Half Bros

Chapter 2: Club Fooling

Lee Home

(Timmy writing down something in a book)

(Thomas walking into Timmy's room)

Thomas: You worms do come out the holes right.

Timmy: If you trying use the book room joke for me doing school work you are wrong multiple ways. The top one is because I'm doing anything for school work.

Thomas: What are you doing then?

Timmy: I trying right a book.

Thomas: I guess that you book worm agent. (Laughing)

Timmy: Stupidity cleverer.

Thomas: But I thought you wanted to be a scientist.

Timmy: Well since they many types scientists some I want to be but writing just a hobby. 

Thomas: Well you need more practice drawing your characters.

Timmy: I'm still working on drawing characters.

Thomas: Let you big brother do it.

(Thomas writing good drawing of the character)

Thomas: Done.

Timmy: When did learn to draw go so well?

Thomas: I just have a creative mind, that's how I make so many jokes.

Timmy: If that was true I would feel annoyed by this picture.

Kevin: Boys come down.

(Thomas and Timmy walking downstairs)

Isabelle: We need talk Thomas.

Thomas: It wasn't me he messed up the toilet.

Kevin: No, we talking about your after school activities. You can't just prank, play video games, and nap.

Thomas: Those are my favorite activities and what about Timmy.

Timmy: I help the teachers and have calculus. All I finish under 10 minutes.

Kevin: That's why this weekend you going to school to find a club.

Thomas: Well I hope they don't have a comedy club because I will be arrested(laughing). Get it because people say they kill if they are good on comedy shows.

Timmy: I understand joke but people we just leave when here you jokes.

Madison School 

(Thomas and Timmy in the gym during karate club)

Mark: I'm glad you chose karate for your first  club.

Thomas: Thanks is mostly because I watch a lot martial art movies.

Mark: Me too and won't brag but I say on same level as those guys.

Timmy: You do realize you just bragged.

Instructor : On the mats. 

(Thomas and others in the mats)

(Timmy on the stage)

Instructor: Let's begin on simple martial arts. stances. Follow my movements.

(Thomas follows his moves almost perfectly)

Instructor: You have precise and balanced movements.

Thomas: Well I do parkour sometimes. I guess you call a master park-fu.

Mark: Is karate not Kung-fu

Timmy: Theirs actually big difference actually.

Instructor: Silence. Let's see if you martial arts matches you mouth, in a sparring match with our senior member.

(Thomas about to spare)

Mark: Don't get nervous martial arts is all about using weak points in your opponents.

Instructor: Begin.

(Thomas kicks the Senior between the legs and falls to the ground)

Instructor: What do you think you are doing.

Thomas: What Mark said uses weak spots and nothing on the man's body is weaker than that or funnier.

Mark: He's not wrong.

(Instructor looking at Mark with angry look)

Instructor: Martial Arts about is about honor and fairness.

Timmy: Well since most people use it self defense during fights where anything can happen. So is kind of useless to follow those rules.

(Instructor getting even more mad)

Mark: I see making people is a family thing for you two.

Instructor: You two out and never return.

(Thomas, Timmy, and Mark leaving out the doors)

Mark: Sorry guys.

Thomas: Is fine this uniform is to tight on private places.

Mark: I did not need to know that.

Timmy: We can go to other clubs while the instructor cools down.

Otto Shop

(Freddie Welcomes them)

Freddie: I see you two current stand Mark's bragging.

Mark: No, Thomas kick a guy in nuts.

Freddie: Please tell me someone recorded that.

Chief: Welcome to Otto shop, here we treat cars as their were women.

Thomas: Sounds like most guys here like autoiality.

(All of them confused)

Timmy: I think my half brother was trying to combine auto meaning car and beastialty to make word that means loving car to much, to reference you guys.

(Some them getting angry)

Freddie: I can see both of you can annoy people when you work together.

Chief: This club is about trusting you vehicle and the vehicle trusting you to fix it. So I'm trusting you to work on my car.

(Most of them working on the car)

(Chief gives Thomas a wench)

Chief: Try to turn that.

(Thomas turning the wench)

Chief: Good gripe.

Thomas: I'm good at taking things apart.

Chief: To truly understand a vehicle you have to be in the front.

(Thomas looking in the front)

Thomas: What does this do.

(Thomas accidentally turning off the parking brake)

(Car drives into a street light)

Chief: My baby.

Freddie: You two should probably leave.

Timmy: Why because he's going to sue us.

Mark: Or kick them out.

Freddie: I was going say because who will kill you, but that to.

Thomas: I guess that would make he a auto killer or would that be. But we should leave.

(Few minutes later)

Cooking Club


(Thomas and Timmy walking out)

Timmy: I told you should look before adding random stuff.

Thomas: You were reading to slow. Well I guess theirs no clubs for me.

Timmy: Don't give we haveone more hour before we have to go home.

(Sarah accidentally run into Thomas)

Thomas: Oh are you ok.

Sarah: Is ok, just leave me alone.

Thomas: Who's that.

Timmy: Sarah Smith, she is what most people call goth. She goes to art club.

Thomas: Art club that sounds interesting.

Art Club

Mrs. Alex: Welcome class this Art Club, where you can make you imagination in life.

Thomas: Are sure this art club and not wizard school.

Mrs. Alex: Now class uses the paint supplies and other materials in front of you to  make a tiny sculpture. Now being.

(Thomas looking at stuff in the trash)

Mrs. Alex: Ok class stop.

(Mrs. Alex looking at Sarah colorful vampire)

Mrs. Alex: Very dark and amazing as always.

(Mrs.Alex looking at Timmy regular man)

Mrs. Alex: Amazing you could make that but I didn't know you were interested in art.

Timmy: I'm not I just don't like things unfinished.

Mrs. Alex: Ok Thomas you finale…one.

(Thomas three headed trash monster sculpture)

Thomas: Sorry did I break the rules.

Mrs. Alex: No you only break my expectations, how did think of this.

Thomas: Well with sculpting, painting, or drawing I free to use my creative mind.

Mrs. Alex: Well Mr. Lee you definitely feet into art club.

Timmy: Well Thomas we found a club that fits an odd imagination.

Thomas: I guess so, it's all thanks to Sarah. Thanks.

(Sarah walking away )

Thomas: I guess she is shy.

Timmy: Is she doesn't like you.

Thomas: Relax little brother, today was a good day for everyone.

(Explosion from cooking club)

(Chief crying next to his destroyed car)

(Senior being put in the ambulance)

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