Green Life

A dragons soul contract – chapter 60

Ancient Dragon's pov


At first, I thought a foolish human that had invaded my territory was nothing more but an ant just like every other human. But until now, not only did he manage to resist my killing intent but he also managed to survive my attacks. Even though I can't fight with 100% of my powers, he still managed to survive.

Even the way he talked to me, was arrogant.

Going easy on him was a big mistake.

I never expected a human that could challenge an ancient dragon like me existed.

The situation would have been different if it wasn't for the injury I got in my heart many years ago.

Even after almost 100.000 years, my injury barely healed making most of my skills and powers useless.

But I still am a dragon, one of the most powerful beings that exists in this world.

I'm not sure if there are still any other dragons who managed to survive though.

Not after the disaster that happened years ago.


The last time I fought humans were when they decided to eat my heart. They kept talking about how eating my heart would make them more powerful.

That's what I remember when they gathered armies to kill me.

But to me, they were ants that I could crush at any time.

But this human was strong!

A powerful human who could rival an injured dragon.

He had quite some skills which I didn't expect a human to have.

He could manage to clone himself which was really annoying,

No matter how many times I killed his clones, he wouldn't go down!

I also didn't expect him to have a monsters skill "eyes of destruction"

I barely managed to control myself when that human used that skill on me.

I also have that skill, but ever since I was injured, I couldn't use it anymore.

That skill is useful for sneak attacks on weaker monsters but if the monster is on equal strength or above, it will feel the pain of that skill, revealing your position.

It was frustrating that my attacks weren't reaching that human.

Just die already!

I could also heal my injuries by eating monsters, but since I couldn't move that much, it was hard for me to hunt them.

The monsters didn't dare to approach me because of my size.

There were some monsters before who would blindly come here to get killed by me.

But food isn't that necessary for me since I could gather energy from the air.

That was enough for me to survive, but not to heal my injuries fast.

I needed a powerful monster that I could eat! And get its flesh and skills.

If I eat this human, maybe I could somehow heal some of my injuries.

But that was really hard.

Not only did this human have unordinary abilities but he also managed to defend all of my attacks. It was really frustrating and painful at the same time. My body is still injured and I don't think can't fight for too long.

I had intense pain running through my injured heart.

I tried launching fireballs all over the place because of the pain, since I couldn't concentrate on where he was.

The moment the pain stopped that human had already gotten near my face.

Before I could react to that, that human punched my face once again.

My body was pushed away a bit from that strength.

That human didn't let me have a chance to counterattack by punching me once again on my face.

[ Agh... ]

Does he have something against my face?

I swung my tail towards him as soon as I found his exact location.

But the human dodged that attack without a problem.

My attacks were getting slower.

I was also getting tired.

I didn't know for how long I was going to last.

I had to end this fast!

I created several fireballs directed at that human.

This skill was the only one I could create with my remaining stamina.

That human managed to dodge almost all of them.

Some of the fireballs managed to touch him a little but still, that wasn't enough to take that human down.

My stamina was running down...

How can a human be this strong?

I continued shooting fireballs towards that human without a break.

I was surprised that this human had managed to stay alive this long.


One of the fireballs finally managed to reach that human.

That human somehow managed to block the attack with his bare hands but the impact of the fire managed to cause some damages.

His hands and face were filled with bruises and burns from the attack.

I-i did it!

That human's body fell down unconscious.

But I shouldn't celebrate too early!

I have to finish him quickly before he recovers!

But something wasn't right...

Something was making me feel uneasy.

I couldn't understand what was going on.

The body which was laying on the ground suddenly dissolved into air.

A clone?

[ Did you really think you could kill me? ]

I heard that humans voice from behind me. The atmosphere around that human had completely changed as if he was a monster with immense power.

Even though he was a human, his voice made me shiver.

My instincts were telling me to finish him off as soon as possible.

I turned around and looked at that human.

