Greg Veder vs The World

Buff 3.13

Buff 3.13

"... I mean, brah, I've said some fucked up shit to people but daaamn..."


"Like, you know in basketball, where you juke hard and someone, like, just hits the ground like… hard? When you just destroy their ankles and they hit the ground..."


"Dude, what you did was like, that.. the verbal equivalent of that." Sparky clicked his tongue several times in rapid succession, a single hand running through his hair. "Like, damn, brah, that was excellence at it's best, you get me?"


"I mean, it was a little harsh, but you gotta be savage when someone's talking about your girl, right?"


" am I just gonna talk to myself for like ten more minutes or you gonna stop focusing on… that and say something back?"

Greg made no effort to respond, a slight scowl on his face as he focused on, well… that. Legs crossed over one another, he sat on the living room floor holding a palm flat on the object in front of him.

The object in question, happened to be a broken RC plane. A birthday gift from his dad from way back when, he had crashed the thing five minutes into flying it and his father had told him he was either going to have to live with it or fix it himself. Nine-year old Greg had simply shrugged and went back inside to play video games, surprising his dad who had probably expected more of a fight.

Six years later, Greg was face-to-face with the damaged toy again, doing his best to ignore his best friend as he rambled lazily while laying on Greg's couch. Despite his focused appearance, he wasn't actually trying to fix the item.

Really, he wasn't.

All he was trying to do was something millions of nerds had done before him had tried in the past; recreate a power from an anime. The hypothesized power was something called Structural Analysis, and if Greg understood it correctly and he was pretty sure he did, it was basically a touch-based Observe skill. In theory, it was extremely simple.

In practice, not so much.





"Gee-zus Christ, bro!"

Blue eyes snapped up to glance at Sparky, the long-haired teen draped over the couch like a very lazy model. "What?"

For a moment, Sparky didn't reply, simply looking nonplussed. Then, with a smirk on his lips, he gave a disinterested shrug. "Honestly, I dunno. I didn't think you were paying attention so I… just yelled something random."

"But… but why?"

"I dunno. Bored, I guess." Sparky shrugged again, sitting up slightly on the couch.

"You know what? It doesn't matter anyway." Greg rolled his eyes, letting out a groan as he dropped his head into his palms. "This isn't working."

"Well, no duh, genius," Sparky snorted, swinging his legs up and pulling himself into a proper sitting position. "You're trying to make a skill, right?" His fingers came up in air quotes, accentuating the three words.

Greg lifted his head, still frowning slightly. "Yeah?"

"Well," Sparky tilted his head to the side, "I'm guessing you have to use your mana or will for this?"

Greg nodded slowly, wondering where his friend was going with this. "I'm guessing more mana than will but yeah?"

"You need to focus, brah," Sparky said with a smirk, leaning back on the couch. "Mana's magic, basically, which is all mental energy or… soul energy?" His smirk shifted into a frown as the last two words left his mouth.. "...have I told you that your power really fucks with my head?"

"Buncha times, yeah," Greg nodded, much quicker this time. "But how am I not focusing?" The blond gestured toward the broken toy plane in front of him. "I've been focusing for the better part of fifteen minutes already."

"Dude, you're in a mood. You're trynna work your mojo but your own head's fuckin' with you."

"I'm… not sure what..."

"Son of a-" Sparky rolled his eyes. It's simple. Tara got you all mad and in your feelings and you're all about feelings." He drew the last word out, enunciating it far more than Greg thought necessary. "So, how are you supposed to focus when you're all bitter and shit?"

"I'm not bitter," Greg snapped, his tone sour.

"Look at you," Sparky said with a snort. "You're fucking pouting now, ya giant fucking baby."

"No, I'm n-" Greg began, only to stop as he heard the whining tone in his voice. Blowing air out of his nose, he tried to fix his expression and glanced back at Sparky. "How about now?"

"Now, you just look constipated."


"Fine, you want my advice?"

"When do I not?"

"True," Sparky replied, his eyebrows rising. "You don't always listen, though."

"I'll listen now."

Rather than actually reply, Sparky let out a slight hum, lifting an eyebrow quizzically.

