Haikyuu: Opening Super Workout System

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Jiang Yan, who came to the front row, just relying on a few nets, made several people in the sound of the colt feel pain!

Unlike the cat and coach off the field, the music colt players on the field felt more intuitively about the sense of oppression brought by Jiang Ran!

Especially observant grinding.

In these few rounds, none of the balls he passed could pass through Jiang Yan’s net!

“What’s going on?”

There was already a slight sweat on the grinding forehead.

“Completely seen through?”

“This mighty No. 7 player… Every time, you can accurately appear behind the slam to block the net! ”

“It’s like, the Prophet of Uncertainty!”

“No amount of fake action can fool his eyes!”

Gradually, as the competition progressed, the psychological pressure of the Otome crowd also increased!

“Could it be that The strongest weapon in Uno that You said earlier is this No. 7 untangled net?”

Looked at by his friend with a shocked face, Anda also had a strange look.

“Obviously, the last time he played a practice match, his net was not so strong!”


Facing his friend’s puzzled gaze, Tashita continued:

“I mean, although it is strong, it can’t reach the level of insoluble solution now!”

“I can’t imagine…”

As he spoke, watching the green tendons on the foreheads of the two friends in front of him gradually revealed, Shimada couldn’t help but feel a pang of discomfort.

“Shimada, you mean, you don’t know either?”

“No… No, of course I know! ”

“But this No. 7 player, what he’s best at isn’t blocking nets!”

“It’s a powerful smash!”

“Huh? Smash? ”

The two colleagues were stunned, and then they heard Shimada shouting:

“Watch out! It’s coming soon! ”

The situation on the field has changed, and although Otokoma has not been able to attack for a long time, the Back Row of Uno has lost a point due to a mistake.


Seeing this, everyone in Otokoma couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief!

Since Jiang Ran came to the front row, the yin colt, who was not good at attacking in the first place, did not get a single point under his net!

Now it’s the turn of the Sonic Foal to serve!

The turn has come to their side, Otokoy defends, Uno attacks!

Can this No. 7 player, who is good at blocking nets, still play his role?

I’m afraid that these people will finally have to suffer a little under the strongest defense of the sound colt!

Grinding also breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, next…

He was keeping a close eye on the situation on Uno’s side, and constant observation was his strong point!

Observe the way Xiangyang attacks when he is in the back row, and then find out their flaws!!



Otokoma’s serve was securely caught by Nishitani in the back row!

Shadow Mountain of the second pass subconsciously passed the ball in the direction of Jiang Randi!

The cat and coach in the audience, several people in the unocho team in the audience… They all opened their eyes at the same time.

Here it comes!

Facing this familiar high ball coming from Shadow Mountain, Jiang Ran smiled slightly.

The light upward movement is like a dragonfly dotting the water!

But who knows what kind of violent forces are hidden in it?

Slender body bent like a full moon!

It’s like riding a gust of wind and jumping up!

The three people in the front row of the sound colt also jumped off the net at the same time!


“This… This starting height! ”

“How can that be??”

The usually unfazed cat jumped up from his chair again.

At the same time, Inuka and the others in the front row who were blocking the net were also looking up at Jiang Yan in the air with a shocked face.

“This… What to do? ”


The sound of the ball landing on the ground rings out!

Before the Sonic Foal’s Free man could react, the ball came to an end!

Uno score!


The game is suspended!

The cat on the field could not hold back and suddenly called out a timeout!

“Coach, we…”

Some of the players of the next sound colt began to panic a little.

They’re good at defending, but that’s also a sub-situation!

The defense is divided into two parts, blocking the net and catching the ball!

Looking at the height of the main attacker’s smash on the other side, the net is afraid that it will be completely ineffective against him!

The original perfect defensive system collapsed in half at once!

What else is there to stop that tough No. 7 attacker??

As the think tank of the team, Grinding this time is also a rare silence.

Because he couldn’t think of any way to limit the kind of slam he just had!

If you can’t stop the net, if you try your luck to let the back row catch the ball…

The probability of receiving it will probably be low and terrible!

The cat and the coach also shook his head, and he was also thinking about countermeasures.

In fact, what he saw off the field was more comprehensive!

Uno’s 7 slam ball, that’s not just high.

And that mighty force!

I’m afraid it won’t be inferior to their pill head attacker!

If you say, a slam without a net, the defensive difficulty is 6!

Then the ball that was deducted by the no. 7 attacker on the opposite side, the defensive difficulty is 9!

The increased difficulty of 30% is due to the strength of the ball!

What exactly is to be done to restrain this attacker?

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