Greg Veder vs The World

Buff 3.7

Buff 3.7

Three o'clock came faster than Greg expected, the rest of the school day rushing by extremely quickly. By the time the bell rang and he left his last class, Sparky was already by his side, shepherding him out the exit doors and past the bus stop.

The two of them now stood on the faded blacktop of the old basketball court, nearly two blocks from Winslow proper. They were surrounded by a group of random students, most of them boys that Greg recognized. Some of them were guys from classes he shared and others he might have passed in the halls at some point, their faces sticking in his subconscious long enough for him to call them somewhat familiar.

For a moment, he wondered if any of them were for him. An instant later, he shook his head, pushing the idea out of his head as he realized they were all cheering Sophia's name. Why did I even think that?

Quest Created!

Schoolyard Showdown with Sophia

Details: Beat down Sophia Hess in a serious bare-knuckle brawl.

Success: Severely decreased reputation with Sophia Hess, Increased reputation with Emma Barnes, + 1 Stat Point, [? ability], 1,250 xp

Failure: Decreased reputation with Emma Barnes.

Bonus: Defeat Sophia in less than five hits.

Huh, nice.

"So, any advice?" Greg glanced to his side where Sparky stood. The long-haired teen somehow managed to look disinterested even now, with a crowd surrounding them chanting Sophia's name. "And no, 'It's not too late to pull out' is not advice."

Bored eyes turned to his direction. "First, that's what she said," Sparky responded, scratching at his chin. "Second, don't embarrass yourself." He raised his hands slowly, giving Greg a slight shrug. "Fighting a girl is… well, it's not a good look. Losing to a girl is even worse." He let out a slow sigh, running a single hand through his hair. "Got it?"

Greg nodded, looking over at Sophia where she stood across from him., Aat the other end of the human enclosure, the crowd formed around them. Pulling his "N. Er. Dy." hoodie over his head to reveal a long-sleeve shirt that proudly said "Two Girls, 1-up" with both main Mario princesses on the front holding a green mushroom, Greg handed his hood to his friend. "Trust me, I got it."

Sparky grabbed the red hoodie from Greg and folded his arms over his chest, letting out a muttered, "I sure as hell hope so."

Greg took a step forward, leaving a little bit of distance between him and Sparky. Under his breath, he began to whisper. "Observe."

Sophia Marjorie Hess



HP: 255/255

She's five foot three but her attitude is six foot nine. Heavily interested in drop-kicking your teeth in, possibly literally. Annoyed that you're standing up to her. Suspicious.

Okay. Greg blinked. Again with the question marks but why? Is it her level? With HP that low, I doubt it, though. Huh. Shaking his head, Greg resolved to get into that later. Now was the time for something else.

"Four points to strength, two points to speed." Before the pop-up confirming his choices could even come up, Greg quickly muttered a quiet "Yes."

Stat points allocated.

+4 STR

+2 SPD

Blue light danced over his hands, the tingling sensation appearing again as the points were allocated, the small light show going unnoticed by everyone.

"G, did you just say something?" Sparky nudged him from behind.

Shaking his head, Greg cast a glance back at his friend. "No, just thinking out loud."

Sparky sighed. "Whatever, just get in there."

With that, Sparky pushed his friend forward, the action forcing Greg nearer to the center of the semicircle where Sophia awaited him.

"You know, Veder," Sophia began, a smirk on her lips, "If you want, you can leave right now. I don't have to beat your ass again. It's just more work for me, to be honest."

Greg didn't respond for a moment, instead glancing over his shoulder at Sparky and scanning the surrounding crowd of chanting students.

"Come on, Veder." Sophia's smirk widened, nearly becoming a vicious grin. "Little boy getting cold feet? Afraid I'll embarrass you in front of your new girlfriend?" She cooed the word, sending an odd shiver down Greg's spine. "First one to stay down loses."

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea."

"You actually trying to give up?" Sophia snorted, circling the blond like a shark. "Come on. Let me sweeten the deal for you. If, by some fucking miracle, you actually knock me on my ass, I'll owe you a favor." Her grin faded slightly, as if the thought of Greg actually winning was enough to ruin her mood.

"No, no, I don't care about that." Greg shook his head furiously, Sparky's words coming back up in his head as he stared past Sophia into the crowd. "It's just… I don't know.. this whole thing here… is…"

He let out a deep sigh, dragging a palm across his face.

"It's really gonna be bad for me if it goes south. I mean, losing to a girl again is not gonna make me look good at all," Greg mused, eyes still scanning the gathered audience. "I mean, not that I look all that good now."

"If?" Sophia snorted, pulling her hair back into a ponytail with practiced ease. "You actuallythink you have a chance at winning here? Did that last hit give you anemia or something?"

