Grimoires and Gunsmoke

Operation Tolkien Chapter: 72 Volume Finale

Another sigh left Yzael’s mouth as she found herself back in the plush seat of the black SUV that had been ferrying her around.

As the vehicle glided smoothly over a rather bland and featureless bridge, the monotony of the structures around her starkly contrasted with the whirlwind of meetings and discussions she had just left behind. Beside her, her assistant, a young woman named Maria, tapped away at her phone with her eyes glued to the screen. "Okay, so next up, we have a meeting at the Pentagon," Maria said with a crisp and efficient voice.

However, Yzael just looked at her blankly as if asking whether the assistant expected her to know what that meant. Maria then cleared her throat with flushed cheeks and corrected herself, "Ahem… It’s one of the country's main hubs for strategic and military thought."

Nodding absently, Yzael's gaze drifted back out of the window to the large river below. Another bridge stretched out in the distance, its design just as utilitarian as the one they were currently crossing. It was all so... bland. Back in her world, even the most functional structures were imbued with a sense of artistry and aesthetics. But here, everything seemed designed with pure practicality in mind.

But that seemed to make sense after seeing the dizzying array of vehicles passing them. Any bridge, Gods, or even a road would be completely destroyed by the number of vehicles that pass over them. That wasn’t even including the weight and size of what traversed these lands. Most of the ‘cars’ and ‘trucks’ were easily heavier than any mount in her world by a factor of two at minimum. But those were just the personal vehicles…

Her gaze then shifted to yet another gargantuan vehicle called a ‘semi-truck’ rumbling along along the bridge as they passed it.

"After the Pentagon," Maria continued, oblivious to Yzael's wandering thoughts, "we have a lunch meeting with representatives from Boeing and SpaceX. They're very interested in the potential applications of mana in aerospace engineering."

Yzael hummed in acknowledgment, but her mind only captured half of Maria’s words. The elf couldn't help but yearn for a little more variety, a little more beauty in her surroundings. No matter where she looked, there was a constant parade of gleaming glass, cold steel, and grey concrete, and it was wearing on her.

But as they entered the sprawling metropolis of Washington D.C., Yzael's eyes finally sparked with some life. Here, at last, was a break in the monotony. She found herself captivated by the fascinating stately columns, intricate pediments, and grand porticos that exuded a sense of timeless elegance and authority. It was as if these buildings seemed to harken back to an ancient era, their designs evoking a sense of history and tradition.

Yet, the gleaming, glass-and-steel edifices of what these humans would consider contemporary were interspersed among these classic structures. These buildings, with their clean lines, geometric shapes, and innovative materials, spoke of progressive, forward-thinking.

"After lunch," still engrossed in her phone, Maria continued to rattle off the day's itinerary. "we have a meeting with the Secretary of Energy to discuss the potential of mana as a renewable power source."

Another absent affirmation left Yzael’s mouth as she remained fixated on the architecture around her. But as the convoy came to a stop at a red light, her attention was suddenly drawn to a charming little cafe on the corner.

It was a quaint and inviting space, with tables spilling out onto the sidewalk. The cafe’s patrons were leisurely enjoying a variety of dishes and drinks, which made Yzael's eyes widen in jealousy. The elf took in the array of colors and textures of the confectionaries, while the steam rising from cups gave her a dose of nostalgia from her own hometown.

Oh, how she longed to go in there. To sample every delicacy. To savor the flavors. To bask in the aromas of this world's cuisine. But before she could voice this desire, the light turned green, and the SUV lurched forward once more.

As they drove on, Yzael's hands nearly slapped against the tinted window, and her eyes remained on the cafe. Her gaze was drawn to other establishments that lined the streets. A florist's shop, with its windows brimming with blooms of every hue, seemed to beckon her with its promise of natural beauty– a bookstore with shelves stacked high with tomes of every size and color.

Maria, on the other hand, was still focused on her job as an assistant. The secretary-esque woman continued to outline the day's engagements. "Next would be a dinner meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff," she said. "They're very keen on hearing your insights on military applications for magic. The most pressing would be detection and targeting."