"Sparky," Greg whined, slapping his palm on the hardwood floor.

"Alright, alright, Goldilocks." Rolling his eyes again, Sparky sat up and shot Greg a look. "When my mom gets her… ugh, lady days, she kinda gets moody so she goes to her art room and meditates. So, uh, try meditating."

Greg blinked. "Lady days?"

Sparky winced, shaking his head a little. "Just… shut up and try, dumbass."

"...okay, how?"

Sparky exhaled, throwing his head back onto the couch. "...that doesn't deserve an answer but I'll give you one anyway. Close your eyes, count to… fifty, i guess, and breathe slowly." He let out another breath, far heavier than what one would expect from a sigh. "It might help you get your mind off… you know. At least, I'm pretty sure that should do it, right?"

Greg raised an eyebrow, his frown still present on his face. "Are you asking me?"

"Shut up and count."

"Fine, I'll give it a try," Greg grumbled, his mutter barely loud enough to be heard. In his opinion, this wasn't gonna do anything for him. So what if he was a little annoyed that Taylor turned out to be a huge jerk? That was his prerogative. Now, Sparky wanted him to meditate, as if sitting down and breathing ever helped anyone do anything.

Meditating, huh? Like Avatar or something. His frown deepened slightly as he remembered something. Ridiculous how it's three days later and I still can't airbend worth a damn, Greg lamented, thinking back on his frustrating attempts trying to control his aerokinesis.

Shrugging his shoulders, Greg reaffirmed his position on the floor, crossing his legs again and dropping his hands into his lap. Empty your mind, embrace your chakras, enter the Avatar State… as if.

Greg let out a low chuckle under his breath before trying to focus again. Trying his best to calm his breathing, he shut his eyes. Clear my mind, right? That's what I have to do. Don't think. Don't think. Don't think…

This isn't working! How do I not think? The question rang in his mind as he took in a long breath, exhaling a moment later. Fill the lungs, Empty the lungs. Fill the lungs, Empty the lungs. Fill, empty, fill, empty, fill, empty, fill, empty…

Over and over, he repeated the deep breathing along with the chant until he was doing it without much thought. Without even realizing it, he began to count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…

Greg wasn't exactly sure when it happened but he began to feel something. It was similar to what he felt when using his aerokinesis, a second heartbeat pulsing through him with a light feeling, almost like water in his veins. It felt…

Greg's eye twitched as he mentally prodded at the feeling again, only for his initial feeling to be reaffirmed. It felt… blue.

How does something feel blue?

Greg's musings were cut off as his mouth twitched slightly, a frown almost forming on his face as he realized that the blue wasn't the only thing he was feeling. A third pulsing heartbeat was there, slightly out of sync with the second with a much different sensation to it. While the second was lighter, cool and… blue, this one was much thicker in comparison, warmer somehow, and… yellow.

Seriously, how am I feeling a color right now?

As he prodded the second one, gaining something of a basic understanding of it, both sensations suddenly flooded his body, both heartbeats thundering throughout his body like drums.

With a gasp, Greg's eyes snapped open and he found himself taking in several deep breaths, his eyes wide as he tried to process what he just experienced.

Abilities Gained!

Meditation Lvl 1

Breathe in the good shit. Breathe out the bullshit.

By finding your inner focus, you push out all earthly distractions and enter a state of mental and physical harmony, allowing a greater understanding of your mind and body. While meditating, your Mana and Will recover at a rate of 10% faster per level into this ability. You retain this bonus for a period of ten minutes post-Meditation.

Mana Awareness Lv 1

Mana, magic energy, magicka, prana, ether, thaum, spiritual energy, magatsuhi or even chakra… Call it what you want. It's all the same in the end.

You have gained awareness of Mana, the spiritual energy found within the human mind and soul. Gaining awareness of your magical energy has given you some semblance of control over it.

Willpower Awareness Lv 1

Willpower, ki, chi, qi, stamina, aura, mantra, physical energy, life energy, od, or even hamon… Call it what you want. It's all the same in the end.

You have gained awareness of your Willpower, the physical energy found within all living organisms. Gaining awareness of your physical energy has given you some semblance of control over it.