Anemia? Greg blinked, staring at the dark-skinned girl in front of him for a moment. "I think you mean amnesia, and no, I'm not disparaging your skills, Sophia," he replied, waving his hand absentmindedly. "You can throw a mean punch. I just meant that you're still a girl andno matter how you look at it, I'm much bigger than you."

"Veder," Sophia grit her teeth, her smirk shifting into a grimace. "What are you trying to say?"

Greg frowned slightly, straightening from his combat stance to rub his chin. "What I'm trying to say is that best-case scenario, I'm the guy who beat on a girl. Even worse, you're black and I'm… very white. So, now, I look racist. That's even worse. Really, even when I win this fight, things still go south," Greg muttered to himself, laughing slightly.

Sophia didn't respond, her fists tightening hard enough for her knuckles to crack.

Greg didn't finish, still muttering aloud to himself as the crowd around them became confused as to why no one was throwing a punch. "What's worse? Letting myself get beat up by a girl again or beating up a girl and becoming the Empire mascot of Winslow? Although, even if I lose, I still fought a black girl so… there's no real silver lining here. Huh, decisions, decisions..."

Through the realization that you are in a no-win situation, you have gained 1 WIS.

Through thinking out the intricacies of a complicated social situation, you have gained 1 CHA.

Through successfully antagonizing your opponent, you have gained 1 CHA.

Greg blinked again, surprised by all three pop-ups. I did what now?

"You think you let me beat you?" Sophia shouted aloud as she trembled where she stood, a look of pure rage across her face. "You think you can win that easily just cause I'm a girl?

Greg tilted his head, legitimately surprised. "Was that really the only part you focused on?"

"Just for that, I'm gonna make you swallow your teeth, you little shit."

"Okay, but," Greg pursed his lips, "again, what's with the little? I still have at least three to four inches on you."

New Ability Gained!

Taunt Lv 1

"And this! Is when I taunt you!"

Draw the attention of a target through nonsensical, idiotic, but occasionally piercing, verbal attacks. Increases chance of Critical Hits on enemies by 2%.

Sophia let out an angry scream and rushed at Greg, one arm pulled back. She was surprisingly fast, Greg noted to himself, already in motion himself. Much faster than last time.

Greg's hand snapped up, catching her wrist with one hand. Both Greg and Sophia's eyes widened at the move, neither of them expecting that.

Sophia recovered first, pulling her hand free. Feinting, she ducked under his open guard, her other fist slamming into his gut with the force of a hammer. Pain lanced through Greg's stomach, forcing him to double over.


Sophia lashed out quickly, Greg's face now directly in reach of her fists.




Frick! Holy f- Bony knuckles bashed at the sides of his face, preventing him from thinking or even doing more than blocking. Instinctually, Greg tried to rush forward, his only thought to knock Sophia on to the ground where she couldn't do as much damage.

He charged forward and instantly regretted it. Her leg snapped up, the heel of her black Reebok catching him on the underside of the jaw and sending him reeling back. Before he could regain his bearings, Sophia slammed an elbow into his chest.

"Son of a-" Scrambling back, Greg slapped a hand to his aching chest, the pain already beginning to fade. He glanced up at Sophia, the girl in question cracking her knuckles in front of her chest.

"What was that you were saying about letting me win, Veder?" Sophia snapped, her teeth drawn back in a grin that bordered on a grimace. "You were saying something about me being just a girl, right?"

Greg let out a slow breath and stood up to his full height, the pain already gone. I'm stronger than her. I know that for sure, he thought to himself as he took slow heavy breaths, all to maintain the illusion that he was hurt. I ran with 100 pounds on me. Sophia definitely can't do that. I just need to hit her… once. Hard.




She's so fucking fast! His fists tightened at his sides, a slight burst of annoyance welling up as he heard the crowd cheering Sophia's name, among... other things.

"Kick his ass!"

It certainly didn't help that Sophia's grin seemed to increase the longer he looked on. Play it smart, Greg. Let her think you're almost out of it.

"I'm… not… gonna lose!" Lurching forward with every syllable, Greg threw a sluggish swing at the girl.

She reacted as expected, dodging and closing the gap between them with ease.

A fist struck a glancing hit to his jaw, sending a flare of pain rushing through him. Greg blinked, the pain fading in moments, and he lurched forward again, his movements lazy. The second hit to the face was direct and powerful, straight to his nose. "Motherf-!" Greg stumbled back, a hand rising to his nose instinctively.

It came away wet, two of his fingers covered in red. "Fuck!"

[Minimal Bleeding] Debuff applied

-1 HP every five seconds for the next thirty seconds.



Raising his forearms to block Sophia's rushing hands, Greg was suddenly rocked by a blow to the ribs. The feel of a hard sole digging into his chest was the next thing Greg felt and he let out a harsh gasp, winded by the twin blows to his torso.



Other than making him momentarily gasp for air, the foot to his chest hadn't hurt that much. In fact, Greg was pretty sure that compared to the last time he went up against Sophia, he was taking a lot less damage overall. Combined with the fact that he was stronger, faster and had more health, he was confident he could win this.