Yzael suppressed a sigh. As much as she appreciated the opportunity to share her knowledge, the constant parade of meetings and discussions was starting to wear on her. She longed for a moment of respite, a chance to explore this fascinating city at her own pace.

After a bit of scrolling, Maria narrowed her eyes as she found the conclusion of the busy day. "And after the dinner meeting, you'll be driven back to your secure residence for the night. The Secret Service has arranged for a private, well-appointed space where you can rest and prepare for the next day's engagements." Maria continued, looking up at Yzael as she stared out the window.

"Uh-huh," Yzael mumbled. At this point, the woman was on autopilot as her gaze remained fixed on the passing storefronts and restaurants. Her mind was miles away, lost in daydreams of steaming cups of coffee and flaky, buttery pastries.

Noticing Yzael's distraction, Maria set her phone down and raised an eyebrow. "Ma'am, are you listening?" she asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

"Uh-huh," Yzael repeated, still not fully present in the conversation.

With a gentle tap on Yzael's shoulder, Maria finally managed to snap the elf out of her reverie. Yzael nearly jumped in her seat as she turned to face her assistant with a startled expression.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Yzael apologized, her ears drooping slightly in embarrassment. "I must have drifted off for a moment there."

Maria huffed a few times in amusement, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "It's quite alright, ma'am," she said, her tone understanding. "You must be fatigued by all the hectic meetings. It's been a busy morning, and we still have a full day ahead."

Yzael nodded, but her gaze kept flicking back to the cafes and shops they were passing. The longing in her eyes was plain to see. Finally, she turned to Maria with a hopeful expression on her face. "Would it be alright if we stopped by one of these cafes?" She nearly whispered in a tentative tone. "Just for a little while?"

The smile on Maria's face faded a little as she considered the request. As much as she wanted to accommodate Yzael's request, there were protocols to follow and security concerns to consider. "I understand your desire, ma'am," Maria began, her tone gentle but firm. "But given your unique status and the sensitive nature of your work, we have to be very careful about public exposure."

The elf’s ears drooped further in disappointment from the reply, but it seemed Maria wasn’t quite finished as the secretary tapped on her chin in thought.

"However," Maria continued, "I think we can find a compromise. Let me make a few calls and see if we can arrange for a private visit to one of these establishments. We can have the place cleared and secured, and you can enjoy a bit of downtime without compromising your safety or identity."

Yzael's face lit up like a Christmas tree at the suggestion. Her eyes sparkled, and her posture straightened as she scooted closer to her assistant. "Really!? Truly!?" she nearly yelled with a voice full of excitement. "You could do that!?"

Maria did her best to cover up her amused laugh as she nodded. This magically inclined being from another world was nothing short of adorable. The assistant soon nodded as she had already pulled up her contacts on her phone. "It might take a bit of coordination," she replied, "but for someone of your importance, I'm sure we can make it happen. Consider it a small thank you for all the invaluable knowledge you're sharing with us."

A genuine, heartfelt smile spread across Yzael’s face as she clapped her hands in uncontained giddiness. Her ears seemed to spring as her expression seemed to light up the entire vehicle. "Oh, thank you, Maria!" she yelled, hopping as high in her seat as her seatbelt would allow her. "That would mean the world to me!"

With Maria tapping away at her phone to make arrangements for a secure, private visit to a local cafe, Yzael settled back into her seat. All the fatigue that welled within Yzael seemed to be washed away with a wave of excitement as she heard her Secretary speak to whoever ran these security details. A chance to actually sit somewhere lovely and eat some well-deserved confections was a small thing, a brief respite from the whirlwind of meetings and discussions. But to Yzael, it meant everything.

The SUV pulled up to their next destination as the thought of delicious sweets swirled within Yzael's head. Looking up at the marvel in front of her, Yzael gawked at the building's sheer size and unique design. The five-sided structure seemed to stretch on forever. And while the High Elven cities of her homeland held more awe-inspiring structures, Yzael had to remind herself that these humans made such a simple-looking structure exude strength and authority with just concrete and glass.

It wasn’t long until the SUV approached the Pentagon, and a flurry of activity erupted. The Pentagon’s security personnel had been briefed on the VIP's arrival and the need for discretion, and the last thing they wanted was to draw unwanted attention to the fact that they were hosting an elf. It was one thing to have it be known there was such a being in custody and a whole other matter of the fact they were working with such a being in one of the country's most secure and sensitive military installations. The uproar and international backlash would be nearly instantaneous, with a flurry of accusations flying in every direction.

