Green Life

Birthday Party – chapter 52

It was around 17 : 58.

I finally arrived at Ichika's house. In front of me was a big mansion similar to Hatsuko's one. This one was a bit smaller than his but still, it was impressive.

There weren't any guards on their gate.

I approached the gate and looked around for a way to enter.

Should I force my way through?

That is what I thought at the moment but suddenly a voice was heard.

[ {Identify yourself!} ]

A robot-like voice came out from a speaker near the gate.

[ I'm Hatsuko! I have been invited to a party at this house! ] ( Hatsuko )

I said to that voice.

[ { Show Identification card here! } ]

A scan like device got out from the front gate as the robotic voice said that.

I took out my ID card and placed it over that device.

After 5 seconds, a *beep* sound came out of that device.

At that moment the gate was opened.

[ { Welcome! Mr. Hatsuko } ]

I entered through the front gate. The main door of the mansion wasn't that far. It took me some seconds to reach it by walking.

When I was about to knock on the door...

*Creak* The door was opened by someone.

[ You're finally here!! ]

That was Ichika.

She was wearing a short skirt and a redshirt.

I could tell from the smell that she had used some kind of expensive perfume.

She was looking at me with a smile on her face as if she couldn't wait any longer.

I stared at her as I was waiting for her to let me in.

[ This way! ] ( Ichika )

I followed her in. The mansion inside was big as well.

There were a lot of pictures around the house.

They were pictures of different people. Some pictures that I noticed were of Ichika's dad holding two katanas on his hands and two others on his waist.

While looking around I also found pictures of Ichika in different clothes.

Some of the pictures were even moving.

( Authors note: *Insert here H*rry P*tter soundtrack music* )

Are those some kind of recorded videos put on loop?

Me and Ichika entered through a door which was a bit bigger than the others.

[ Oh, you're here! ]

The room was a bigger version of a dining room. On the seats were sitting different people who I didn't recognize.

On one of them was Ichika's dad and a woman who was sitting beside him.

Maybe that's his wife.

Next was a little girl who looked like a smaller version of Ichika.

Her little sister maybe?

And in the end, were two twin boys.

On stand by, were a lot of servants who were waiting for orders.

[ This way sir. ]

One of the servants showed me my way to one of the seats which was near the little girl.

On the other side of me was sitting Ichika.

[ I'm sorry for making you came all the way here! ]

After having a look around, the first one to talk was Ichika's father. He had his arms crossed and was looking at me.

[ It's fine... ] ( Hatsuko )

I'm still wondering why I had to come here just to get my reward.

Or are they planning on not giving me my reward at all?

Based on this house and their clothes, they must be really rich.

Everyone was wearing fancy clothes.

I was wearing casual clothes, black pants, and a hoodie.

[ You see, today is Ichika's birthday and she really wanted you to be present at her party. ]

Ichika's father said.

She wanted me to come to her party?

Does she not remember what I did to her while I was carrying her when I was flying?

( Authors note: I lost brain cells while trying to write this )

[ F-Father! There's no need for you to tell him that! ] ( Ichika )

Her face blushed in anger as she was talking back to her father.

[ Anyway, Hatsuko! ]

He called out my name.

[ What is it? ] ( Hatsuko )

[ You are a hunter, right? ]

What's with this retarded question?

Didn't the guild mention to him that I was doing a quest while I found his daughter?

Anyway, let's see what he wants to ask.

[ Yeah, that's right! ] ( Hatsuko )

He started touching his chin while looking at me.

[ Haaa, here he goes again... ]

The woman beside him, facepalmed herself as she said that.

[ Why don't we have a match together? ]

A match?

Why does he want to have a match with me?

Does he doubt that I saved his daughter?

[ Do I have the right to refuse? ] ( Hatsuko )

I don't want to bother myself with this kind of fight.

[ Hahaha, Of course, you do! ]

What's his problem?

Asking me to have a fight with him.

[ Hey, hey, Are you strong? ]

The little girl beside me asked. She was looking at me with her big innocent eyes.

[ I wonder... ] ( Hatsuko )

Why do I have to answer your question?

I'm sure that Ichika's father must have made his daughter ask me that question.

Even from his build and his way he talks, he must be a battle maniac.

[ Hahahaha! I like the way you talk! We should really have a match together!! ]

He is not giving up!

Maybe I should beat this guy to shut his mouth!

[ I will give 10000$ including your reward if you have a match with me! ]

He really was becoming annoying.

Fine, i'll give you what you want!

[ Don't regret this later! ] ( Hatsuko )

[ Hahahaha, that's what I like!

