Greg Veder vs The World

Aggro 4.7

Aggro 4.7

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

Running forward to meet Lung head-on, Greg thrust his right hand out to the side, screaming out at the top of his lungs. "Equip: Bastard Sword!"

The blue-hilted bastard sword appeared in his hand in a flash of blue, motes of blue mana glitter fading away from it the moment it was enclosed in his grip. The aura of wind surrounding his body covered the sword at the same time the golden glow of his reinforcement met it.

"Come now, foul Dragon, and meet your match at the end of my blade!"

Taunt Level Up!


His cheesy Renaissance fair banter was met with a stream of flame, Lung's blasts reaching him before the dragon himself could.

Shit! Rather than face the blast head-on, Greg jerked to the side with a boost from his aerokinesis, rushing closer towards Lung as he recovered. Lung hurled several more blasts of flame in quick succession, forcing Greg to raise another convex wall of wind in front of him, each blast nearly dispersing the airwall despite Greg doing his best to keep it from falling apart.

It truly was amazing how dedicated Lung could get when it came to a fight, now that Greg thought about it. Even now, the bugs were still swarming towards him en masse, in larger numbers than ever before, many of them somehow avoiding Lung's flames on their path to enter Lung's body. Yet, he barely showed any sign they were bothering him, apart from the occasional twitch and pained groan. No, he was too busy trying to kill Greg dead. It was almost admirable.

At least, it would be if homicide wasn't his goal. Greg let out another grin as his shield held against several blasts, pushing the wall of wind forward with a single palm thrust and dispersing several fireballs headed his way. "GALE PALM!"

Y'know, maybe I should invest in an actual shield. Twisting out of the way of another incoming missile, Greg let it explode behind him as he shot forward once more, sword tightly gripped in hand. Like, not wood. Cause… fire but like, a good metal.

Lung roared, his snake-like neck undulating with the movement and exploded outwards again, launching explosive fireballs with wild abandon. Not willing to stop his charge, Greg swung his wind-coated sword instinctively. Eyes widening behind his mask, Greg let out a short bark of laughter as the blade actually cut through the fireball, dissipating it's form with a single swipe. Where are all the capes in this city right now?

Basic Aerokinesis Level Up!


Swordplay: Single Blade Level Up!


Still laughing, Greg dodged a jet of flame, sword swiftly cutting through another launched missile. "All that bluster and nothing to show for it, eh, sir Lung?" Greg snarked, pouring on the Shakespearean speech. "Is this what it means for a man or should I say, beast, to be truly impotent?" I should really stop trying to piss this guy off.

Taunt Level Up!


Lung lost it. Nearly falling to all fours, Lung tore through the streets, moving much faster than he had in his previous charges as he basically flung the road out of his path with each stride.

Greg blinked. "... Errors have been made."

Lung pounced.

Someone screamed.

Eyes wide with shock at Lung's sudden burst of speed, Greg dove under Lung's flame-filled claw swipe and lashed out with his sword in an upwards vertical strike aimed at Lung's elbow joint. "Weapon Charge!" Screaming the skill name at the top of his lungs, the subtle yellow glow of his reinforced sword shifting to a bright blue as steel met scale.

Swordplay: Single Blade Level Up!


For a single instant, there was a horrendous screech of metal on metal, the glowing sword halting for a moment as it met resistance. Grunting, Greg chose not to push any further, violently wrenching his sword out instead. With a spray of blood, the sword came free, the steaming liquid splashing on to him in a spray of red rain. Some of the blood striking him in the face, Greg recoiled in disgust at the same moment that Lung roared in pain, words utterly unintelligible, and lunged for Greg.

Recovering, Greg swung again, the edge of his blade meeting Lung's flaming fist in a powerful clash. As durable as the sword was, though, Greg's strength still paled in comparison to Lung's immense might and they both knew it. With a yelp of pain and surprise, Greg was sent hurtling into the air and back onto the street, his sword digging into the ground as Greg held tight.





Parry Level Up!


Reinforcement (Apprentice) Level Up!


Blunt Force Resistance Level Up!


