Greg Veder vs The World

Cutscene: Knight In Plastic Armor

Cutscene: Knight In Plastic Armor

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

Thursday, April 7th, 2011

"... But seriously, holy crap on a cracker."



"I know, right?" Sparky raised a hand to his brow, slowly wiping the sweat off his forehead with a rag that was far too stained to merely be called dirty. Ignoring the streaks of black and brown the dishcloth left behind on his face, he dropped his hands to his hips and nodded his head. "Looks good, don't it?"

"No, no, nononono," Greg turned to face Sparky, his palms against his cheeks in a perfect imitation of Kevin McAllister. As shocked as he was, the grin on his face was wide enough to strain his cheeks, his teeth on full display. "This… how, Sparky?"

The two of them stood in Sparky's basement, bright lamps lighting up the dimly lit area as they both stared on the items Sparky had laid out on top of his ping-pong table.

It had been a while since the two had met up, with Greg having left Brockton with his mom as soon as school had let out for Spring Break, and Sparky deciding to use his newly freed schedule to catch up on band practice.

To make a long story short, Hershey Park wasn't as fun as Greg remembered. His mother enjoyed herself and they got to spend some time together but overall, Greg found himself growing slightly more irritated the first few days he was stuck in Pennsylvania.

Not getting anywhere, his active skills - barring Observe, of course - remained stuck at where they were, especially when they were still so low…

It was like having an itch he couldn't scratch inside his own head, almost maddening. It had actually gotten so bad that his mom thought he was sick or something, what with how often he had been sweating and his eyes darting up and around constantly as he hoped for a relevant blue screen to appear in his field of vision.

After two and a half days of that insanity, Greg had found out that some of that stress was alleviated by constantly throwing himself into certain activities with his mother, e.g., waking her up early to go for runs around the resort and then spending the rest of the day swimming, go-kart racing, laser tag, and something his dad had always tried to get him to do, the batting cages.

Unexpectedly, it was a lot more fun and far less stressful with his mom cheering him on than with his dad there, just waiting for him to screw up so he could say something. Either way, the rest of his stress had eased away when he started gaining levels from these activities, the continual rising of his abilities letting him calm down.

His mom was more than a bit surprised, though, when Greg turned down roller-coasters, buffets and chocolate tastings for repeated day of sports and physical activity, before simply shrugging and joining him with a smile. He knew that she was simply brushing it off as him growing up.

Greg didn't even think about correcting her, the idea of telling her about his powers let alone trying to explain them too ludicrous to even think about. (+ 7 to Breath-Holding, +2 to Blunt Force Resistance, + 4 to Driving Skill, + 3 to Gunplay: Rifles, + 5 to Blunt Weaponry, +4 to Observe, + 3 to Reflexes, + 2 to Stamina, +7 VIT, +3 STR, +2 SPD)

Now that he was back in the bay, though, Greg was ready to dive into some serious shonen style training, the idea of actually getting somewhere with his powers far too appealing to pass up.

However, when he had shown up to Sparky's house with his inventory ready with everything they would need for another day of skill grinding - plus some snacks, of course -, Sparky had shut him down quick, declining his offer.

After Greg had whined repeatedly, asking his friend why over and over until the long-haired teen's eyes was twitching, Sparky relented somewhat, telling Greg he'd explain why if he "would just shut up already!"

With that, Greg lead Sparky into his house, the blond spending an obligatory couple of minutes saying hi to Sparky's mom and making awkward small talk before his friend dragged him down to the basement.

That's when Greg saw what Sparky had been working on, immediately pausing on the stairs to bask in the amazing-ness that was in front of him.

Of course, Sparky then pushed him down those same stairs but Greg didn't really mind that much, simply jumping to his feet to continue enjoying the beauty that was presented to him.

Fate/Prototype: Saber Costume (Home-Made)

Sewn, glued and stapled together by your best friend Sparky with hours of his own personal time out of a desire to have you look your best. Despite being made from parts of other Halloween costumes and sports equipment, this costume still somehow gives off a somewhat regal appearance.

+10% Damage Reduction

+5 to all [Swordplay] abilities

+2 to STR

+2 to SPD

+2 to VIT

+10 to CHA

Greg knew the materials that had gone into it. He had paid for them, after all.

Pieces of silver-colored plastic armor from a knight costume they had picked up from a party supply store, some white hockey pads, blue fabric, silver spray paint, a couple of stencils, white sneakers and a blue striped hoodie from the thrift store by the Docks.

All of that had gone into making this awesome costume that looked far better than what a hundred and seventy bucks worth of materials should have made. The idea that Sparky had spent who knows how long on a costume that he didn't even know would give him any bonuses… well, that was just awesome. He even put in a couple belts.

Whipping around, Greg grabbed Sparky without warning, the teen letting out an uncharacteristically high-pitched squawk of surprise and pulled his friend into a tight hug. "Dude, I can't believe this! You spent all your time making this for me?"

"Mmm…" Sparky let out a slight groan as he tried to fight Greg's hug slightly, his struggle getting him nowhere. "I slept nineteen hours yesterday, so I don't know where you're getting this 'all your time' BS from."

"I'm serious, Sparks," Greg said with a laugh. "You ever need anything, I got your back… like a chiropractor."

"Shut up forever."

Sparky's nonchalant rebuttal didn't even faze Greg, his grip slightly tightening. "I don't think I say this enough," he sniffed, "but I love you, man."

Wrapped in quite literally the tightest hug of his life, Sparky rolled his eyes and let out an exhausted sigh. "First, you say that almost every other time we hang out. Second," his lips quirked up into a kind smile over Greg's shoulder, ""

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

(Five Minutes Later)

"And your parents just," Greg gestured toward the costume on the ping-pong table, "... didn't say anything about this?"

