Green Life

A way back to U.G.C! – Chapter 128

As we were going inside the base, I could feel the gazes of all the soldiers directed to the girls that were walking some steps ahead of me. But anyway I kept walking together with everyone inside the base.

Running towards us was a soldier who wasn't carrying any weapons or anything dangerous. He seemed stressed out as he was trying his best to come to the soldiers who were showing us the way.

[ haaah, S-sir! The general wishes to meet the ones who killed all of the monsters! ] 

He was struggling to breathe as he was asking them. Then after he took a deep breath.

[ W-where are they? ] 

He asked with a worried voice as he was looking around until he saw Chloe and Shiro and the rest of us.

[ Don't worry, I'm taking them to the general right now. ] 

[ Okay, I'm letting the general know! ] 

He rushed back as fast as he could from where he came from. 

[ I'm sorry about that, our general wishes to meet you. I hope you don't mind spending a few minutes with him before taking a rest?  ] 

The blonde looking soldier said as he was looking at Chloe and Shiro.

[ As long as it takes us home then we don't mind. ] ( Hatsuko )

I answered his questions after thinking about it. They may be our only way back to the Underground City, so I don't think threatening them would be the best idea right now.

But when the blonde looking soldier saw me answering, he gave me a glare only I could notice.

[ Is that so? Then everything should be okay. This way please. ]

His expression changed the moment he looked back at the girls.

We arrived near a big looking tent with some guards at the entrance of it.

[ Inside here. ]

The blonde guy opened the tent so we could get inside, but when it was my turn to enter, he entered inside after the girls.

While trying to remain calm, I entered inside then looked around.

This place had a lot of stuff around where someone could eat, sleep or even do desk work. The place was already filled with some guys typing on their computers continuously. From over their heads I could feel a gray atmosphere. They must be stressed and overworked in this kind of place.

[ Are these the ones who killed the zombies? ] 

The one who asked that, was someone who had different kinds of clothes from the rest of the soldiers. The way he spoke or walked was intimidating, and I could even see that Chloe was on her guard.

[ Yes sir! ] 

The blonde guy straightened his back and puffed his chest as he responded to the general. Even the guy who was next to him, did the same thing.

[ Good, you may stand by until further orders ]

[ [ Yes Sir! ] ] 

Both of them responded with the same kind of voice without moving from their position.

[ Now then… I would like to thank you for saving everyone's lives. ] 

He lowered the tone of his voice as he was speaking to us, but his intimidating voice was still there.

[ N-no, it's no big deal! ] ( Chloe )

Chloe smiled awkwardly from the way the general was speaking. She knew that in front of us was someone of higher grade than the rest of the soldiers here.

Actually I have never seen Chloe talk with anyone else other than the girls. I barely know anything about her life before the disaster other than being an assassin.

[ No no, this is a big deal to us. If it weren't for you, we would be long gone. ] 

The general slightly smiled in happiness when explaining about what we did for them. He looked like he was happy that we were there to help this base from the threat.

[ Now then, I can see that you’ve been travelling for some time now and I don't want to hold you here any longer. ]

He directed his eyes towards the soldiers who brought us in this tent.

[ Lloyd, Joy, show our guests the way to their room, im sure they could use some rest and fresh food. ]

[ Yes sir! 

Ladies, this way please. ]

He opened the tent once again for everyone to pass through, but when it was my turn once again, he closed it without a care.

As I was following everyone, the other soldier came next to me.

[ Lyod seems happy about this, but don't mind him since everyone here was about to get killed by those monsters and if it wasn't for them, we would all be gone. ] ( Joy )

I looked at the soldier who was speaking to me. He had a cheerful expression just like most of the soldiers back then, but somehow I could feel something different about him. 

[ It must have been hard for everyone to travel around the forest with no clothes or food, but don't worry! Our base will cover everything for you. ] ( Joy )

He pressed his hand against his chest while smiling with pride.

[ You don't seem like a talkative guy? Anyway, where are you guys heading to? ] ( Joy )

Even though I was trying to avoid talking to this guy, I had to answer that question since I needed to head back to the Underground City before going to Sakuru.

[ I have some unfinished stuff to do in the Underground City. ] ( Hatsuko )

I responded without even looking back at him. 

[ Is that so? Well, you are in luck because some of our teams are going there to send the refugees. ] ( Joy ) 

I might take this chance to head to that city together with the rest of the refugees. 

[ When is that team going there? ] ( Hatsuko )

As we were walking, Angela and Demonica came and started walking with me on my side. What happened to them? When I looked a bit further to Chloe, I could see her taking glances at me with an uncomfortable expression. And Shiro was looking around without having any idea what was going on around this place.

What are they doing over there?

[ We’ll take off tomorrow since this place barely has any enforcements, food and ammo. So we’re gonna need to restock before heading back to Sakuru. ] ( Joy )

I didn't expect this but this place was even worse than I had thought. I'm sure that the Sakuru military could have taken care of this so what happened?

[ Couldn't you have asked the main base for help? ] ( Hatsuko )

[ We did, but they aren't responding to any of our messages. It's like they either are ignoring us, or our calls never reached them at all. ] ( Joy )

Well I don't really care about their conditions as long as I arrive where I want.

[ Inside here is the women's area where you can rest, shower and have a change of clothes. If there is anything that you don't understand, please don't hesitate to ask me. ] ( Lloyd )

The blonde guy that was at the very front leading the way for the girls, slightly bowed as he pointed to a massive tent where some old ladies were getting in and out. I'm not sure what that guy is trying to accomplish by acting like that

[ uh.. Thanks I guess ] ( Chloe )

As I thought, Chloe was uncomfortable from the way that guy was speaking. 

[ Chloe, keep Shiro on your side all the time in case something happens. ] ( Hatsuko )

I said to her before she entered the tent inside. Shiro can talk to me telepathically at any distance so in case of danger, she could use her as a way to talk to me.

[ Okay! ] ( Chloe )

Chloe’s expression changed the moment I talked to her. She felt like she was released from some unnecessary burden. But Lloyd looked a little pissed by Chloe’s sudden reaction.

[ Go with her. ] ( Hatsuko )

I said to Angela and Demonica who didn't seem to want to leave with Chloe and Shiro. They had stuck their bodies against mine as if they didn't want to separate from me.

[ We’ll come back to Hatsuko so don't worry. ] ( Chloe )

Chloe tried convincing them with a smile on her face. And somehow they listened to her as if Chloe was their big sister.

[ They seem really close to you. ] ( Joy )

Joy reacted as he was looking at us. He didn't show any annoyance or hatred towards me or them, a warm smile filled his face as if he was seeing something nostalgic.

[ Yeah… ] ( Hatsuko )

I didn't know why but this guy had a different atmosphere around him.






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