To avoid some issues, they opted out of pulling up to the main entrance and instead directed the SUV to a secure underground parking facility. The area had been cleared of all non-essential personnel, and additional security measures had been put in place to ensure privacy.

As the vehicle came to a stop, a team of Secret Service agents quickly surrounded it. They were dressed in plain clothes, their earpieces and alert stances the only indications of their true role. With practiced efficiency, they escorted Yzael through labyrinthine halls of the most coveted buildings of US military leadership.

Yzael couldn't help but notice the curious looks of the few personnel they encountered. Even though she was wearing a sleek, modern suit like a lot of the other personnel, her elven features were impossible to fully conceal. Her pointed ears, ethereal grace, and slightly luminous skin was a stark contract against the humans around her.

But as she was whisked through the halls of the Pentagon, she also noticed the state of the offices and meeting rooms they passed. Every open door revealed a scene of controlled chaos, with empty and half-full pizza boxes and coffee cups strewn about. It was clear that the personnel here were working around the clock, dealing with some sort of ongoing crisis.

This was only compounded by the curious yet haggard faces of the people they passed. Despite her unusual appearance, most seemed too preoccupied with their own tasks to give Yzael more than a passing glance. It was as if the entire building was operating under a state of extreme pressure that Yzael couldn’t really fathom.

As they approached a set of double doors, Yzael's keen elven hearing picked up a snippet of conversation between two individuals who were power-walking down the hall. Their voices were tense, their words rapid and clipped. "The Chinese are starting to posture more aggressively in the Pacific," one of them said, his brow furrowed in concern. "They're accusing us of neoimperialism and demanding entrance into the portal."

The other individual, a woman with a severe bob cut, shook her head. "And the Russians are getting angsty, too," she replied, her tone exasperated. "They keep demanding a UN-coordinated response, saying it irresponsible that this is a US-led endeavor and it’s a threat to the entire planet."

Yzael couldn't quite grasp the full context of the conversation she overheard, but from what she gathered, there seemed to be an ongoing geopolitical crisis centered around the rift. The mention of "Chinese" and "Russians," which she assumed were other kingdoms or entities in this world, and their demands for involvement or oversight hinted at a complex web of international tensions.

A hum of interest left Yzael's mouth as she tried to piece together the implications. But before she could ponder further, she was ushered through a pair of heavy double doors and into a meeting room filled with a group of rather important-looking individuals.

As she entered, the people around the table stood, their postures straight and their expressions serious. One by one, they introduced themselves as members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest-ranking military officials in the United States.

After a round of polite but brisk greetings, they got straight to the point. "Lady Yzael," the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs began, "the main goal of this meeting is to determine the tactical and strategic threats we need to address regarding the Empire’s and their use of magic on the other side of the rift." He paused, giving his colleague an intense glance. "We know we've gone over this with you before, many times, Lady Yzael... But we hope that underscores just how critical this topic is. The security of our nation and the world at large, may depend on the insights you can provide."

Yzael fidgeted a few moments before nodding nervously. A part of her was still apprehensive of these kinds of meetings. It was almost as if she was betraying her own world, but as long as their ‘guns’ and ‘bombs’ were aimed directly at the Seraphic empire and not her people, then she had little qualms about it.

Nodding solemnly, Yzael met the Chairman's gaze. "I understand," she said, her voice steady. "As long as you make the distinction that the High Elven people are not the Empire, then I have little issues with delving deeper into the topic."

The military leaders nodded back. “We are not in the profession of wanton destruction. If your people remain neutral and do not intervene in our conflict with the empire, then we will not touch an inch of their land.” He replied. It was the same song and dance as last time. As long as everyone stayed in their lane, then there was no need to come to blows.

“As a matter of fact, as we said last meeting, I’m sure our diplomats would be more than ecstatic to set up trade or even cultural exchanges with the High Elven Council.” The Chairman continued, folding his hands on the table. “There’s quite a bit we’d be eager to learn, and there’s also quite a bit we’d love to teach.”