"Mom was busy sculpting the whole week," Sparky replied with a roll of his eyes, "and I just told Dad that it was for a convention that was coming to Brockton in a couple weeks."

Greg nodded at his friend's words, eyes once again locked on the costume. "Still can't believe you made it so well." According to Sparky, his mom had always tried to get him into art stuff but the only things he really had a heart for was music and making clothes, a far cry from his mother's favorites of painting and sculpting. Still, she encouraged him anyway.


"No, it's awesome, seriously," the blonde said with a wide grin. "It's all in one piece too."

Sparky turned to face him. "Okay, and?"

"Nononono, you don't get it," Greg said, eyes wide. He grabbed hold of the costume on the table, holding it up to the light. "I observedthe costume. It's all in one piece."

Sparky raised an eyebrow, leaning back slightly as if to create some distance between him and the almost physical force that was Greg's excitement right now. "Okay," he replied, drawing out the last syllable for a second longer than normal, "...and?"

The blond grinned. "It's all in one piece."

Sparky gave his friend a tight smile, the bags under his eyes somehow sapping most of the warmth from his expression. "Which means?"

"This. [Equip: Saber Costume]." The costume held aloft in Greg's hands began to dissolve into motes of blue light, similar to his mana glitter, and flew over to his body as they began surrounding the blond in a haze of blue. With a flash of blue light, Greg stood there fully dressed up, the costume fitted better than any professional could have achieved. "I can equip it all at once."

Perk Gained!

Transformation Sequence (1/3) [Ranked Skill]

"It's Morphin' Time!"

By willing yourself to transform, you can equip any full outfit within your inventory, transforming in a flash of blue light, mana glitter and/or a whirlwind of aerokinesis obscuring you.



"Nothing, really," Greg replied with a grin. "New perk. Lets me put on clothes quicker."

"Mmm, dope." Greg wasn't exactly sure what that meant but as it was accompanied by a raising and lowering of Sparky's eyebrows, it was either somewhat sarcastic or uncaring. Either way, Sparky turned his back to Greg, walking around the basement to pick up all the materials he had used to make the costume over the last few days. "I'm already making a second one, by the way. Should be quicker cause I already know what to do. Might make a couple more, just in case."

After a moment's pause and a tilt of his head, Sparky spoke up again. "Honestly, that looks a lot better on you than I expected it would. It looked kinda meh before."

Greg grinned, offering his friend a thumbs-up. "Thanks, bro!"

Sparky grunted again, bending over to pick up a length of soft, blue-looking cloth.

Glancing back down at the perfectly-fitted costume that he now wore, Greg thought back to the bonuses the suit offered, already feeling the bonuses it offered. "Wish those stat bonuses could work for other people," he muttered aloud.

"Hmm?" Sparky raised his head from the table at the far end of the basement, one end of a tape measure between his teeth.

"Well," Greg gestured, "if my stat bonuses worked for other people, I could get some awesome gear for you and we could be partners but... the bonuses only work for me, you know."

"Even if I would agree to that… and I wouldn't… partners in what?"

"Hero stuff."

"Hero?" Sparky blinked, tilting his head to give Greg an inquisitive stare. "You're not a hero, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, I am," Greg replied, obviously confused. "I mean, I haven't saved any lives yet, but I've stopped criminals."

"Nah, brah. You beat up some Merchants who weren't committing a crime and you fought a Ward." Sparky clicked his tongue and shot Greg a slightly mocking smile. "You're not even a Rogue at this point. You're basically a villain."


"The whole point of this costume," Sparky said slowly, finger held up, "is so that nobody can match you to everything you did before."

Greg opened his mouth as the reality of what Sparky had said hit him like a hunk of bricks. "...shit."

"Eh, it'll get better," Sparky smirked. "Least you look like a hero now. Shiny knight and all that BS." After a moment, he blinked and shot Greg an odd look, lips pursed. "I can't believe that I'm asking this, but do you not have a cape name yet?"

"Good question…" Greg shrugged, raising his eyebrows as he stared back. Have I really not picked a name yet? It's been forever almost. "Huh, guess I don't. You'd think that'd be item number one on my list of things to do, right?"

"Yeah, totally, whatever…" Sparky replied with a roll of his eyes. "Just make one up then."

"I can't just do that, Sparks," Greg replied with a slight whine in his voice. "You know how many capes are out there? I'll have to spend forever on PHO looking for one."

Sparky shrugged his shoulders. "Go use my computer in my room, then. I'll be down here for a bit." He let out another sigh gesturing around the basement cluttered with fabric, silver costume armor and other miscellaneous items Greg could tell had gone into the costume on his body. "Gotta… finish cleaning up all of this."

With a grin, Greg gave his friend a thumbs-up. "Thanks, Sparks!"

As Greg turned to run up the stairs, Sparky shouted behind him, "Don't forget to take off the costume, genius!"

"Got it!" Quickly shifting back to his normal clothes in a flash of light, Greg ran up the stairs, slamming the basement door behind him.

Sparky sighed again, slumping his shoulders as he stared at the mess around him that he guessed would take him the better part of an hour to finish arranging. "Ughhh… could have offered to help, you know."

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

(Fifty-Five Minutes Later)

Picking a name hadn't honestly taken all that long. In fact, he was easily able to pluck a name from PHO's wiki of available cape names within fifteen minutes. His name had actually come from a minor Hero from California who had died in the last Behemoth attack, some low-level Trump with a super flashy costume.