I would have given more money to you, but you see I spent most of my expenses on 100 hunters to search for Ichika... ]

I don't really care about that!


After he finished talking, one of the servants brought a big cake made with chocolate to our table.

They brought it near the Ichikas side.

The cake had a total of 17 candles.

Both Ichika and the small girl next to me showed an amazed look.

When Ichika was about to blow the fire out of the candles, her little sister approached her.

She started crawling over my lap to her sister.

I didn't move an inch.

Even if she is a little girl, why does she have to go this way to her sister?

While I had my arms crossed with each other, I clenched my fists in anger.

The fact that someone was using my lap as a thing irritated me!

Why isn't anyone saying anything to her?

Everyone was staring at her with a smile on their face. Their eyes were half-closed as if they were staring at something really cute. Even the twin brothers who weren't saying anything until now were the same as others.

[ Sister! Sister! Can we blow the candles together? ]

She asked her bigger sister.

Get off my lap!

[ Sure! ] ( Ichika )

She agreed with a smile on her face.

[ Hatsuko too!! ]

The little girl looked at me and said that.


She wants me to blow out the candles with them?

[ No! ] ( Hatsuko )

I have no intention of doing that.

[ Please?... ]

[ Mei, He already said no, there is no reason for insisting! ] ( Ichika )

[ I'm sorry Hatsuko... ]

If you're sorry, then get off my lap!

Now, in front of the cake were the two sisters.

Ichika had her eyes closed.

She must be thinking of a wish before blowing out the candles.

After she opened her eyes, she took a short look at me and then blew out the candles together with her little sister.

What was that about?


Everyone started clapping their hands.

After that, the servants started cutting off the cake and served it to everyone.

While eating they even put some music in the background.

Next to our plate were even some drinks.

Both the drinks and the cake were delicious. After we finished eating, everyone started giving presents to Ichika.

Some of them were bracelets, perfumes, rings, and a phone.

There were a lot of presents left, but she decided to open them later.

I didn't bring any presents for her since I didn't know about this.

Even if I did know, I wouldn't have brought anything for her anyway.

She isn't even considered my friend to buy her something.

There is no reason for me to buy anything for her.

She is merely someone I found in the woods.

Everyone was staring at me as if they were expecting me to give her something.

What do they want from me?

Did they forget the fact that they invited me here without me knowing it was Ichika's birthday?

Now even Ichika was staring at me with expecting eyes.

On the other hand, her father was staring at me as if saying "Give her something!".

[ ... ] ( Hatsuko )


I looked at Ichika and placed my hand in front of her face.

[ This isn't much, but this is my present for you. ] ( Hatsuko )

I created earrings on both of her ears.

They were in the shape of a flower I once found on the internet. I liked that kind of flower because it was rare and deadly poisonous to humans. That's what made it special, it was hard to grab it with bare hands since it is poisonous to humans skin but it was one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. If you smell that flower you will die instantly, that's why humans decided not to give a name to that flower.

The earrings I created with my 'Materialization" skill, were glowing in the color green and a bit transparent.

She took her hand-mirror and stared at her earrings with an amazed look.

Even everyone had their eyes opened as if they were staring at something unusual.

[ Hatsuko... What was that? ]

The one to ask me was her father.

[ That's my skill, I won't be giving any details about it! ] ( Hatsuko )

[ R-right... ]

She was still staring at the earrings that I made for her.

[ They are so cute! They are even glowing! Thank you Hatsuko! ] ( Ichika )

[ I don't mind it but they will disappear after 1 day. ] ( Hatusko )

Using my skill for too long will tire me out. But since these are small earrings, I think I'll be fine for one day or more but I decided to leave them be for only one day.

[ Umu, I don't mind! ] ( Ichika )

She said that to me while touching one of her earrings.






Some time had passed since everyone had given the presents to Ichika. Everyone ate sweets, food, and drank different drinks, they enjoyed listening to some music and telling funny stories to each other while I listened and started at they were enjoying the party.

They tried to invite me to their conversation but all I responded was with "I see..." "Yes" or "No". There wasn't much for me to say.

But they left one impression on me.

They were a happy family...

Now that I think about it, are my parents okay? It feels like it's been years since the last time I have seen them. Also, my sister, I don't have to worry about her since she was living in Sakuru for more than 2 years.

Since she was really young, she was considered a genius. She could solve any kind of problem as long as it wasn't impossible. After turning 12 years old she was sent to Sakuru to improve her skills.

Even though our parents were worried she barely contacted us.


[ Hatsuko, I think it's about time... ]

The one to say that was Ichika's father.

I nodded to him in agreement.

That's right, he wanted to have a match with me.

I wonder how strong he is...

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