Green Life

The beginning of the end! – Chapter 200

* * *


“So those were… my dreams…” Hatsuko’s eyes blinked in disbelief at everything that was shown to him in an instant.

Even though not many seconds had passed, he felt like an entirety went through him without even noticing it.

Up until now he had seen these weird dreams that couldn't be explained as his brain refused to remember what they were about. 

But those were not dreams… Those were memories from thousands of years ago, before the world even learned the concept of skills and supernatural powers.

And the reason why he was shown the whole memories of what had happened…. Hatsuko was left with a choice that had to decide.


The other version of himself was also staring right back at Hatsuko after he had experienced all of the memories which were released from the lock within his own soul.

“Am I going to disappear?” Hatsuko asked with a face that wasn't sure of what his purpose was anymore.

But even though he had been into many different life threatening situations, simply disappearing from existence was something that scared him.


“Can I at least know… what will happen to me?”


There was silence once again from the other version of himself whose eyes couldn't be seen from the shadow covering them.

But each time Hatsuko would ask a question to him, he somehow knew the answer to them. It was as if he could already predict them.

“I was really pathetic until the very end, wasn't I?”

“I wish I could’ve spent more time with everyone…”


“I regret not telling everyone how I felt about them…. Even though it's greedy to feel that way for all of them, I don't care…. I still love them…”


“They hold a special place in my heart. They gave me a meaning to trust myself once again. A purpose of me… being simply me. Not judging my weakness or appearance… They were with me the whole time…”


“Until the very end…”


“Can you please do me a favor?” Hatsuko suddenly asked as he looked straight into his eyes.

“....” Silence.

“Can you treat everyone with care for me? I know this may sound a bit unreasonable, but…. They deserve much more than the cold way I treated them…” Hatsuko formed a pained smile as he requested this only thing from him.


“If you can do that… then I’m ready to go…” Hatsuko looked down as he had already accepted his fate.

But before anything could happen, the other version of himself warped his arms around Hatsuko, huggin his body really gently.


From both of them there was no reaction until a smile appeared on Hatsuko’s face before closing his eyes in relaxation.

His body warmed in comfort of his other version until a green light glowed from between these two, until two versions…. Finally became one….

“...Thank you….” A certain voice was heard in a distance before the whole world shone to its brightest light, until everything simply faded out of existence.










{The last phase is beginning….}

At the same place where Hatsuko died from the coldhearted angel, a certain tall boy with long hair and beautiful green sharp eyes reappeared out of nowhere. His whole body was still glowing in the color green as his existence was being formed within seconds.

His long arms which touched the light of the sun slightly moved, creating new clothes for himself.

Even though he had the same features like Hatsuko, his body was more well built and much longer. His chin was sharp, and his eyes which did not contain any emotion, looked around him.

{Phase complete…. The system will be automatically deleted in ten seconds.









Welcome back....




After carefully checking out his new body, the green eyed boy cut through the air, creating a significan green portal which led him to his first and last mission that he had to finish.

The mission which was assigned to him since the first time he was born…

And without wasting any more time, his body disappeared inside the portal in a matter of seconds….

* * *

Back at Sakuru!


After everyone had arrived at the Sakuru, they all decided to live together with a young brown haired girl who had similarities with Hatusko, the guy they all had fallen for.

Right now, they were inside a not so big house which was enough for a couple of people to live in. But everyone didn't really care if they were closer to each other’s bodies.

“So you’re Hatsuko’s… little sister?” The one to ask that was a certain blonde haired girl who was guilty of trying to get to know Hatsuko’s little sister.

“You’re name was Hina, right?” Lily responded with her cold-like attitude.

“Yes. That's my name.”

“Were you close to my brother as well?” The little sister asked, unbother from the amount of guests she had inside her house for the first time in her life.

Hina looked a bit uncertain about the answer that she wanted to give back. She didn't consider herself that close to the person she was saved. But that didn't change the fact that she was in love with him.

Her feelings for him remained pure and untouched even after his death.

“I…wasn’t that close to your brother….”

Lily looked away from Hina after hearing her unfinished answer.

“But… I still loved him even though it may have been one sided.” Hina declared in front of everyone as she was proud to have been at least that close to Hatsuko.

But what she was proud of the most, was the fact that she was the first girl to have ever been rescued from her cruel fate in that mansion.

“I see… well, feel free to roam around my house however you like.” The young girl warmly welcomed everyone into her house even though she still kept up her cold-like attitude. “It may not be that much, but this place is safe.”

Many of the girls were still tired, but they all were interested to learn about the family member of the person they all cherished.

“I can see the resemblance between him and you.” Ichika walked closer towards Lily as she tried having a closer look at her face.

“Yeah, even her attitude is identical. It's almost like they are one person.” Akemi fake grinned with the intention of warming up the atmosphere.

“Master’s sister…” Shiro also tried sniffing the little girl as she picked up a familiar scent over her small body. 

“H-hey, don’t suddenly rub yourself over me.” Lily told the white haired girl with cat ears who was rubbing her face over her body.

The twin sisters were also interested in seeing this new character who resembled the person they had contracted to.

“I’m sorry that we couldn’t save your brother…” Ichika softly said as tears were about to form in her eyes.

“I don’t need your–”

But before Lily could finish what she wanted to say, she felt a smoothing warm hug from Ichika.

Her face was wrapped in a soft chest that surprised her for a bit.

“If there’s anything we can do for you, then please ask.” Chloe offered as she was looking at these two girls embracing each other.

“I don’t really need anythin–”

“It’s okay, you can let it all out…” Ichika continued to hug Lily without letting her hold back from her usual cold emotions that were shielding her from her true feelings.

“....” And as she had accepted the warm affection from Ichika, tears could be seen forming into her eyes from the warmth she had received.






Sorry for the long wait!


Also a special thanks to all of the Patreons who have been supporting my works for the last few months. It really helps me a lot!

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