The name by itself, while not exactly a perfect match for the way he saw his powerset, was still pretty dang badass. As appropriate for someone of his innate badass nature, it hinted at power while not being a bragging douche about it.

Unlike Legend or Dauntless, he didn't feel the need to brag about himself. Not to say he didn't want to, of course.

Either way, with his name picked, Greg had decided to spend the rest of his time messing around on PHO, specifically trying to see if he could get back into the PHO spirit.

It had been a while since he had been on it. The only friend he had on there, GStringGirl, had probably been wondering where he'd been, especially considering his ban had been up for a while. Seeing as she wasn't online right now, Greg simply began to scroll the forums, drink in hand, only stopping when he saw a few threads that seemed to concern him.

Two threads, in particular.

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♦ Topic: Shadow Stalker Benched

In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay ► Teams ► Wards

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted On Apr 3rd 2011:

Since a bunch of people were making about five different threads simply based off of rumors of last night, I decided to post a single one to explain everything that the PRT has confirmed related to Shadow Stalker.

Apparently, our friendly neighborhood night-crawler has been temporarily grounded by the PRT higher-ups.


Two reasons. One, it seems that she went out to patrol on her own, which is against Wards protocol and Two, she decided to fight a new cape without backup and got taken down.

Luckily, she's perfectly all right, the cape for some reason being willing to let her go without hurting her seriously apart for some minor bruises and potentially wounded pride. Despite the fact that her injuries are minor, her costume was rendered "unusable" somehow.

I doubt any of this would be public knowledge if it wasn't for the fact that whatever the cape did to Shadow Stalker during their fight prevented her from using her powers well and she ended up hurting herself trying to get away, requiring her to call in backup after the fight.

The PRT has not acknowledged the cape who fought Shadow Stalker as a potential villain, given they do not have an explicit confirmation of his identity at this point, other than reports from Shadow Stalker. However, from what I've heard, he was young, about Wards-age, dressed in black and red, and might potentially be a member of the Empire Eighty-Eight.

So, anyone have any thoughts?

Mod Edit: Suspected footage of this new cape has been provided by several users. Continue to use this thread for discussion about Shadow Stalker. For anything about the individual cape and the suspected footage, go here.

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Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

Shadow Stalker got her butt whooped? You'd think with her powers, she could avoid any serious attacks on her person. Lame.


Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

More people going to the fucking Empire. The hell is wrong with this city? Do all the racists live here or what?

►Battle Jacket

Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

I've never liked SS anyway. She seems way too stuck up for someone whose powers are just based on running away and avoiding hits. Maybe she'll learn something from this.

►AngryBlueBoy (Cape Groupie)

Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

@Battle Jacket: Wow, big talk. What powers do you have again? Shadow Stalker helps out this city. What do you do? STFU


Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

I have footage of a new cape. Saw them jumping off a rooftop near Dowtown around 2 AM. Could be the guy. Video is here.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Does anyone actually give two shits about Shadow Stalker getting knocked around a bit? She's like the least liked Ward.

►AngryBlueBoy (Cape Groupie)

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Fedorable: Least liked or not, she's still a fucking Ward. As in, she fights criminals so that jerks like you are safe. Have some fucking respect.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Sigh, this thread is already on the highway to lockdown ain't it? And void cowboy ain't even here, ya'll should be ashamed.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Yes! Another brother for the cause, soon we will rise and purge Brockton Bay of its lessers. For the Empire!


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

I don't think that guy was a villain. Would a villain let SS go? I mean, everyone knows she has a chip on her shoulder. Who's to say that SS didn't overreact or something?

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Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Oh my god, he's back. I thought he was gone for good.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Void Cowboy back at it again with the nuclear takes.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: Shut up. Seriously, first day back and you're playing devil's advocate for the Empire?


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

He's back? It's been like a whole month.

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: What? Are you defending Nazis now? Talk about trash.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@CasualGnome: What? can't u read? Its called a TEMP BAN, dummy. TEMP as in temporary. And duh, im back

►AngryBlueBoy (Cape Groupie)

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: Shadow Stalker called him a Nazi. That's good enough for me. Why don't you crawl back under your bridge for another month?


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Okay, Shadow Stalker got a couple bruises and the cape let her get away without even running after her or anything.

No proof he's a Nazi like you chucklefucks wanna claim.

►Jean Arkos

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

You can always count on XxVoid_CowboyxX to say some nonsense to derail a thread.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: Look, SS said he was a Nazi. That's good enough for me. Maybe, I dunno, don't defend Nazis.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Relax, you dopes. I'm just saying that even the PRT hasn't said anything about him. You can't just call someone a Nazi without proof.

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Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Welp, just what we needed here in Brockton Bay. Yet another damn Nazi targeting non-white heroes.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@DeviantJokester: ...Are you trying to get banned?


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

So wannabe Batman got beaten up by a Nazi? fucking dammit and it was a new guy too.

Why can't we get a frikin normal cape in this city instead of a bunch of psychopaths?

Anyway, I wonder what the dudes in the VS threads are going to say about this, SS fanboys are going to ggo apeshit about this.

@DeviantJokester: Dude, didn't you get a ban last time for this shit?


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@ThunderThunder: That is but a small sacrifice. I would gladly give up my life for the betterment of my people!


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:


there's goes the neighbourhood. how many of those aryan freaks are joining the empire? didn't whats his face join just a few months back and they have a new one?

no wonder BB is going to shit, PRT do yer god damn job!


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Id herd the Merch4ntz got a new cape.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@LazEye: Yeah just like you heard last week Purity and Circus when off together to start a traveling circus with a killer light show. What are you even on man?