Skidding on his back across the ground, Greg pushed off the hot asphalt with one gloved hand, flipping into the air and narrowly avoiding another furious lunge from Lung as he soared over Lung's head and landed on his feet once more.

Acrobatics Level Up!


The dragon's limb flared, a small explosion bursting from Lung's arm directly towards Greg. Swinging his sword, a jet of wind flew from the edge of the blade meeting Lung's flame in mid-air and diverting most of the heat and force from Greg before it could reach him.




"Weapon Charge!" Shifting his grip on the glowing blue sword with a distinct yellow tint, Greg held the weapon pointed out in front of him yet tucked close to his side as a riding knight would hold a lance. Without a moment to think, he began to run towards the dragon, his body and clothes flaring gold. "Dash…"

"KHILL…" Lung howled, a raspy sound laced with an undertone of crackling glass, and twisted around to rush towards Greg. "OOOO!"


As he dashed forward with all his speed, Greg's sword gouged into Lung's side. Enhanced by momentum, Greg's sword encountered much less resistance this time, the blade tearing a massive gash into the dragon-man's ribs as Greg came to a stop behind him.

You have gained 1 SPD.

Dash Straight Level Up!


Swordplay: Single Blade Level Up!


Reinforcement (Apprentice) Level Up!


Weapon Charge Level Up!


Twisting, Greg pounced back at Lung before the cape could turn around. "Weapon Charge!"

His slash went up and to the side, tearing into Lung's flaming back and stopping at his shoulder. With no regard for the tongues of flame that were licking at his own costume, Greg wrenched the sword out as Lung let out an animalistic cry of pain, already thrashing wildly.


Stumbling back slightly, Greg weaved to avoid Lung's massive limbs as they clawed at him, his body weathering the flames of Lung's body as they threatened to cook him.





Heat Resistance Level Up!


Reflexes Level Up!


It wasn't that Lung was slow. Far from it, in fact.

The cape's angry swings and swipes were just not something that Greg expected from a badass like him. They weren't exactly lightning fast at the beginning of this fight but they were faster than any normal person could manage to dodge. Now, though, the speed remained the same but the execution was terrible.

Sloppy, careless, sluggish. These were all Greg could think as he dodged Lung's claws once more, the dragon-man taking odd gasping inhales of breath every fifth missed swipe. Greg didn't doubt that his super strength was still insane but still, it seemed that even at a little over nine feet tall, the only real threat Greg had to fear from Lung's body itself was the heat he gave off and his angry charges in a straight line, both extremely impressive and incredibly dangerous.

Thing was, Greg was faster either way.

Reinforced to the max and his reflexes leveling up like crazy throughout this fight, Greg was damn near dancing around Lung's sloppy attempts at close quarters combat. The incredible irony here was that for all of Lung's bulk, Greg was getting hurt far less at close range than he had trying to keep his distance from the living flamethrower. In fact, staying out of the way of the bugs as they made their way past him to swarm Lung was more of a challenge.

You have gained 1 SPD.

The blond grinned, Lung roaring once again at the mocking expression on the younger cape's face. The flaming wreath around his body flared slightly, alerting Greg that he was about to explode, spreading his immolation aura once again.

"GONNA GET MAGICAL UP IN HERE!" Greg screamed out, breaking character once more as he lost himself in the moment. Twisting and spinning out of the way of Lung's slow berserking movements, Greg coated his sword in air, mind focused on something he'd been practicing. Dashing backward to avoid an errant swipe from Lung, Greg kicked off the softening asphalt and burst into the air, avoiding a dome-shaped burst of flame that melted the asphalt under his feet completely.

Hurtling high over Lung's head with streams of flame flying past him, Greg spun in mid-air and glanced downwards, his eyes meeting Lung's glowing, furious gaze. The dragon man roared once more as Greg spotted a single wasp fly into his eye. Out of pain or frustration, Greg wasn't sure.

Still, wasn't like it mattered anyway.

He swung his weapon downwards, screaming at the top of his lungs.


A tightly controlled crescent of wind left the edge of Greg's blade and shot forwards Lung's face. It struck true, Lung's x-shaped mouth wrenching open into an ungodly screech of pain as his eyes burst open, the crescent of air acting like an extension of his blade.


