Green Life

The secret behind the power of Life! – Chapter 228

Through the darkest part of the district, there was a certain demon who was waiting for some individuals that were about to arrive.

“MASTER!!! ALL OF OUR TROOPS ARE BEING OVERWHELMED!!!” An underlying demon of his loudly informed about the situation in alarm.

But…. the demon didn't seem interested at all in what was going on..

“What should we do?! If this continues for any longer, we’re all dead!!!!” The underling continued asking, his face showing worry at the calm demon.

“Take the rest of the troops and return to the 13th district.” The demon ordered in a calm tone, his eyes not interested at what was currently going on.

“W-what!? What about this district?! We can’t possibly give up after going this far!!”

“Then why don’t you go and charge towards the angels if you don’t want to give up this place?” The calm demon asked in a stern voice, confusing the underling even more.

“....” The underling understood that his leader had already given up on everything, that's why he decided to take the lead by himself so the other demons wouldn't have to meet the same fate as the other demons. Or at least that's what he was planning, before a certain green sword slid through the demon, dropping him dead on the ground.

“So you’ve finally arrived, strong human?” The demon smirked at the sight of Hatsuko. He knew that this human was incredibly strong, that's why he didn't want to run away from here. Or more like, he gave up on invading this district that has been going for so long. He understood his circumstances and the difference between their powers, that's why he stood still without showing any signs of fear towards the unusual human.

“But I never thought that you, a human, would be able to acquire ‘Life Draining’. How did you acquire such power?” The demon inquired, truly interested behind the boy who suddenly revealed himself to him, also not showing any sign of fear. 


“Tell me…. Who truly are you? And how did you manage to acquire such power to overpower all of the angels? I find it hard to believe that you, a small human, has managed to reach a power that could destroy an entire world if you feel like it.” 

But despite the continuous question that the demon was trying to find answers to, there was no response from the green eyed boy.

“The answers to your question can’t be comprehended by a small mind like yours.” 

But to his surprise, a certain voice responded instead of Hatsuko, causing the demon to softly glare at the other presence within the room.

“I thought I told you to retreat from this district.” The demon said with a stern face at the other presence.

“I’m sorry to inform you, but I’m not part of any of your troopes.” The same voice responded, revealing himself to be a demon with dark clothes and dark hair.

The other demon narrowed his eyes as he understood what was going on.

“So someone else managed to capture this human before me?” The demon inquired in a provoking tone.

“You can say whatever you want, but… my master has given permission to kill you if you don’t comply with us. So I suggest you keep quiet.” The dark haired demon smiled in a mischievous way as he responded to the foolish demon.

“Your master?!” The demon mocked in a surprised tone. “This is the first time I’m hearing about a demon surrendering to one of the weakest mortals out there.”

However, the dark haired demon didn't flinch a bit from the mocking that was done to his master that he respected. He maintained the same smile before his right arm could be seen swiftly moving at a speed that couldn't be caught with the naked eye.

“Usually I don’t really care about what some might say about me….” The dark haired demon stated, his aura beginning to grow tenser. “But I would be careful about insulting master.”

The other demon simply blinked in confusion for a moment before bursting out laughing. “This is indeed interesting!! I’m so glad that I gave up this district!! With both of you in my hands, I’ll be able to conquer the highest district.”

However, despite the fact that his arm was missing, this particular demon wasn't concerned because it was already growing back as if it had never been severed in the first place.

“Now then. Go all out! Let's see what you’re made out of!” The demon intimidated.

“Unfortunately, I can not go all out.” The dark haired demon responded in a disappointed tone. “But I shall entertain you for the time being.”

And as both of the demons were finally done chattering with one another, they both disappeared from their positions, clashing with one another with their bare hands. None of them seem to be able to push each other away and both seemed to be equals in pure strength.

“Not bad.” The general demon complimented. “Seems like you aren’t all talk.”

“Same to you.” The dark haired demon smiled. 

But things weren't going to end up with a simple push, and both of the demons were fully aware of that. They immediately separated from each other and continued fighting one another until one of them would either give up or run out of their own energy.

On the other side of this world, however, there was a certain gate which was immediately cracked open by the same group of angels that freed all of the captured mortals. While some might find this kind of portal sketchy, these angels seemed to be positive at the discovery at the entrance that would bring them to the 12th district.

Not wanting to start any unnecessary war with the whole district, the group of angels decided to spread into different smaller groups in order to see where the main most important areas were located. The whole district of this level of heaven was way too massive, that's why none of the angels wanted the risk of exposing themselves just yet.

“What exactly are we doing here?” The young looking angel asked Sofiel.

“We are observing the state of this place.” Sofiel began explaining as she turned towards the one beside her. “If there are any more captured mortals, it's our duty as angels to free them and send them back to their own homes.”

“I never understood why are angels so obsessed with mortals if they are much weaker than most of them?” The younger angel innocently asked.

“That's because you haven't lived long enough to understand it…”

The younger angels confusingly looked as she wasn't able to understand how her age affected the way most angels acted.

“After a period of growth, most angels would want to join the war that has been going for way too long.” Sofiel continued explaining. “They are hungry for power which causes them to put into play their hatred towards demons. But after fighting for so long, angels grew bored. That's why they decided to fly down into the lands of mortals and enslave them so they could put on an entertainment show.

That might sound weird, but despite our hatred against demons, we were not supposed to end up in a full out war against demons. I still have fuzzy memories, but I’m certain that Demons weren’t even capable of entering any of our heaven's levels. ”

“Is that why we are intervening? Because we have memories that common angels don’t?”

“If anyone, we have to be the ones to do something about this. Both heaven and hell are on the verge of disappearing and if we don’t do something. Not only our worlds, but also the mortals’ ones are going to disappear.”

“If our districts are going to collapse, then why aren't the rest of the angels doing something?! Don’t they care about their own homes?” The younger angels asked.

“They are too blind to see the state of their own districts. But despite that, they already are doing something about this.” Sodiel explained with a stern tone in her voice.

The young angel looked surprised as she saw hope within her final answer. “Then..”

“And that's by abandoning it and invading the other ones that are more stable.”

The younger angel’s eyes widened in shock at the kind of ways everyone was trying to solve this kind of problem. The 16th destruction was already gone, that's what put most of the demons and angels to the lower ranks into a greater danger. They were aware that something had to be responsible behind it, that's why they put the blame into his mortal human that had gained the strength of thousands of angels and demons combined. They refused to believe that theri dimensions were going to disappear, that's why they created this fake goal in their mind that they needed to climb into higher ranks of districts so they could enjoy the whole war that has been going on, not only between angels and demons, but also with the captured mortals.

And that's what was going on in the 10th district where a lot of angels were gathered in this kind of place, hoping that they would be able to enjoy the show that was put on with their collared species.

A certain angel that was meditating at the top of the clouds slowly opened his eyes before staring through a screen that he created in an instant. His eyes had a sharp look on them while understanding all of the gibberish drawings in front of his screens.

“So it has begun…” He said with a stern voice as the screen showed a certain massive area with thousands of seated angels that were waiting for the battle of mortals to begin.





2 more chapters....


Also a special thanks to all of the Patreons who have been supporting my works for the last few months. It really helps me a lot!

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