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Dammit not another one, especially one whose debut is beating the hell outta 'Stalker.

More shit that the 'Bay needs.

►Magni Imitator

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@DeviantJokester: Fucking Nazis...

@ThunderThunder: As usual, he probably is.

@Flash15: When you’re outnumber by the enemy, it’s kinda hard to do anything effective. Especially when any move can upset Anger Dragon who leads the Asians.

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: Shadow Stalker said the cape is Empire, or rather is guessing he is. I’m just going to assume she’s biased as she got beat up my a potential Villain that’s white, and therefore is being racist and assuming he’s a Nazi. She could be right, but not every white is a Nazi, even if they’re a Villainous Cape, and beat up a black hero. They could just be a normal villain interrupted by her.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: Listen kiddo, even if he ain't a nazi. He still beat up a black, underage HERO. Doesn't matter to me if it turns out he isn't related to the Empire, he should still be locked up.

Hell, I’m starting to think you might be this cape considering you’re trying so hard to play devil’s advocate here

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Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

void is the new nazi cape?

nah, the dude doesnt seem to have the balls to go out and attack homeless black people let alone miss stalker.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Flash15: Void cowboy being a cape? Let alone one that could actually harm another cape? God, thats the funniest thing I've heard all year, have an internet cookie, you deserve it.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Why would you trust the PRT at all? I don't trust them to successfully pick their own noses.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

So what is the Over/Under for them being a Nazi?


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Well, we all know she's pretty skilled, he must be pretty impressive to beat her before they're even known! Sucks that the E88 has another strong cape.

►Professional Lurker

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

I think that what we have is a case of I was attacked PLEASE SOMEONE BEAT THIS GUY UP! even though she probably started and deserved it.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Friendly reminder that speculation about a cape's identity, even an absurd speculation like [REDACTED] being the cape, is probably going to get y'all warned, or worse, expelled.

►Magni Imitator

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@SemiAutoMage: We have no knowledge of the situation beyond SS and him came into conflict. For all we know, SS attacked first. Just because they’re heroes doesn’t mean they're infallible. Even heroes can commit sins. Some people are just doing what it takes to survive in this hellhole

@Flash15: That’s a gigantic leap in logic. Also, a summoning if the mods for even trying to attempt to guess a Capes identity. Much less trying to say Void’s the cape.

@DarkPast46: It is indeed relatively amusing.

@VictoriousDictator: Because the PRT is rather effective, the issue just happens to be we see more of the negatives of them on here. There’s hundreds of positive and beneficial things they do daily.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Undying: Trust me, he's just trying to lull you into thinking he's not one of the worst trolls to ever troll the pho forums, I've seen it all before, it's only a manner of time until he starts his antics.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@DarkPast46: Eat a bagguette of dicks, whydoncha?

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Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

And like always, @Magni Imitator is being the voice of reasons and ruining my fun.


Anyway, wonder when the PRT will give more data, it is something pretty serious after all.

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Hey, at least the new cape has balls. He went after the one ward willing to fight back instead of radio in for help

Flash15: Save it for the tinfoil hat thread. Though the mongrel defending the cape is probably more proof to them being a villian than attacking stalker is


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

DarkPast46: I don't know, if you've been around long enough you might have noticed he occasionally says something pretty insightful. It's just buried under a few tons of random nonsense.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Magni Imitator: Half of our city is ruled over by criminals. How do you call this effective!


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Magni Imitator: I suppose you're correct. But why doesn't the cape just come out and clear things up? If he's certain he did no wrong, he should be willing to make a statement explaining his actions.

It doesn't necessarily have to be in a PRT holding cell, he could probably just give an interview to some random reporter.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Good. SS is a fukin syko and she wuz a bitch to my kid sister at a thing at the mall. She just asked 4 a pic. Hope that syko vigilinty bitch gets her tits beet in.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: Dude, stop being a bore. Nothing wrong with speculation.

And, please don't be a nazi, please don't be a nazi, the ABB doesn't need more enemies


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@BleedingEarth: I value my eyes and my brain too much to go and look closely at the nonsense void spews, I tried once, Never Again.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Am I the only one who sees a problem with depending on a bunch of freaks in drag to solve our problems? We should have something more effective, like the Yangban in China.

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Can we plz get bck on topic? This is NOT A THREAD ABOUT VOID COWBOY!!! VOID COWBOY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH A NEW CAPE IN TOWN. I swear, he doens't even do anything wrong and he throws the thread off. Why isnt this guy perma banned yet?

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Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Gil the Original King: Fuk u too

►Neck Deep (Innocent Bystander)

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Its 3am, do you know where your Ward is?

Well I guess we know where Shadow Stalker was. The question in is why? Aren't wards supposed to be on patrols? I always see Clockblocker and Vista in my neighborhood, great kids. Always in pairs.

If my little sis gets powers, is this going to happen to her? I've seen her browser history, keeps wanting to find ways to get powers. Damn it, as if being a model wasn't bad enough. What if she actually gets powers? It happens a lot round here.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Heh, its kind of expected isn't it? Shadow Pucker is always throwing her weight around beating up any two bit villain who looks at her funny. Or at least thats what PRT wants you to think.

My cousin Vinny runs a chinese-itallian fusion bar on 79th and main, and gets shaken down by both ABB and Empire regularly. You know what happens? He finally defends himself against those goons and gets arrested by little duck duck duck edgelord here for gang violence after the E88 get away.

They got away!

Sure the arrest doesn't pan out and Vinny is released, free and clear, but now he's a marked man. E88 hate him even more the racists pricks and the ABB want him for trying to start a war with E88.