"Get dunked on, Lung!"

Greg dropped down, ducking Lung's wild swing even as the air burned him, his reinforced armor already beginning to melt and char, enhanced plastic not meant for this sort of fight.





Body defensively cloaked in as much air as he could muster, Greg brought his sword down like a two-handed warhammer, tearing a slit down Lung's torso and stumbling the silver-scaled villain, forcing him back as boiling blood spilled from his guts.

"Stop healing! I need you to go down for personal reasons!" Greg didn't stop pressing his advantage, not now that he had Lung on the back foot. Slashing diagonally, he carved an X into Lung's chest and brought his weapon back in a horizontal move, turning the X into a gruesome star.

"Weapon Charge! Raging Combo! Raging Combo! Raging Combo! Raging Combo! Raging Combo!" Screaming at the top of his lungs, Greg rushed forward, diving under a furious, yet rather slow, swipe from Lung and began to swing his sword as fast as he could, slashing at Lung's chest with wild abandon as he danced around the cape's massive fists, paying no regard to the blood that began to paint his body.







Swordplay: Single Blade Level Up!


Reinforcement (Apprentice) Level Up!


Weapon Charge Level Up!


Raging Combo Level Up!


"WEAPON CHARGE!" Spinning around Lung to avoid a wild slash, Greg narrowly avoided the roiling firestorm that exploded from the front of Lung's body. "I'm not gonna lose… MY FIRST BOSS FIGHT!"

Screaming, he lunged forward. "WIND SCAR!" The tip of the sword flared with a burst of air as it sunk into the center of Lung's back, Greg entering Lung's guts with little effort compared to before. Twisting the blade, Greg wrenched it from Lung's back as the behemoth twisted again and roared like a beast, the fire roiling around him as it flared once… twice….

Wrapping his body in a dome of air, Greg weathered the explosion even as the force of it knocked him away from Lung. Running through the already-fading barrier, Greg soared over Lung's charging body and shot forward again, leaping as he shouted, "WEAPON CHARGE!"

Greg's reinforced blade met the back of Lung's shoulder blades in a powerful slash as it sheared through his metallic scales, the blonde's scream interrupted by a gush of steaming blood from the dragon-man's body. It's in my mouth!

Weapon Charge Level Up!


Swordplay: Single Blade Level Up!



The shock from suddenly consuming some of Lung's boiling blood knocked Greg off balance, sending him stumbling back with a hand to his throat, choking as it seared at his insides.

Heat Resistance Level Up!


Nostrils flared as the slowly healing remnants of Lung's eyes narrowed. In an instant, the dragon lunged.

For a moment, Greg didn't understand what was happening, his hand still on his throat as he was suddenly faced with far more pain than ever before, his insides screaming as he let out a choked gasp, seared flesh steaming as Lung's burned fingers made their home inside him.

Blue eyes opened wide in a mix of raw shock and intense pain as Lung flexed his fingers, his large claws doing the work of five blades in one movement. His mouth open, pained choking sounds were all that left Greg, his mind nearly frayed as he felt his insides wrench themselves apart under Lung's claws.

"...KIII… YILL… OOO." The words were slow, labored things, forced from Lung's terrifying grinder of a mouth. Even through the crackled of flickering flames, Lung's heavy, growling breaths and Greg's choked screams, there was an audible shlick-shlick.

A portion of Greg's mind, the little of it that was still available to process conscious thought, realized that it was Lung's claws digging around his stomach, the smell of cooking flesh his own.










Piercing Resistance Level Up!


Heat Resistance Level Up!


Lung's claws clenched and flexed with each syllable as he raised the blond to eye level using only the claws that impaled his body, orange fire-pits staring into dazed, almost unseeing, blue. With a harsh twist of his massive wrist, Lung sent the bleeding body flying, crashing violently through a still-standing wall of a fallen husk of a building too burnt to even be called such anymore.




Piercing Resistance Level Up!


Blunt Force Resistance Level Up!