Greg blinked again, this time at the screen above him, before letting out a subdued, "Whoa."

"Something wrong, Keanu?" Sparky's voice was a tad muffled, his face covered by a throw-pillow. Once again, he was laying on the couch, his body draped over it in a way that seemed natural yet extremely uncomfortable.

"Keanu…" Glancing up at Sparky, Greg's mouth opened into a wide smile. "Haha,but seriously, I did it."

The throw-pillow fell to the ground, Sparky's hand batting it away as he tilted his head to actually look at Greg's slightly gasping form on the floor below. "Did what, G?"

Greg raised an eyebrow. "It. You know, the same it that you told me meditating would help me do?"

"W-wait, what?" Sparky goggled. A moment later, he lifted his head from the couch, elbows pushing him up to get a better look at Greg in the lotus position on the floor below. Apart from the slight sheen of sweat on Greg's brow, there wasn't much to see that told him anything had changed. "Brah, It hasn't even been five minutes."

'What can I say?" Greg smiled, teeth spread out in a wide grin. His blue eyes seemed a little brighter as he said the words, gleaming a little as they narrowed ever so slightly with his smile. "I work fast."

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

This was bullshit.

Raw, untreated, fresh from the cow's behind, bullshit.

Almost a whole thirty minutes later and he was still stuck on the same fucking puzzle.

Greg growled slightly, his hand splayed out as he held it above the broken RC plane. This made no sense. He had assumed his new Mana Awareness skill would help out but noooo. Mana Awareness, his left buttcheek. The only thing he wasaware of right now was how worthless the skill really was.

Touching the plane and trying to push mana out of his hand did nothing but create a little light show around his fingers, gaining him another skill that he was immediately able to classify as incredibly worthless.

Mana Glitter Lv 4

Sparkle like the pretty bishounen you were always meant to be. Or a princess. Or a pedophilic slightly-rapey vampire. Who's judging you?

Release particles of mana from your body in the form of iridescent sapphire sparkles. Max Range increases by 25% with each level. (2.5 meters)

What in the actual fuck was he supposed to do with that? On the scale of useful to not useful, that was about as helpful as being able to bend spoons, and onlyspoons. And that fucking flavor text only seemed to rub in exactly how shitty a skill it was.

"So… what was that you were saying before?"


"No, come on," Sparky said, smirking slightly. His tongue trailed over his canine, the expression on his face showing just how much he enjoyed Greg's distress. "You said something like half an hour ago, what was it again?"

"Could you not?"

"I remember now!" Sparky let out a gasp as he said it, a hand clutching his chest in faux-surprise. "You said, 'I work fast', right?"

Greg sighed audibly, letting go of the toy. "Okay… I get it."

Sparky threw his arms up into the air, his mouth opening wide a moment later as he let out a large yawn."Obviously not, you're still trying to figure out how to make this same skill since we got to your house an hour ago," he continued, smacking his lips.

"I know," Greg admitted, sighing again. "Really, this shouldn't be this hard."

"Okay?" Raising an eyebrow, Sparky tilted his head to the side. "How do you figure?"

"From what I'm assuming, Structural Analysis is kinda like echolocation but… not… really?" The blond frowned and shook his head, glancing back up at his friend as he tried to get his thoughts in order. "Okay, maybe more like a mix of my Observe and sonar but tactile as well as far more innate, you know?" Greg nodded to himself, not really asking Sparky the question. "Shirou was able to basically get blueprints of items, so it seems to me that logically, that's how it has to function. Just like a bat's sonar… only far more detailed, as expected."

"You're assuming this based off an anime, you know?"

"Your point?" Greg replied, fingers tapping against the damaged wings of the plane. Most of his attention was still focused on trying to get this skill to work as well as stopping his hands from looking like they belonged to Edward Cullen. "Superpowers are already weird. I don't see how that's any weirder."

Sparky's eyes drooped low, shooting Greg a half-lidded glare that seemed to scream 'Come on'. "An anime that also had King Arthur as a fourteen year old girl?"

Greg blinked. "Alright… I can see your point but in the original Fate/Prototype, King Arthur was a dude so..."