His restaraunt was burnt down last week by the dragonman himself.

All because Shadow Pucker here didn't do something earlier, and when she did do something, she arrested an innocent man.

So to hell with it. My two cents says its Shadows Stalker fault and she deserved worse than she got.

Fucking capes.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Shit man, Staker got beat? Damn.Good thing we gots Panacea here in the bay. She'll patch up Stalks right as rain.

Any know where I can send her flowers?

►White Lightning (Concerned Citizen)

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@l0ver: Dude, quit slobbering of that piece of cape. Its disgusting.

Also do we have a name for the new Empire recruit? I haven't heard anything about him through the grapevine. Must be real new and got real norse in him.

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@White Lightning: I vote Shadow Stalker Stalker. Its fitting right?


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@DeviantJokester: "Your people" are heterosexual caucasians, the powerful majority on a huge percentage of the planet. Several countries of them went on intercontinental conquests, subjugating dozens of other enthicities across the planet. The don't beed betterment, especially not here. If you want to fight for it, get off your reclining lounge chair, get away from use, and go to asia. Maybe the vhange in scenery will teach you an important lesson.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Guys, this isn't a thread to shit on SS or the Void Idiot nor to discuss about the rights of white people, please shut up before a mod decides to squash us.

►Brilliger (Moderator: Protectorate Main)

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Alright, shutting this down here. Get back on topic.

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Any speculations on the Shadow Stalker Stalker's (using this name until a better one comes) powers? I'm thinking Blaster or Shaker due to being able to hurt Stalker. Maybe a Trump? If they could steal powers, or even copy them, SS would be fuckeddddd

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Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Yeesh, black AND red? No wonder Shadow Stalker got hurt, I can feel the edge all the way over here!


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Doesn't the Empire tend to try and show off it's capes? I'm surprised that they haven't done something big like they usually do to introduce their new guy (ya know, if he's there's) to the public at large like they did with Rune here.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

So that derailed hard. Startling of lack faith in our little hero. I mean she's a bit intense but her heart has to be in the right place. I can't imagine it not being after traveling out to that Behemoth fight.

This is probably just a big misunderstanding. We havent heard anything from Kaiser on an an ounce mentioned. It's probably just some new trigger or an out of towner who didn't realize his colors would be fronting for the Empire and or who didn't rec Shadow Stalker. She can be imposing like tiny Library of Alexandria.

►Magni Imitator

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Lark21: Eh, humanity always unites against a greater threat. As evidenced by World War Two. Just because you fought an Endbringer doesn't mean you're a good person, or possess as you said "a heart in the right place". Otherwise all those villains who fight them, are heroes as well, despite the crimes the commit.

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Frowning, Greg leaned away from Sparky's computer and took a big gulp of the drink in his hand, frown only increasing as the burn hit his throat.

He didn't even get why people on PHO hated him so much. He was no worse than half of the people on there. In fact, he was damn sure he was better than half of the people on there, considering actual gang members and supervillains used the goddamn forum.

Sure, Greg admitted to himself, he had made some off-color references and a few jokes in the aftermath of Endbringer attacks. He had, at one point in the aftermath of a Leviathan attack, made a joke about how the one time a Kaiju actually came to Japan, they got their shit kicked in far worse than what a Little Boy or a Fat Man could pull off.

And maybe, just maybe, he had asked around to see if anyone had any Glory Girl upskirt shots. Was that so wrong? Although, that was probably the tipping point for his last ban, now that he thought about it.

Taking another swig from the bottle, Greg placed it down on the table and leaned forward again, deciding to go to the second thread that had caught his attention.

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♦ Topic: New Cape Spotted Downtown

In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay

PocketMan (Original Poster)

Posted On Apr 6th 2011:

I was chilling outside on my balcony last week smoking a cig when I saw this weird looking guy down in an alley cross the street from my building. He was all dressed in black and a little bit of red so I was like, "weird."

I thought some criminal BS was about to go down so I pulled out my phone and started recording just in case.

All of a sudden. this guy was just bouncing off the alley walls like a freaking pinball. Then, he just like stuck to the wall with his hands glowing blue and then he just crawled up the wall.

Crazy, right?

We got a new cape in the city. Like, how many more are we gonna get?

So, yeah, here’s the footage.

Mod Edit: There have been suspicions that this cape is the same one that was purported to have fought Shadow Stalker last week. While this has not been verified, their costume and appearance seem to match the video record that have been submitted here, here, here, and here. For accurate information specifically relating to the Shadow Stalker incident, please go here.

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Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

Black and Red? Are we getting Sppider man or Spider-nazi? I've hearn in another thread (link here) that SS got her shit beaten up by some new dude and this one here, with those colors. Um...

Gotta say, I wasn't expecting something so common, new capes in this city tend to go to the weirder side, like probability control or some such shit.

Also, has anyone seen Void_Cowboy? Dude's ban has been over for a few weeks but I haven't seen him since.


Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

@HeatDeath: No, aaaaannnd I am kinda getting worried.

*eyes narrow in suspicion*

What is he up to?

Edit: Nevermind....


Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

Sounds like a mover. And red and black? Is this the new E88 member that fought Shadow Stalker?


Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

A new cape in downton?

we might be looking at new merchant cape boys and lookng at it seems like the alleyways are going to be less safe.

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

Hmm they prob arent the same one that attacked Stalker. They're prob a blaster or shaker (hurt Stalker in her breaker state) and this guy is a clear mover.