An errant fireball struck the rubble surrounding the young cape's body, turning his impromptu burial place into a pyre. Arms and head reared back, Lung roared his victory to the skies, a plume of flame exploding around him.

The half-blind dragon cape turned his head, the sound of a feminine whimper catching his sensitive ears. He twisted, letting his senses lead him, his neck moving up and down as he tried to hunt for where that sound had come from. There had been more than one of them, Lung knew that. The bitch who had started all this, she was close. His nose flared in time with his tilting head, and Lung paused, his entire body remaining still for several long moments.

The dragon turned once more, his one good eye landing on a rooftop.

Down the street, a thin, gangly figure shivered as Lung caught sight of her.

She whimpered for the second time, scrambling back onto the gravel lining the rooftop.

He charged.

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

Taylor Hebert had no idea what to do as she stood there on the rooftop, simply watching as Lung impaled the same cape that had risked everything to save her stupid life. Part of her felt like something was breaking inside of her, her last vestige of hope shattering like so much glass.

He had been so heroic, so confident, so... young.

Seeing someone her age give it his all and just die like that…

It hurt.

As she watched Lung throw a flaming missile from his hand, setting alight the place the young cape had landed, she let out an unintended whimper and froze as Lung's head turned, snakelike neck twisting to face her direction.

His massive bulk shifted around, neck undulating slowly on Lung's massive, scaled body. He was searching for something… someone. For several long seconds, he tilted his head from side to side, only to suddenly snap to his right, single glowing eye blazing. Taylor couldn't help but whimper, unconsciously stepping backwards as Lung locked on to her, his expression telling her he hadn't forgotten who she was.

Lung's body was still aflame, hot enough that most of her bugs weren't getting anywhere, their options to reach him limited to the few moments where his fire would ebb. Even as they died in droves, despite the fact she knew it was pointless, futile, she still sent them in droves.

Like the massive beast he was, Lung charged.

Eyes wide and breathing heavy, Taylor scrambled back, deciding to simply leap off the three-story building, regardless of the consequences. She had barely managed to move a single meter when the building rocked as something big, something powerful slammed into it, sending tremors through the structure and dropping her to her hands and knees.

A moment later, clawed hands and feet appeared at the edge of the building, tearing apart the concrete and gravel of the rooftop as Lung pulled himself up in a single bound. With a thunderous shaking, he landed on top of the roof as Taylor held her breath, trembling as she stared up at Lung for the second time that night.

He was slightly bigger than the last time they were on a rooftop, although not as big as he seemed against Prodigy about a minute ago. In some places, his scales were already fading and his neck, nowhere near as long, seemed to be much stiffer. Wounds still littered his body, his eyes and chest the most gruesome examples of that and his shoulders almost seemed flayed, with the scales almost nonexistent in place of the pink flesh below it.

Lung's hand opened out, and like so many other times before, Taylor could see the beginnings of a firestorm growing in his palm. The heat was oppressive, powerful enough to make her sweat even as nothing more than a basketball-sized sphere. She gulped, blinking as she stared up into the face of a merciless villain, Lung's monstrous mouth drawn back in his approximation of a grin.

A third whimper fought it's way past her unwilling lips.


Before Lung could let go of the ball of flames, a voice interrupted him, drawing his attention. A voice that made Taylor's eyes widen even further in disbelief.


The flaming rubble where Lung had hurled the young cape into exploded outwards as Prodigy suddenly burst into the air. Glowing gold, he held his sword out in front of him in one hand while the other seemed to hold a half-eaten candy bar, several wrappers falling from the same hand.

Taylor blinked. What?

"Not dead yet!" The blond screamed out, taking a hurried bite of the bar as he sailed up into the air. "Next time, bring your A Game!"

His trajectory suddenly - impossibly - changed, shifting from vertical to diagonal in an explosive burst of wind as he plunged down towards the roof.

Towards Lung.

Roaring wildly, his eyes lit with manic rage, Lung let the blast of fire in his hand go. The simple ball became an intense jet of fire, bursting forth as if intensified by Lung's intense hate for the cape in the air.

Taylor's eyes widened as she scrambled back on the quickly collapsing roof, desperately holding on to the rooftop entrance as the building began to crumble beneath her feet. How? How is he alive?