I can win this! He just needed to make this look good.

Sophia's eyes were gleaming as she bounced on the soles of her feet, her smile wide as if she was enjoying the pain she was inflicting.

Greg didn't really doubt that.

"Hey, Veder," Sophia called out, barely loud enough to be heard over the cheering crowd, "I thought you were letting me win. All that shit talk's gone now, huh?"

"Nuh-uh," Greg wiped his bleeding nose on his sleeve again. "I am letting you win."

Sophia's grin vanished in an instant. "What?"

"Yeah!" Greg yelled out, taking away his hand from his bleeding, bruised-up face to allow his voice to carry. "I can't exactly hit you seriously. You're tiny."

"Veder, I swear to fucking God!" Sophia screamed at the top of her lungs.

"C'mon, Sophia," Greg paused, spitting up a hunk of bloody saliva at his feet. "You can't deny it. You're fast, sure, but I doubt you could really take a hit. You're not exactly strong."

Ability Level Up !

Taunt Lv 2

"And this! Is when I taunt you!"

Draw the attention of a target through nonsensical, idiotic, but occasionally piercing, verbal attacks. Increases chance of Critical Hits on enemies by 4%.

Through using someone's neuroses against them, you have gained 1 CHA.

"Fuck you and fight me!" Sophia roared, eyes bulging with rage. "You fucking fuck!"

Without hesitation, she rushed at him, throwing a fast but sloppy punch that Greg barely ducked. Sensing his moment, Greg hastily swung out with a backhanded punch of his own aimed at her face.

Sophia's eyes widened and she twisted her head just in time, avoiding a glancing blow to her jaw. Undeterred, Greg spun and swung his other fist like a bludgeoning weapon, slamming the limb directly into Sophia's chest.

Sophia let out a pained grunt as his fist struck the center of her chest and she reeled back. Greg surged forward, hitting her again with another body shot, this one low and to the side. Before she could fall back, he swung again. HARD.

[Critical Hit!]

Sophia Marjorie Hess

HP: 123/255

The solid punch hit firmly in her solar plexus, what he remembered from his anatomy skill confirming it. In a perfect imitation of a fallen tree, Sophia collapsed to the pavement, her hair falling into her face as she clutched her chest. Her mouth opened and closed repeatedly in a perfect imitation of a fish out of water, desperately gasping for air.

Through the use of effective strategy, you have gained 1 INT.

The crowd was silent, wide eyes staring at Greg's battered form and Sophia's prone body, almost as if they couldn't believe the outcome. Sparky's voice was the outlier, his cry of "Holy shit, brah! You folded her like an omelet!" easily audible with the crowd of students silenced.

Ignoring his friend for the moment, Greg dropped to one knee in front of Sophia and the girl reacted like a wild animal, flailing at him with one hand even as the other clutched her chest. Greg snatched her wrist, holding her hand hostage and watching the girl as she wheezed on the ground, desperately grasping for air.

Unwilling to give up despite her inability to breathe, Sophia thrashed in his grip. Greg drew his other fist back, the sight enough to make the girl flinch.

"Rules were, first one to stay down loses." Greg spat a mouthful of blood to his side, wiping his mouth on his sleeve once more. "Right?"

Vicious eyes glared daggers into Greg's unnervingly calm face. After a moment, Sophia nodded, her gaze flicking to the arm that still struggled for freedom in Greg's vise-like grip. She wheezed in, letting out a raspy, "Yeah."

Quest Success!

"Schoolyard Showdown with Sophia" Completed!

Gained 1,250 XP.

Gained 1 Stat Point

Gained [Acrobatics]

Unlocked [Beginner Combat]

Bonus Objective Completed: +1 Stat Point, + 1 SPD

Abilities Gained!

Acrobatics Lv 1


An ability that enables you to pull off backflips, frontflips and any manner of jumping-based ground-movement technique with greater ease.

Beginner Combat Lv 1

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

The next level of combat, Beginner Combat is a fusion of fighting and footwork into the ability to learn new styles of combat, fusing them into a novice martial combat capability.

Greg dropped his fist, a gleam coming into his eyes. "So, that means I win," he said with a smile, proudly displaying blood-stained teeth in a macabre grin. "Now… let's talk about that favor you owe me."

Sophia flinched at the reminder of her loss and shut her eyes, trembling angrily as Greg loomed over her. Several meters away, Emma Barnes took in everything that happened, her face a rictus of shock as she witnessed her best friend fall to the ground after only three strikes.

As Greg stood up, thrusting one hand in the air, the crowd actually cheered, more for sheer excitement from the fight itself than for the actual winner. She doubted Greg cared, the excited cheers making his face light up. Emma Barnes watched all this and her expression shifted, a satisfied smile spreading across her face.

Spoiler: STATUS

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