"With a sword that shoots lasers?"

Greg tilted his head for a second, sucking in a breath of air before speaking up again. "In all fairness, in the myth of Excalibur itself, the sword was said to glow like the sun and had magic power."

"Brah, really?" Sparky wasn't deterred. "The same anime that also had rapey dick worms?"

"Well," Greg opened his mouth, gasping several times before simply closing his mouth and shrugging. "...fair enough, the source material I'm choosing to emulate is a little weird but theoretically, this is supposed to work. It should work."

"Oh, should it?" The sarcasm in Sparky's tone was only made more obvious to Greg by the way his lips twitched, the mixed teen clearly fighting a smile. "Should it, really?"

"Yeah," Greg's gaze dropped back to the broken toy, a hand rising to his brow to scratch his forehead. "I told you, I already speculated a lot about this a bunch at school today. I put a lot of thought into this."

"That's your problem… sometimes," Sparky yawned, not even bothering to cover his mouth. "Half the time, you don't think. The other half you over-think. You're fucking around with magic here… or close enough. You get me, brah?"

"I… think so."

"So, stop thinking," Sparky replied with a roll of his eyes. "Don't think. Imagine."

"...that," Greg let out an exasperated sigh, palming his face with a single hand. "That is not helpful at all."

"Look, dummy," Sparky shouted, leaning forward, "this thing is a part of you. You don't think at your hand to make it move. You just do it."

Greg glanced down at his hand for a moment, lifting it closer to eye level, before looking over at Sparky. "Still… not helpful."

Hazel eyes narrowed. "I feel like I'm being super helpful and you're just shit at taking directions but…" he let out a hiss of air between gritted teeth, giving Greg a frustrated look, "okay. Do you."

Greg shrugged. "I mean, it's very nice advice. I'm not saying it's not, Sparks. It was also nice when Yoda gave it to Luke, too. 'Do or do not. There is no try."' He rolled his eyes. "Same difference, really."

Shaking his head, Greg held out a hand to the broken toy plane, a few fingers lightly grazing the wing. "What do you think is gonna happen, huh?" he said with a snort. On a whim, Greg sent a weak surge of that cool-feeling blue energy into his fingers, his MP dropping by 2 points as he did so. Like, I said. Noth-

"Uggggghh," Greg let out an uncontrolled shaking groan, his eyes widening as the world dulled around him and black began to eat at the edges of his vision. His eyes watered as an itching sensation grew in them, the irises glowing slightly with blue shining through. Greg let out another gasp as his mind's eye was suddenly inundated with knowledge of the inner workings of the plane's balsa wood wing structure, knowledge of how the pieces were supposed to fit together almost seared into his brain.

A moment later, the blonde wrenched his hand away from the toy, his eyes wide and no longer flickering. For the second time in thirty minutes, he was breathing heavily again, beads of sweat coating his forehead. Taking in another deep breath, he stared up at Sparky who was staring right back at him, eyes just as wide. "What in the actual f-?"

You have gained 1 INT.

Skill Gained!

Structural Analysis Lv 1

Judging the concept of creation, Hypothesizing the basic structure...

Grants the ability to gain a rudimentary understanding of the internal structure and functional design of simple, non-living objects.

Cost: 2 mp per square half-meter of object.

Ability Level Up!

Mana Awareness Lv 2

Mana, magic energy, magicka, prana, ether, thaum, spiritual energy, magatsuhi or even chakra… Call it what you want. It's all the same in the end.

You have gained awareness of Mana, the spiritual energy found within the human mind and soul. Gaining awareness of your magical energy has given you some semblance of control over it.


"Dude…" Sparky's voice was hushed, his jaw hanging slightly open.

Greg blinked and turned to face him, dismissing the screen with an idle thought. "What's wrong, Sparky?"

"I swear to God," The long-haired teen shivered, settling back into the couch, "your power is creeping me the fuck out man. Why were your eyes fucking glowing?"

"Good question." Greg glanced down at the broken RC toy in his hand, tilting his head to the side as his other hand rubbed at one of his eyes. "I think it's 'cause I learned how to fix the plane."

"...that answered nothing."

Spoiler: STATUS

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