That was the same answer as last time, but the words still did a lot to ease Yzaels's heart as she visibly relaxed. The elf let loose a deep breath, steeling herself once more, and began the meeting in earnest.

Again, for hours, Yzael found herself answering question after question until these important men were satisfied and left her throat hoarse and dry. And by the time it was finally time for her to head back to her transport, the poor elf felt mentally and emotionally drained. The knowledge she shared seemed to weigh down on her heavily. These humans were terrifyingly clever… it was apparent that centuries of constant warfare had shaped their decision-making on an institutional level. Whatever Yzael had shared over the months was going to be used to shape the course of her world… forever.

With everything all said and done, Yzael heaved a heavy sigh as she made her way back through the labyrinthine halls of the Pentagon. Her Secret Service detail surrounded her once more as they descended into the underground garage and approached her waiting SUV, and she couldn't help but feel relieved. Anyplace that was the nerve center for secrets and plots was someplace that Yzael wanted to be as far away from as possible.

However, the elf knew that was going to be an impossibility for the foreseeable future.

Another sigh left Yzael’s mouth as she neared her designated vehicle, and she was greeted by the sight of her appointed assistant standing right next to the SUV with a broad smile on her face. As Maria opened the door for her, Yzael half expected the woman to rattle on about another meeting or a change in plans, but lo and behold, the cheeky woman had good news for once.

"Our change in plans has been approved, Lady Yzael," Maria announced in a bright and chipper voice.

Yzael’s eyes widened, and a spark of excitement filled her gaze as she snapped her head to her assistant. Maria herself was unable to control her grin at the elf's adorable reaction. It was like watching a child being told they were going to their favorite candy store.

"That's right," Maria continued, her own enthusiasm feeding off Yzael's. "Everything's been arranged for your private cafe visit. The Secretary of Energy is looking forward to meeting you there for a lovely lunch. And get this - it's not just any cafe. It's an adorable little cat cafe with a beautiful garden inside!"

A squeal of delight left Yzael’s mouth as her hands came up to her face, and she practically bounced on her feet. "Ohh! A cat cafe!? I’ve only seen those creatures from a distance or on a screen!" she clapped, her voice filled with wonder. "With a garden? Oh, Maria, that sounds absolutely perfect!"

Charmed by Yzael's unabashed joy, Maria’s smile widened as she opened the door of the SUV. Moments like these reminded her of just how unique and special her charge was. Despite being a veritable ancient and immensely powerful magical being, Yzael still found such pure, innocent delight in the simple pleasures of life.

"The Secret Service is already en route to secure the area and prep for your arrival," Maria assured her. "Everything should be in order by the time we get there. You'll have plenty of time to enjoy the cafe, play with the cats, and relax in the garden before the Secretary arrives."

Yzael was practically vibrating with excitement, and her earlier fatigue and stress were wholly forgotten. "Cats and a garden," she repeated as if trying to convince herself it was real. "After all those meetings, all that time cooped up inside... Maria, you're an absolute goddess, do you know that?"

Maria felt warm and fuzzy at Yzael's words. "I'm happy to make your day just a little more tolerable, Lady Yzael," she replied modestly. You're doing such important work that is helping keep not only my family safe but also countless other families. It's the least I can do to make things a little brighter for you."

As they climbed into the SUV, Yzael was still gushing about the cafe, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Do you think they'll let me pet these ‘cats’?" she asked, her voice filled with hopeful longing. "I've always wanted to pet a cat from your world. They look so soft and fluffy in the pictures I've seen!"

Shaking her head in amusement, Maria laughed affectionately. "I'm sure they will, Lady Yzael," she assured her. "In fact, I've heard that the cats at this particular cafe are very friendly and love attention from visitors. You might even get to play with some of the kittens, if you're lucky."

Yzael let out another squeal at that, actually clapping her hands in glee. "Kittens!" she exclaimed. "Oh, Maria, this is going to be the best day ever. I can feel it!"

As the SUV pulled out of the Pentagon's underground garage and merged into the busy D.C. traffic, the two made their way to their next meeting point to discuss the potential uses of magic in energy generation.

And, of course, to eat confections and pet a cute cat or two.

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