But if not, what about Cape Names for this guy? I'm thinking Shadow Stalker Stalker


Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

@HeatDeath: We might have a new nazi, but if we're luvky, then maybe he hit void_cowboy, thus kicking off a moral discussion of whether he is a villain, or the worlds greatest hero.

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

Any speculations on the Shadow Stalker Stalker's (using this name until a better one comes) powers? I'm thinking Blaster or Shaker due to being able to hurt Stalker. Maybe a Trump? If they could steal powers, or even copy them, SS would be fuckeddddd


Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

So... beyond my Spiderman joke, what do you think this new cape's power is? super agility? variable mass? a Uber style dude?

Or maybe he is just a nutjob that thinks he is cape? I'be heard of quite a few lately.


Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

@HeatDeath: The fuck is Spiderman?

Also, Yeesh, black AND red? No wonder Shadow Stalker got hurt, I can feel the edge all the way over here!


Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

Red's also a color of the ABB isn't it? If this was a night and the guy was wearing a darker green that could be mistaken for black maybe he's part of the ABB rather than what a bunch of people are saying and is a Nazi. Like it's still bad but it's not Nazi bad.

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►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 6th 2011:

@BearEnthusiast: Or, oh, I don't know, the new Mover ISN'T evil? This is part of the problem. A new teenage indie reads stuff like this, or runs into a hardass PRT guy, and suddenly they go from amiable to evil


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Well, I'd certainly like to be wrong about him being that new E88 member. Perhaps I've grown too jaded living here.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

I'm going to assume it's a low Brute/Mover Tier Cape, as he wasn't taken out by the known weaponry of SS which is a Crossbow which likely fires tranq darts. So he either tanked them or was capable of dodging them, meaning SS had to move in and engage in CQC/H2H. From there, he either kept tanking hits or dodging them until the ones he landed on her injured/tired her out/knocked her out and he left.

►Lee Stan (Not Stan Lee)

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

I think I saw this guy land on my balcony. Woke up Mr Foofoo and that got the rest of the dogs barking. I swear to you, he was screaming Parkour like a madman.

Someone tell this moron the Parkour is a state of being not something you yell out when feel like you're fancy.

Also thinks he's spiderman. Only in Brockton.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Seriously, the fuck is Spiderman?

►Leet (Verified Cape)

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Kid's got balls waking up the entire neighborhood like that. If he ain't careful someone is going to Vikare him, or he'll slip off a loose roof tile.

From past experience, both are painful and both are stupid.

Moral of the story, don't go rooftop running when you are high off a tinker super serum.

Never a good idea.

►Dawn Lawson (PRT Official)

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

The PRT would like to note that all property damage attributed to the Cape currently temporary identified as Parkour, should be brought to the Legal Department of ENE PRT on the second floor. Photographic evidence, and insurance estimates are welcome.

Edit: Seriously Leet?

►Mr Camera

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Hey look what I found here.

Red and black dude (Edit: Parkour) faceplanting in the street. Dude got rekt!


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Welp. Guess that confirms that the new cape who beat up SS is Empire. Seriously? Of course they went Empire! They couldn't have gone Merchants, where they would at least be high off their ass so they didnt do anything?

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Mr Camera: lol is that real? Prob not a Mover then...

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Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Leet: Dude, you got your shit kicked in by some random gang mooks during your last stream, you can't criticize ever again.

►Magni Imitator

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Gil the Original King: Could be a Brute. Could be a Brute and Mover, which means lower tier Trump. But yeah, we don't know they're evil.

@Leet: So, I'm pretty sure the Merchants might be approaching you now... try to sell them the stuff that blows up.

@ThunderThunder: Red and Black aren't monopolized by the Empire... Besides, wouldn't we have heard from one of their Capes by now about a new one? They usually initiation things that are attention getting for new capes.

@Dawn Lawson: Oh, so that's the name... Seems they're going with a Mover estimate for power.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Magni Imitator: Well they're not wearing other gang colors, and if they're an independent surely they can't be that dumb as to wear red and black? That screams Empire.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

The prat falls make being empire less likely not more. If he was with Kaiser we'd be hearing about him in the aftermath of some kinda rally or him showing their flag with a party of hoodlums.

►Mr Camera

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Gil the Original King: I feel you man, but he's gotta have healing factor survive that. His ego gotta have a brute package too.

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

So, thoughts on Parkour and SSS being the same person? After reviewing my info, I think they are. A Mover or Thinker ability for the parkour stuff, and a Brute or Striker or Trump ability for the beating of SS. Prob not Empire, since Kaiser hasn't claimed em yet. With Occam's Razor taken into play, it's most likely a Mover 2 Brute 2; they're able to avoid crossbow bolts, and take down an unenhanced human with one hit.

►Dawn Lawson (PRT Official)

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Magni Imitator: Its is the stance and policy of the PRT to never release the statistical threat analysis of any cape. The leaking of our assessment document to the public, while regrettable was still illegal. To use it in this fashion does a disservice to the men and women who have come to rely upon it to safe guard themselves and those they are sworn to protect.

That said, the name was chosen due to this parahuman's propensity for shouting Parkour at the top of their lungs. Parkour seemed to be the best available to us at this time as the rest of the samples we have them are not fitting as an Identifier.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Do you guys think capes ever take on a second secret identity? Like, what if this new guy isn't new at all? I'm placing my bets on Legend, personally. Think about it! He goes out in costume and everyone runs away! He probably misses the old days when he was some no-name that got to punch dudes in the face. Powerful as he is, those days were probably over too soon. So now, here he is, hopping around, sandbagging, and punching fools.