His eyes had turned green and were glowing as if it wanted to consume my soul.

The eyes who had seen hell and now they wanted to devour anything in front of it.

Is that...

Life draining?!

How can a human possess that kind of skill?!

That's impossible!

The last time I have seen this skill was from a massive tree that could consume the life essence of its prey.

Even dragons were killed by this tree while they were asleep.

I would usually ignore those kinds of tree's but still, it was too dangerous to leave them be so I destroyed them.

I have never heard of a human possessing this kind of skill!

I tried biting that human again.

I already knew that he could dodge that but I wanted that human to take some distance away from me.

If that human manages to touch me with his arm, my life will be drained.

But the results were different.

What I felt from my mouth was a delicious blood running through my tongue.

I had managed to bite its arm while its body was still attached to it.

I tried shaking him off but what that human did was shocking.

He ripped off his own arm which was between my teeth and flew behind my back.

[ AAAGH! ]

That human had already activated its skill.

I could feel my life being sucked by that human.

I tried shaking him off but still, that human didn't budge an inch.

I tried hitting it with my arms which could barely reach that spot but the results were the same.

Just how strong is his durability?
My fists which could destroy rocks without problems weren't able to smash that human.

I don't have much health!

I had to do something!

I shot fireballs aimed at the back of my neck.

Even after those attacks, I could still feel my health going down.

[ Stop! I'm going to die! ]

[ ... ]

That human didn't respond.

How can I convince that human to spare my life?

I don't want to die yet!

I can't believe that I'm about to die like this!

[ I will help you if you spare my life!!

That's right I have knowledge about angels and demons! I'm sure that you humans don't know!! ]

[ Not interested! ]

This human!!

What should I do?

[ What do you want then? ]

I asked while struggling to move.

I had barely any energy left to move.

[ Your skills! ]

He responded without a care

This damn human!!!

I don't want to use that! But still, I don't want to die this way!

I hate to do this but this is the only thing I have left to survive.

It's my last resort for me to survive without being killed by this human.



Hatsuko's pov

I was using my skill over this dragon while I was attaching myself by the back of its neck.

My arm had had already been regenerated by draining some life force from this dragon.

No matter how many times that dragon hit me with different attacks, I won't go down because I'm constantly getting regenerated from my skill.

I wanted to kill this dragon and get all of its unknown skill which couldn't be seen by "eyes of see-through".

I wonder what kind of skills I'm gonna get.

At first, I didn't think I would be able to defeat this dragon but after coming all this way, I won't back down. All of its stats were "999,999" but for some reason's compared to its strength and skills, it was as if that dragon wasn't using its full strength.

No, couldn't use its full strength!

The dragon must have realized its situation as it had started reacting this way.

It even begged me for sparing its life but I didn't care.

I only wanted its skills.

Its power, its strength!

I wanted them to be mine!

I didn't want to be defeated!

I didn't want to be the same weak, pathetic self from the past!

I had acquired power!

Power enough so I wouldn't be weak anymore!

I won't let anyone else say otherwise!



Species: Ancient Dragon

Gender: Female

Health: 1.548/1.999.999

STR: 999.999

MC (mental capacity): 999.999

AGI: 999.999

VIT: 999.999

DEF: 999.999

Condition: Recovering, injured

Skills: ??



Just a bit more and the dragon will die!

It's going to end soon!

While I was waiting, a white glowing light appeared all over the dragon.

The light expanded all over this place.

It was as if the dragon was going to self-destruct.

The light was so bright that I had to cover my eyes.

What the hell is going on?!

That light was warm and before I knew it, that light suddenly vanished.

It's over?

What did that dragon try to do? I won't let it escape from me!

I started preparing myself to attack the dragon.

[ Are you sure you want me to kill me "now"? ]

What is this dragon talking about?

[ It seems you haven't realized yet. Try checking if there is something different about you! ]

I felt as if the dragon was smirking at me.

Is it bluffing so I would let my guard down?