Her question went unanswered as the cape slashed his sword, a massive burst of wind shooting from it that met Lung's jet head on. The blast of fire partially diverted, a wide portion of it engulfing the cape's lower body as he let out a strangled scream.

"Dash… Straight!"

In a burst of wind, Prodigy burst from the fire, Taylor's mouth opening wide as she caught sight of his legs, the lower body of his costume charred and melted. He plunged down, surrounded by golden light, his sword slashing apart Lung's fingers as he tried to blast him again.

Dash Straight Level Up!


Swordplay: Single Blade Level Up!


Landing with a crash, another groan of pain burst from the cape's lips but his body only flared gold again and he launched himself towards Lung, somehow maintaining his balance on the crumbling rooftop even as Lung scrambled to keep himself standing.

The dragon cape lunged forward, murder clear in his one remaining eye. Prodigy's sword flashed out, metal glowing gold in his grip. With a sound of screeching metal and a scream of "WEAPON CHARGE!", Lung's throat opened and blood spilt forth. Even as the roof shook apart, Prodigy's sword flitted around Lung's body in a series of golden and blue flashes.

"Raging Combo! Raging Combo!"





Swordplay: Single Blade Level Up!


Reinforcement (Apprentice) Level Up!


Weapon Charge Level Up!


Raging Combo Level Up!


"THAT BONUS!" the cape screamed out, grabbing the hilt with both hands and lifting the shining blade above his head.

Lung bellowed and reared forward.


The sword came down.


As the middle of the building began to split apart, Taylor closed her eyes and leapt for safety.

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

(Thirty Seconds Later)

Throat sore from smoke and screaming, Greg pulled his blade free from Lung's stomach with a sickening shlick sound. The building around them had fallen apart completely, Greg having landed the last hit to Lung as they fell to the street below, a powerful two-handed [Weapon Charge]-enhanced slash that nearly lopped off Lung's right shoulder. The fall had been icing on the cake, allowing him more momentum to plunge the sword deeper into the dragon cape.

Swordplay: Single Blade Level Up!


Wiping his face with a dirty glove, he let out a shaky breath and began to move.

Stumbling away from Lung's unmoving body, Greg plunged the sword into the asphalt, the still-reinforced blade flaring with a soft yellow glow as it sunk into the street. Legs finally giving out from under him as sheer pain overrode his desire to keep moving, Greg cancelled the reinforcement on the rest of his body and sunk to the ground. The fall, soft as it was, jostled his wound, Greg's hand rising to his stomach as blood continued to flow in constant rivulets.

A soft statement of "Inventory" left his mouth and Greg's hand disappeared into thin air, several wrapped food items falling out.

Several soft ping sounds caught his attention and Greg lifted his head, the action more mentally exhausting than anything physical.

+85000 XP

+Dragon Scale x 108

+Dragon Blood x 100

+Dragon Eye

+Bar of Gold

Quest Success!

"A Knight's Duty I: Draw Aggro" Completed!

Gained 20 Stat Points

Gained 5 Perk Points

Gained 100000 XP

Gained 5 STR

Gained 5 SPD

Gained 10 VIT

Gained $20000

Gained Perk [Dragon Blood's Gift]

Bonus Objective: Gained 10 Stat Points, Gained 5 Perk Points, Gained 5 SPD, Gained 50000 XP, Unlocked Trait "Dragon-Blooded", Unlocked Trait "Dragon-Souled", Gained Skill "Basic Pyrokinesis", Gained Perk "Fire Dragon's Aura"

Quest Success!

"I need A Meatshield I: Protect Thine Lady" Completed!

Gained 5 Stat Points

Gained 1 Perk Point

Gained 20000 XP

Gained 5 VIT

Gained 20 to [Blunt Force Resistance]

Gained 25 to [Heat Resistance]

Bonus Objective: Gained 10000 XP, Gained 2 SPD, Gained 1 Perk Point, Gained Perk: Bulwark

Level Up x 11! You are now Level 19.

You gained 28 Stat Points.

You gained 2 Perk Points.

