk warriors, the medium fire elemental summoned by Thorne did not care about the attack of the lizardfolk weapons.

With his agile skills, he kept chasing the lizardmen warriors who came to Thorne.

With every swipe of its flaming arms, a lizardman’s body was ignited, and then it let out a mournful wailing, lying on the ground and rolling frantically.

This is the special ability “burning” of the fire element. As long as the creature touched by the fire element does not have strong flame resistance, the body will cause spontaneous combustion.

Seeing Ishak slowly leaving, Thorne breathed a sigh of relief. No one could guarantee that the other party just recovered a little sanity and would be occupied again.

Then Thorne looked at the lizardmen warrior who was far away from the fire element and rushed towards him, his expression turned cold.

– “Desert Wind Faction (Strike Skill): Fire Bomb!”

Thorne stretched out his palm to concentrate for a moment, and a dark red flame the size of a basketball appeared in his palm, exuding a scorching heat, reflecting Thorne’s hooded face red.

As Thorne threw it hard, the fireball in his palm fell into the lizard crowd with a whistling sound, like an exploding high-explosive grenade.


In the gleaming night, the deafening sound of explosions, the splashing minced meat and soil, combined with the thick gunpowder smoke, mercilessly cleared the group of lizardmen warriors into a vacuum.

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