It has to be a bluff!

Other than feeling a bit warm I see no difference in my body...


That warm feeling...

I tried checking my own status.



Name: Hatsuko Gee

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Health: 99.014/99.014

STR: 44.322

MC (mental capacity): 19.520

AGI: 48.690

VIT: 18.999

DEF: 29.899

Soul collected: 9.999/10.000

Condition: Healthy,

Skills: ( Materialisation ), ( Air slash ) ( The eyes of see-through ) ( Rage ) ( Berserk of Gluttony ) ( Presence detection) ( Night Vision ) ( Fireball ) ( Marionette ) ( Auto fight ) ( Poison Resistance ) ( Illusion) ( Life Draining ) ( Telekinesis ) ( Limit breaker ) ( killing intent ) ( Boost ) ( X10 eyes ) ( Aura sense ) ( Eyes of destructing ) ( telepathy ) ( Clone ),( Soul Contract ) etc



I could see that my stats had gone up a bit from draining some of the dragon's life but I see nothing else differ—...

Soul contract?

What is that?

{ Answer: The ability to connect two or more souls. After the connection is done, restrainers will be put upon the soul and physical body which will restrain on what you do. It is impossible to cancel this skill once used! }


This basically makes me a slave?

Did I just get turned into a slave?!

[ You! ] ( Hatsuko )

I couldn't believe this just happened!
[ This was the only thing left I could do to survive. ]

[ I don't care about that! I'm not planning on turning myself into your slave!! ]

I clenched my whole body as I stared at the dragon with anger.

[ Hm? Are you misunderstand something? This was a contract to make me into your slave.

I didn't have enough energy to make you into one. ]

[ Why would you do that? ] ( Hatsuko )

I asked the dragon while staring at it.

[ I would have gotten killed by you if I haven't done so. It would have been different if I wasn't injured though... ]

The dragon explained.

[ Then all I need to do is kill you to remove this contract! ] ( Hatsuko )

[ i wouldn't do that if I were you. ]

[ And why is that? Do you think I can't? ] ( Hatsuko )

[ It's not that you can't... you won't kill me unless you want to die as well with me! ]

[ What do you mean? ] ( Hatsuko )

[ I will do anything you order me since this is a slave contract, I will even risk my life to protect you but the contract also includes that, if any of us tries to kill each other, we will instantly die! ]

Now I understand what this dragon meant.

This dragon managed to form a contract with me where neither of us won't be able to kill each other.

I didn't know how true this was.

The only proof that I had was the "Soul Contract" on my skills.

Will I actually die if I kill that dragon?

And I can order him anything?

What if I ordered it to kill itself?

[ Then here is my first order for you! ] ( Hatsuko )

The dragon looked at me as I said that.

[ Kill your— ] ( Hatsuko )

[ —W-wait! ]

Before I could finish talking, the dragon stopped me.

[ Telling me to kill myself is also considered as you killing me yourself, you know! ]


[ What do you plan to do now? ] ( Hatsuko )

I asked the dragon.

[ Since we have a soul contract now, I'm planning on coming with you! ]

The dragon said.

That will be troublesome for me if a dragon came back into the city with me.

I'm sure that humans wouldn't welcome a massive dragon with their arms out and a smile on their faces.

[ I can't just bring a dragon into the human city! ] ( Hatsuko )


[ Oh that's right! ]

The dragon agreed as it thought for a bit.

At that moment, the dragon started releasing a white glowing light from its body once again.

Don't tell me...

Another contract?

From that glowing light, a person came out as if it was there this entire time.


The light finally disappeared and now I could see better.

What I saw in front of me was... a girl?

A beautiful girl with silver hair and silver clothes which were fitting for her. Even her eyes were the same color as her hair. She had the looks of a 19 years old girl with a mature body. Her breasts weren't too big and her body was curved.

[ Is this okay? ]

[ ... ] ( Hatsuko )





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