New Skill(s) Gained!

Reinforcement Subskill: Burst

Cast from hit points. Yeah, it's one of those skills.

A short, yet extremely concentrated and focused burst of reinforcement applied to the extremities for an insane burst of ability lasting 1 second. (x 5 top Reinforced SPD/STR)

Cost: 15 Will, 10 HP

Mana Platform Lv 1

I call it walking on air.

Using raw mana, you create semi-solid platforms under your feet that last only as long as you remain still. (.25 m)

Cost: 1 MP per 2 seconds

Basic Pyrokinesis Lv 1

Burn, baby, burn!

Generate flames and control them up to a range of 2 meters.

Cost: 20 MP per second of sustained use at max range.

Perk Gained!

Dragon Blood's Gift

What is a knight without armor? A dragon without scales? A lion without teeth?

All equipped armor and gear is self-repairing at a rate of 1% a minute, so long as it is constantly being fed mana or will in some manner.

Fire Dragon's Aura (1/10) [Ranked Skill]

"Bathed in Dragon Fire and Blood, I shall fear no flame"

At a rate of 1 MP per second per rank, draw upon your pyrokinesis to generate an aura of fire. Your equipment and body are immune to the heat, of it and anything cooler than it. It is, however, actual fire, so try not to burn down your house. In addition, you can literally breathe fire instead of air while this is active.


Facing off against an opponent who far outclassed you has given you an ability to withstand impossible pain in the face of impossible odds.

Takes 50% less damage from opponents over five times your level.

Title(s) Unlocked!

Dragon-Blooded Knight

My body bathed in the blood of dragons, my soul forged in the hottest fires, my skill honed in battle, I have been reborn.

Title grants +10% overall Damage Resistance in addition to all regular resistances one has with an additional 10% resistance to fire, +10 to VIT, + 5 to STR, + 100 to Health and +50% Damage against any creature bearing the form of [Dragon].


Training to be a knight, I see?

Title grants +15% increased damage with a sword and 15% increased physical resistance when equipped with a sword.

Trait(s) Unlocked!


Fire and fury flows through your veins, blood of the dragon.

The mythical hero Siegfried was baptized in the blood of a magical dragon and became nigh-invulnerable, immune to nearly all forms of damage. You, on the other hand, were splattered in the blood of a not-so-magical dragon. (+ 250 HP, + 10 STR, + 10 SPD)


For some, baptism by fire tends to be a symbolic term. Not for you, though.

Facing the heat of Lung's flames head-on has purified the strength of your will and the power of your soul. The beginnings of draconic power grow throughout your being. (+250 MP, +250 Will, +10 INT, +10 VIT)

Peak Human

What is peak human, anyway?

Somehow, you have surpassed the physical threshold of humanity, surpassing those inherent limits man is beholden to. (Unlocks perks for STR, SPD, VIT and INT once a stat crosses 50)

Named Weapon Created!

Gram: Bastard Sword Lv Max

Forged by the flames of a dragon's breath, molded in battle against a scaled demon, and cooled in the blood of the same dragon, this sword represents the ideal of a true dragon slaying knight.

+50% [Slashing] Damage

+50% [Piercing] Damage

+250% Damage to all [Dragons]

+25 to [Parry Ability]

+25% [Bleed-out] length

+25 STR

Sword Skill: Dragon Slaying Shockwave

By calling out the name of the sword while fueling it with mana, you unleash a powerful shockwave that is only as strong as the power you put into it.

Spoiler: Perks (NEW)

Discarded wrappers of beef jerky and protein bars lay at his side, completely empty, while his mouth was a mess of crumbs and chocolate stains. Greg looked down from the boxes in front of him, his gaze tracking to the glowing sword in front of him, the hilt having transformed almost entirely into gold, leaving a single strip of blue where it connected to the handguard.

"Gram." The word was strange on his lips, sounding both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. His lips; grimy, bleeding and littered with crumbs, quirked up into a smile.

His body wracked with pain, Greg threw his head back and let out an exhausted, wheezing, victorious laugh.

"I. Regret. NOTHING!"

Spoiler: STATUS

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