Hell, what if Legend is New Wave? Like, all of New Wave? At once? I know some members of New Wave are women, and many have been seen in one place at the same time, but all I'm saying is, Legend's lasers can do some ridiculous things already.

Maybe Legend is like a "By all your powers combined" kind of thing, and that's why no one goes after New Wave anymore? They just gather in for a group hug, melt together and turn into a sparkling magical gay man?


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@The_Number_Eleven: That's a pretty good possibility. Here I thought Legend was just a cannibal.

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Legend is also Purity btw. He pretends to fight himself to make his LAdy Photon identity more legit.

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►Magni Imitator

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@The_Number_Eleven: Okay... so you're either on drugs, or Void Cowboy level crackpot. I can't decide what's worse.

But yes, it's likely some Capes take on yet another secret identity. I mean, there's enough off them that it's happened at least once. Though I doubt it would be Legend, he has no reason to even be here.

Edit: Void's here. Hooray

@Dawn Lawson: "Its is the stance of the PRT policy to never release the statistical threat analysis of any cape."

Are you positive on that one? Guess all those Kill-Orders with the statistical analysis of the Cape right beside it mean you guys have been conducting illegal acts. Also, utilize it in what fashion? Inform us civilians, so we might better comprehend what threat we ourselves have hanging over us? Make us more aware of what we face? Don't forget you PRT have changed your own Threat Analysis multiple times because of us, and the insight we've come up with before. Our predictions and thought processes have been right before, and in doing so, better enabled you.

@Gil the Original King: You're high or Void Cowboys relative. Still can't decide what's worse.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Gil the Original King: I should have known! The fact that it doesn't make any sense at first glance is all the proof I need! They're trying to throw me off!

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Why not just name him Hardkour then? It's clever, and takes his likely Brute rating into account.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Gil the Original King: He's probably the best cape ever, probably the next Eidolon or Dauntless maybe. Just speculating but I'm guessing he's a Brute, Shaker, Mover, Trump, Striker, Stranger, Changer...

A straight four (at least) across the board.

Edit: Just offering a thought.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Either Void's taken his trolling to a different place...or he's actually the new cape. It's wrong that I'm even considering the second one.

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Andddd He's back. We have no evidence on him (or her, just because they completely lack any sort of curves doesn't mean anything) being anything beyond a Thinker, Mover, Trump, Brute, Striker. Of those, it's Mover OR Thinker, and Trump OR Brute OR Striker. Shut Up Void.

►Mr Camera

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: So what your saying is that he's a word salad. Also you're forgetting a few ratings like... Faceplant 12, and Master -5. Cause I just made a gif of him doing just that!

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@ThunderThunder: I think its telling that Tin Mother isn't popping in. Your speculation on the cape's identity is so far off she isn't doing anyhting


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Gil the Original King: First things first (clears throat)... eat a dick.

Second, what's wrong with speculation? Isn't that the point of this thread?

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Mongrel, I'll smite you.

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Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Gil the Original King: Whereas in my case, they're stunned I figured it out, and worried about drawing attention to it. The Streisand effect is a thing people. Read a book.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

cmon man the best we got is som edgy black and red kid jumping roofs

all we know it could even be oni lee running away after killing som merchants or something in downtown becas the crackheads made fun of his boyfriend

►Magni Imitator

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: If he's the best cape ever, I'm the magical Fourth Endbringer that doesn't exist. Also, if he has powers across the board, why a four? Why not five? With that many powers, one's threat rating should be much higher... All those powers interacting and being capable of utilized by one person should jump up there threat rating even if the powers are relatively weak.

@ThunderThunder: The second one is false and continues to be. Void is the one person who'd become a Cape and get his PHO tag changed to reflect that, he's not nearly smart enough to not do so. So, it has to be trolling. Friendly reminder, even if he's making it sound like he is a cape, speculation even like yours can result in Moderator interference and subsequent punishment.

@Gil the Original King: Just because she's not on here 24/7, doesn't mean she's not here 18/7. Besides that, this is usually reported which brings the awareness to her and other mods.

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: Wow, "eat a dick". Void, once more showing off his astounding debating skills. Also, while speculation is the point of the thread, however Void, your speculation just goes too far and doesn't fit in with reality. We try to speculate and keep it at least semi-realistic, not say stuff that's utterly unbelievable.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Flash15: Oh, so Oni Lee can stick to walls now. Pull the other one. I'm just saying that when Dauntless showed up, people were saying that it was crazy to call him The Second Coming and now that's all people are doing.

Considering how easily this guy dunked on SS, he could be the Third Coming of Eidolon.

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Glory Girl/Lady Photon/Laser Dream/Brandish/Purity/Shielder/Man Power/Flashbang/Crusader all being Legend was never supposed to be discovered.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Gil the Original King: Smite me? I have Karate Chop action. Try me, you Gilgamesh lover. Saber all day.

Edit: He's like the most annoying Archer, hence the worst one.

►Magni Imitator

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Gil the Original King: Well, you're the new Void for now.

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: Void, you've been slightly promoted. You're not as bad.

Also, fuck Gilgamesh, and fuck Saber. They both suck. Lancer and Hercules are better, but beyond that, Counter Guardian EMIYA reigns supreme.

►Leet (Verified Cape)

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: Dude, just reading your posts I can tell you must have a real thing for our red and black connoisseur of asphalt. I never thought I'd say this but Ladies and Gentlemen, Capes of all Nations... The Void Cowboy has a cape crush on something that doesn't have boobs!

I never thought I'd see this day.

Our little troll is growing up!


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Leet: I have a girlfriend, you slime. Can't believe I liked your show.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Magni Imitator: seems to reeeeallly like sucking his dick.

may be void did trigger and is the new cape.

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Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Flash15: Maybe your Mom triggered and is Gregor the Snail

►Leet (Verified Cape)

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: I'd ask for pics to prove it, but I wouldn't want to put you on the spot between your imaginary missus and your unrequited edgelord crush.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Magni Imitator: Really, Lancer, Berseker and Edgelord EMIYA? Mr. Never-Wins-A-Fight in Blue Spandex, General Roars-A-Lot and Captain I'm-Gonna-Kill-Myself-because-Time-Travel-Works-Like-That? Really? Lame.

Saber, Prototype Saber and Nero all freakin' day.

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Void, Saber doesn't count as your girlfriend, no matter how big your body pillow is. @Specific Protagonist


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

once again find myself seriously late to the party any way I have serious doubts about mister Hardkour (Shameless snicker) being a Empire cape don't they like have this nordic theme thing going on....then again it's been a while since I've lived in the bay. I mean what happens when to edgelords meet? Total Aggro meltdown that what.

►Magni Imitator

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: Prototype Saber is best Saber, first one is trash and weak. Nero is them being lazy.

Berserker, Lancer, and EMIYA are all loads better than the King Arthur who wishes to not be King. One of them is going to try and break the world, the other is once more raging on against fate even though he's chained by his madness. And then we have the Irish Hercules, cursed by the fact he's controlled by Kirei. He's being hampered by someone who doesn't want him to even win.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@Gil the Original King: You suck, Gilgamesh sucks, your whole family sucks.

You're just trying to ruin my good mood. I have a girlfriend. She's a model. You're probably the one with a Gilgamesh body pillow.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: Void, with your reputation, forgive me if I don't believe you.

►Specific Protagonist

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Someone tagged me and someone mentioned a body pillow. I'm here. What did I miss, do we have some cute new cape on the-... oh. Red and black edgelord and a mentally deficient dorks talking cartoons, and one cape who needs to work out because his body suit can't hold it in any more.

God help me, the Bay doesn't need another edgelord.

Oh and I'm reporting you all for derailing. Next time don't get me out of bed for anything less than an extra limb.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

You know what? Screw you guys, I got stuff to do.

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►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

10/10 clapback Void. 11/10 with rice.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX:'s okay Rin is best Waifu! *mad cackling*


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Okay, in what universe?

Tsunderes are the worst. Sakura, Saber, and Luvia are best girls. Illya gets an honorable mention because who doesn't want a cute little murder-sister?


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: Like what? Going to go and hide your Gilgamesh body pillow?

Also, S.P. is right. We, uh...definitely derailed this. So. New cape. And stuff.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Now, I'm gone. You can all eat dicks of various shapes and sizes.

►Leet (Verified Cape)

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: Sorry don't swing your way little man. You can troll while I can Tinker. One of these things does not look like the other.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: I do agree. Illya is best murder sister.


Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

wasnt their somting about merchants dying a few day ago somwhere Hardkour is around?

hope he has someting to do bout it. wood help kill some crackheads.

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Hardkour - Tentative Mover 2/Brute 2

Wears a Red and Black Edgelord Supersuit

Beat Shadow Stalker in a 1v1 Fight

Bad at Parkour

Not a Nazi

Might've Killed Merchants

Has a Fanboy

Kind of an Idiot (Went Out in Public Shouting Parkour)

Is Dating Shadow Stalker in their Civilian Lives

Anything else we know?

Edit-And yes, Ilya is certifiably the best ever. Back on topic please?

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Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

Wait, what did I miss? Since when is he not a Nazi?

►Magni Imitator

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX: Void, you're edging towards areas where people are going to start asking for proof and decry you for not providing it. Also, love you too. Now that he's gone, I'm bored... messing with Void is a great past time.

►Gil the Original King

Replied On Apr 7th 2011:

@ThunderThunder: A few things adding up. He's not really Nordic, he went out in public shouting Parkour, and Kaiser hasn't put a claim out.

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"Giant. Fucking, Dicks. All of you," Greg growled, directing his ire at the forum-goers on PHO.

Him, a Nazi?


Also, fuck that Gil the Original King. Gilgamesh was a shit character, and everyone knew it. Sure, he was cool as all hell, but he was still shit.

Reaching for the bottle again, Greg raised it to his lips only to pause as Sparky's door opened, his haggard and dirt-covered friend walking in.

"Hey, brah…" Sparky froze as he saw Greg, his eyes widening slowly.

Greg lifted a hand in greeting, letting go of the computer mouse. "Sup."

"Bro, are you…" Sparky's jaw dropped, his eyes blinking rapidly as he looked between Greg and the object in his hand, "... don't tell me you're drinking hand sanitizer?"

Glancing down at the bottle of Purell in his grip, Greg nodded slowly. Quickly taking another swig to the sound of Sparky's choked protests, he placed the bottle down just as fast, a hand rising to his lips to wipe off the liquid from his mouth.

"... Nigga, what the fuck?"

"Oh relax, it's just like water, really," Greg gave his friend a slightly sheepish grin.

"... Really, brah?" Sparky was clearly unconvinced, what with the way his fingers seemed to be twitching at his side. "Like water?"

"Yeah, you know, if water burned your insides."


"It also gives me a nice buzz, so there's that."


"...I'd offer you some, but…" With a snort, Greg stuck his tongue out, "... bad idea, y'know."


[Light Poisoning] debuff applied

-1 health every 30 seconds for 5 minutes.

Poison Resistance Level Up!


"By the way, I found a cape name. How do you like Prodigy?"

"I swear to God..."

Spoiler: STATUS

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